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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  April 24, 2018 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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this is their arena and it's one of the most extraordinary venues to host the world cup matches this. now i'm going to produce my own goals. so i can perform is a little bit like football players a professional athlete. that
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doesn't mailbags more news in about twenty nine minutes stay with us. thanks. greetings in the style you take us hold on to your buds talk watchers because i'm about to spin you would tale the government and media collusion that should make your hair turn white with rage and stomach turn upset with. discussed this week the
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world discovered that the much vaunted british broadcasting company or b.b.c. has been how so we say less than upfront about their hiring practices yes the b.b.c. has finally officially admitted that m i five the united kingdom's domestic counterintelligence and security agency played a major role in politically vetting b.b.c. job applicants from get this the mid one nine hundred thirty s. until the nineteen nineties but that one sink in a minute a highly secret intelligence agency was deciding who was allowed to report edit the news and work for the united kingdom's oldest and biggest public service broadcaster for more than sixty years and they call r t state controlled propaganda and just what terrible no good things was m i five looking for that would have won you a big red stamp of rejection on your job application well paul reynolds who was
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a b.b.c. correspondent from one nine hundred seventy eight to two thousand and eleven writes that one thousand nine hundred eighty four memo yes one thousand eight hundred four memo lays out the undesirable list on the left there were the communist party of great britain the socialist workers party the workers' revolutionary party and the militant tendency but the right was alone on the right the national front and the british national party these were all things get you rejected needless to say on my fives and b.b.c.'s collusion on hiring practices has not gone over too well with reporters who were who were rejected by b.b.c. during that time including journalist isabel hilton who stated quote i felt that the b.b.c. had betrayed public trust by promoting a system in the u.k. by which the secret police were licensing and blacklisting journalists whenever i hear the b.b.c. boasting about it spying traditions of journalism i feel a minor stab of outrage. as should we all because when asked if m i five was
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still vetting potential employees today the b.b.c. simply stated we do not comment on security issues think on that one as we start watching. the. real thing. as you get to the bottom. like you that i got. this. week so. welcome aboard watching the harks i am tyrrel but that's out of the last wow i'm not really a rapidly and they're not surprised about oh really i'm not really i mean i i guess
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i would find it strange that they'd if they hadn't really to tell you the truth i mean i just as much as we know about you know how the b.b.c. and other state funded outlets very used during the sixty's that continues to essentially go after people are put in false stories to push an agenda as an anti-communist sentiment all that sort of thing i'm not entirely surprised it's not entirely so what did you think i wish i was maybe i'm just too jaded after all but i know you are they have spies check you have ever three years of all the you know everything that i was didn't do think that this hurts b.b.c. has credibility though because it was kind of from what i understand like the you know secret secret like everybody kind of in the loop knew this was happening but you know but they'd never officially say yes m i five was a betting piece is the person who is clearly a reporter. but how much does this hurt their credibility that's the biggest question well it's been they've been lying about this for years they've lied to.
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you know generations now of people both i think it hurts their credibility with the same people already knew what their credibility was at this point in the group i don't think there's a huge i mean they do what they do they're very clear about it and part of their budget isn't coming from the arts wing of the u.k. government it's coming from a defense work of the u.k. government so that's not i mean i first of all i think of the f.s.b. was clearing employees there at r.t. i probably wouldn't be here but that's the thing i mean look i think we're all right so you can safely say the of those b. is not clearing our contract where we submit an application the good work here there's be a bag of roses there go this person this is a it's a you know devout antis such and such that we don't. like the law to anyone and. so you're very very opposite i do think it's the list of people it's this idea of democratic socialism socialism all of this we're all going back to that mccarthyism should have been left right where it was and how well it was like ten thirty to
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ninety that there's a huge part of the thing is like there is this vote so there's likely you know levels you know how i guess how concerning and radical you are as a reporter earlier so there were three categories a b. and c. which were the three categories that one would find themselves at if they or if they only member or a close friend any sort of person was was found to have associated with communists or as they call hard core nationalists apparently either end of the spectrum you're completely dangerous the category a stated that the security service advises that they can begin should not be employed in the post offering direct opportunity to influence broadcast material for the subversive purpose so that security number one they're going to right away yes category b. the security service service advisor this would be my perhaps if i says that the candidate should not be employed in a post. offering direct opportunity to influence broadcast material. advice against
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employment unless they've decided that other conditions are overriding that they need that person more they need to worry about their so it's worth waiting for a new guy or they're going to the risk category c. which essentially said that might be ok but the b.b.c. maybe preferred to make other arrangements if the post offered x. operative eighty four subversive action this kind of makes me laugh because this whole idea of subversive you know we have free speech we're free speech here you have a certain amount of free speech over there people wouldn't be concerned about it but i'm pretty sure of the idea of spreading democracy around the world as we all get free speech so why do you u.k. why do you keep journalists have to fit into this teeny little mole but they won't say anything out of line nothing for the birth of strangers socialists are super writers super left we can get out of it well you know how it was that it was that in the most bizarre broadcast material you're editorial so much better but what are
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you giving to the to the public when you are purposely silencing voices because they might rock the boat and in the most bizarre twist of all this apparently according to reynolds who wrote this article for the b.b.c. which is wild bizarre already but he discovered that my five actually lost interest in this at a certain point you know and like things are kind of communism is falling and like all done over the years the b.b.c. was the ones who pushed it and were still enthusiastic about all of this and they were actually saying no we don't need to scale back we need to continue reading and like they said we don't know if there's still betting or not to discuss about security issues so. in march of this year the center for american progress the policy research and advocacy organization for the democratic party establishment released a report that outlined the ways in which creating a fair process to combat sexual harassment is essential to women's progress noting that when any part of the process work. soaring sexual harassment claims is flawed
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it undermines the credibility of and trust in the process overall and according to documents obtained by news the center for american progress needs to take its own advice on the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace allegedly junior staffer quit due to sexual harassment and then retaliation for reporting it creating a hostile work environment that many confirmed to buzz feed was simply part of the culture of their management was accused of failing to promptly take action on numerous complaints not making a process available to staff or complaints and for failing to take reasonable steps to prevent incidences of sexual harassment in the workplace and the words of one of the accusers quote i surely expected better out of an organization the housing national campaign on sexual assault nine hundred former employees confirm the story and the center's lack of concern for the issue one suggesting that it's so so set of sexual harassment training they could hold up a brown bag lunch with the staff and human resources they could get to know each
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other better the center also claim that one of the queues harassers been strong only had two complaints against him and was punished with three days paid time off so are these so-called democratic progressive institutions truly looking out for the young women of this nation or are women once again being sidelined by the veneer of progressive politics is politics as usual if i see the writing on the wall begins with the major issues with the cd it's called hypocrisy oh it's out when. you know you know why this decision was made you know why there's what this other cover they will never admit it but anyone you know giving it a reasonable amount of look will you know why it's because this upsets the awful cursory look bad we can't look bad. it will. be hard core progressive liberal organization we can't we can't practice sex or us when we don't do that thing we've done it again so that's a republican issue no democrat men especially they are. and seven as i said we
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should never have anything differently this is a. big one. just so you know center for american progress often called it was founded in two thousand and three by a name we all might know at least we've read his e-mails john put us oh great yes he was. good yeah he was you know he basically want to create this sort of rate of progress to be like a left leaning alter alternative to like the heritage foundation are right you know basically that was that the bugs are really going to go downhill yes part of this is so a lot of it comes out one of the one who was named in the article which was the largest of the most notable situation was a gentleman named benton strong who some people might recognize is well known for aggressive politics when the b.p. oil disaster happened he actually went on m.s.n. b.c. we should get a picture of
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a man like him dressing up as an oil barrel at one point to try to like ok so he's definitely always been out there on progressive rises you will remember him maybe most recently before after leaving the center for american progress in august of twenty sixteen he went on to be the concert actor for seattle mayor ed murray the same ed murray by the way who as of the end of twenty seventeen and for a million sexual abuse an assault by at least five people including the child of a family friend so he. definitely hangs out with good people good couple so while he was at the center for american progress. he is accused of sending lewd inappropriate text messages numerous female colleagues a story that was confirmed by at least five other employees and one a female staffer finally complained about this behavior she found that not only was she the one that was moved away from the team but that other team members and people in the within the organization were told not to talk to her and i was a work environment so while yet is three days paid vacation for being
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a lewd and lascivious scumbag and allegedly this allegedly sure. yeah sure. so yeah so that's my thing as one staffer said this is the thing when this happens because it shows that all these things that you're doing and you're trying to be this progressive woman imagine this is the time when everybody thought hillary was going to win these women walked and think you know this is are we're finally going to have the real year of the woman and what ends up happening is one staffer had said quote you take garbage money to work at something you believe in and then you can't get into what you really believe in because you can't believe in the organization. once you say yes but that's the thing you want to believe in the truth of the present democratic progressive ideals you want to believe about but when you get to d.c. and you see this kind of stuff it's hard to believe in the mission when the organization is so foul thing and now they have cleaned up their act apparently you know they made excuses for every incident you know putting all the blame of course of the woman like we are used to that by now they're actually generation. but it
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wasn't until twenty eighteen that they fixed all this two years of the allegations were brought to upper management attention two years they sat on this that they finally released new sexual harassment policy guidelines you know this is that. and there's a union there by the way and the union had asked them for it repeatedly and the excuse was from that from cowper that but we couldn't change our sexual harassment policy because we were negotiating your overtime pay oh right because you know physically even the safety and comfort building takes a back seat to pay blame the union blame the pay blame obama but don't blame the behavior we don't blame the woman here and watching the hawks but we do blame of course we got to go to break talk watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics your government facebook and twitter see our poll shows at our dot com coming up journalist steve moore brings us the latest on the fallout from one of the largest prison riots in united states history so stay tuned to watch the
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hawks. fight for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i see. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money killing their own lives and spending children twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else on it because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game my great so we'll all chance for. peace.
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a common refrain heard in the context of society's most hardened criminals is as brutal as it is dramatic lock them up and throw away the keys but in a tragic case recently the idiom may be more penal system m.o. than just tough talking hyperbole it all started with a fight that broke out among inmates at south carolina's lee correctional institution except unlike in the movies where you see the brother buzzers immediately blaring and blasting guards in riot gear restoring order within seconds for some here or two for unexplained reason the correction officers at least stood by for almost eight hours before breaking up the fight leaving seven inmates dead and seventeen wounded and even more inexplicably the official response has now focused on contraband cell phones yes cell phones claiming that the deadly riots started as a dispute over the precious communications devices connecting inmates to the outside world so to parse what exactly took place that we and why we are joined today by journalist steve horn welcome steve. good to be back thanks for having me
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always a pleasure to steve really cell phones that's that's what what do the correctional officers and government officials why are they using cell phones in this case why are they going there. so cell phones have then an issue that has been sort of semarang and that there are a lot of cell phones but then there was you know jails and prisons in south carolina and across the country and it's been a big push by guards and state department of corrections offices to try to curtail their use the thing is that in this particular case the investigation has actually yet to really begin about what the actual roots of the fight was what's known as that it was. and enter gang rivalry people within the walls of this particular prison have said that they saw this coming for a while and happen to have happened on
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a sunday when there were less people. in sight and also it was hard to it's a hard place to get on site it's and rule south carolina and bishop hill south carolina but that said when looking at your question about the cell phones. i want to say that you know one of the things that we the story that we broke in prison legal news which came actually from cell phone photos that would be one of the reasons why. you know guards and department of corrections may not want cell phones besides the fact that you know potentially there could be drug trafficking potential there could be stuff happening with gangs outside the walls of those pick the jails and prisons is that within you know if someone actually has a cell phone they can take pictures and photo you know photos videos those sorts of things about what is actually taking place inside the walls and prisons in the united states is not really a site that we normally see and even often instance like this we sometimes may not hear of so one of the big reasons why this story became
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a national story why the associated press reported on it why c.b.s. news reporter and why we reported on it was because there was someone who had a cell phone within the walls of lee correctional facility and now the department of corrections south carolina is trying to say ok well whoever took these videos and whoever took the photos when we find out who it is we're going to bring criminal charges against this person of course we're not going to reveal our source i don't believe that the associated press will reveal her their source was either it's an important story newsworthy event as you said it's in the past quarter century the second most deadly eruption in within the walls of a prison since ohio in one thousand nine hundred three so it's a really big story and there are a lot of repercussions still about what policies can be put forward going you know in the weeks and months ahead in the state and it will have national. national repercussions stuff most of. you know one of those who is one of the things that the guards brought up with this idea of jamming cell phone towers so that you know
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prisoners who did have a cell phones which we know happened we know they're used for criminal organization and then things like that drive traffic and although that happens without the cell phones i mean drugs are getting trafficked into into prisons book before beepers so obviously they didn't manage about tomatoes or convenient way of what you know avoiding the high cost of just communicating with your family right to place exactly and that's and that's the point you know it's it's increasingly expensive for prisoners to just make a phone call that they need to make or want to make so one of those things is are cell phones really that dangerous i understand why you don't want to have them in there but is there real danger i mean we've seen mob bosses in prisons we've seen everybody having all of these things still conducting business are they really that dangerous and you know pretty well there's. it's unclear you know what i've seen accounts of what's in that is now been a week and
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a half since this incident. the news accounts really are saying it based on sources within the correctional facility and the state of south carolina are actually very common that they're common place items within the black market of jails and prisons in south carolina and part of the issue how do they all get there well. took part in a corrections will say that they're being snuck in and being tossed over fences. that family may be bringing them in or visitors but the actual rip the other real reporting has shown that often it's the actual prison guards who are making money off of smuggling them in and selling cell phones for you know upwards of a thousand dollars to two and a half thousand dollars so there's an issue of major corruption within the actual prisons and jails and states and that includes the guards then there's the other piece of this puzzle that's a follow the money question a base we're talking about blocking potential cell towers and who's going to profit
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off of that well there's a company that's step forward called secure us and that's a company that does calls where you know video calls or phone calls within jails and prisons across the united states it's a multimillion dollar company that has contracts across the u.s. and localities and states throughout the country and now they're so that's they want to kind of monopolize the market by saying ok well you can really only make calls with our products so there's you know and at the same time they're going to use this cell blocking technology that they have that they say they have that would be useful to stop the dissemination of text messages phone calls etc and you know that i think that's what we really have to follow the money when you're looking at this and really south carolina it's really crucial here because a spokesman for the name of robert johnson who was a correctional officer in that state. he has a horrific. story in which he was through cell phones was actually badly beaten up
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at his house and now he's kind of become a spokesperson for secure really south carolina is really the epicenter of where i see the future of this sort of technology going forward and really is a push now to get the federal communications commission the f.c.c. to implement a basically a policy where regulation where they can do sell blocking technology the reason they can't now is because it's illegal under our c.c. regulations but there's a renewed push in the state of south carolina to make that happen and i know the speaking of the you have so you see the pie dough who's rather infamous for his interesting promotional tactic celebrating the end of the trial that he actually visibly and was advocating against cell phones in prison why is oggi pious so that we're getting involved in this is it because of another example of follow the money . or you know i think it probably is i think the news in the reporting investigating done to see what kind of types of communications online lobbying and
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that sort of thing that a company like secure us and its allies in that industry are doing but it wouldn't surprise me at all if that's the case and it doesn't surprise me at all like you said that i did go visit this particular facility like i said south carolina is really a tipping point in the future of communications between family and prisoners held at facilities within that state i see that if it moves goes one way in south carolina we could see this happening in other places moving forward and of course the big picture here is that they would have a monopoly on that mark and they charge exorbitant costs to communicate with families i'll say one more thing securest on top of the cell phone thing and the state like washington state a completely different part of the country secure has really moved into that that state's facilities by saying well the families visit and friends visit prisoners and people in jail and that stay there bringing in other types of contraband drug. etc so not only trying to get rid of the use of cell phones and saying that's
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contraband being brought in they're really trying to get rid of family visitation here eod so you see that happening right now so it's really the trying to get such a one way track and yeah and sort of keeping people on the you know if the only way you can see your loved one is through a video conference that you're going to they're going to pay and i think it points to the this the how corrupt it becomes and the prison system it's one of those things there's one of two things that i firmly believe should never be for profit and prisons are one of them and health care is the other so prisons really have we cannot have you making profit off an issue or be made. yet history made crystal clear there's still no there's been no comprehensive investigation yet in this state it's been a week and a half an hour talking about the policy that should next as opposed to getting to the root cause of what actually happened and this particular case the source that i spoke to who took who got these horrific photos of the aftermath of this incident
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seven people dead he says it had nothing to you know this is one source so you can't say that's a definite if a company says this had nothing to do with cell phones and that was just a beef that existed between these rival gangs and there are a lot of people saw this coming and it wasn't a shocker that end up happening what's shocking is what you said is that it took eight hours to respond to for four hours no one responded at all it took four hours after that finally ended about the time of all was said and we saw seven people dead twenty two people in hospitals and we now reverberation and that facility where it's a ten year box where we could see if you know unfortunately future incidents in that place they don't actually get to the root cause of what happened so the governor there as issued an executive order he said ok we're going to. do these things we're talking about with communications cell phones but we're. going to order doesn't get to the root cause of action before action before investigation i haven't heard that at all in the weeks that we've seen in the last couple weeks at
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all steve thank you so much for coming on today always a pleasure talking with you keep up the great work out there. thanks for having me appreciate it. despite the last few desperate gasps of winter for those of us living in the northern hemisphere spring is finally here in the hot humid days of summer fast approaching but. here for those for those of you still waiting and dreaming of your white christmas and filled with the wonder of lost for the magical beauty of a true winter wonderland look no further than the roof of japan located north of tokyo in the professors of toyama and madonna the ninety kilometer title young karoubi l five route is home to the u.k. no autonomy or great value of snow boasting wall seventeen meters high this corridor or snow is an incredible manmade wonder to behold but time is running out because like all walls even these white marvels will eventually fall as the summer sun rises and. that's incredible i don't even like snow waves but i was cool of the
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review that is really cool there are all it is and i would love all right cause playing games older ones are going to go out i don't know that is our job for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told we are loved ups or tell you walt loves you i am i robot turn and on top of the wall if people keep on watching those logs of a great day and by. the way. the load.
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the french and american presidents make a show of their friendship as they meet in the oval office although disagreements remain. a saudi. a wedding party in yemen killing at least twenty people and injuring dozens more. human rights group releases a video from the west bank showing an israeli soldier cheering after shooting a palestinian protester with rubber bullets. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our team.


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