tv Boom Bust RT April 20, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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partners to take greater responsibility for securing their home region saudi arabia it seems has volunteered for the difficult task of sending troops to sit on oil fields in eastern syria apparently saudi arabia has been volunteering pretty hard and pretty long we're in discussions with the us and have been since the beginning of the syrian crisis about sending forces into syria now here's the thing those arab troops would have to be trained the u.s. could do it but no not off that what happened last time all the last times iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. they were not outnumbered by in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force and yet they failed to fight they withdrew from the site we have an issue with the will of the
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iraqis to fight i saw and defend themselves so if the pentagon doesn't want to get involved there is conveniently eighth option erik prince mercenaries and soldier of fortune extraordinaire the founder of blackwater yes v. blackwater the infamous private military company who is operations in iraq resulted in it being banned from the country only to reemerge and a new name. for the birth. they were dead bodies everywhere there's no humans going to. be among the dead bodies lying on a street that's which of course is the building of seven years old. prince
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was out of sight for a while before resurfacing on the trump whom he do needed a quarter of a million dollars to prince says officials in the middle east have already contacted him about assembling the fools for syria and with john bolton is the new national security adviser one of the most radically minutes and talks in washington no one's going to cab out princes shady past john bolton this year and we just had
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a big. it's a win win if you are unwilling to occupy a hostile desert in a country that doesn't want you that well privatized it give you buddies a chance to make a quick buck off the rule isn't that what friends are for we discuss the issue with brian becker from the anti war coalition the american government is telling the american people look we're going to go to war in syria it's imperative that we do so it's imperative that we occupy or our proxies under our guidance occupy muse other countries but don't worry americans won't do any leading the suffering the bleeding will be done by others the real function of us troops in northern and eastern syria or if they are replaced by a nato arabs of military force the saudis so to speak organized by erik prince they will be nothing other than a trip wire. allowing the u.s.
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to buy either through bombs or missiles against any force including the sovereign syrian arab army that seemed to interfere with the american zone of influence in the northern and eastern part of syria. so the russian foreign minister sort of laughed it off in his austrian counterpart a conversely holding a press conference off the talks let's listen at. the seafloor. you know because measures are made to question is are our lives can i saw. australia has taken a neutral stance in confrontations over the script paul poisoning and the alleged chemical attack in dumas what was the reaction of the u.k. and the u.s. to your stance and have there been any attempts to influence your position and also what's your stance on the recent airstrikes by the western countries thank you very much. so would have also mr. briefly mentioned.
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that in any sense within the e.u. in the ministerial level here we have become as if i talked about the fact that we can. so argue the use of chemical weapons but substances and it raises concern. for us and the e.u. as a whole it. will be only a small school so we can and. we apply with the decision of the e.u. commission to. send experts to russia for expelling diplomats if people bottles of eyes. when will to withdraw austria as well of some other e.u. members decided not to do that we don't expel russian diplomats
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even though it can be done through limits it's into knots in large part since the nineteen fifties. vienna has been the seat of many international organizations for the quarters of many international organizations and we always say that ways. keep the channels of communication open even in the most difficult of situations and our channels remain open. and subsumes. as for last week's airstrikes and the alleged chemical attack in do mark on april the seventh. and i've already said in interview that we base our foreign policy on facts we believe there should be an investigation. walk into. and there
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are multilateral mechanisms for of. when. you see w. the special id agency to do that. which we did several weeks ago. and the c.w. sea level allows us to. request help from experts and labs. it takes time laughs bartz flights will provide all the opportunities to do that. as for air strikes. on the seventh of april in the ceiling and this is from the australian. government's. expressed concern over the use of chemical weapons we look back to
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twenty eight thirteen. when. you see w you've seen to do put things back to work and it was. the same year the peace nobel prize was granted. and i think that ninety five or more ninety five percent or more of chemical substances. or put these of into theater shells and political in the states i thought of and now as destroyed and the military actually are in either of our day to day activities and we also follow the principle of would you invite saying international organizations in these cases the answer to this
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are lies that we believe that we should follow the situation closely we have very concerned about a potential escalation of the situation in the region conflict. and worked ok. we urge all the parties to the conflicts we have to sit down at the negotiations table we discussed this today with south fund to mistura. us we are in favor of holding such meetings we are open office and i know look for which we believe that. there can be no military or resolution to the conflict in syria when need to have negotiations and we will be
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supporting this no please the austrian i should sing. stephen was when he got stuck with the didn't and if argument was mr love or. question goes to mr lehrer off. even such as i got in syria you know syrian on the phone you'll probably say that you grade in syria. into a canal but lost them after day but the e.u. sanctions there was a rush to leave burden and they're damaging. russian policies of the russian economy since you won and my question is as follows are you. ready to make certain concessions in the to see the sanctions relieved. with the new signals well everything is interconnected in this world.
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in your words. polluted screens are needed when we see it to conduct some egypt political engine nearing in ukraine in syria elsewhere we would know these are terrorists when we see one of these engineer is being directed towards containing russia in the middle east and europe but so many we see attempts. to mine our right to have our own interests. them regions of the world then of course that is nothing but a coordinated course of action which has sometimes been called as a course of action based and sell a dare if you would discuss that there are today with my counter but. recently i used. a message i could welcome who's in charge of creating in the shoes one in
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italy he. gave an interview to the stump newspaper. and he was asked the question what he's added you towards the discussion the sin the intel the parliament regarding the prospects of the entire russian sanctions he said that if he to leave maintain the sanctions regime. it would be fine but if not that would mean problems in the u. so you see that the representative of the united states on the territory of in the e.u. country says something like they're speaking on behalf of the world's that's quite an example i believe that's the kind of solidarity. they mean for them in the us i mean you said the sanctions the damaging russian economy sanctions sanctions is a double edged sword which stood out to call the name of the institution situated in vienna but it published. six recently on the damage is too
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easy an austin economy. and all that doesn't serve in iraq for you concessions that you would like to know what you mean ordinary people one day agree on something they implement and they deliver we talk about ukraine we have means we must sign by the presidents of france ukraine russia you're good with chancellor. of germany and was adopted unanimously by the own security council so these decisions should be implemented we discussed this today we showed it to our current up but only. the team from asked here what kinds of obstacles we see on the way we also have leaders who should go to two fifty four yard in syria which says syria should be. maintained as a tease when everyone should respect as it own integrity and sovereignty of the political pros has should be led by the syrians themselves without any of all.
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intrusion from they are outside they should decide in the future of their country in the all our actions are directed at supporting implementing this resolution we. do not approve of. what we are political issue nearing a town is directed ads running away into syria. make it fall into pieces creating some force there which contradicts the arrangements we've been reached. so that is of course the principles approved by the un security council should be. complied with by. everyone should do that as for any concessions i don't think there is a room for that in that car tax was said many times that sanctions that are not legitimate which are unilateral. and he was sure they are
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damaging look at the everyone takes on a maze and when they say to us do something to make try to meet us halfway say you just as we know we would like to start the process of easing the grape but we say this whole thing you will never introduce sanctions for we see no reason for that we don't think that the sanctions are justified the main way of salvation is scary when our evil badness failed to deliver. on their promise. to guarantee the agreement signed between the digital president of ukraine make a twenty fourteen and the ukrainian opposition groups. but after there to die constitution clue happen and the first decision of those who overthrew the
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government was still a dark lord discriminating russian language and the eastern part of ukraine in crimea refused to acknowledge and recognize of the other lawful government which seized the power absolutely a lawful we are all western colleagues just about. and started to support those who rose to power through a coup d'etat or. we supported the egypt amid claims of the russian speaking populations. but to be able we demanded that they were respected basing on the. tyria of the universal coverage of human rights and people national human rights issues we our police fell on deaf ears in our western colleagues for sale of their itty side it were. the. our
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law for the government of ukraine. prized by. the. powers we just send the nub of those. who are in danger they want to degrade these people and when you click a response to our. actions sanctions were imposed it's. not ready for you concessions we do not want to see any redrawing of the. court walk around. him already he has some certain ideas which good trading means. completely and he says that the initiative of russia to. have un you. see personnel and guarded by the. story of the officers. is not an illusion the couple of thousands of
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soldiers. so as the armed vehicles should be dispatched there un administration should be installed. there with. twenty thousand of troops they will be conducting the actions and then they will be divided the rules for it it has nothing to do with the music agreement and that is clear for everyone who is at least a bit interested in the international affairs if there is a plead to see concessions on our side well. nothing will come out of it any ideas we have anything which has to do with the misc agreements should be. agreed upon between here don is going lugansk those sides soon style which we have known see this believe something positive and i do not think that there are
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a nice sober minded foti sions who believe that we really believe that this is beneficial to the people of our country this was a new view of what i believe is that common sense will prevail eventually as the relations between russia and the e.u. during the members of the russia. will be. on the respect of core interests of every stakeholder not of. interest of some in sheer political. sense some which i would call gaining an interest imposed from the outside of our region. to the company or. just to me about. afterwards would have training i would like to minister come lover off. this horse is really a signature. for our show when it comes into
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the syrian scene and other. scene so i usually did a rush. and conclude. with russia want to negotiate with and what kind of proposals would you bring to the table. because the. australian suggestion that it can act as a mediator between russia and the west on the syrian issue in syria we need only one kind of mediation radiation between every part. of the syrian landscape every side should search the table for negotiations and work according to the principles that we do upon. should be engaged in direct the aisle twenty two fifty four resolution state of. the. talks have been closed. meetings should include the representatives of this government on the whole gamut
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of the oppositions. and this serious side shoed agreed upon. their future. consensus so there is no room for any kind of mediation between russia and the worse we do appreciate the fact that. it is engaged in creating a favorable atmosphere for the implementation of the u.n. security council resolution today we called back in the good old days we had. russia and the u.s. senate on our new shitter. we created a syrian national syrian support group call. me staffan de mistura john the carrier back there and we were creating one very important documents and they were the foundation of the twenty two fifty four razor lucian.
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goes renewed in the group mass in geneva and is vienna and russia was among those who actively supported the excuse that you should have to mean that on a regular basis in vienna week because vienna is one of the un this ignited it was a lad foremost for dogs again a steel should have the necessary metallic shell and good a future not only graphically speaking real vienna is a very litigious comfortable suitable to play but also a political context we see because we see a number of un structures represented in vienna. that i did but also the release of the atmosphere of the neutrality policy. championed by australia. which is why we see a very high authority of course share which had been considered broken piece of
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time at this point we do need. fair play and awestricken certainly help everyone. to work under the auspices of the other nations. staffan de mistura with him we will meet today later on this day and i hope you will be present to hear everything. against the folks interfax agency please it's true my question is foreign minister lover of the us said yesterday. what simplify. arms sales. and was meant by war and anchor around. sanctions might be introduced against it. the past four hundred deal is implemented
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how would you comment on these statements by washington is this an attempt to push russia out from these markets and what kind of response will there be and also how would you comment on yesterday's statements by this state department that russia is preventing obscene experts from access and do not use the first the arms sales or car because it has been. here for our. ages. but what is important is that every farty. act decently. this realizing weapons should not be supplied weapons should not be supplied to non-state actors competition should be fair discerned should not involve she's. got to report which in the news of any use of advantage is.
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unilateral. move such as sanctions for instance as for mr mitchell is was that ankara might be coming under sanctions evidence besides to buy book has four hundred word anti bush so. the found system is no that's kind of a blackmail and unfair competition in favor of the u.s. companies if i do almost all grammar bird correctly mr mitchell you know i've been calling mr toobin. how in italy he was threatening chaldeans and this time we have mr mitchell threatening the turks that it's both cases have to be with us and russia mr stop and head of nato he recently to share in the book the response is quite
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a similar question that. the decision to purchase as for congress is a sovereign decision after. your stuff because she and so. part of nato they should certainly take into account the collective opinion of nato members. now turned into the yesterday's statement that the u.s. had. the evidence that russia and syria prevent the obviously devil you x.-press from coming into the side of the accidental if they have evidence that there's evidence they should present to be presented what we have presented our evidence slanted what's the facts with pictures to the voters and interviews of the people involved solution which was the action while the partners only claim that they have evidence. in case. of the duma
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stack or the incident solsbury you look at it and in many other cases has a while. from she one year ago to whom there was also an incidental chemical weapon to use and we are how did you take samples which appear later on and labs of larger numbers i said that's a secret so please present the facts only then we will be able to have a professional conversation will discussion and if all that is unsupported by any evidence then these dogs will be you know compilation of the highly likely claims that said would you like to remind you about the statement. studio but when you can upload and so the demands of. the city of duma. i want to live
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we ourselves are to do that but if you do the right after we receive the first i suggest about the alleged use of chemical weapons on the seventh of april. school it took some time for those the c.w. that beats but the old personnel being dispatched there we had to. leave all those carry them but you're still the group went to the lab not in a couple of hours they were to go to syria and they were still that those that would be mad by the syrian officers. would be given these a while which were their mission was. getting ready to proceed. your eyes start. to help their experts to come there to the place because of the incident on our french columns i said that already many times we've invited them for just their expertise and they said that it was
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a good idea still the initial as it is a beauty there was nothing more than that they did not made anything that will make any more stats. instead of support or do you see making their story efforts to convoy the opposite devil you mission and help them to gate to they carried out the strikes. who try to prevent their suitable you exit from coming to duma i think you know the answer. you should not distort the facts the reality. so. your colleagues press conference is now over. well thanks for joining us you're not the international you were just watching of the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov often is austrian counterpart karen can i still taking questions from the press there regarding issues of the script poisoning case also of the recent syria campaign was led by the u.s. u.k.
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and france as well some of the questions being asked by the press for example the first question we had that we were monitoring going to karen can i still regarding the script she said that austria is neutral on the script case she does not agree with the expulsion of diplomats she says the channels should always remain open between the officials of all countries otherwise it is counterproductive regarding the airstrikes on duma in the wake of the alleged chemical attack there in syria the austrian foreign minister can i still saying that we base all foreign policy on facts there should be an investigation and we follow the principle of inviting international organizations on these cases and austrian officials very concerned about an escalation of the situation in the region and one of the other questions being asked as well mr lavrov are you ready to make certain concessions and.
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