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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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now. that's only three minutes ago. that was. the breeze. who is to do this. this this half a million dollars in enough gold to make to fix the world cup trophy. so in russia there is a very big tradition and so it is performances. at that end with this one of the best circuses in the whole country and what they also have is this school for young hopeful before most and this is where i am trying to pick up one or two little tips . performance a little bit like football players a professional athlete. to train and go i have to say the little girls here every
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day for a while and then they grow into young ladies like these two eighteen years of age. taken into in five hour fifteen is to get to that level. now it's my. going to have. one of the future ambassador. i think sound aponte can rock legend and he's in this club with her sing with a young band. sorry
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sorry to interrupt you. they said that or you could simply do the official post of for the world cup is featuring the biggest live yashin yes i know and you are writing a musical about him yes for media for yashin as a brit will keep their own fresh that it's a pretty input and for me. to say he's great they'll keep what's also great is the city it's been likened to manchester a license because of yes i mean why don't we play a manchester song. easy .
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those hands carry not for just saving shots coming up israeli military is facing backlash after a soldier is caught on camera cheering after shooting a palestinian protester with a rubber bullet stay with us for the. politicians to do something. they put themselves on the line they did accept it or reject it. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to. have to go on to be press was like before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. to.
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apply for many flips over the years so i know the guy i mean so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the super money kill you know their own lives and spending to get to the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else going to be true so i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great so well with. the base it's going to. hello again i'm is really human rights group has released a video showing a soldier in the west bank cheering after shooting a palestinian protester with a rubber bullet.
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the israeli defense forces say the behavior witnessed in the video was not one of the specs of an i.d.f. soldier it also pointed out that the commander was heard instructing the soldiers to act professionally the i.d.f. that appropriate action will be taken over what happened to me incident follows weeks of unrest on the israel gaza border that's left more than forty palestinians dead thousands have rallied in antioch you patient protest near the border fence part of the so-called march of return well is really general has defended the use of live ammunition against people trying to breach the border fencing sometimes it's just unavoidable to migrate storage sometimes one shooter small body and you intend to his arm or shoulder it goes even higher and the picture is not
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a pretty picture if that's the price that we have to pay to preserve the safety and quality of life of the residents of the state of israel to live and that's the price. really army also accuses hamas which controls scales of using children to carry out acts of terrorism it released this picture appearing to show a group of boys trying to breach the israel gaza border fence israel's defense minister echoed that view we discuss the issue with the head of the palestinian national initiative it's young people leaders. everybody is part of that with men women and we've been to her mouth and to other groups to give to people not to use military movement forms but to use peaceful nonviolent the most christians for sixteen years we've been a look at the number of months did they accept our medical finance violent resistance. for the world is do not look at all and. which is that it claims to be a democracy why use in force in this manner. to
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germany where a nationwide opinion poll suggests that the majority of people in the country see trump's america as a greater threat than russian the survey result comes just days ahead of german chancellor angela merkel's meeting with donald trump in washington bringing us more artie's peter all over when i google or merkel meets on friday with donald trump in washington one of the aims for the chancellor will be to show the president how sanctions against russia are impacting business in her country the german government would point out where the interests of german companies have been affected and make it clear where there are concerns and where we see undesirable consequences it's estimated forty percent of western losses since sanctions were imposed on moscow have been german and industry starting to ring the alarm bell the german economy's facing damage in the short term to the extent of more than one hundred million euros and in the long term projects
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a total value is several billion euros may be threatened it's not just about bottom lines and balance sheets for a low public opinion at home is also a big factor when you look at a recent poll that shows that a significant chunk of germans view the united states as the biggest threat to world security not russia the vast majority of those polled said that they weren't scared of russia while almost half of the said that they blamed the current tensions between the west and russia on the united states with only a quarter saying that moscow was responsible for the current impasse while almost eighty percent said that they felt that donald trump was a bigger threat to global security than vladimir putin armed with portraits of the two leaders i set out on to the streets of berlin to ask people who they thought was the most day. trump or. both of them are unpredictable but trump is even less
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predictable and he does not represent western political goals i don't know what he represents except himself. i would see equal work one day. because it is yellow crime and so no i. do. not. really see trump because he's unpredictable putin has been in politics for many many years i think he has a more stable force that i think donald trump is way more unpredictable and that's quite interesting especially with. north korea. they would do great in the car as looks to maintain pressure on moscow she may well find herself under scrutiny at home over just how willing she is to risk damage to german business in order to keep the pressure on peter all of her r.t. . to something a little different a u.s.
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appeals court has admonished her rights group after it pursued a copyright case on behalf of a monkey it up held the original ruling and threw the case cite saying the organization was using animals to benefit its human agenda. x. x. x. . why didn't the
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monkey appear in court it's like he doesn't even care. all right i was promised a serious show don is in focus next in going underground stay with or to. anyone else chose seems wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and in games from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm sure. i'll see you then. i'm after newtown jim we're going underground forty eight hours since the world learned of british back to saudi bombs hitting a wedding in yemen killing or injuring nearly one hundred men women and children
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coming up in the show as the u.n. security council today discusses syria we go to syria to speak to the m.p. for a far as xabi and ask him whether british missile strikes on his country were based on lies and as britain's trussell trust reports that nearly five hundred thousand food bank parcels went to british children last year we speak to food bank volunteer and writer of the play food bank as it is about to resume allegedly putting lives in danger from the headlines why homelessness is a singular problem for single parents on the broadcast where you could be left out if you're left wing all the small government today is going underground but first remember this from eleven days ago because nato nation media of arguably already forgotten about it for our a.f. tornado bombers taking off from akrotiri in cyprus on a mission to punish the syrian regime for its use of chemical weapons this evening i have authorized forces to conduct coordinated and targeted strikes
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but one of these suspected chemical attack in eastern guta joining me now from aleppo in syria it's a member of parliament far as shahabi who is also chairman of the syrian federation of industry finance thanks for joining us before we get to other matters presumably your predictably going to say that the assad government was not responsible for any chemical attack endearment. definitely definitely because it's a clear hoax many western journalists went there and they broadcast from there and with their wrote articles from their last the thirteen the hospital or clinic of dumas where they were the big deal and the origin of videos were shown all deny there was ever an attack including doctors and and many clerks in the indeed the same hospital.


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