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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2018 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] lead . the western syria rescue group the white helmets attempted to lobby the pink floyd co-founder. who declined the offer and instead went public with the e-mails saying his worst suspicions about. being. a russian t.v. channel claims it's interviewed a syrian boy seen in white helmets reportedly showing the aftermath of a chemical attack child and his father give their account of how events unfolded in . the u.k. and russia trade fresh exchanges at the un over the script poisoning case london
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admits neither it nor the international chemical watchdog the origin. used in be a time. and a new trend among refugees in germany migrants are increasingly claiming to be terrorists so they are arrested and the void deportation to their home country. well is called headlines on the hour every hour this is the international a very well welcome to you do you start the program with revelations on how the controversial syrian activist group the white helmets try to locate the pink floyd co-founder roger waters let's discuss this further i'm joined by our correspondent . in the studio right now good to see you today can you bring us up to speed i mean these are being called revelations and fair enough well indeed so what happened
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a bunch of e-mails have revealed how the white house the white house let's. have been grooming in. waters who is of course mostly known as the bass player songwriting. coco founder of one of the most influential rock bands of the world the pink floyd so what happened a lot of these group known as the syria campaign they got in touch with roger waters and they invited him to a fundraiser in that email they went into great detail describing how great the white helmets are how they are saving lives and they invited him even to watch a documentary on the white helmets which they called a powerful a powerful one so instead roger waters did his own research and this is the conclusion that he reached have a listen i was quite suspicious after i was invited to that white helmets dinner now my worst suspicions have been confirmed this wasn't the only time the white helmets of approached or the lobbyist have approached roger waters was it what else
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can you tell about so indeed no other attempt was made when a french journalist who himself in another email outlines that he worked with the white house in fact asked for stage time he asked for permission to get on stage together with roger waters at one of his gigs and sort of a make a case for the white helmets he hoped he could call on the audience of roger waters that one of the gigs to support the group that brand self markets itself as the serious civil defense group instead roger waters did not respond as far as we know to that email and instead he did this. if we would this is a topic understood point commits in others we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to go and start dropping. serious.
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the state model you manage. so as you see the musician did not stop at that while denouncing the organization he also called on other celebrities not to endorse the white house says he believes that there is just a p.r. machine a propaganda machine for terrorist groups in syria and indeed while a lot of bands like the killing of the coldplay and other celebrities have endorsed the white helmets the group doesn't need to have a shady reputation they themselves claim that they help save lives they post videos how the take children and other victims civilian victims from under the rubble of what they see syrian government strikes but they do that they confine their rescue work only to the zones in areas controlled by assad forces though they're very clear in their bias against the government now so the e-mails all these revelations
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that we've been talking about they've been they come from the e-mails that roger waters himself provided to max blumenthal who is one of these contributors roger waters is the first is arguably the first public figure of such scale and weight to go against to speak out against the white helmets and mats blumenthal who got the e-mails from roger waters he has more on this have a listen. for years journalists including myself have been reporting on the danger of the white helmets how this western funded organization funded by western and gulf governments has basically been an instrument of encouraging regime change and it's not just. a group of average volunteer rescue workers it's an international influence organization whose representatives show up in congress to lobby for no fly zones and just sank sions on syria as well as parliaments across europe while they're operating on the ground alongside al qaida and their allies
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and these are just documented facts and for the first time a mainstream figure on an international stage on the eve of war has validated what we've been reporting and he did so in barcelona to loud cheers from an audience that was staunchly opposed to a war waged against international law without the approval of the parliaments of the governments that launched the war and the white helmets were the only source that these governments were relying on to justify their attack so this was an enormously rousing speech by roger waters that has legitimized the journalism that we've been so mercilessly attacked for publishing and it's forced those who've attacked us and accuse us of being conspiracist to actually look at what we've reported and look at the facts and they really have nothing to say back to us they can't simply dismiss it as a kremlin conspiracy anymore when roger waters is saying this however roger waters
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is now under attack particularly by israeli and qatari media israel wants regime change in syria and qatar does as well and has been a funder of the white helmets so the question is can he hold strong and will there be public support will people support roger waters and what he said i suspect he's under enormous pressure right now to walk back his remarks in a very dangerously mccarthyite atmosphere. a correspondent from russia twenty four t.v. channel claims to have found a syrian boy seen in the white helmets footage said to show the off the mouth of an alleged chemical attack in an interview which cannot be independently verified the child and his father recalled how events unfolded in duma on april the seven seas when i guess dia breaks down the new accounts. these harrowing scenes panic fear terror soaked trembling children screaming
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adults and strange as it may seem many of them had no idea about what was going on. we were in the basement my mother told me that we had run out of food and wouldn't have anything to eat until tomorrow i heard noises outside somebody was charging that we had to go to the hospital so we went there when i came in some people grabbed me started pouring water on my had. eleven year old has san diego was one of the apparent victims in the white helmets video here he is after being drenched and sprayed he was found in duma and interviewed by a russian war correspondent. he's fine if a little confused and that's me in the video that's me.
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yes as were many other kids any child would be terrified ergo the panic which the white helmets were there to film he was eventually found by his father who was none the wiser this is the police i didn't hear anything about the chemical attack i was outside but i didn't notice anything further my family was in the hospital. it does make sense poisonous gas would be invisible you'd imagine everybody would want to take precautions especially when you're hungry and they give out food at the hospital. i went to the hospital walked up stairs and found my wife and children i asked them what had happened and they said people outside was shouting about some smell and told them to go to the hospital at the hospital they gave dates and cookies to the kids one of the doctors who was reportedly on shift at the time seemed surprised by the sudden influx some people
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come to. people in what. they say had. symptoms the doctor and others did however say that some people came in complaining about difficulty breathing which is common when an explosion destroys a building. for example there's a lot of dust makes it difficult to breathe and especially affects people with asthma. people from the white helmets told us about the use of chemical weapons but we saw no sign of that if chemical weapons were used against those people our medical staff would have also been affected. we've sent a request to the white helmets to comment on this but the received no answer yet
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what we have seen is more and more witnesses coming forward to say there was only panic and no evidence of chemicals and we heard an explosion and somebody said it was a chemical weapon we ran to where the noise came from and started pouring water over the people but the seemed to be ok then walked away without any help people confused somebody started pouring water people say it's saying there had been a chemical attack i was at the spot with my wife and daughter but none of us experienced any symptoms of chemical poisoning and it's remarkable how these scenes convinced three countries to launch cruise missiles at syria especially remarkable when you realize that so many of the people here had no idea about what was going on only that someone shouted about chemicals the u.s. and the majority of european countries say chemical attack did happen in the town
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of duma citing their own intelligence sources accuse the syrian government of deploying a toxic agent over the area which at the time was held by militants american british and french militaries hit syria with an airstrike in retaliation targeting a number of facilities which they claimed were related to a chemical weapons production and development. meanwhile allegations of a chemical attack are now even being questioned by some in the western media a british journalist robert fisk visited duma and was unable to find any witnesses whatsoever former counterterrorism officer. says he's also seeing signs of backtracking on the accusations journalists are getting on the ground robert fisk is a notable person i'm thinking of there he is he says and attended by. syrian government employees and so on he spoke to ordinary residents and two medical staff who none of whom confirmed the idea that there was a chemical attack we're already i think seeing on detecting science myself that
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there is a slight backtracking among government statements rowing back slightly saying well actually we weren't completely clear that's why we we were relying on social media we were lying on activists on the ground and that's why we only carried out a limited strike so they're already i think preparing the ground for the possibility at least that the port isn't particularly helpful for example it may actually find that there were no trace of chemical as of chemical warfare. russia's ambassador to the united nations has lashed out at the u.k. over its handling of the script poisoning case. traded accusations with the u.s. and u.k. reps during a highly charged session after moscow was once again denied any and all access to the probe. russia has a proven record of conducting state sponsored assess a nation including on the territory of the united kingdom. they keep saying that russia has
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a proven record of assassinations proven by whom our western partners don't listen to us and don't hear us they don't need facts the united states agrees with the u.k. the assessment that russia is responsible for the chemical weapons and sells very whether that is in their direct act or irresponsibly losing control of the agent which could be worse good luck it will. be c w report has nothing that would help britain to incriminate russia so what is more important the c.w. has confirmed the novacek can be made in any liberal tree with the right equipment and there are such laboratories in the us in the u.k. the formula has been known since one thousand nine hundred eight if you look at google peyton's and search for novacek you can find more than one hundred matches in the us alone was more than a month on from the poisoning and questions over the source of the nerve agent used in the attack do remain unsaid the u.k. says neither its military nor the global chemical watchdog have been able to
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identify the country their produce the agent they do or tutor has details we've seen an awful lot of tit for tat and actually the accusations are coming from both camps now from the brits and the russians now the o.p.c. w. held a session behind closed doors at their headquarters in the hague it appears that there was confirmation from the british side that there was no information about the source of that chemical agent that was used in the salisbury attack that's a quick listen to what was said. neither as analysis nor the o.p.c. w.'s report i did two fires the country all a blur of origin of the agent used in this attack there is no provable alternative explanation. what happened in salzburg the russian state responsibility russia has responded because of those leaks and by releasing a rather strong statement the first being our read them to you that russia has
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answered all the questions that they've been asked to by the u.k. with regards to solve three and secondly russia provided proof that novacek was produced and payton to in the u. s. as a chemical weapon back in two thousand nine hundred fifteen. russia will not accept any national or international results of any investigation without access to full information including materials from the british probe without consular access to our citizens and most importantly without the obligatory participation of russian experts in all actions to establish the truth is all that happened in saul's on march the fourth so to clarify the situation to date there is no definitive independent evidence that basically points to the fact that the thought came from russia or indeed that the kremlin ordered that attack inside of three and so from the russian perspective the lack of evidence that they see it is being widely
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ignored by the wider community former m i five agent an emotional one so that even though the u.k.'s position has weakened somewhat london is unlikely to back track on its allegations against russia. they've sort of backed themselves into a corner and i can't see how they can they can rescind what they've already said because particularly not only did they expel twenty three russian diplomats that she immediately before the o.p.c. w. had even had a chance to examine the so-called evidence but they encouraged a lot of their nato partners to do the same thing so they can for diplomatically to row back from this position particularly a very vulnerable diplomatic time for britain with bricks so i'm not quite sure what they can do apart from to keep scapegoating russia but i suspect rather sadly this is going to sort of languish in the conspiracy theorists category for anyone who questions this very thread their official narrative that britain has pulled together are still to come on the program here on our wives and children or former
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islamic fighters are reportedly suffering from sexual exploitation and being refused necessary humanitarian aid more of that story in about. i think obama drew a red line never fulfilled his his threats i suppose are the predictions. on the other hand i also don't support trump president trumps you know unilateral actions either but i'm in favor of multilateral responses not unilateral action we all hope for the syrian people that we can find
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a good resolution of this in fact we can develop democratic processes in syria and elsewhere in the middle east as well as time goes on. if you to join us on this day the number of terror related investigations in the german state of boston has skyrocketed recently although a tons out hop of the cases are self reporting refugees peter all of us has been taking a look at what's actually behind this very unusual development. the number of asylum applicants coming here decreases what we have seen is an actual increase in the number coming here saying that they would postes of
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a terrorist outfit and it has politicians absolutely i counted the sun why someone would accuse himself of a serious crime and the hope of gaining an advantage in his asylum claim to particular reasons in the southwest of the country jump out because it's there that one hundred fifty nine people have declared themselves as members of a terrorist organization already in twenty eighteen if we jump back to twenty seven to three hundred people saying exactly the same thing why would any. claiming to be a member of a foreign terrorist group well because maybe that investigation could be solved tomorrow but most likely never the investigations are proving to be very time consuming because they almost always alleged foreign acts for example in syria iraq afghanistan or somalia if we look at countries like afghanistan which germany and all the e.u. nations have already referred to as
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a safe country to return to you then you can see why people would come forward and say that they have information and would rather face a trial for the deportation of it authorities aren't suggesting this is the easy way out anyone who makes a false confession must understand that he is going to face criminal consequences all of which has its roots way back in the summer of twenty fifteen when angela merkel opened germany up to refugees peter all of r.t. . well this phenomenon is not just consigned to germany let's for a moment take a look at the current situation in greece hundreds of asylum seekers recently gathered outside a police station in the city of course along a key for the very same reason many if you arrest as an opportunity to stay in the e.u. and the fastest way to get the necessary paperwork started a large waiting line reportedly form for days after a surge in illegal illegal border crossings from turkey it does follow ankara's
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ongoing military operation against syrian kurds geo political analyst and consultant rainer office believes the refugee crisis has been very costly for europe we can see the judicial system of the european countries is simply not true. to the challenges the refugee crisis is in the past years by and twenty seven. the german government asked a lot. over two thousand further just axed birds to deal with the increase in new cases concerning. about all iceland list terrorism but this is also please as its legal. journey to justice system it means a sharp increase in employment costs. thousands of
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anti-government protesters in the army and capital have tried to prevent the new prime minister reaching the parliament building it's led to clashes with police and a number of arrests being made i was. was for the new prime minister is the former president so to suck christiane who stepped down this month to determine limits set out in the constitution however his candidacy was put forward and approved for prime minister which the opposition claimed amounted to were usual to surrender power that sparked a wave of mass protests which have been continually gathering momentum the police are said to have used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse some rallies and more than one hundred arrests have been made during six days of protest was.
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thousands of wives and children of former islamic state fighters in iraq are being sexually exploited and refused to aid that's according to a report from amnesty international. because they consider me the same as an islamic state fighter they will rape and return me they want to show everyone what they can do to me to take away my own or i come feel comfortable in my tent i just wanted door to lock and walls around me each time to say to myself tonight is the night i'm going to die the amnesty report was based on interviews with almost one hundred women staying at camps in iraq they claim to have been denied access to food water and healthcare and according to the organization militia groups running the camps are preventing the women and their children from returning home and we asked the aid work of a habit cycle and radio host john go on for their views on how family members of extremists should be dealt with. listen people should be treated fairly we need to find out if these people are associated with cherish if they are associated with
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terrorism then to office far as i'm concerned we need said the strong message out we've got to be careful with this situation nothing iraqis are going to treat these people with respect but by the same token they've got to put the protection of the majority of citizens first we're talking about these law mixtape. this is just an hour long for us to pay attention of what we can do in the post isis so if their ministry has this will be with us we ask for join we ask for the u.n. to to send transparent independence. organization to you to look into making sure those camps regardless of the how the member of isis previously were not of how we can make sure the cycle of violence to not continue because those ninety two remain or the children though tomorrow they're going to take arms against the government that abuse them and they come so it's not a matter of i'm sorry i don't have the i and others are as
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a tool to their reaction interviewed ninety six people for them said they'd either been raped would seen rape you've got to be careful these people are desperate of course that i want to be in these camps i understand this but you've got to look at it in its totality and marco say i'm not condoning the way by not condoning any way shape or form but the iraqi government have got a first and foremost protect the rest of the citizens these people are accused of being associated with the islamic state the report stated proceed those people associated with isis this is not this is not this is not the army this is an idea this is an internal displaced camp where people have lead from isis to be safe on the count this is not this is not being instigated or being questioned by the police this is how the been treated this is how they get treated and become and this kind of camps builds. again to build another i says and this is a concern about that if you did join us for the program here on ars he
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international today many more of your worldwide headlines to watch and observe and . so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy foundation let it be an arms race based on often spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. apply to many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money billionaire owners and spending to
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get to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else going to be true so i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great so well with. the base it's going to. we all willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but none of us signed up to be friggin poisoned by our own people saying stuff that was nuclear biological and chemical products the said do not harm the truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene these batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between burn pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining
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about illnesses from your exposure from the berm pits would bring literally send to be a pro and they don't want to pay it so the wady in decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they will have to pay. paul burrell to give them the finger of their b.s. a mile or so. delayed and i hope you don't. hear that mel like you. come here. and you go cuvier actually. maybe you grow up to be true and where the only thing you is knows the truth and see that it soon rounding you.
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may you all live league who are a jew. stand up and be the strong. made you in the. food area. in two thousand and thirteen i meet clinton young who's on death row in texas i'm making a documentary on the death penalty and talk to him about his situation but you've been here for a long time right i've been here since two thousand and three. i was not saying my name is rose examined other days were here now thirty thirty i just turned thirty in july. our the president i'll just say christian nations but at the.


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