tv Documentary RT April 20, 2018 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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in the fact that even happened in the first place but the retaliation is already there the u.s. the u.k. and france launched more than a hundred missiles to strike targets they believe the assad government are using to produce chemicals right now the big intrigue is what the official investigation is to show whether or not the attack happened. meanwhile the u.n. special envoy for syria has spoken about saturday's bombings of the country by the u.s. and its allies saying the strikes won't help to resolve the crisis the comments came as staff and the mistura met with the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov. what this happened last week. that's not a start up for chief engineer but. in spite of what remain single say it political process needs to be relaunched. ok let's get more now from our correspondent who's following the story for us and dana question of a meeting to just go over then exactly what was said.
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well tell you a lot of fun stuff monday mistura madge in moscow following talks over the ongoing situation in syria and now the u.n. special envoy to see arist said that it is a very important now to lower not only military tensions but political as tension over the situation as well now you've just heard that he said that the airstrikes launched by the u.s. say u.k. and france the ins on syria did not help to deescalate the situation there but the countries which conducted these airstrikes in the u.k. the u.s. and france i have quite a slightly a different view on the subject saying that these acts were unnecessary and that it justified french president francois that these airstrikes were conducted for the owner of the international community and and a legitimate free ward now the airstrikes were conducted in response to claims of
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an alleged chemical weapons attack on the syrian city of duma even before the official investigation of the organization for the proposition of chemical weapons even started it's now the u.s. u.k. and france said that they would not wait for the independent probe into the alleged chemical attack and decided to a bomb syria based on reports and intelligence that could not so be revealed now at the moment of the o.p.c. w. mission is on the ground in syria looking for the average for this alleged attack russia denies that. such an attack to police and to d.c. speaking to media russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov used a stronger language than the u.n. convoy and to steer it to syria stephanie mr work. with three countries the us.
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peace process. well after this meeting here in moscow seventy mystery is nodding to the uranium capital as he is at the moment conducting quite an intensive round of international meetings aiming at real launching peace talks and syria. ok thanks that was our correspondent medina chan of the. following what helmets for to chip in alleged chemical attack in syria the u.s. led military strikes we heard on the country on saturday that's despite promising to pull american troops out of syria remove the u.s. from the conflict altogether just before the attacks there are reports to the new so-called arab force being assembled in the event of a u.s. patrol with more mrs were against it. to leave or to stay it's a tough one. i want to get out i want to bring our troops back home i want to start rebuilding our nation we are in syria fight isis that is our mission and the
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mission isn't over and we're going to complete that mission america says it wants out of syria but not before its goals are accomplished which could take a while and get real dirty what do you do well that's what friends are for we have asked our partners to take greater responsibility for securing their home region saudi arabia it seems has volunteered for the difficult task of sending troops to sit on oil fields in eastern syria apparently saudi arabia has been volunteering pretty hard and pretty long we're in discussions with the us and have been since the beginning of the syrian crisis about sending forces into syria now here's the thing those arab troops would have to be trained the u.s. could do it but no off the what happened last time all the last times
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iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. they were not outnumbered by in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force and yet they failed to fight they withdrew from the site we have an issue with the will of the iraqis to fight i saw and defend themselves so if the pentagon doesn't want to get involved there's conveniently a third option erik prince mercenaries and soldier of fortune extraordinaire the founder of blackwater yes the blackwater the infamous private military company who is operations in iraq resulted in it being banned from the country only to really. and a new name but i never heard that. there
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a million dollars to prince says officials in the middle east have already contacted him about assembling a force for syria and with john bolton as the new national security advisor one of the most radically militant hawks in washington no one's going to care about princes shady past john bolton this year we just had a big. it's a win win if you're unwilling to occupy a hostile desert in a country that doesn't want you there well privatized it give your buddies a chance to make a quick buck after all isn't that what friends are for. washing arsinoe is not a gas to have still had fever facebook is taking steps to avoid strict new prissy rules in the new we'll tell you how they're doing it just off the break.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think of what i know about the
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beautiful guy a great so well bowl chance with. a nice minute. hello again now donald trump has accused opec the organization bringing together some of the world's biggest oil producing nations of artificially raising crude prices he made the claim after a meeting of opec state ministers in saudi arabia the price of the black gold reached a three year high on friday and some experts tie the price hike to a production cut deal by top oil producing nations however international all economists mamdouh salim a told us that the us presence accusations against opec and groundless. hired a bright for oil should benefit us share oil producers saw his
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. has no meaning is not justified president drum is wrong opic because of prices for big is not doing more than defending. its wealth they lost more than three hundred billion dollars between all gas twenty fourth ian and twenty sixteen because of the oil price crush going sequent plea they had to take measures including but action cup along with russia to defend their rights. lebanese tonight the u.k. government assessing up a special russia task force comprising of senior m.p.'s that will counter perceived threats from moscow it comes amid the current diplomatic spat between the two countries over the poisoning of a former double agent and his daughter are seasoned to a cheater as more details this committee consists of very high profile u.k.
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politicians and at the helm of that committee is the chairman of the foreign affairs committee and his name is tom took in heart now he has not minced his words about blood amir putin in fact what he said is that the u.k. must target everybody who supports the russian president and his gangster regime during his interview he obviously has sounded like he wasn't a fan of mr putin but he did mention someone that he was a fan of and that was the saudi prince mohammed bin salman the big change actually is there where he's trying to change the economy he's trying to bring women and young people into employment is trying to radically so this is really something quite impressive in a separate interview took a hard talk about his career path and his aspirations and he described a number of roles that he feels that he would be ok at include. doing the job of pm so it appears that he wasn't particularly fussy about what future lies ahead for
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him would it be great to be pm yep it would be great to be foreign secretary fantastic would be great to be different secretary wonderful would be great to be a minister. yes on a more serious note now the tensions between russia and the u.k. have been exacerbated by the script poisoning london is insisting that moscow is behind the attack moscow is denying any involvement at all and asking u.k. for firm proof as to why they are suggesting that russia is indeed behind those attacks so the accusations are continuing from the u.k. side and now that this new committee has been set up we can only see that those diplomatic relationships are probably going to go downhill even further. now it's been revealed that facebook is moving the bulk of its european users out of the legal reach just weeks before the block plans to enforce strict new privacy rules
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nearly one point five billion accounts will be switched from the platforms international h.q. in ireland to its main offices in california and that means they will then come under u.s. regulations while the move affects some seventy percent of all facebook users from regions like africa asia and also latin america the transition will come before the new you data protection law takes effect on the twenty fifth of may the law will slap restrictions on how data risk collected and handled and introduces fines to for collecting or using it without consent violations could mean financial penalties of up to four percent of global turnover which for facebook would actually mean more than a billion dollars however the social media giant is playing down the importance of the data switch. with being clear that we are offering everyone who uses facebook the same previously protections controls and settings no matter where they live these updates do not change that. the developments come as the website is still
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reeling from a massive data breach scandal involving the political research group cambridge analytical as a result eighty seven million facebook users had their personal information compromised and the company c. was called to testify in front of congress. for most hearings show he was advised to avoid saying the platform already complies with the privacy law and they also didn't include any mention of the company expanding those protections world wide we discussed facebook's privacy policy with the co-founder of iceland's pirate party who thinks that uses is still not informed enough about who is really handling their data when mark zuckerberg says that you know the users can control what they're doing is completely lie because people don't know about it as we have user agreements that are you know figure than the bible when you have can't use that are forced and there are so big they're also forced to give government data
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and they also sell the data or actually know that and so the data they sell you your the product you are not aware of how these things work and they're so big that they are not even in control over that it themselves then you have big problems nobody knows what the how these are christians work who feeds them what is being put into them and i think that we need to actually instead of focusing on this current narrative of you know new cold war we should be focusing on how do we learn to be in this space because we are going to be in this space and how we're going to be protected and i think we need to start to break these huge corporate sectors apart because they play such a crucial role in our democracies and when you have people like mark zuckerberg and eric smith believing that all the problems you know in the world are going to be solved by algorithms we are in a trap. i will most three decades have passed since the worst disaster in
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british sporting history the hills for tragedy left ninety six liverpool fans dead after they were crushed during a game when the stand they were in became dangerously overcrowded stan collymore has been speaking to the sister of one of the victims. didn't just say hi my brother. took my parents the books family always it wasn't just done for your. family. and it's not my dad's. crowd now when you. come in. i just go over we ended up going to the boys' club. the only way i can describe the plight is how. literally. every so often these police officers would stand on a chair and everybody recognizes you recognize these trainers anybody recognize
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this girl for a moment we'll get in one look because she didn't want it to be your loved one so you were too scared to look anywhere they said go in this of all people and the place of always go along the board. because mr brooks your story isn't going to look like anything you just remembered him to look i might have said. people not you couldn't work out whether the fame that were unrecognizable i made my dad go through that bought three. how did you feel when you were you know. like it's not that it's not that. big blue is not going to die out we knew. what. was always we knew it was said about them but. they were drunk they were to keep plates. another funny
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thing in that a guy says all lawfully killed and that's what we fall for for twenty six years that is metro at the site pride. you're watching us international thanks for company tonight so we'll have more news for you and headlines as usual at the top of the hour. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four have different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did
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not share around a corner. we are still living with a lot of conflicting usher and does when you're willing to situation and sit it to this ultimately to the problem between so do they be and now the american president is the lying you know through with through and out of some out of three gaudet or we heard that the so devoted to go down. on their gone so with can be in the end the will to fail and the reason is the situation is very very dangerous. we all willingly accepted the risk of being shot wounded taken prisoner but none of us signed up to be friggin poisoned by our own people of seeing stuff that was nukes or biological and chemical products the said do not truck tires all types of styrofoam polystyrene batteries trucks there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection
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between berm pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from to compensate every soldier marine airman and sailor that was on the ground that are complaining about illnesses from their exposure from the berm pits would really literally send a v.a. broke and they don't want to pay it so the waiting in decades a lot of those soldiers will die in time and they will have to pay and. call for help and get the middle finger to the v.a. soon by. delayed in topeka.
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on the fifteenth by. the poll played nazi and forrest in an f.a. cup semifinal hills for nine six football fans dog. to die louise brooks of the underage boy liverpool fan tells us her story. delighted to be joined by a woman that's come planning to justice for twenty nine years now i wish it wasn't under these circumstances and i wish we'd have met in another life were very similar we both like to yack about what we recently malts twenty nine years since the hillsborough disaster you'll prove that i'm the dog. so i'm always stood on the call always still on the call and it was oh so that side the football pitched in front of us not. to the rally exactly where i missed out. on the save a the
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answer was well all the question wasn't like when did you get the first inkling that something wasn't right time to pick me up from work for a coffee so what i thought said is that this trip and i say what. i didn't read. was in any trouble where mid-afternoon it's playing out on television. like say the difference between then and now. again as a football fan there's the all would have been so much as yet. without great income and where i'm from just down the road it would have been only in the televisions and radio television in back oh yeah you're aware of something happening well everybody. i mean we have mobile phones in. london was ringing off the hook by six i answered the phone and one brother went
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with to prove this statement and then with another. call pay. and she went oh yeah she said. jones just phoned inside. countries like i was texting have to texas midnight run but it's pandemonium and texaco gets. it have asked me to pass the message on so was that people relate for you. in the lines tell mom and we all update children mcduff sign a lot for the ten minutes like the phone rang the guy. on the phone a guy. with joan. and he said oh you know and. he said texas misty and when. i said you just tell me he's with. she went he's missed and we can't go into don't worry. because it could be someone he
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could been shot walking the straight. so i go back into the. crowd at night when you're. just. looking with. an r.v. plate that when i went in and told him it was i. i think we got what i was obviously wrong. roy and then for this best friend one of the political friends said to him a favor. and then we like and we left from the script i have to come some time to check took a phone to him and we drove up to sheffield. grove
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to go to sheffield. i would draw a vote imagine we don't we got there at ten o'clock we went. and we said you know where it's been it's going. and i said oh you know. where the northern general. is covered such a long covered so i got scenarios typo's the paper and i asked just gave. out identification and describe for me another. truck thing alan scherr all the boys club we ended up going to the boys' club. the only way i can describe the plight is how. literally.
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they were the people in. much just about. every so often these police officers would stand on a chair and everybody recognizes the rhetoric you know it's a shrine and anybody recognize this a moment will you didn't want to look because you didn't want it to be your loved one so you were too scared to look anyway one of my jobs went to. when he got. a description and. they started a rally going in this boards of all paper dollar and the place of oh it's come along the board. it's only because of sheer you mr brooks your own isn't going to look like anything you just remembered him to look to type it's. there went through the bold print falling down. as it got to the end of the bolts when.
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it's not. nice not so that when i said no. go back to gary. and go so i were so my dad went back again. nothing there is no that was so nice. just give it one more time go back to guy and my dad said there were people not you couldn't work with the buffet milo mio that were unrecognizable. so there were about their time still nothing and then about. six steps why there was a desk in a corner under the placement. and this police officer don't read the board. when six foot steps to this guy oh yeah it was always empty to the left and i made my dads go through. that bought three. and she was one of the
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most photographed people but. it was on every bit of footage every photo how did you feel when you when you. look and it's not that it's not that. not going to die up when under thought i was angry. because andrew bain undriven do you go through the gate you know you get rescued from some oil was lying down for a while and i don't mean makes it ok. thanks about forty untraceable you. want to be the family should be going to six to come together. well i and what
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was the i mean what we know. what was said about them was always we know. there were to keep place and there are faults in that a guy well the guy was. dying anyway but what was that twenty six twenty seven year period like for you and me or the family was it just we've got to go forever long. and what's the what is the end game what is the how we always said we would have to give you know we what we would never give you know when and i didn't know you accidentally when. the truth wasn't. a wait just. a full and full. of just about the house for families don't forget where ninety six
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different families from different backgrounds and not just. you know middle and there's people from all of the plight well that's just my. eye to the knowing she sticks it out forty one and we're not from liverpool and we're not from a solid hill spread a national disaster. there's no social media to move to live with to be part of become pain he could live inside me unless it was in the national. he didn't understand about always carry no how much of a difference does the social make your huge my social media's made a big difference and i'll tell you another thing this well it was for would never happen again i was social media who.
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