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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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convinced i still read them very thoroughly i mean with the inspectors i'm a skeptic i'm for i mean the non-governmental community in green cross is trying to maintain objectivity here but we want these attacks to to stop wherever they if it's britain or whether it's syria or iraq and we and we also want for proof can i just seize on that because you you say you want to full proof you you say that you subscribe to critical thinking but you know very well that most fact finding missions unlike probably they believe this one relied on evidence that was submitted by other parties in the most case the opposition parties or state actors affiliated with the opposition like turkey so the chain of custody has never been fully established the gym mechanism they jim probe that you mentioned it has never visited the actual sides in syria and we all know that you know there is a lot of politics involved in the syrian the war let's not pretend that it is just the syrian government fighting the opposition there there are many foreign actors
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present there who have a very clear interest in manipulating the public narrative i you discounting all of that no we're not discounting i don't think any of the. you know i would i would question about the chain of command that what i was about to say earlier though is remember we're in a war zone here and the opi study inspectorate which has existed since one thousand nine hundred ninety seven has inspected you know the the safe and sound destruction of over sixty nine thousand metric tons of live agent you know the majority of it in russia a large amount in the united states and in in six other countries. you know they've been very accurate they're very experienced very well trained but the entrance into syria in two thousand and thirteen after syria signed the chemical weapons convention was the very first time that they had to measure themselves for bullet proof vests and actually face potential life and death situation so. we're dealing
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with a very difficult inspection situation nobody can get on site to any of these alleged chemical weapons attacks for days afterward. sometimes weeks afterward this also is of all options opportunities for these for the data for the the photographs from the videos for the evidence to be manipulated or staged i totally agree with that but if you read the f.m. reports in the jim reports that have operated in full cooperation with the syrian government full cooperation with whatever sources they were they were fighting in that in those regions that the and the including the intelligence from a wide variety of sources forensic evidence blood samples urine samples interviews with the medical doctors you find these these the few that we know about we only know about a few of the couple hundred alleged attacks the few we know about pretty much i think certainly prove beyond a reasonable doubt i think one hundred percent would be stretching it but beyond
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a reasonable doubt that the syrians have undertaken at least five attacks syrian government and the isis islamic state has undertaken at least two attacks well mr walker you mentioned the victim's blood and urine samples before and we already hearing similar reports from western particularly american media that the victim's blood and urine samples tested positive for cloran and spoken to a number of experts in the argonne a chemistry and they all say that molecular chlorine could simply not be found in the biological materials it reacts to quickly it can vary its to chlorate which is a natural component of blood and urine i have here a printout from the u.s. department of health and human services guide for cloran i'd also states that there are no biomarkers that can be used to quantify exposure to chlorine gas how is it possible that western scientist would so quickly discover some. thing for which
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a scientific task does not even exist you know i i don't know exxon or if chlorine samples can be taken i'm not a physician i'm not a chemist you mentioned the blood then you're into something else or earlier i did and what they have found is sarin and any of you any of your nerve agents leave leave residue. markers in the blood on the bodies in the soil chlorine is very you know is very volatile evaporates very quickly agreed disassociates very quickly if you but nerve agents do not for the most part it all depends on the weather in the rain and everything else going on at the scene but what i was referring to was blood samples with signs of sara age an attack you know and we've found that over and over again in the country coon last year tom and certainly we heard the same claim following behind attack and i'm sure you heard that the u.s. defense secretary mr mattis just the other day just recently now the other day but
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i think it was in february stated that the united states till this day does not have forensic evidence for the use of sarin in ha ha when he was referring specifically to that attack i suppose he had access to the same report that you mentioned by jim or perhaps by the fact finding mission how is it possible that the united states but it's all the intelligence of it all the forces it has on the ground cannot secure the very same samples that you know opposition groups or turkey could provide to the opi c.w. investigators. well the opi study tries to maintain chain of custody you mentioned earlier you want you know every inspector that goes in the team wants to maintain a hundred percent chain of custody in other words the sampling they have ideally taken by them and under their control until they get to the opi stub you designate a laboratory and if you don't have full chain of command which you know is very likely in most if not all of these cases due to the fact that you can't get to the
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sites and you can't get to the victims or the medical personnel for probably a week later i mean here and here in duma we're dealing with you know over a week later with the where they are now you have to read the read the f.m. in the gym reports very carefully look at the the sampling techniques on the whole i would continue to say all evidence points towards the syrian government it's not just you know videos it's not just blood samples either it's i witness reports. and also intelligence on aircraft checkering helicopters most of these bombs except in the case of the isis two strikes came from the air came from barrel bombs or weapons dropped from the air and there's only one one fighting force in this in syria today that has helicopters and aircraft and we know that this well dr walker let me stop you here just for a second the need to take every area should break but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned.
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to. u.s. president donald trump says he wants american troops to leave syria what are exactly washington's goals in syria partition war for war sake or a means to sticking it to a random russia for foreign. options. los angeles the city of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. simple fact in l.a. he's there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in it's been a struggle. and this man found his own response to the problem and constructed
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dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution. me house on a city parking space is not a solution your craft to someone monitoring the site otherwise it'll be a free for all the news there are a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand down news business you just need as the right questions and demand the right answer.
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questions. welcome back to worlds apart with paul walker director of green cross international's environmental security and sustainability program mr walker just before the break you mentioned barrel bombs as supposedly the most typical weapon the weapon of choice for the syrian army and the pentagon just released its assessment suggesting that it believes barrel bombs were used in the case of the duma attack to deliver the chemicals one of barrel bombs was filmed in the bathroom of the building where that attack supposedly took place and it supposedly came through a small opening in the roof flew across the room around five or seven meters landed
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on the bag without damaging the bat or even the blanket underneath it. without having any visible scratches odone so on the shell itself with its fins still being in tagged out supposedly after crashing through the reinforced concrete of the ceiling does this all looks straightforward to you that's another news story oksana i'm not sure that's at all truthful i never heard that story before but i have heard. syrian and russian diplomats again and again and tell these extraordinary stories about how these weapons could not go straight down a smokestack or a straight through you know room or whatever none of that or in the f.m. of the gym reports i've not seen any of that before and i know all the reports indicate where the bombs landed with a with a likely bombs landed there were craters in the roads or in the house of the room
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whatever it is. you know i am very loath to believe these reports about bouncing off beds and. coming straight down smokestacks it just is so unbelievable and i would urge everyone to look at all the evidence oksana but you know i i'm the first to say because this is in a war zone and we cannot have inspectors there perhaps even in many cases ever on site so we'll never know you know where eighty or ninety percent of these attacks have come from you have to put it in the whole context of the war and the syrian government is the only one with helicopters and aircraft the syrian government as far as we know is the only country there which has just recently given up a very large stockpile and the the declaration assessment team a group we called the debt the da to haiti uses acronyms but. the declaration assessment team which which assesses the initial declaration from a new state party a new member state of the opi stab you has gone to mass this now at least fifteen
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times maybe more and still cannot find all the evidence that it's asked syria for so there's a whole series of questions that syria has been either unwilling or unable to answer it's hardly surprising that there is a lot of mistrust on the syrian side when you can you have one attack after another which has also lots of unanswered questions which has lots of fat flags and yet all of the blame is put on the syrian government because i just gave you an example of a video where about a bomb placed positioned at a place where it could not. be positioned if you actually take physics and velocity and all of that seriously that is just impossible i mean you need to take physics one on the one to understand that it's not possible for a barrel bulb to fly through the roof and this that's video was provided by the same activists who submitted the videos of the of the video don't believe those i don't believe those reports i know i know russia i know russia and some others in
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the syrians certainly and maybe at times the iranians are trying to push some of these stories these stories are really not very credible at all and i i'm a scientist i'm that i'm the first one to look for all the evidence and i've been critical of all governments there we all want the war to stop we want no chemical weapons use we want no violence period and i think the part of the reason is because we cannot get a diplomatic solution either in the geneva process or in the stand up process in kazakhstan so i'm all in favor of a you know a diplomatic solution to stopping the violence and all of this i'm also for finding whoever is using illegal in you main globally banned chemical weapons bringing them before the international criminal court and imprisoning them and i think in the end all of this will go before the court but i'm willing to bet if we both went to the court if there were a trial of bashar al assad today he would be found guilty before the international
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commitment mr walker if your country or the united states why we're not allowed to manipulate the court. the composition of the court i'm actually not sure how the verdict would be out but you said about the evidence i want to pursue that through because i think it's very very important you very critical of the syrian government you made it very clear that you called it responsible so let's talk about the other side and the other side the leaders that the both the french intelligence and you know the american government based its findings on its conclusions on they said it outloud in their official statements that they base that on. it's on social media reports on public source information and one of such videos includes children corpses being moved around clearly rearranged in different positions apparently for emotional impact in several cases we can see the same bodies with the foam on that mouth in other cases there is no film we send you pictures before over
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a phone trail which really looks pretty i'm not sure and i think most people would agree that it looks as if it was applied to be of the help of a dispenser. i wonder what is you know what are your thoughts on that do you at the very least question the motives and the actions of decide that would be also very very interested in finding a in the international community agreeing that it was assad who was behind it but at the end of the day it wasn't their fault soldiers who were carrying children's corpses around and putting them in all those many positions well first of all i guess i saw those photos and thank you for sending to me. you know these photos are horrible it's one of the things i think that moves a lot of viewers becoming very concerned and worried about the whole civil war in syria today i can't judge whether these.


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