tv News RT April 19, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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oh. please to gas protesters in paris as paralyzing transport strikes continue over present reforms also to come just days after slamming syria's white helmets his propaganda is prompt legend for reports reveals the activist group had been trying to lobby for his support in the war and. somebody was shot in that we had to go to the hospital to run there when i came in some people grabbed me started pouring water on my had a russian t.v. channel says it's interviewed a syrian boy seen in white helmets footage reportedly showing the aftermath of a chemical attack child and star they give their account though of how events
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unfolded in doing that day and in germany refugees are increasingly turning themselves in terrorists in a shocking tactic to avoid deportation. and. welcome it's just gone seven pm here in moscow you're watching international thousands taking to the streets across france at the moment to protest again against president reforms they are part of a three month long transport strikes that have paralyzed the country. i.
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the. ok let's go but i just live from the heart of paris with our correspondent there shall have been ski charlotte would seen some violence or have things calmed down. well we're in the middle of what seems to be a standoff between some of the protesters and the police just take out a look behind me and you you can see a room of the police vans. that are in the royal gear blocking off this particular route and some of the protesters are told sing them now they've also been using smoke flares to draw attention to what they're doing the lit fires to some of the bins and they've also been throwing projectiles to wards the police gloss bottles we also see rocks thrown at the police cans anything that they can get their hands on and then of course the police have green responding with tear gas and we also have the water bows as the water cannons out to try and calm the
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protesters down to try and cool them down that hasn't really worked and as you can see some protesters now look to be part of the c.g. t.v. union are actually sitting down as a city in protest but just take a look behind me on the other side and you might say get a sense of just how many people of come here this is the end of the route of the protest of plastic italy and this is where thousands of people are now gathering to show their discontentment not just with the reforms to the railway which is the primary reason for this protest today but also people unhappy with the macro government particularly the anti capitalists who are the ones that we have seen mainly gauged in those clashes with the police today they've done everything that we have seen them using new tactics today including removing bottles directly from recycling banks to throw at the police but that tear gas has been coming down and as you can. see this row of people now is getting larger as the taking.
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their protests to the police say what you can hear there sounds like a sound grenade going off but there is plenty of tear gas has been deployed today and they stand like it's going to continue his some time as you see the police looking like they're making some sort of small tactical retreat now but they are likely therefore to make a barrier elsewhere as you see them doing now to try and keep the protesters in one spot until they can either disperse them using tear gas and water cannons or if they disperse naturally themselves this protest was meant to be about reforms of macaroons government it's once again tuned into a clash between the police and a small group of anticapitalist protesters. ok charlotte thanks for the update i wish i had been ski there from the heart of parish but meanwhile in the southern
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french city of mass a thousands of taken to the streets there in the stock market on march the announcing the french presence before and now look at a symbol latest pictures it was organized by the left wing party to join in a show. so in other news this evening the controversial syrian activist group the white helmet says tried roger waters the co-founder of the rock group pink floyd a group called the syria campaign sent an e-mail to musician inviting him to a fund raising dinner on behalf of the white helmets affiliated organization in the same letter the group in detail described the work it claims it is doing in syria it does insists the group's mission is to elevate the voices of serious peaceful heroes and help to bring peace but waters' was less than happy with the invitation . i was quite suspicious after i was invited to that white helmets dinner now my worst suspicions have been confirmed i don't blame them for having bought into it
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on the face of it it felt possible that the white helmets were just good people doing good things but now we know they're trying to encourage the west to drop bombs or missiles illegally in the syria ok let's get some more reaction now from hugo he's done if he's following the story for us and he's in the studio who are critical statement there didn't we but we know that waters has been a pretty critical on stage to well indeed and it was somewhat of an indirect response to a number email he received from a different person now it was signed by a man who was described himself as a journalist and also a militant with the syrian white helmets and he apparently asked for stage time with roger waters at his barcelona gig he wanted to join roger waters on stage and deliver a message apparently on behalf of the white helmets and sent a message to this children of syria you're not forgotten well apparently at that said gig in barcelona roger waters did this have a look. i mean.
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really complicate the issue. with this to the propaganda of the point of medicine others we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to go and start dropping bombs on syria. not mincing his words is he why do you think then that he decided to speak out publicly there well he didn't give a specific reason for this but you've got to know who the white helmets are to get an idea they post videos like this marketing themselves as the civil defense group of the say their first responders they save people the show how the pulling people from under the rubble from the alleged syrian government air strikes but the videos that they are and posting online and somebody else do that for them in those videos they're seen mingling with terrorists for example this is an execution by the nusra a terrorist group and these are the white helmets volunteers clearing out the
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execution site so also in other videos they are seeing just cheering and generally mingling with terrorists from other groups so possibly that is why roger waters chose to do that to denounce themselves publicly you're not the first celebrity to talk about the white helmets but the other ones that have have taken a different stance well indeed the white helmets the sort of by the lime line of glory when it comes to how western celebrities are talking about them for example he's called play a very very popular british band endorsing them and calling them syrian heroes there's another star ben affleck also praising the white house the list just goes on really so roger waters he did not stop just denouncing the white house it's the also he also called on his fellow celebrities to stop indorsing the white house and to stop giving praise to them now. roger waters is arguably the first person of
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such scale to publicly publicly speak out against the white helmets and the e-mails that we've just seen he provided them to max blumenthal and max blumenthal is an r.t. contributor so he can pick up the story from here. for the first time a mainstream figure on an international stage on the eve of war has validated what we've been reporting how this western funded organization funded by western and gulf governments has basically been an instrument of encouraging regime change and it's not just a group of average volunteer rescue workers it's an international influence organization whose representatives show up in congress to lobby for no fly zones and shift sanctions on syria as well as parliaments across europe while they're operating on the ground alongside al qaida and their allies if this was an enormously rousing speech by roger waters that has legitimize the
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journalism that we've been so mercilessly attacked for publishing and it's forced those who have attacked us and accuse us of being conspiracist to actually look at what we've reported look at the facts and they really have nothing to say back to us they can't simply dismiss it as a kremlin conspiracy anymore when roger waters is saying this however roger waters is now under attack particularly by israeli and qatari media israel wants regime change in syria and qatar does as well and has been a funder of the white helmets so the question is can he hold strong and will there be public support will people support roger waters and what he said i suspect he's under enormous pressure right now to walk back his remarks in a very dangerously mccarthyite atmosphere will be have the white house has to respond to the story although we haven't heard back from them. meanwhile
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a correspondent from the russia twenty four t.v. channel claims to have found a syrian boy seen in the white helmets first each said to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack in an interview which can't be independently verified the child in his father recalled how events unfolded in duma on april the seventh. as more details. these harrowing scenes panic fear terror soaked trembling children screaming adults and strange as it may seem many of them had no idea about what was going on. we were in the basement my mother told me that we had run out of food and wouldn't have anything to eat until tomorrow i heard noises outside somebody was charging that we had to go to the hospital so we went there when i came in some people grabbed me started pouring water on my had. eleven year old has and
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was one of the apparent victims in the white helmets video here he is after being drenched and sprayed he was found in duma and interviewed by a russian war correspondent. he's fine if a little confused and that's me in the video that's me. yes as were many other kids any child would be terrified ergo the panic which the white helmets were there to film he was eventually found by his father who was none the wiser this is the police i didn't hear anything about a chemical attack i was outside but i didn't notice anything further my family was in the hospital. it does make sense a poisonous gas would be invisible you'd imagine everybody would want to take
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precautions especially when you're hungry and they give out food for thought spittle. i went to the hospital walked up stairs and found my wife and children i asked them what had happened and they said you go outside was shouting about some smell and told them to go to the hospital at the hospital they gave dates and cookies to the kids one of the. doctors who was reportedly on shift at the time seemed surprised by the sudden influx some people come to. people in what. they said. we wouldn't see. the symptoms here the doctor and others did however say that some people came in complaining about difficulty breathing which is common when an explosion destroys
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a building for example there's a lot of dust makes it difficult to breathe and especially affects people with asthma. people from the white helmets told us about the use of chemical weapons but we saw no sign of that if chemical weapons were used against those people our medical staff would have also been affected. we've sent a request to the white helmets to comment on this but received no answer yet what we have seen is more and more witnesses coming forward to say there was only panic and no evidence of chemicals. we heard an explosion and somebody said it was a chemical weapon we run to where the noise came from and started pouring water over the people but the seemed to be ok then walked away without any help people influenced somebody started pouring water people say it's so in there had been a chemical attack i was at the spot with my wife and daughter but none of us
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experienced any sort of chemical poisoning and it's remarkable how these scenes convinced three countries to launch cruise missiles at syria especially remarkable when you realize that so many of the people here had no idea about what was going on only that someone shouted about chemicals well the u.s. and its allies to cite their own intelligence sources to justify saturday's strike on syria syrian government of deploying a toxic agent over the area which at the time was held by rebels the u.s. british and french military has hit syria retaliatory air strikes however some do now question the chemical attack allegations notably mainstream british journalist robert fisk who visited duma himself and interviewed locals we asked former british counterterrorism officer charge to breach the comments on the situation. got him on
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the ground robert fisk is a notable person i'm thinking of there he says and attended by syrian government employees and so on he spoke to ordinary residents and to medical staff who none of whom confirmed the idea that there was a chemical attack where already i think saying i'm detecting science. itself that there is a slight backtracking amongst government statements rowing back slightly saying well actually we want completely clear that's why we go along on social media we were relying on activists on the ground and that's why we only carried out a limited strike so that already i think preparing the ground for the possibility at least that the port isn't particularly helpful for example it may actually find that there were no trace of chemicals of chemical warfare he was naughty international going to take a quick break but sampled back in two minutes with me on.
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a plate for many years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money. and spending to the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else not to be true so i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game great so well transfer. and thinks it's going to. the pentagon blows it up in various countries around the world or says u.s. soldiers out there to get maimed and blown up you don't die for your country to protect democracy you die in america to inflation that's what the soldiers out
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there are dying for they should replace the american flag upside down dollar sign or something. again now the number of terror related investigations in the german states. has skyrocketed recently but it does turn that the. refugees turning themselves into police. has been taking a look at what is behind this unusual development. the number of asylum applicants coming here to germany decreases what we have seen is an actual increase in the number coming here saying that they were part of a terrorist outfit and it has politicians absolutely baffled i can't understand why someone would accuse himself of a serious crime in the hope of gaining an advantage in his asylum claim to particular reasons in the southwest of the country jump out because it's there that
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one hundred fifty nine people have declared themselves as members of a terrorist organization already in twenty eighteen if we jump back to twenty seventeen while three hundred people saying exactly the same thing why would anybody claim to be a member of a foreign terrorist group well because maybe that investigation could be solved tomorrow but most likely never investigations are proving to be very time consuming because they are almost always alleged foreign acts for example in syria iraq afghanistan or somalia if we look at countries like afghanistan which germany and all the e.u. nations have already referred to as a safe country to return to then you can see why people would come forward and say that they have information and would rather face a trial than deportation but given the thirty's and suggesting this is the easy way out anyone who makes a false confession must understand that he is going to face criminal consequences
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all of which has its roots way back in the summer of twenty fifteen when angela merkel opened germany up to refugees peter all of r.t. . and this trend isn't just consigned to germany it's also affecting greece today we can have a look at the situation there are hundreds of asylum seekers recently gathered outside a police station in the city thessalonica for the very same reason that many view a rest as an opportunity to stay in the e.u. and also the fastest way to get in the. serry paperwork started a large waiting line reportedly formed for days after a surge in illegal border crossings from turkey if follows ankara's military operation against syrian kurds care political analyst and consultant run rough first believes the refugee crisis has been very costly for europe we can clearly see the judicial system of the european countries is simply not
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sure adds to the challenge since the refugee crisis is almost in the past years by angle of twenty seventeen big. german government ask in lloyd over two thousand. traditional experts to deal with the increase in crime traces concerning. about all. terrorism also in these is absolutely illegal and to me traditional system it means a sharp increase also in employment costs. by russia's ambassador to the u.n. has lashed out at the u.k. over its handling of the script poisoning case receiving a benzema had a heated exchange with the british after moscow was once again denied access to the price up.
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to quote from william shakespeare's henry the sixth suspicion always haunts the guilty mind allow me to return the literary flavor today the rational account of u.k. behavior is a wee ring of george orwell's one thousand eight hundred eighty eight for the modern day a modern russian. when i listen to some of my colleagues it seems this is no longer an alice in wonderland it's alice through the looking glass. meanwhile britain has released a document revealing that neither it nor the a p c w investigation was able to determine the origin of the agent used in the cells attack but the u.k. still insists that russia is responsible claiming that only moscow could have produced the substance however in response russia has provided some rather revealing details particularly the type agents were in fact produced and paid over
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one hundred times in the u.s. and the u.k. continues to withhold information on the probe making it hard for russia to discuss london's conclusions. that. russia will not accept any national or international results of any investigation without access to full information including materials from the british probe without consular access to our citizens and most importantly without the obligatory participation of russian experts in all actions to establish the truth all that happened in souls on march the fourth while the former my five agent says that even though the case position has weakened somewhat london is unlikely to backtrack on its allegations against russia. they sort of backed themselves into a corner and i can't see how they can they can rescind what they've already said because particularly not only did they expel twenty three russian diplomats that actually immediately before the o.p.c. w.
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had even had a chance to examine this so-called evidence but they encouraged a lot of the nato partners to do the same thing so they can for diplomatically to row back from this position particularly in very vulnerable diplomatic time for britain. for not quite sure what they can do apart from to keep scapegoating russia but i suspect rather sadly this is going to sort of languish in the conspiracy theory category for anyone who questions this very thread their official narrative that britain has pulled together. in other news this evening clashes with police have broken out on a sixth day of mass anti-government rallies in the armenian capital of yellow van demonstrators are good at the former president's bid to become prime minister. was. security in the city has been tightened as thousands of demonstrators try to block
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streets and reach government buildings police arresting protesters here the heaviest clashes so far took place on monday when fourteen people rejected around eighteen people were also detained although some of those have now been released. stepped down as president this month at the end of his term but parliament then approved his candidacy for prime minister on tuesday is already started to appoint the cabinet all of whom have kept their posts from the previous term the opposition claims sarkozy and is trying to cling on to power. so that she knew for this will be back with more for you at the top of the next one don't forget though we've got plenty of other stories on our web site so you can find them at r.t. them. u.s. president donald trump says he wants american troops to leave syria what are exactly washington's goals in syria partition war for war sake or
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a means to sticking it to iran in russia all or poorly thought out options. i think obama the durand line never fulfilled his his threats i suppose are predictions. on the other hand i also don't support trump president trumps you know unilateral actions either but i'm in favor of multilateral responses not unilateral action we all hope for the syrian people that we can find a good resolution of this in fact we can develop democratic processes in syria and elsewhere in the middle east as well as time goes on. the sunni of luxury and faith but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. the simple fact in l.a.
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he's there is just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in and it's been a struggle. to get this man found his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing and nowhere to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution. someone monitoring the site otherwise it will be a free for all and is there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. greetings
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and salutations we are celebrating the great american tax basheer in the united states this week orc watchers yes every spring in april millions upon millions of hardworking us citizens file their tax returns and celebrate the exciting ways their government is spending their hard earned dollars in fact as an added bonus this year u.s. taxpayers got to see their hard earned tax dollars in action with president trump's bombing of alleged chemical weapon facilities in syria just a few short days before this year's annual tax day on april seventeenth and want to display it truly was according to c.n.n. b c last saturday u.s. forces fired sixty six tomahawk cruise missiles on three syrian targets early in the morning local time making for a price tag of ninety two point four million dollars for those missiles alone ninety two point four million dollars that is that is that is one the
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hell of an early morning bill not even bill maher celebrating his birthday at jumbos clown room in los angeles reaches that kind of proportions. jeffrey epstein birthday party you know maybe given the cost of legal teams in the states and their soul from attending but it wasn't just the u.s. taxpayers that got nicked for this little meal liberal con morning jaunt in syria u.k. prime minister theresa may spend roughly six point three million euros on the eight storm shadow missiles are fired into an alleged research facility near almost ben ray of common space points out quote that it costs twenty three thousand four hundred twenty pounds to resettle a syrian refugee for a year. six point thirty two million pounds could therefore resettle two hundred sixty nine refugees from syria. and remember these figures are just for the
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missiles alone we haven't even begun thinking about the cost of fuel logistics and the man hours that went into the strike imagine how many schools hospitals are affordable housing you could buy for the cost of one friday night out on the town with the military industrial complex this is why we are always watching the hawks. to. get the big. deal with this one. as it gets to the bottom. of. what the like you know that i got. this. week so. well to the watch of the horse i am to.
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