tv Documentary RT April 24, 2018 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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i'm going to terry and herman i'm hearing and you're going a long time and then when the right. landed on a real national. guard i'm going out. before. you just remove one of the names for a. is. mostly older and don't always reverdy before the old church and if you it's a little. bit here we have world version in a. little lower
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city player over the next forty three. local zealots since. this concept of burning trash and war is not new it is all this war itself the difference here was that this war was lasting for a decade and included tens of thousands of troops and personnel to support the invasion of iraq and the war in afghanistan. where they were alleged hash and these huge open air heads. they burned everything creating this black plume of smoke that had been just bursting are settling over is small the word of five cities. and you had people living in barracks right next to this clune people working right next to it and now working with it with no protection whatsoever. for the receipt of your blasting of fire and
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we're going to have to make it into cable this way is a catastrophe in the making. at the start of the war in afghanistan. the military commanders on the ground realized that they had a big problem with the trash that was accumulating from the war each soldier was accumulating approximately nine pounds of trash a day on a battlefield they didn't know what to do with it so they came up with the idea through centcom which is central command decided to create burn pits to burn the trash that was being accumulated. over that is is where the military during the war collected all their waste in one central location and sort of burying that they decided to burn it and they burn everything in the us we think of what it takes the
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being back. on the. moon in. a new moon. why we would burn with human waste. trash. plastics medical. supplies. and noone and. anything that they wouldn't use anymore they would burn. at times they also had. pipes. plastics chemicals paint batteries tires literally anything that could be disposed of was thrown in there. and it would dump diesel. and then light it up.
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there was a blue smoke and the he's looked like the san francisco for the smell was extremely toxic very very putrid it burn your eyes burn your throat burn your nose i mean it was just no. dirty stinky. some days the. can talk of the smell of the burn ph and the sewage pit would literally make you would drop you to your knees and you'd vomit i mean it was it was that bad you knew. there was no protection no man. in. a man not. to get them in a gas mask but i wasn't. here. and i knew. there was more for nuclear biological chemical.
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i was never mandatory for us to learn that. no safeguards were in place to protect the soldiers dog as a matter of fact they they would build the seas burn pits sometimes within three hundred meters from from where the soldiers were were actually. behave in the smoke drifted over to where our trailers were and just kind of hung all day all the time twenty four seven right above you don't always smell the. plastic bird or buildings or the wood you know the trails. i mean. it's just really an offensive putrid kind of a smell it's very hard to describe because when it was mixed with the smell of the sewage yeah it was just i mean just got awful your nose would burn your eyes would
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water your throat would burn during the course of the day you would you have to go and dust yourself off your hair your clothing with all the ashes that were falling on us. and now we never complained. they say embrace the suck man. because to the work area we had initial briefing mother superior and we were told to keep an eye on are people that you're going to get for they call the iraqi crowd everybody gets sick for the first couple of weeks atrocious. but now without a doubt within a week people were getting sick i really don't remember anybody questioning at that time. the health effects that it would have i mean i certainly when thinking about that and thinking they got it all control over here you know certainly our own people wouldn't be doing anything knowingly to poising us but that turns out to be
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you know. not the case. these personnel would be exposed to a toxic soup of chemicals released into the atmosphere plastics in style reform metals chemicals from paints and solvents petroleum and lubricants jet fuel and on exploded ordinance medical and other dangerous waste. humans are supposed to breathe clean air air is twenty one percent oxygen and seventy nine percent nitrogen with no air pollution are particles in the air and in particle air can trigger asthma and when you particles in an open air setting at low temperature or low heat it generates thousands times more particles than using a. burning particles particularly for burning carcinogens exposed as a person when they need it and hail it sniff it get it on their skin and they get
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exposed to carcinogens which can cause cancer so burning with j.p. eight which is jet fuel low temperature will leases benzene which is a carcinogen. i find it amazing that the military having a regulation for everything you can have any regulation in place. that operations and those burn pits that were created in iraq and afghanistan whimpers from two thousand to two thousand and nine burning without any regulation at all didn't have regulation where they would be built how they would be constructed they didn't do any soil samples before they built the berm pits they didn't do any plume samples after the burn pits were operational for many many years. after nine eleven i think karen just wanted to keep on funding that i found because they they had they won and been mad and i know. you wanted to fight the war even now and here we can burn
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stereophile we can't burn certain things in open air so why weren't they allowed. when the soldiers to do it personally within three days i could feel it like something was wrong and it hit me real hard i went to. different medications. and i biologics and for me it just wouldn't go away within fifteen days that i was there was even sicker i was pretty sick the whole deployment and when i came down i could be returned back to the states i knew different and the something was wrong. and that became the o.p.o. battle of trying to figure out what was wrong and how bad it was going to be i started developing sinus problems me you know a lot of other guys need to get nasal sprays and stuff to try to alleviate that and i just had constant sinus problems veterans were coming home they had stories to tell they came home they're experiencing all of these health conditions they didn't
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know why these presumably very healthy men and women all of a sudden were walking around like old men and women not being able to run exercise the way they could so they started writing about it. every day for the united states military it says open burn it's an iraq exposed thousands of troops to toxic chemicals a mysterious illness is affecting veterans who were exposed to open burn pits which the u.s. military used in iraq and afghanistan to torture everything from batteries to body parts experts say the pouring out of these pits are toxic and dangerous so while troops may survive the battle they may also be poised. in september two thousand and four. i know it is. the v.a. clinic instead of seeing old caucasian men with meal chairs and oxygen who are in
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their eighty's. the entire composition of the waiting room changed. of young women and men of all ethnicities and they're all in their twenty's back from their first year long deployment in iraq. the typical service member came in with an inability to complete a two mile run within regulation time most of them had already had a traditional work up for pulmonary disease including x. rays c.t. scans primary function testing all of these studies returned normal or near normal in almost every case. it was subtle because these service members complained of shortness of breath with exertion but their x. rays and pull me function tests indicated that they shouldn't have any disability itll that doctors are throwing up their hands and saying what would cause a twenty seven year all man to have the long. long
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journeys are a respiratory condition eighty five year old man and they started pointing to their exposure to these burnt heads in the fail to realize a lot of these guys and gals had been living around these pits for for their entire tour duty. hacking cough would go forward and then when you start to bring in no different colors it's something trunk. and general body weakness to just trial bad bad and good no for your head to be some explanation that led us to begin doing surgical long biopsies to look for things that you might miss in conventional testing. in july twenty seventh. a freelance journalist working with the two militant
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shelling in syria. to. a sacrifice county has established a memorial they will recognize war reporters who often risk the months with the sake of the truth comes through the least you can submit to your published works in a video form written form go to a war don't auntie don't comb into no. three trades that have been wrong for five years one is that the dollar is going to crash that ball is going to twenty five hundred very short term and that three the bond market's going to crash all those three trades are absolutely wrong for five years and they have taken many people out on a stretcher. and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos remember wolf it was decommissioned to do you i can mislead you see that my
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complicity is going to go to study hall may be a bit. old john. with. the only palestinians who gets the most hope from its jerusalem counterparts i do think some of those who endure the vision of no one who could do this. and know it is all of us not just the heart of this lady of the muscle that you have i don't know if you can give you muslims you know do more. but result. what he found was a series of veterans who had a queue lung disease. being area versus the ball.
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injury that he was able to find through long biopsies. well he found these tiny little holes these terrorists and their long tissue he saw nothing of these veterans to come to his own conclusion that they could have only got this from a toxic exposure. to produce his career looking for this problem and he was able to discover it and the diagnosis was constrictor prophylactics in english it's a small airways disease so the lining of your loans are destroyed if you have a perfectly healthy young soldier who's a nonsmoker goes over to iraq and afghanistan because bad but construction project way this that's really a big concern are were clearly implicated in. an increased incidence of lung disease associated with deployment. video deede decided they were going to send any
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more veterans his way anymore. i think dr miller's research and his study is a perfect example of of the v.a. . trying to avoid the issue and trying and trying not to to pay their compensations to veterans. that they deserve he has the proof he has everything near and they still will not even address his research. there were many people in that apartment or defense that couldn't accept these findings in you could speculate that they couldn't expect be that they couldn't accept these findings because of the potential broad implication the idea that maybe there was a new agent orange thinking this deployment the government is looking down the road at billions of dollars and health care costs that they will be responsible for and
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i believe that they're doing everything they can to. to fav that off. the comments of the foreign press are causing ls along the soldiers this is a new disease we call this iraq afghanistan war long as are a some of the more severe cases entail that all the positives of the long so it is a multi factorial exposure to the symptoms or anywhere from from respiratory
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issues some mild to severe to rare forms of cancers leukemias it's a wide range of symptoms that people are experiencing if you really look into it and do the research you can make these symptoms directly to the permits my diagnosis is one that started out as you know i had sinus plasma side toma if you can say that in one word which is a four point four centimeter tumor right here in my head that started out as a solitary plasma sight toma was biopsied and found to be that. will automatically flip down with some me tell you have a tumor in your head underneath your brain ah you want to know. what's going on with that and i didn't know anything about this burn pit exposure thing or nothing until after my diagnosis on so the first thing i did was i ran to the internet and
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i started researching this particular issue and it kept coming back to the same. being what causes plasma psycho toxic exposure. when he first on got back i mean he was healthy he was healthy on it was probably not even less after. a year that he came back they started on the tonsils and got swollen pain. and he would bleed and he would believe from his mouth. i would have chunks of tissue come out of his mind and he was spit it out and i believe it was two days or a day after christmas when he was on told that he lists cancer was
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really really ill. discussion. that was vomiting feces and everything else and that when they took out the gallbladder just to be safe when they went in there to remove the gall bladder they took a biopsy of the tumor that was one of my lower bowel and it being little mccants. as you know beau biden vice president biden's son served in the military and he served in iraq and he was in perfect health shortly after we have home within nine months he started getting sick he had a brain tumor. and he eventually died from the brain tumor the same type of brain tumor that many of the soldiers that are sick from the permits are complaining about same type of cancer there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to you know his death may have been caused from the burn pits.
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but. it just didn't make sense it didn't make sense that my young healthy husband had cancer and then it turned out there were two types of cancer how is it not the armpit is not a type of cancer for a young twenty seven year old guy to have because first he didn't smoke he never smoked he's not a drinker. usually that's the type of cancer that older gentleman who smoked for a long period of their lives should tobacco or drink but dr he said it was chemical exposure. our troops are healthy or they don't go. in they're coming back in there not a lot more healthy anymore. it's
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a challenge but for other people it's it's been. turns out the military knew all along. that this toxic exposure could very well her the troops living by these burn pits lieutenant colonel curtis in two thousand and six had written a memo saying the pollution there was dangerous that it would be causing health hazards to live and work near the pits that it was completely buried its own calm no one no one took it seriously deborah they never addressed his issues soldiers on the ground had no idea about colonel kurtz's findings and his concern us was never shared with anybody the memo which is completely buried. they knew about this and they continue to free to do it. in the hell
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would you do that we'll willingly accept the risk. being shot we've. taken prisoner. but nothing was signed up to be poisoned by room. there was a complete denial i think at all levels of government that there was any connection between the burn pits and what these brave soldiers were suffering from clearly the cat was out of the bag the two thousand and six memo had basically said that the military was aware that the pollution levels around the pit were at an unsafe unhealthy level now they deal with the after them and always told west attempted to downplay it they have their own study. commissioned in two thousand and eleven with the institutes of health and medicine that study had said that they could not
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find a connection between the pollution levels around the pits and the health effects that the veterans were experiencing. those studies which were very in-depth did not identify an increased risk of respiratory symptoms or disease at locations with burn pits as opposed to no burn pits. the army did their own study and years later and it was it was completely flawed for several reasons one it only studied one burn pit out of two hundred seventy three that were located in iraq and afghanistan they didn't have prior plume samples because it was done done the whole study was a complete. fraud. test for snow and albany new york and july. you may not find snow in albany new york. but that does not mean that doesn't that it does not snow in albany new york and he
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was sent out monitors when the. you may not see a tax burning trash the monitors are too far away from the findings you may not attack a part of if you don't put in a monitor until after the burning stuff you may not detect burning any common sense tells you there was a lot of bad in there. there's no. what you say. there's a. big. all around the globe there's job. holes or not true. the world's finest people building a lead. no other company can leave. the waste management
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responsibilities were part of a contract that was held by kellogg brown and root which was a subsidiary of halliburton the company once run by dick cheney vice president dick cheney during the bush years the story about how how burton and then k.b.r. got these no bid contracts really has not come to light enough i know from some depositions testimony and some of the litigation involved in the recontract was allegedly negotiated over a couple hours over the phone for a multibillion dollar contract worth k.b.r. was the only company that was allowed to actually get. the city of luxury and free. alarming number of people living in the streets.
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the simple fact is now ladies. and there is just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in it's been a struggle. this man phoned his own response of the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution. to house on a city parking space is not a solution. that someone wanted touring the site otherwise it will be a free for all there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. the whole existence to do something to. put them so. they get accepted or rejected.
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so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to go right to be close this is what before three of them can't be good get. interested in the waters of. the ship. you know. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub even to walk into excitement it's that not knowing that's where the adrenalin much comes from. and you can use a nice blend definition and the extreme so will fully support. the violence he's a part of and it's almost a schizophrenia gang culture where you can do all these things and behave like badly.
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past. the french and american presidents make a show of their friendship as they meet in the oval office ahead of talks that could expose major disagreements between the allies. scenes from war stricken yemen show the aftermath of an alleged saudi coalition air strike on a wedding party which killed at least twenty people. and the sons of rising id semitism in germany with the. arab migrants. except ten thousand more refugees.
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