tv News RT April 23, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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i don't mean eleven pm moscow time tonight a van has crashed earlier into protests trains in the canadian city of toronto police report at least eight people are injured a correspondent bring us up to speed on that. got up to a new partnership blossoms of international politics as the french and american presidents bond over a mutual dislike of seriously. the number of activists questioning the west's narrative of being singled out as kremlin controlled online we speak to one blogger accused by the u.k. government of being a russian boss indeed. the british government if they can't even confirm that i'm not an automaton how can we believe anything they have to see about the evidence the how the school and syria's chemical attack. on a cameraman says he has a video evidence showing that a palestinian boy was shot dead by israeli forces on the gaza border on friday
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posed no threat to the soldiers there and when i killed him he wasn't carrying a stone or a sling shot or a knife he was acting like everyone else in the march. it's covered over this has strayed into business and that breaking using scene retinue screams there from toronto where a driver has a few hours ago and plowed into a crowd of pedestrians officials saying at least eight of been injured but local media say maybe up to five have been killed police say the driver is in custody in authorities have told police to stay well away from the area in toronto our senior correspondent alex. take us through it still unclear indeed if any fatalities there the police have confirmed or not but with the rate of the growth what do you know what happened there about one of the afternoon interim. you know as you mentioned
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the local police have not confirmed this but local media is saying that up to five people have died so we really have to put that aside at this point really stick to what we know and what we do know is as you just mentioned as well as just before one thirty pm this afternoon a white van jumped up on a sidewalk and plowed into a group of people in an area called north york in toronto that's in the northern part of the city it's a heavily populated area a lot of condos a lot of restaurants and from people at the scene and we've had all kinds of different accounts of what went down but again what we do know is that this white band was a rental van it hit many people and that paramedics were at the scene as well as police there are reports of a brief standoff this but person might have had a gun and that police actually were in a standoff with this individual and they did arrest him at the end of the drama that ensued so when we look at the whole situation right now that area of the city is shut down it's a very
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a called finch and young and that intersection shut down all subway services to that area are shut down but the latest is from sunnybrook hospital which is one of the biggest hospitals in the area their trauma center has accepted seven people from the scene of that incident so we know that people are being treated at this point we have also heard from witnesses here's what they've had to say. the man was walking through the intersection at young encountered was this one is a middle of the intersection and the van just went right into them plowed right into him and then apparently he drove down further and he went on to the sidewalk by the next building and he hit more people there and just kept going i see no reason to assume a white van with him with a red coloring on it and always some is that he smashed into someone over there he just went on the sidewalk he just started hitting everybody he had every single person on the sidewalk anybody in his they would at the bus stop everything i shouted there's a lady in there that i saw i just stopped and then looked the nights went after it again and i sees this crime. building up one by one and one by one. dragged on and
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their blood is all over the young empress is really bad. i haven't i'm still shaking i'm still dying from this i can't believe this is happening this is like unbelievable this is so unbelievable. two words. i guess you know it's not marx and i saw the light just go to the sign on the road not so many people just shout stop the car not. just a typical doctor lives on your home screen people are like down there and you know i don't think it's on purpose can't see the car doesn't work like the. car or something and stop but he just told us not to. and as we mentioned the customer the person is in custody the alleged suspect or the perpetrator of this would be crime if that's exactly what it is we're still not
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sure is it a van out of control is this person doing this on purpose up from the witnesses obviously they have a story that they believe and the police will time progressive give us some more information now an interesting fact here is that the g. seven summit is happening in toronto at this time some people were trying to make a connection but when you think about it this this incident happened thirty kilometers away from downtown we're trying to where the g. seven summit is so right now it seems it's both likely unrelated to anything to do with the g. seven but let you keep your ear to the ground to say in the coming hours you can follow a story at home and. correspondent lexicon of which the. french president arrived in the u.s. for the first state visit of the trumpet ministration before jetting into washington earlier my new mccrone stressed he wants the u.s. as well as other allies to stay in syria and it would not be wise to withdraw even after islamic states defeat it. we were left to build the new syria after what the
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day we were definitely is we're against isis if we leave we will leave the floor to the iranian regime. question and these guys and they will prepare the new war of the visit mccrone infused of the special bond he shares with the u.s. president and donald trump is expected to reciprocate too with a dazzling private dinner at mount vernon the virginia mansion was the home for america's first president george washington and is considered to be the cradle of american french relations. he looks at why micron's state visit promises to be so special. total trump is the finest u.s. president in nearly a century and his face chair without holding a state dinner but he's wasting little time and his second his first in a date at the white house french president emanuel but the tyranny this initial encounters have been slightly shaky.
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micron even went as far as trolling trump on his favorite platform off the washington pulled out of the power of the climate deal but paris this child seems to have done the trick i remounted dinner atop the eiffel tower with famous ladies last july may have been enough to figure if i'm thick at the bilateral tensions since that we've seen the best of the newest political bromance. the friendship between our two nations. and ourselves and my day is only great that . nothing will ever separate. me deep rooted in that blossoming relationship that lies the military foundation president micron was the fist to back donald trump in his decision to strike syria even boasting that he convinced trump said to be a notoriously bad listener not to withdraw troops the additional ten days ago
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president trump was saying the united states of america had a juicy to disengage from syria and i assure you we have convinced them that it is necessary to stay for the long term the relationship between the two leaders has drawn comparisons with former playschool best george w. bush and tony blair once dubbed the couple their friendship was noted will the full invasion of iraq and the british government inquiry called the bad bush relationship its attending factor in shaping it that relationship went from clean and healthy on toothpaste to a mutual hatred of saddam he say. tom familia syrian dictator bashar al assad the best shot at assad bashar al assad is in war against his own people micron and trumps common grounds can be found in good old fashioned ego a self-proclaimed stable genius and the strong as the roman gods jupiter all good leaders make another's we can assess strength and the manual micron that feeds his
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chance for front his own special relationship with the u.s. at a time when the u.k.'s was beginning to flounder not to mention ties with other european leaders as well but it can always be smiles and handshakes take the iran nuclear deal currently trying a wedge between their new found friendship and the worst deals i've ever seen disasters deal one of the dumbest deals one of the worst deals ever was the arraign deal i'm all for agreements but that was a bad one we cannot and will not make this certification. a solid robust verifiable agreements that guarantees that iran will not acquire nuclear weapons to denounce it without proposing anything else would be a serious mistake not respecting it would be irresponsible as the deadline approaches to fix thought nic the iran agreement is thought my car might be the only your opinion to try to talk trump out of breaking the deal but with the white
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house back on the diplomatic dating scene for the first time in two years there's plenty of things for the media and world leaders. indeed. continuing to grow over claims of a chemical weapons attack in the syrian city of doom earlier this month a number of western journalists who travel to the city say they are struggling to find i would this is to confirm the reports you know a little bit more details earlier from our senior correspondent. if you were expecting any concrete evidence of assad's culpability or even any set suggestion well you were in for a disappointment because we were just coming back from a turn about five kilometers from here and it has approximately twenty thousand people who have fled from eastern guta and above all duma the people very telling us very persuasively this whole story from april seventh was steve. there are many people i talked to amid the ruins of the town who said that they never believed in gas stories which they usually put about by the army is the most groups
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these are serious journalists that we're talking about robert fisk a reporter from the independent he has decades of experience in the middle east he went to east ghouta to duma spoke to locals and witnesses and doctors working at the medical facility one of them told him they didn't know anyone who would suffered in this attack who had been a victim all they know was the someone said something about chemical attacks as a reporter german reporter from if there is this. trend of people journalists coming out and say hold on maybe we got this wrong and invariably they face a backlash if they go against what the media has been saying for weeks and weeks now trumpeting that assad did this suddenly if you say hold on a second they come right after you just seems like many in western media in western
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governments already have their minds made up they've decided they know what is what has happened look at the united states backed by britain and france they launched an attack on syria mere hours before w. specialists would do to arrive on the scene. the o.p.c. w. organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons there had been criticism that why weren't they intimate there they're now right here they arrived on saturday they've collected samples put through the jugular how they work their procedures they're all very hush hush so there isn't a lot of information where do the claims originate from where is this story coming from we're all pro-rebel sources the first one was the white helmets which are largely financed by western governments pro-rebel actors rescue is for rebel fighters and they released reduce from a hospital showing them downs in people with legibly the victims of
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a chemical attack then there was the syrian american medical society which is financed again by the united states to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars and vain claim that they treated five hundred people with symptoms of exposure to chemical agents it's these two sources that cited by almost the entirety of the media and governments it was their reports and their videos that went out nevertheless with growing opinion growing views witnesses' testimony. nothing such happened you know you've got to question where they got this from world where this information and why this information appeared in the first place nevertheless the russian position is that we shouldn't jump to conclusions we should wait until there's a hard facts with which we can you know come to a judgment. had mentioned the start emergency response group behind the reports of
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the chemical attack is long but embroiled in controversy the white helmets have been frequently accused of having links to hardline islamist groups in syria including terrorism related they'll qaeda the activists nonetheless enjoy significant support from western governments the group says it's receiving twelve million dollars in overseas donations just this year and while the u.s. which is thought to be the white helmets largest contributor is reviewing its overall funding for syria the state department says the group won't be affected by any cup this is the funding any funding that the us was providing to to this group and because of the falls as far as i am aware all of the work still continues people's bills are still being paid if there is anything that's a change that also unlike you know u.s. contributions are still or as far as i know there are still is all still in play a member of u.k. house of lords baronets cox has just returned from syria where she arrived shortly after the u.k. the u.s. and france launched an attack on the country she spoke to locals there and shared
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with us her impression of what she heard and saw firsthand. i do see when i come back i mean yes you are press releases that people are very keen to hear the point of view from people inside syria it's widely felt and is it widely reported that b.b.c. reporting is very biased and very one sided and see if we want a bigger picture and if you miss a wide range of people as far as the response we had from them as that unanimous and it was real anger at the missile strikes by the u.s. united kingdom and france and they regard their is as illegal there was no mandate for them from the u.n. there was no justification because syria is about to attack their countries they regard it as an ethical in timing because they took place just before the chemical weapons investigators were due to visit and they also guard it is dangerous because if a chemical incident had occurred it could well have occurred they suggest by the jihadists who have access to these kind of materials it was not in president assad's interest
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to undertake a chemical attack at that stage and if it was it produced by the g. harvest and elicited that sort of response from america britain and france then they are afraid the jihad is for be tempted to do it again to get an even stronger response against the syrian army and syrian people if you're just joining us and checking out that ridiculous screen there you'll see with breaking news vans it pedestrians on a sidewalk in toronto officials say at least eight people have been injured but local media say maybe up to five are dead that's not been confirmed yet still canadian police say the driver is in custody but they haven't been able to immediately identify him or his motives is believed the driver was armed and rented this white van from a local rental company authorities have told people stay away from the area obviously some subway services in the city been suspended security generally worth noting too has been stepped up in toronto as it's currently hosting the g. seven summit will come across this r.t.
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dot com for you. number one. line activists sued cast doubt over the western heritage and being branded criminal controlled two people in particular have been singled out in claims that the lot they're not even real people but rather automated occurrence run by the russian government something that's become known as a russian bought them according to u.k. government analysts their accounts grew in popularity after skeptical posts on the soles proposed an attack for their views on the chemical attack in syria been falsified well woman accused of being a bot spoke her is alive on r t u k t v here is you have consistently and prolifically taken an anti british standpoint question what does it mean by how. physically. treats. all does it mean in the huge government that. are doing.
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it it is a political activist who often posts to western views on twitter he says accusations that he's a russian bot are total fabrication meantime here's another account was caught the other british authorities tell you about it belongs to an australian blogger of syrian descent when the u.k. government accused her of being a russian bot over her posts on the scruple case their response was that no she's human and has a name should join mccully calling breyer earlier when you look real to me you're sure you're not a russian bot. last time i checked it's only real human being. you know. the british government they can't even confirm that i'm not an automaton how can we believe anything they have to see about the evidence they have for scruple and syria's chemical attacks the u.k. government argues that one reason to doubt you is being a real activist is that the number of posts that you wrote or repos did more than two thousand tweets in just twelve days and that's around two hundred posts
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a day where did you find the time to do all that how can you explain that large number. well i can spin it because the number is in fact false i checked my analytics and i've only posted nine hundred tweets in thirty days that number comes from the atlantic council's d of our love it wasn't just me and it wasn't just ian who you just heard quoted from sky news it was actually a coordinated attack upon against a bunch of academics activists including vanessa dealey tim is a professor as well anyone who is basically coming up against the mainstream media lies and the u.k. government lies the lies that they are using to start wars overseas so it's clearly a smear campaign to try to intimidate people into silence and to try to smear anti-war activists a somewhat of a biased voice you know related to russia and expect things to get worse and i know seen the censorship i mean i have been shut down my facebook account has been shut
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down trying to shut down my you tube account so i'm not sure how long i'll going to be staying online but i'm going to continue as as long as i can. see has emerged to show the moment is really to french forces killed a palestinian boy close to the gaza border to impose herself friday because there were some pictures coming up here next are distressing. the mother was shot in the head he died instantly he was only fifteen years old he was the fourth child has been killed to him a series of anti occupation demonstrations in gaza in the past month instruments caused a global outcry and been condemned by both the united nations and the e.u. despite that though an israeli general has nonetheless explained that soldiers will continue to shoot anyone who approaches that fence including children. to my great story sometimes when shooter a small body and you intend to his arm or shoulder it goes even higher the picture
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is not a pretty picture with us the price that we have to pay to preserve the safety and quality of life of the residents of the state of israel and that's the price. of freelance cameraman who film ahmed's killing told r.t. the boy posed no threat to the soldiers and was indeed an armed. gasohol can assure you that he was participating in the march like everyone else lots of people were participating and he was among them he was not a threat israeli army and he was not a manager could have been considered threatening he was a fifteen year old child no matter what he was doing he couldn't have been posing a threat to the soldiers given the distance between him and a friend as well as the fact that the soldiers who stood one hundred to two hundred meters back from the fence on the other side when i filmed him he wasn't carrying a stone or a sling shot or a knife he was acting like everyone else in the march israeli defense forces have responded to the criticism by posting a picture on twitter that they say shows a group of palestinian boys attempting to damage the border fence the i.d.f.
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says a mass which governs gaza or is using youngsters to carry out acts of terror israel's defense minister is also lend his support to the i.d.f. as well stressing that protesters should not be approaching that border but gideon levy a journalist for the correct snooze papers i spoke to says there is simply no need for soldiers to be using live ammunition on the border. is the biggest. and after eleven years living in this case there is this need to raise your voice and what other ways do they have to raise their voice nobody cares about gaza now that there were no and is nobody cares about the fact that two million people almost two million people are living in in a sea gene in the biggest gerry no. and that's their way to protest i mean there are most of them don't get closer than three hundred meters when they don't endanger the lives of anybody by the end of the day it's all about the means and there are other means to stop demonstrators that's the core of the issue stalk
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using life it will usually against people that's the basis of any international law . a saudi led coalition air strike has killed the political head of yemen's who's the rebels according to a statement from the rebels yemen is known to force. a year of civil war government forces backed by saudi arabia are fighting against two three rebels in the north of yemen they remain loyal to the country's former president heads a coalition comprised of persian gulf countries looking to restore the government's total control of the country but this was going on a long time the warning some of the following pictures might be distressing humanitarian organizations have accused the coalition of a reckless bombing campaign resulting in civilian deaths the latest coalition air strike on sunday hit a wedding it killed at least twenty guests the calling the reports back including the bride forty six others were hospitalized most of the wounded children some of them in critical condition tonight. the saudi led coalition is supported by the
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u.s. the u.k. and other european countries earlier this month donald trump approved another deal with saudi arabia on billions of dollars worth of new weapons and arms the u.n. secretary general has said that the conflict in yemen has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis. well. you. recover just joined us for breaking news or so new screens advance of pedestrians at a sidewalk in toronto officials say eight people at least have been injured local media saying maybe up to five people are dead that's not been confirmed yet canadian police say the driver is in custody they haven't been able to immediately identify
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him they say it's believed the driver was armed and rented a van from a local maintenance firm no news about the motives here authorities have told police to stay away from the area some subway services in the city of being suspended. wiki leaks has called for a global blockade of the world's biggest crypto currency exchange site coin base after its online store was banned from using a brokerage service convos told the whistleblowing organization shocked that the exchange needs to comply with u.s. financial regulations and that wiki leaks have violated the terms of service it didn't give any further details to explain the suspension aucoin base became a key fundraising platform for wiki leaks after visa master card and pay pal decided to block all donations to the whistleblowing organization for them it shop has used the site to sell merchandise like t. shirts mugs posters and receive payments in crypto currency which lisa said it believes a quote concealed influence was behind the decision jurors cassandra fairbanks told
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us if that is the case base is betraying its own basic principles. wiki leaks shop is even run by wiki leaks it's a canadian company and it's completely legal and they just pay royalties to weaken leaks which goes to help fund their journalism so they haven't actually done anything wrong it seems like they're you know caving to the government which is pretty much what everybody who uses the coin is against little strange. continue to follow it with us now that she news update from now there is a look next to the unique project to tackle california's rampant homelessness crisis the from the u.k. their own programs by the way but then after that thirty minutes just tipping off will be temporarily off air for some hours for some maintenance work as we do every now and again to be carried out in the back on air live at seven am g.m.t. of course you can follow our stories as they happen now the last of the dot com a site for now is kevin owen in moscow saying thank you for watching.
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a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and fifth point rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one doesn't show you can't afford to miss the one and only. palestine is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos i'm in billfish was dismissive to do it long before you i committed to these in my capacity years of going out to the sunday hall meeting there i am here at no charge without a doubt over they should be the only palestinians is who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world under the local version do not only could give us. and the earth is all of your
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knowledge to how to display any of the muscle that you had i'm going to continue muslims you know do more commandments last there don't piss off. names i was summers and i build tiny houses for the homeless. see is back and they are here why do these guys down for me a tiny house is not a solution it will be a free for all. this nice safe conditions to live in. some new super discipline and right now the city of los angeles. always good terrorist. nobody should be homeless anywhere but especially in one of
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the richest countries in the world. i feel their english is good and i make a lot of mistakes. and it's easy to back out your mistakes in compton south central l.a. a pint sized idea as well this summer as in a battle with city off already so when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle. the mayor of los angeles has declared the city is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. is trying to solve it one tiny house at a time the tiny house idea is very simple it's shelter. food water and shelter are not optional they're require.
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