tv Interview RT April 21, 2018 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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this is the same yellow gas canisters at the n.s.c. telling fox news they have a high degree of confidence that it was yours apparently the project tile was still toxic was still fuming with the something toxic and that's why they had to wear a mask to protect themselves but we've spoken to a number of experts and they've told us that a me a gas mask is basically not enough to protect oneself from a toxic substance if that were a nerve agent whether he's got his base covered or not it's going to go right through his skin and the only protection that he could have is if this whole body were in a chemical control suit if there were chlorine gas that would protect him from from some small leaking of the korean gas for a while and it doesn't make any any any sense i could see it going through a roof and never even breaking it's a silly way and even if it did great go the dispersal of the chlorine might only kill the people in the room but not even people outside the room had time to get
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out there's no confidence yet in the fact that even happened in the first place but the retaliation is already there the u.s. the u.k. and france launched more than a hundred missiles to strike targets they believe the assad government are using to produce chemicals right now the big intrigue is what the official investigation is to show whether or not the attack happened the u.n. special envoy for syria has said the u.s. led bombing of syria will not help resolve the crisis stuff and there was thought over speaking at a meeting with russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov. what this happened last week. i have. a stomach full chief engineer but. in spite of what we may think we'll say. this needs to be relaunched said a gay lover of fun stuff and to mr imagine in moscow following talks over the ongoing situation in syria the un asked special envoy to syria seven day mr murray
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said that it is very important now to lower not only the a military town show now but political as well now you've just heard that he said that the recent airstrikes conducted by the u.s. france and the u. of kate did not help to deescalate the situation there but the countries which conducted those these strikes had a slightly different view on the subject saying that these talks were unnecessary and just to fight. with had reached the point where the strike have become indispensable to be able to return credibility to our communities words should be action was taken to alleviate humanitarian suffering in syria by degrading the regime's chemical weapons capability and deterring its use of these weapons the airstrikes were conducted in response to claims of an l.n.h. chemical weapons attack on the syrian city of too much even before the official investigation of the organization for the pocket bishan of chemical weapons even
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started now the u.s. said that it could not wait for the official results and decided to bomb syria on reports and intelligence that could not be revealed to russia's denies that such an attack took place and speaking to a media today said a gay lover abused harsher rhetoric than the u.n. special envoy to syria and he said that this was not only an attack on syria but on the peace process and the whole group or the three countries the u.s. the u.k. and france have not only bought. chemical facilities in syria but the geneva peace process after this meeting in moscow demister were is an outing to the rainy and capital of the moment he is conducting an intensive international meetings aiming at relaunching peace talks in syria. the u.k. government is setting up a task force to counter the supposed threat from russia that story off the break.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry suddenly i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with the death of this one to. speak to us there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker.
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welcome back the recent u.s. led airstrikes in syria have raised questions over the country's long term strategy for the water and country and now there are reports of a new so-called arab force being assembled in the event of a us withdrawal ati's what our guys do explains to leave or to stay it's a tough one. i want to get out i want to bring our troops back home i want to start rebuilding our nation we are in syria fight isis that is our mission and the mission isn't over and we're going to complete that mission america says it wants out of syria but not before its goals are accomplished which could take a while and get real dirty what do you do well that's what friends are for we have asked our partners to take greater responsibility for securing their
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home region saudi arabia it seems has volunteered for the difficult task of sending troops to sit on oil fields in eastern syria apparently saudi arabia has been volunteering pretty hard and pretty long we're in discussions with the us and have been since the beginning of the syrian crisis about sending forces into syria now here's the thing those arab troops would have to be trained the u.s. could do it but no off that what happened last time all the last times iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. they were not outnumbered by in fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force and yet they failed to fight they withdrew from the site we have an issue with the will of the
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iraqis to fight a soul and defend themselves so if the pentagon doesn't want to get involved there's conveniently a third option erik prince mercenaries and soldier of fortune extraordinaire the founder of blackwater yes the blackwater the infamous private military company who is operations in iraq resulted in it being banned from the country only to really. and a new name. for the person that. they were dead bodies everywhere and it's the knowledge but it's going to be i mean we keep it it's not among the dead bodies lying on the street that's who it was in the
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middle of the seven years old that. prince was out of sight for a while before resurfacing on the trump whom he donated a quarter of a million dollars to prince says officials in the middle east have already contacted him about assembling a force for syria and with john bolton as the new national security adviser one of the most radically militant talks in washington no one's going to care about princes shady past john bolton this year we just had
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a big. it's a win win if you are unwilling to occupy a hostile desert and a country that doesn't want you there well privatized it give your buddies a chance to make a quick buck after all isn't that what friends are for. now let's return to our top story north korea's leader kim jong un has ordered a halt to all missile and nuclear tests according to the country's state media that's now cross to dr simone come from the korea peace network dr chan thank you very much indeed for joining us well is it an historic evening that i mean north korea is freezing its nuclear tests but there's no suggestion that they're ready to give up their nuclear weapons do you think this step is going to be enough for the world powers. i hope so this is a truly excellent development and you know this is a first step toward the eventual peace treaty and the first step will be obviously
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for into korea and political decoration to end the korean war as we already heard and second step will be three way summit or four way summit amongst those of the who signed. the armistice of one thousand nine hundred fifty three and which will replace. treaty a mysterious with the history me so i'm going to see if we're going to see of credibly another summit bit alone and north and south korea united states and china and i think secondly this shows that truly not you know before even the upcoming their historic april twenty seventh summit it really it is a shame to there since your commitment for to nuclearization and responding those hocks installed the right i mean could you know critics who are saying that you cannot trust north korea's a commitment for doing nuclearization and there's certainly i think they're not going to try to be to try active and taking the initiative instead of you know creating this image of being chorused and lastly i think they give us some also credit to present tramp and also especially i think nick sort of as the thing to
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maybe present when diana who is so you know who had the against all odds hasn't made a very very dreadful very skillful diplomacy and but the problem the question right now is there are these united scoring to do and you know united should try. to universal security and get to north korea and lift those harshest and very cold oppressive economic sanctions against north korea so i think it's not for the united states to show some commitment well certainly i mean the announcements being welcomed by i don't know trump no surprise in there that something on twitter who called it very good news and big progress i mean how much i think it could be a boost to they they have an upcoming summit don't we can john and that's set to take place in june so looking positive so far what do you think will happen at the summit. i think this is going to go very well you know based on they had a very serious a high level actually you know the interaction including from phase goading to
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visiting on north korea which was a to me a very a very surprised and i think that things are going very well in the last phrase basically making the shift from you know pivot to more or to you know of wealth and prosperity and that they have already shown that you know they have they you know sort of they said they concluded their sort of nuclear deterrence program and i think not going to do it anymore and then they're clearly making it very clear to the rest of the world that now they want to join the of the station model that is a very skilled you know you you know you want to work for economic miracle and so there is a well there are going and i think this time i think we're very serious i think we're going to do it well you mention my pump he meet he recently met the former cia chief you also met the iranian military attack do you think those meetings could have prompted or directly led to this decision i think i believe so i
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cannot prove it to you but i think that there was a very good move a demonstration was a very why and you know a lot of korea took the probably they were very seriously reveled best a week is actually what north korea wanted they want to temper your high level players you know very close to the president it's as if like you know i don't already met donald trump and sort of so i think there was a very clear important step for this development where you'll be mentioned that president moon giant i mean the hotline apparently a phone hotline has been set up between kidman his south korean counterpart in the two leaders all set to meet later this month to me what can we expect from that meeting. i think they've got a clearly they don't have a political declaration this is ending the korean war of course you know south korea is not part of. a signatory of our mysterious so the other players have to but it's going to they're going to make into korean political decoration that and the korean war and the next step will be the being basically to trying to.
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the north korea and united states army for up for success and as you know one day and has spent more time actual really on developing a relationship with the united states and all the trucked in more so than he did that with north korea so i think all their interest is right now right now very just north north and south korea's interest is through you know for all prepare for the successful north korea and united states seventieth and pretty much right now two koreas a very you know they are they're very they're all you know on track and you know there isn't there's much disagreement amongst them and there's another woman thing i want to take it is that you know it's just a whole new type of peacemaking you know there's amazing kreskin peace activists in korea and united states and we're so energized and also in korean government is that created. some of the websites and you should and also people from all of the all of the world listening in korean. and also people in korea this is
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a chile truly wants to pastern an energetic peace movement and i think this time we got there and you certainly see passion as an energetic as well thank you very much indeed. from the korea peace network and get your thoughts. right. now the u.k. government is setting up a task force to counter the alleged threat from russia this comes amid a diplomatic feud between the two countries over the poisoning of former double agents and his daughter. has the details this committee consists of very high profile u.k. politicians and at the helm all that committee is the chairman of the foreign affairs committee and his name is tom took in hot now. he has not minced his words about blood or mere putin in fact what he said is that the u.k. must target everybody who supports the russian president and his gangster regime during his interview he obviously just sounded like he wasn't a fan of mr putin but he did mention someone that he was
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a fan of and that was the saudi prince mohammed bin salman the big change actually is that what he's trying to call really trying to bring women and young people into employment is trying to radically so this is really something quite impressive in a separate interview took a hard talked about his career path and his aspirations and he described a number of roles that he feels that he would be ok at including the job of pm so it appears that he wasn't particularly fussy about what future lies ahead for him would be great to be pm yep it would be great to be foreign secretary fantastic would it be great to be different circuitry wonderful would it be great to be a minister of any kind yes on a more serious note now the tensions between russia and the u.k. have been exacerbated by these cripple poisoning london is insisting that moscow is behind the attack moscow is denying any involvement at all and asking u.k.
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for firm proof as to why they are suggesting that russia is indeed behind those attacks so the accusations are continuing from the u.k. side and now that this new committee has been set up we can only see that those diplomatic relationships are probably going to go downhill even further or commenting on the announcement of the new task force russia's ambassador to the u.k. alexander of enco said the two countries need to find a way of working together. what i can promise you i'm ready to come to this group. all the questions and i hope maybe i'll convince them to develop economically political relations and the influence on the british government. to formally. now a group of youngsters have risked arrest by breaking into the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan they managed to get inside
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in cooperation with russia chancellor angela merkel is expected to raise the issue during her upcoming visit to the u.s. on friday a german government spokesperson said such restrictions harm all sides he also called for fair trading conditions for everyone russia's finance minister and on so one of his told us the sanctions are disrupting international trade center. the latest economic restrictions have a negative impact not only on russia. but the russian partners as well will help the germany will manage to persuade american partners to make exceptions from the pretty harsh sanctions splitting that accompanies it i also hope the economic approach will prevail over believes it will motives but so i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news see if. the way the system should work is that every stock bond security underwritten by
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wall street or any bank in america one percent should be carved out and put into social security so that americans whether they have a job as minimum wage workers or whether they're c.e.o.'s all across the spectrum everyone gets to participate in this thing called the american economy because if you don't all these stocks are not part of the american economy. it was president donald trump says he wants american troops to leave syria what are exactly washington's goals in syria partition war for war sake or a means to sticking it to iran in russia all or poorly thought out options.
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on the first day to buy into. the poll played nelson and forests and if i quote some of farnell bills for a long six for all funds. to do. by louise brooks was brought under much of liverpool fan tells us her story. delighted to be joined boyle woman complained to just twenty nine years. i wish it wasn't under these circumstances and i wish we'd have met in a new the life were very similar we both like to yack about what we recently more twenty years since the hillsborough disaster your brother and the boy who. always stood on the cold always still in the car and it was oh so let's pitch the
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front of us now. to the rowing exactly where. i'm on the save a the answer is well all the question wasn't like when did you get the first inkling that something wasn't right kind from work. this is a car i've worked with outside come out of this trouble and i said what. i didn't read. that's how i. was in any trouble we're mid-afternoon it's playing out on television. like so the difference between then and now i would again as a football fan is the i would have been. without brain income and where i'm from just down the road it would have been all in the televisions and radio rentals television. is that you're aware of something well that is happening well everybody you know. i mean we have of mobile phones in. london on
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was ringing off the hook but i think i answered the phone and one brother went with even john and then with another. pay. and she went oh yeah she said. jones just spent inside. countries like i was texas after texas a midnight run. but it's pandemonium and texaco gets refer. to it that asked me to pass a message or so was that people really. funders in the lines told my mom and we all update children adults say sign a lot for the ten minutes like the phone rang the guy. on the phone a guy. with joan and he said oh you know. he said he's missing on the one. i said you just tell me he's weak. she
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went you know he's missing we confound you but don't worry. because it could be someone he could been shot walking the straight. so you go back into the. crowd now when you were. just. looking with them without strikes with. you say a lot of replay that when i went in and told him not. i think what i was obviously wrong then is my doubts. and. roy and then. this best friend one of the political friends said to him a favor. and then we like and we left from the script i have to come some time to
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check took a phone to him and we drove up to sheffield. grove to go to sheffield. draw a vote imagine we don't really got there are ten o'clock we went to petra. and we said you know where it's minutes. and i said oh you know. where the northern general. is covered such a long covered so i got scenarios typos to tape and i asked just gave. out identification and describe for me to eat another. truck alan scherr all the boys' club we ended up going to the boys' club. the only way i
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can describe the plight is how. literally. there were the people in. much just about. this place i would stand on a chair and i everybody recognizes recognise things trying as anybody recognize this a mum wouldn't want to look because she didn't want to pay your loved one so you were too scared to look anyway. my dad went. when he. gave hundreds and and description. they started a rally giving this full of all paper dollar and a place of sister oh it's come along. it's only because of cliche are you mr brooks you also isn't going to look like anything you just remembered him to look to type it's. there went through the bold print going down.
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to the ends of the bolts when. it's not. nice not so that when i said no. go back to guy. and go slower so my dad went back again. nothing there is no that was so nice. just give it one more time go back to guy and my dad said there were people on that board you couldn't work with the buffet mylo mio that were unrecognizable. so there were about their time stone of spain and then a. six step so wide there was a desk in a corner under the placements. and this police officer don't vary the board with when six foot steps to this guy oh yeah it was i think five to eleven
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that made my dads go through. that board three times. and she was one of the most photographed people. every bit of every photo how did you feel when you when you're still looking it's not that it's not that. big blue is not going to dial one for thought i was angry. who didn't used to. and rebate very good do you think it's really great you know you get rescued from some oil was lying down for a while and i don't mean makes it ok. thanks to by fourteen untraceable you.
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want to be the family should be going to six to come together. why and what was the i mean well we know. what. we know what was said about them but. there were two. and there were faults in that kicked a guy well. what was that twenty six twenty seven year period like for you and the other families was it just we've got to go forever long. and what's the what is the endgame what is the how we always said we would have to give you know we were never given no rain and i didn't. accidentally when. the truth wasn't.
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