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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the french and american presidents make a show of their friendship as they meet in the oval office so low key disagreements still remain between the two allies. in other headlines a saudi coalition air strike hits a wedding party in yemen killing at least twenty people and injuring dozens more. human rights group releases a video from the west bank showing an israeli soldier cheering off the shooting a palestinian protester with a rubber bullet. joining
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us here live on r.t. international and daniel hawkins wherever you are tonight you're very welcome with us on the program. has heaped praise on his guest the mind of the first foreign leader to play an official state visit to washington during the presidency the u.s. president called the relationship between america and france a special one and he had his own unique way of showing it. but the united states lonely frons thank you. mr president the old saying what a great relationship we have and they're actually correct it's not fake news finally it's not fake news so it's a great honor for i don't know that you're here but we do have a very special relationship in fact i get the piece of. peace we have to make him for he is perfect so it is really it is really great to be with
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you and your special right now a lot of the basis of recent unity between donald trump and french president mccraw on has been the recent attack on syria france and the united states along with the u.k. cooperated in the recent air strikes in syria now it seems pretty clear that mccrie on was hoping that this recent attack could kind of lay the basis for a continued cooperation between the united states and france kron has been referring to the united states as kind of a gerund turf contemporary multilateralism however when he brought this rhetoric up at the white house donald trump didn't seem quite eager to go along with it in the long run we need to bring peace want to make sure that syria does not become an enemy in the region be we have spent seven trillion dollars in the middle east and we've got nothing for it nothing less than nothing so far as i'm concerned that difference and striking rebuff from trump is a little bit of
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a blow to mccraw especially when he himself bragged about the possibility that he had convinced donald trump to keep u.s. military forces in syria now donald trump says that that's not the case but necron has been insisting that it's him who is responsible for convincing trump to keep a military presence in syria trump later went on to underline the fact that the. knighted states will be leaving syria as soon as they can as far as syria's concerned i would love to get out i'd love to bring our incredible warriors back home when it came to the iran deal just an hour before the press conference donald trump and the french president they were both very adamant in their positions trump was at that point saying what he said for a long time which is opposition to the p five plus one conclusion in the nuclear deal whereas mcclellan was saying that there was no good plan b. that they needed to stick to the nuclear deal people know my views on the other end it was a terrible being old should have never ever been made we could have made
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a good deal or a reasonable deal the original was a terrible deal we have to take you as a part of the road because your trip which is security in the oval ridge it's insane it's ridiculous it should have never been made but we will be talking of what we want to do is it contains iranian residents and the bridges and d.c. you he's part of this role rather because you're not going to be restarting anything they restart it they could have big problems bigger than they've ever had before and you could mark it down they restart the nuclear program they will have bigger problems and they have ever had before but after sitting down with the donald it seems the kremlin has changed his tune somewhat this is mccraw on after meeting with trump. the people. on the barnacle for a number of months i've been saying that this was not a sufficient deal but it will enable us at least until twenty twenty five to have some control over their nuclear activities if we therefore wish to work on
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a new deal with iran but mr president you were saying that there was no plan b. . not in the. deal was to be preserved no you were talking about a new deal with the boundary why did you change your mind to you david but when i said there was no plan b. if i usually refer to the fact there is no plan it be brutal it was about climate change rather than iran's to put it. what do you have as a better option i don't see. what is a what if scenario or your plan b. i don't have any plan b. for nuclear against against iran thank you. thank you with thank you very much. but the french president added some symbolism to the meeting with president trump
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by presenting him with a tree suppling and the site of the two leaders thinking a hole in the white house garden got plenty of attention on twitter. little poor young ones are and so is a great author to take part these are personal and these veterans are they call witness trees that that lived through the war see around you have continued to grow . looks like they're burying a body like a body of all a dying to both person haha get it tromping mccrum frank and paul ryan spying at the white house. which concluded album is mates that's to love those branches look like trying. to strangle. the new soprano season is the best.
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investigative journalist dave lindorff gave us his views on trump might call a meeting and told us the french president's call mind sauron was open to interpretation. i would say this whole thing is a force and the. crown is just gotten out of this is a cleaner suit with dandruff he got a little ahead of himself and he tried to back off it again i mean he said that the deal is giving it's working through twenty twenty five and then you know he's talking about a new deal i think he was talking about negotiating something for beyond that to continue it because it does have an entity it kind of. so that's probably what he was referring to with the let's say there's not going to be any other deals if they back out of the nuclear deal i don't see why iran would it would reach any agreement with. the united states and its allies if you will in europe
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once they backed out of a deal that already was struck. human rights groups are demanding answers after a saudi led air strikes hit a wedding poteen gammon the bombing raid killed at least twenty people injured dozens more that's according to local officials some reports suggest as many as fifty people died we should warn you the following video showing the scene of the strike is distressing seven year old boy can be seen in the foot is clinging to his father's body they said to have traveled a long distance to attend the wedding of the man's body was reportedly the last to be taken away following the air raid as the boy refused to let go many of the other victims as well women and children. i was the bridegroom on our friends gathered in our place and were hit by an
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airstrike many instant people were killed and injured. this was my nephew who was in. george last night by the year strike he's two brothers were killed. we contacted a number of humanitarian groups for their reaction human rights watch said the saudi coalition continues to target civilians and refuses to compensate victims oxfam also condemned the attack and called for an investigation of the saudi military says it's taking the report very seriously and will conduct a probe saudi warplanes have been bombing yemen for the past three years now the intervention was launched to prop up the yemeni government against who thought rebels now the united nations has described the conflict as the world's worst humanitarian disaster macauley culkin brae was joined in the studio by the former
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head of the red cross and given he explain just how much work needs to be done in the country. why didn't the family in and there is a problem with a structural collapse of the system in yemen you have problems of water you have problems of sanitation we in the international red cross we try to fix those problems otherwise there would maybe not be any running water and so on anymore so there is no doubt that what is coming into the country at the moment is not enough and more should be done humanitarian aid is to some to a large extent allowed in but the problem is that more is needed when sure a decent level of life for the population otherwise the country goes downhill the problem is is one of a structural decay. yemen is not a country like you can find another come hell where with a little infrastructure in yemen you have a lot of infrastructure and this particular infrastructure is falling to pieces and
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we international organization including the i.c.r.c. we try to do what we can to support these structures but of course we can only do so much so i do agree with you that bringing back the country on the on back on its feet will be a long long lasting task that sounds like it's a technical problem that needs dealing with that aid is somehow just a front line is to do with water and food but it's not it's a there are few doctors the ones who are there are being paid the very structures of what the country needs in order to keep rolling and keep facilitating just are very of the moment it's not only one of the most serious crisis that i've seen it's also as you point out one of the most complicated i have seen and i am afraid that this is becoming a feature of some of the conflicts you know some of the conflict where i work at the beginning of my career were very poor country there were poor before the war poor doing to one unfortunately poor after the war very little infrastructure so in a way very little to reconstruct and the problem was reluctantly should i say
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simple to deal with here you have something which is extremely complex to. have infrastructures which are falling to pieces up to the point of the on the whole system we have commissioned a study from a well known british school that's going to carry out a full study of the health system in yemen to get to know where we are today in yemen you were very serious crisis there was a food crisis there was also a crisis that has led to one million suspected community of cases of cholera last year in a matter of six months it was like bushfire in twenty two years in the i.c.r.c. had never seen something like that and feel like an almost impossible task though because you broke almost a year ago quite passionately about your experience in tyee is the difficulty of getting into certain places just what kind of uphill struggle is there for aid workers once they get together unfortunately we had a tragedy three days ago where one of the staff of the yemen delegation was was killed in today's and and today i cannot help but think about him his family and
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and wife and this you know explain is a stark reminder that working in human remains extremely difficult we do it in the extremely difficult circumstances and because of. extremely. tense hard fighting taking place doing this work documenting the cases is something that takes a toll and sometimes takes a toll on the lives of our colleagues and video of an israeli soldier shooting a palestinian has caused outrage that story and more when we come back in just a few moments.
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i want. to. apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i. hope all isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spend the two hundred twenty million flying. it's an experience like nothing else going to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great
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so one more chance for. peace it's going to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. welcome back to the program the human rights group b'tselem has released a video showing an israeli soldier tearing off here let's only shot a palestinian with a rubber bullet in the west bank. who
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. gets to the bottom of this. we asked the israeli defense force to comment on that video they replied saying the behavior seen in the footage isn't what is expected of an i.d.f. soldier but they pointed out the commander was instructing the soldiers to act professionally the israeli military also said that appropriate action will be taken over the incident the scandal follows three weeks of deadly unrest on the israel gaza border thousands of people have been rallying by the border fence each friday in a so-called march of return calling for the release of palestinian prisoners more than forty palestinians including four children have been fatally shot by soldiers and
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israeli general has defended the army's actions on the gaza border he said that in such situations deadly incidents are sometimes unavoidable to migrate storage sometimes when shooters small body and you intend to his arm or shoulder it goes even higher and the picture is not a pretty picture if that's the price that we have to pay to preserve the safety and quality of life of the residents of the state of israel to live and that's the price. the israeli defense forces have responded to the criticism over their actions in gaza by releasing a picture that appears to show a group of palestinian boys attempting to damage the border fence the i.d.f. says hamas which controls gaza or is using youngsters to carry out acts of terror israel's defense minister has also lent his support to the i.d.f. stressing that protest those shouldn't be approaching the border at all i spoke earlier to more stuff about a duty general secretary of the palestinian national initiative. well it's something that i have seen myself during peaceful demonstrations the israeli army
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uses lethal weapons against peaceful demonstrators would present north over to the soldiers and they are celebrating the fact that they are killing palestinians it's very clear the i.d.f. do you have a case to answer here because of those civilian casualties as the un have said you have said what would you say to those that have said hamas or the parents of those children are responsible as the i.d.f. of said for bringing these miners very small children to a protest where violence is likely to happen it's young people yes but mainly everybody is but is it with men women and we've been advocating to hamas and to other groups to give to people not to use military forms but to use peaceful nonviolent the most additions for sixteen years we've been advocating nonviolence and today they accept our methods of nonviolent resistance we want is for the world is to know the truth and exercise pressure on this country that which is israel that claims to be a democracy why use in force in this manner. the
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u.s. appears to be preparing for the threat of space warfare and scrambling to secure off world dominance aaron as more details. military defense hollywood style united states air force has opened its high ground of space for dating other nations other air forces who dream of making such a claim but what if their dream became a reality never expects something trust to turn against you. millions give you facts. airports infrastructure. so. much will compete and will win. the u.s. has unveiled its latest splurge in space with a plan to step up security on its satellites not just its own those of its allies to the concern is that potential adverse stories may be capable of hacking or
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disabling the satellites we were watching hardware as we know is crucial to communication navigation and intelligence gathering all things that would be crucial in the advent of war and it's hope that by sharing this information with its allies that would deter any potential attacks but is just the tip of the iceberg because space warfare is the big defense trend right now which the new black don't take my word for it ask the u.s. top brass of the air force i cannot think of a military mission that does not depend on space russia and china are developing capabilities to disable our satellites as the u.s. deems ahead with its space odyssey it's pouring in billions and roping in the likes of space that is a long muskrats proven he can not only deliver but he brings the goods fast but will the channeling of satellites is one thing the question now is how long will it be before we see actual physical attacks in space well some think it's just
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a matter of time before american forces find themselves fighting from space were gone this of whether this is the case or not one thing's for sure the u.s. is determine. and to remain a leader in this field the curator of warfare has changed we invasion a constellation of men a satellites always the predator never the pre and one person on able to contain his excitement is the us president space is a war fighting domain just like the air and sea we may even have a space force develop another one space force the air force one of the space schools we have the army the navy now you might think there is no no war regulation on taking things a step too far in space but in fact there is almost a decade ago one hundred seventy eight countries voted on a un resolution to prevent a space arms race only two countries abstained the u.s.
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and israel washington also blocked a joint russian chinese efforts on all weapons in space so perhaps an inkling that the u.s. has long been planning on staking its claim to the stars and we talked to physicists and arms control research for dr mark he thinks that space threats are being exaggerated. as to the specifics there the specific threats i think much of this is exaggerated actually. the notion that some other country is going to attack the united states sort of sit in a scenario of attack on civilian infrastructure via space i think is quite overblown are mostly some people in congress almost entirely republican and these are the people who have been pushing this idea i don't think the military really wants to put lead to an extended budget could lead to more money for the contractors and i could very well be some of the motivation for people in congress
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to be pushing this idea i think it's high time that americans woke up to that and realize that we need a different policy we need a policy that would seek to avoid war in space too who i rep is ation is based on a policy didn't he gauges proposals for arms control in space. german chancellor angela merkel has voiced concerns over a new wave of anti semitism in europe since the start of the immigrant crisis. noire we have a new phenomenon as we have many refugees and on whom they're off for example people of arab origin who bring in another form of anti-semitism into the country i fortunately anticipate isn't existed before that. for a leader of the belgian league against anti semitism told us smore needs to be done to tackle the growing problem. saw i hope that worked on get a myth it will be followed by deeds by legislation and not on a you know as a republic comment on the recent event it's not an issue for jews actually it's an
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issue for europe jews are the first target but when jews will fall the other will follow more and more people will think that. they would be able to clear all that which is islam. which is the far right they should keep in mind you die of boss jewish communities are facing similar problems in neighboring france as well where there are calls for parts of the qur'an to be rendered outdated and obsolete specifically the passages that mention the murder and punishment of jewish people french politicians as well as prominent figures are pushing for attitudes to change now as part of a manifesto against anti semitism is signed a petition denouncing a quiet ethnic purging that's being driven by rising islamist radicalism among the signatories former french president nicolas sarkozy his wife carla bruni as well as
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actor gerard depardieu and prime minister and well of else we demand that the fight against his democratic failure that is anti semitism becomes a national cause before it's too late before france is no longer front. of france has the largest jewish community in europe with over half a million people a recent study found there was a twenty six percent increase in violent incidents against them during twenty seventeen in many cases this is forcing people to leave france with anti semitism reportedly at its worst in immigrant neighborhoods again the president of the belgian league against id semitism believes we're seeing a worrying trend. but is very new in this article is that they go to the core of the problem speaking about some verses some sort in the koran calling for a game jews and christian against the nonbelievers. to change
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this to make it actually can make it obsolete that could be part of the solution it's not a fight between muslims and non muslims it's a fight between openness between tolerance on one side and on the other side you have darkness you are intolerance you have a. ukase defense secretaries again lashed out at moscow and said his country needs to be reassessing the threat that comes from the russian government we have to be realistic about the challenges the challenges that are posed by russia or are far greater than the challenges presented as an insurgency in terms of iraq and afghanistan or russia around the perceived threat coming from the kremlin was something on top of the agenda at the g seven meeting in toronto officials there described moscow's behavior is irresponsible and destabilizing u.k. foreign secretary again called for joint efforts against moscow but we decided was
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that we will going to set up a do certain group that would look at russian malign behavior in all its manifestations whether it's cyber war whether it's this information assassination attempts whatever it happens to be and collectively try and call it out and we spoke to a u.k. veteran of the war in afghanistan what he thought about the defense secretary's comments. greatest threat to britain security internal and external governments in london my qualification to speak to one operational tour with the british army in. standing twenty twelve there was only one thing that truly scared me two of my military service and that was the criminal incompetence of the british commanders now as a civilian the one thing that scares me most is the actions are of my government. the greatest threat to security future prosperity. for
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fifty days before the fee for world cup kicks off in russia artie's star studded team is traveling nationwide they're checking out the preparations for the biggest sporting event of this year this time legendary goalkeeper peter schmeichel has been seventeen hundred kilometers east of moscow to the city if you consider. you can see his full report tomorrow in the meantime though here's a quick preview of what's to come. this is their arena and it's one of the most extraordinary venues to oppose world cup marked with this. now i'm going to produce my old gold. performance a little bit like football players a professional athlete. and
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so for myself on the team here at all times of national marketing sean thomas will be here in thirty minutes to gods you throughout the night at the world's latest global news updates.
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seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me old but you get to shape out these days come to educate and gain from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. themselves somers and i built tiny houses for the homeless. is back and they are here why do these guys down for me a tiny house is not a.


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