tv Cross Talk RT April 20, 2018 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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new arab force being assembled in the possible event of a us withdrawal details now with artie's murder because the have to leave or to stay it's a tough one. i want to get out i want to bring our troops back home i want to start rebuilding our nation we are in syria fight isis and that is our mission and the mission isn't over and we're going to complete that mission america says it wants out of syria but not before its goals are accomplished which could take a while and get real dirty what do you do well that's what friends are for we have asked our partners to take greater responsibility for securing their home region saudi arabia it seems has volunteered for the difficult task of sending troops to sit on oil fields in eastern syria apparently saudi arabia has been volunteering pretty hard and pretty long we're in discussions with the
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us and have been since the beginning of the syrian crisis about sending forces into syria now here's the thing those arab troops would have to be trained the u.s. could do it but no not after what happened last time all the last times the iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. they were not outnumbered by in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force and yet they failed to fight they withdrew from the site we have an issue with the will of the iraqis to fight i saw and defend themselves so if the pentagon doesn't want to get involved there's conveniently a third option erik prince mercenaries and soldier of fortune extraordinaire the founder of blackwater yes v.
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blackwater the infamous private military company who is operations in iraq resulted in it being banned from the country only reemerge to. and a new name but i never heard that. there were dead bodies everywhere in the city arguments on about me with the people inside among the dead bodies lying on the street that's who it was in the middle of the seven years old.
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prince was out of sight for a while before resurfacing on the trump whom he donated a quarter of a million dollars to prince says officials in the middle east have already contacted him about assembling a force for syria and with john bolton as the new national security adviser one of the most radically militant talks in washington no one's going to care about princes shady past john bolton is here we just had a big. it's a win win if you are unwilling to occupy a hostile desert in a country that doesn't want you there while privatized it give your buddies a chance to make
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a quick buck after all isn't that what friends are for we discussed the issue with brian baca from the anti war coalition. the american government is telling the american people look we're going to go to war in syria it's imperative that we do so it's imperative that we occupy or our proxies under our guidance occupy these other countries but don't worry americans won't do any bleeding the suffering the bleeding will be done by others the real function of us troops in northern and eastern syria or if they are replaced by a nato arabs of military force the saudis so to speak organized by erik prince they will be nothing other than a trip wire allowing the us to buy either through bombs or missiles against any force including the sovereign syrian arab army that seemed to interfere with the american zone of influence in the northern and eastern part of syria. almost three decades have passed since the worst of
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a disaster in british sporting history the hillsborough tragedy left ninety six liverpool football fans dead after they were crushed to death during a game when the stand they were in became dangerously overcrowded stan collymore has been speaking to the sister of one of the victims and you can watch the full program and later this hour for now though a preview. i didn't just say i. took my parents the books family towie's it wasn't just unfair. and it's not without suffice. sorry every crime was nice when you were it's. just. we ended up going to the boys' club. the only way i can describe plights is how. literally. every so often this police officer would stand on a chair and i anybody recognized recognize
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a shriner's anybody recognize this of a moment will pull didn't want to look because he didn't want to pay your loved ones he was too scared to look anyway i said roy giving this. paper dollar and a place of oh it's come a long time it's only because of fishery mr brooks also isn't going to look like anything you just remembered him to look a much upset. people not you couldn't work with the same old my oh ever unrecognizable i made my dad goes through that boat for a towing how did you feel when you when you knew. ok he's not that he's not that. recent going to die oh we know. what was said about him was always we know it was said about him but. every drunk they were to keep place and the phone in
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that kicked a guy. and that's what we fall for for twenty six year that is metro it be so proud. you can watch that program in full a little bit later this hour for the meantime though we are back in just a moment. we've signed one of the greatest. but there was one more question and by the way it's
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going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and. you have to be the center of the. great. you are the rock at the back nobody gets to you we need you to. go. alone. and i'm really happy to. meet this special. needs. the latest edition of the go. look. it is good of you to join us today it has been revealed facebook's making changes
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to move the bulk of its users out of the. reach just weeks before the block plans to enforce strict new privacy rules nearly one point five billion accounts will be switched from the platforms international headquarters in ireland to its main offices in california that means they will come under u.s. regulations the move affects some seventy percent of all facebook users from regions like africa asia and latin america. now the transition will be completed before the new e.u. data protection law takes effect on may twenty fifth it imposes requirements on how users data is collected and how it's handled the fines can reach up to four percent of a company's global revenue which for facebook could mean more than a billion dollars social media john doe has played down the importance of the use of data switch with being clear that we were from everyone who uses facebook the
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same previously protections controls and settings no matter where they live these updates do not change that the developments come as the website is still reeling from a massive data breach scandal involving the political research group cambridge analytic as the result eighty seven million facebook users had their posts and all information compromised and the company's c.e.o. was called to testify in front of congress now among zucker bugs notes from those hearings show that he was advised to avoid saying the platform already complies with the new e.u. previously law and they also didn't include any mention of the company expanding those protections worldwide and we discussed facebook's privacy policy with the co-founder of iceland's pirate party but again jones don't have a she things users are still not informed enough about who is really handling the data. when mark suckle book says that you know the users can control
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what they're doing is completely lie because people don't know about it as we have user agreements that are you know figure than the bible when you have companies that are forced and there are so big that they're also forced to give government data and they also sell the data or actually know they don't so that they do the sell you your the product you are not aware of how these things work and they're so big that they are not even in control over that it themselves then you have big problems nobody knows what so how these algorithms work who feeds them what is being put into them and i think that we need to actually instead of focusing on this current narrative of you know new cold war we should be focusing on how do we learn to be in this space because we are going to be in this space and how we're going to be protected and i think we need to start to break these huge corporate sectors apart because they play such a crucial role in our democracies and when you have people like mark zuckerberg and
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eric smith believing that all the problems you know in the world are going to be solved by algorithms we are in a trap. not just a facebook struggling with confidentiality issues and you opportunity to make a bit of coin digital currency more stable could mean a trade off over you are so pretty the details now with miguel francis santiago. one of bitcoins most valuable traits is its anonymity sure there is a ledger of transactions but you can determine who they belong to but now tech giant amazon could be taking it all away courtesy a brand new amazon patent the idea is to create what's called a data marketplace who will take part well electronic and internet retailers for a start they could combine a shipping address with bitcoin transaction data then the telecom providers can subscribe to this data stream and correlated between ip addresses of the
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transaction to countries of origin but that's not all here come the governments government agencies may be able to subscribe downstream encourage latex transaction data to help identify transaction participants surely government and law enforcement agencies would like to subscribe to just such a data stream for example the police of america's national security agency the n.s.a. would use all that combined data. the final bit coin user governments across the globe have been striving to ryan in on crypto currencies for quite a while now. we want to make sure that crypto currencies are not used for bad and illicit financing is more important because it's very important that these new technologies don't lead to the appearance of anonymity that might favor the financing of criminal activities and the position would have found that together
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with the german finance minister is to regulate bitcoin just said you know he could us you but i don't limits he is not the only crypto feature which is in danger by amazon's new patent crypto currencies are decentralized no central bank no trade market and no way to predict their dynamic now a data stream that allison is pushing for would create a sort of stock exchange for bitcoin that would make the crypto market more predictable pinpoint bearish and bullish trends for example so who knows maybe that's the good thing we might be getting here but well on him it's he have to be sacrificed for that and it is at the end of a crypto currency as we know it i think right now we're. also mass. disruption and in fact i think just these disruption is driven by people questioning just large corporations basically is stealing personal mention
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and the real question is who owns these information whether information should be used by corporations for they were perkins so will private enterprises out there but i just type of information to have more segment to the marketing program absolutely these monetary supply because it's not controlled by the government but it is controlled by metformin but i do think them losing it immediately would be a huge. huge loss but i don't think it will kill. much. it is odd international little meesha has a checkered past quite literally because he is taking the us world by storm in the hopes to be the next generation of grandmaster at a world school championship which kicks off today in albania might well be his next
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point zero i. love more or. less. whole problem his father came to me with his daughter they once told someone chess i started working with him and then one day he younger brother came along and his father left him with me for a while and me to reach for the chess pieces i asked if he knew how to play he said he knew where to put the pieces i asked if he knew how to move them and showed him he learned quickly so i told his parents stuff like teaching too and he soon never took his sister and his father. had been going to competitions with him since he was fine he's like a son to me of course i care about every student and i want him to ten good results .
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montana play is a plus by itself i've been. building pretty. powerful . don't want to stop jumping to see ideation going to someone told you don't buy me new sound just so females of ballet she cheered on faultless as she went to. the next measure that a modern kind of there is no state beyond. the way the system should work is that every stock bond security underwritten by wall street or any bank in america one person should be carved out and put into salsa security so that americans whether they have a job as minimum wage workers or whether their c.e.o.'s all across the spectrum
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a long six football fans dog. to die louise brooks is proof that i'm true joy liverpool fan tells us her story although i do lloyd's need to be joined by a woman that's come to justice for twenty nine years now i wish it wasn't under these circumstances and i wish we'd have met in another life were very similar we both like to yack about what we recently moltz twenty nine years since the hillsborough disaster. so i'm always stood on the call always still on the call and it was oh. that side the football pitch the in front of us not. to the rally exactly where. i'm on the save a the. all the question wasn't like when did you get the first inkling that something wasn't right. pick me up from work. so what i thought. is that this i don't know
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what a whisper. i didn't read. was in any trouble we're mid-afternoon it's playing out on television. like so the difference between then and now i would again as a football fan there's the i would have been. without brain income and where i'm from just down the road it would have been only in the televisions and radio television. is that you're aware of something well that is happening well everybody . i mean we don't have mobile phones in. london was ringing off the hook but i see i answered the phone and it was one of the when with super this even john and then with another. pay. and she went oh yeah she said. jones just phoned inside. countries and
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i was to say have to take this midnight run but it's pandemonium and texaco gets. it have asked me to pass a message or so is that people relate for you. in the lines tamam and we all update down sign a lot for the ten minutes like the phone rang the guy. on the phone a guy. with joan. and he said oh yeah. he said texas may see an orange. juice just tell me he's weak. she went he's missed and we come down to the don't worry. because he could be out somewhere and he could been shot walking the straight. so let's go back into the.
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crowd now when you're. just. looking with a. million he say and i'll replace that when i went in and told him not. i think we got what i was obviously wrong. roy and then. this best friend one of the president said to him a favor. and then we like and we left from the script i have to come in some time to check took a phone to him and we drove up to sheffield. grove to go to sheffield which would have been atlanta to know if i would draw a voter margin. we got there ten o'clock we went to
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a patch. and we said you know where to meet. and i said oh you know. where the northern general. discovered such a long covered so i got serious typos to paper and i asked just gave. out identification and describe for me to eat another. truck think alan scherr all there's a boys' club we ended up going to the boys' club. the only way i can describe the plight is how. literally. it was this room the room the people in. much it's about. this place to stand on a chair and everybody recognizes recognize a shrine is anybody recognize this
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a moment we'll get in one look because you didn't want to pay your last one so you were too scared to look anywhere. i went. when he. gave andreas now and description and. they started giving this. paper dollar and a place of its own to go along the. row halim because i can assure you mr brooks your own isn't going to look like anything you just remembered him to look to type. they went for the bold print falling down. as it got to the end of the bowl when home is not a metatron. so that when i. go back to get. i'd go so i were so my dad went back again. nothing
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there is no that was so nice. just give it one more time go back to guy i might upset the. paper i'm not bored you couldn't work out whether the buffet mylo mio or unrecognizable. so there were about their time still nothing and then a by. six steps while there was a desk in a corner and i was into the placement stock and this police officer don't vary the board with when six foot steps to this guy oh yeah it was i think five to eleven that made my dads go through. that bought three. hundred was one of the most photographed people. every bit of footage every photo how did you feel when you when you. look and it's not that it's not that. big blue is not going to die up when under thought i was angry.
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because andrew bain undriven do you you go through the gate you know you get rescued some oil was lying down for a while and i don't mean makes. thanks about fourteen countries to know you. want to be the family should be going to six to come together. why and what was the i mean what we know. what. we know what was said about them but. there were. and there were faults in that kicked a guy well the guy was. dying anyway but what was that twenty
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six twenty seven year period like for you and the other families was it just we've got to go forever long. and what's the what is the endgame what is the how we always said we will never give you know what we will never give you know when and i didn't. accidentally when. the truth wasn't. i we just. of course about the hillsborough families don't forget we're known to six different families from all different backgrounds and not just. you know these people from all of the plug well let's just clear. to the ninety six to forty one of we're not from liverpool and we're not for mercy so it will spread
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a national disaster. next answers day so she may need. to move to live a to be part of become pain live in tiny unless it was in the national. he didn't know nothing about what was going to reno how much of a difference was the social milieu right social media's made a big difference and i'll tell you another thing this well it was for would never happen again i wish social media. didn't just type. it took my parents the books family. it wasn't just done for your. family. and it's ruining so many people. and i come. across to pay paul.
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