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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  April 26, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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the jury system and to swap an exchange and do all kinds of crypto related businesses the message will not go unnoticed by anyone looking to pursue free speech in china so no matter how they try to clamp down on free speech there will they'll find a way to get that free speech out there just like they're finding a way right now to get crypto out there so crypto is leading the way both and finance and in political activism gearing up to an environment where no state can control speech it's censorship resistant in many many ways including that it's being used the power of block technology and bitcoin that birth that is that even states are able to see that you know when one state like the u.s. controls the global financial system and you cannot access the rails of that financial system without jamie dimon or u.s. regulators saying you can access these rails then you're cut off from the grid and
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you know your nation can starve but if there is a decentralized peer to peer anonymous network that is neutral and it functions simply as the rails of a free market system that treats all participants in the market is equal then. you know it's not you can't censor it there's no way to stop transactions from people to get it coming together agreeing to a price for products and exchanging ideas or products right so look at the forces that created the birth of the universe the black hole the forces that create the birth of life itself the day to procreate the forces that guide us as living beings on the multiverse i'm not going to be stopped by any state tape recording releases power that is beyond even atomic power this is cosmic. our it can't be stopped atomic swaps are coming atomic swaps are
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coming you know you can't you can't stop this with any force. all nation states got together and tried to stop because they would fail and that's very liberating i pointed out that decentralized exchanges are emerging all over the world they're up to and from you know the plasm of this new ecosystem and environment and there's evolution of ideas and the more people governments or regulators try to stop it the more fragile it becomes the more robust every time it keeps on coming back stronger and stronger but the article actually suggests that china the chinese government doesn't actually so much mind all this stuff happening they were worried about the destabilization in the financial system which they control because so many chinese investors were pouring into i.c.a.o. is and there were a lot of scams around so the article points out that these activities of allowing
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air drops and decentralized exchanges may appear to go directly against the chinese government's orders but in a sense they may be what chinese officials wanted to see in their september edict thordis talked about avoiding market chaos strengthening the education of investors and collectively safeguarding the normal financial order by china doesn't have a fundamental aversion to digital currencies in fact the central bank is developing its own digital currency a digital currency will bring about a new financial ecosystem said shanklin ben dean of the academy of internet finance university the purpose of the crackdown he said was to curb excessive speculation and give the authorities time to upgrade their regulatory capabilities they were digging a hole and they decided to stop doing it and declare victory ok it was on their decision this decision was not the polar bear of trying to figure out they're just reacting to this black hole is sucking up the entire nation of china and then when the rules china is being sucked into the big black hole if you want to be sucked up in this because black hole. stay tuned for the second half and you too will be
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sucked up into the clock all right after these words. look at the blockade in the animosity for fifty almost sixty years did it change the regime in cuba no the last administration realized that the majority of cuban americans wanted normalizations the normalised and when you normalize you can talk . and i want to tell you from my experience in cuba when the united states you sugar. instead of a hammer things change in cuba in the way that the united states wanted it.
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or welcome back to the kaiser part i'm max kaiser time now to turn to a very special guest i'll preface this by saying cometh the hour cometh the man and i'll explain live in more what i mean by that tell inveighs welcome to the kaiser report thanks max it's great to be on finally i remember watching your show throughout two thousand and thirteen or fourteen even before that actually got me into because that's awesome. you know i mentioned at the top that come with the outcome with a man you know i think that going back to twenty seventeen bitcoin actually faced a bit of an existential crisis with this segue it story and you guys over there the world cup the network i'll give them a big shout out you really nurse to the community through a difficult period with actually media and great communication and just so little to folks about this is pretty complicated story but if you can kind of encapsulate
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that what happened it was really a rough time now we look back at it it wasn't a spur of the moment how everything was happening you never really had a chance to step back and think it was all about what we can or can't have big blocks and while there was a moment where i thought yeah maybe we could go to a bigger block and increase the big size of the of the throughput of the month of transactions it was realized fairly quickly that no one has the power to force everybody in the community to upgrade their big coin nodes to have double the size of the blocks to go to two megabytes or beyond and the only solution was to find a way to scale without doing the surrogate and witness was a great coding upgrade that didn't force everyone to update it stayed within the consensus rules and it was the only way to go the user activate itself fork was a little bit of reckless a low but dangerous i'm glad i got out. the bandwagon around june july and by
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august it was clear that it was going to win and i believe that we did ok there was a bit of an element there town that you know talking about the the elements that were involved in that that it seemed as though we had big blocks or smaller blocks it seem like there was a corporate agenda almost that there were some old geezer in the space and corporations and fund managers that were really leaning on the whole big block story to satisfy a commercial and and the protocol did them almost as bad actors in the space i agree with though i wouldn't go as far as it was some kind of an agenda a lot of the businesses have structured their businesses based on certain conditions but bitcoin isn't the company bit coin didn't promise anything to anyone and just because some businesses were really dependent on micro chance auctions before the system was able to feasibly do them for you cheaply those businesses were going to
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be in a little bit of trouble and the had to do more development than they wanted to or just a segway and i think they wanted to take the lazy way out and force every user to upgrade and the user said no the companies need to upgrade with bitcoin this is what they chose and eventually all of those companies had to upgrade their systems to account for it and now we have a lot of transactions processing very very quickly and very cheaply and i think the system was so much better and so much more secure no those were just sort of themselves this is the miners they did and which is a good thing because when so she initially watched it she did say one c.p.u. one vote but that was under the assumption that everyone is pretty much a minor everyone that wants a node can also mine with a six and the advancements in mining that was no longer feasible so how does a regular corner have a voice in the system and they do that by right. they're all no doubt and by validating their own transactions and the miners' urges they are to make money by
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creating new coins by processing our transactions and not dictate the future of development some say that the way to be a typical enter is to run your own dougray i agree i wrote my own note i have been running a single minor running a minor is actually very difficult trying to operate my miner now and running into difficulties but i look i have a lot of respect for those that are able to run mining operations i do but again if this is going to be a decentralized peer to peer value transfer system the average person has to have a say in it somehow and right now they have a say by processing their own transactions with their own note i say your claim to fame so to speak you teach people how to look at technical analysis in a big way that's something that you're big in the community for and let me just give it some background here you like myself kind of have
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a background on wall street and you've done a lot of options trading and so you have a fan of base experience in the securities industry which is different than many people that come into crypto because they kind of come into it really without any experience in securities or wall street whatsoever but so when you talk to people back technical analysis what are you trying to teach them what what what what's your goal they're just trying to teach people dot trading is difficult and it's a skill set and you don't just come in and do it what i've noticed when i came into the space in two thousand and thirteen and twenty fourteen is that so many people were now becoming traders because there was such a little barrier to entry and being a traitor because of crypto there's no age restriction no jew graphical restriction no financial restrictions you can share with one hundred two hundred dollars a lot of gamblers came within a space of schrader's because a lot of gambling sites and poker sites were paying out in crypto in big. coin mostly and these guys hey i want to do something else i don't have to play poker
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all the time i'm going to start trading and what i've noticed is that we're wasn't dot many professional traders and competent traders in the space so i started writing articles about technical analysis and the grew into a you tube channel about technical analysis and trying to predict the price of i've had lots of really good calls i've had a few bad calls too i mean just the life of being a trader and now i've been traveling the country doing little workshops of ten to twenty people that want to spend a whole day learning the basics of technical analysis for trading i can only help any trader well the great value in this is twofold one is traders obviously looking for gains but probably more important with technical analysis it's address is risk management risk management is the key to trading success and it's something that technical analysis helps because it gives you the ability to pick price points where you might want to put on some
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a strategy to get you out of a market that's not going in your favor this type of thing would you agree with that absolutely i think doubt a trader should trade as least a spa simple if you want to pick the perfect points where the statistics and probabilities are in your favor and the best advantage for technical analysis it can tell you where you are wrong based on technical analysis and you're entering a trade for a position you should already have a metric saying ok if it goes against me this amount i need to get out of this charade and wait for another opportunity saying technical analysis if you have a certain threshold that you are designating as your risk tolerance that applies to any security any all call any coin across any market regardless of what the company or the coin is about you have a certain bias toward risk this helps you manage that risk talk about wall street for a second you know futures. tracks are introduced in late two thousand and seventeen
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december twenty seventh seen hasn't had any impact of anything i don't think it had any actual impact on because other than the homo speculation that took place leading into those contracts i felt last year seventy five hundred should have been the top four because when i underestimated the kind of full blown exuberance people will have by the fact of bullshit this coming year the price went all the way to twenty thousand i mean i was trying to predict that each step of the way and data future is launched people realize that hey it's not that big a deal the volume on the future is while increasing every week is still pretty small they're also cash saddled and because their cash settled they shouldn't have much of an effect on the underlying price of bitcoin futures on the big coin are more like the s. and p. five hundred futures they don't really have an effect on the underlying stocks of the s. and p. five hundred so i see it as the same way and it wasn't dot big of a deal after they launched and it's great because now because it is the only more
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legit too of the average person that is thinking should i get in should i not get in while clearly the c.m.e. in the financial world considers it legit because of the futures so i think it has a long it's a great go and forward but as far as immediate effect on the price of a quinn i don't think it has hold out much i'm talking about a loss and again a futures contract does give an institutional player ability to manage risk because they can head a position which means they can take bigger positions and this is unique now to big point because there are no futures contracts on any other all going at the moment so my question is about all the points i think some people view you as being a big big point maximalist. tend to shun the old coin market in sydney talk a little bit about. that that that that that idea i am a bit of a bit cool and maximalist but that's not because i hate all of the old coins and i think to coin is going to be king because i have money in decline. i only did that because it is going to be the winner that's where the money isn't quite as far as
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the old coins go there was a round of old coins that came in in the early days of twenty fourteen coins like light coins coins like one hour like your own coin max coin these like. max going when these old coins showed up i didn't have a problem with these coins because they wore honestly created with the genesis block and like everybody knew about it they were launched well it's case of light coin it was all fair game for anyone to get and then the next round of old coins came in as a sole source for the files or to get rich and i immediately classify all of those coins as i would write scams because if the father has an advantage or if you mind the coin for a month and then it goes through five steak and then the next round of koans which is what a theory of kicked off was where you actually created from the beginning and pre-sell it to a bunch of people which i thought was an outright security like in the case of a theory and every i.c.
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over the followed so to me they got three ms and i see you know it isn't i see ok misery for the people started calling it. correct it is a nice yeah right and it is a security hole to me it is wall street veteran on the last event or it looks like a duck it smells like a duck and quacks like a dud as if like in security so so to me everything just got progressively worse now i will say that even though i don't consider coins like my school in like like one like my narrow scams like i do on the rast i still feel that there is only room for one block chain the way we only have room for one internet so i do think that bitcoin will continue to separate from all of these other old coins even the honesty created ones over time the way you like amazon continues to separate from any other online retailer right so i would put i.c.l. is into that category of securities offerings i think we would agree on that and i'm going to move on in my last question which is that the twenty twenty nineteen. time horizon what about the emerging second layer of clay like lightning networks
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their thoughts i think that the lightning network and all the progress that's happening there is moving in faster than i expected i think they are going to focus on making it very user friendly to the point where it's still complicated to set up your own because a node but it should be as easy as da loading it up to house your own lightning no and using these lightning channels they should bring micro transactions the thing that people were expecting on the protocol itself but a lot of smart engineers basically looked at it and said that's not really feasible now how the system scale so i really am looking forward to all those lightning channels give us micro transactions and this should give you another layer of privacy i think there could be. a lots of good things that could be done as a second layer of thick oil to obscure those transactions to finally may pick one fungible and actually anonymous all right tom thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you already well that's going to do it for this edition of the
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kaiser report was made by skies or states or want to thank tone. legend if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report so next time i'll. do two careers are on the verge of signing a peace treaty a donald trump summit is in the works is peace coming to the korean peninsula well it's possible the foreign policy blog in the corporatists media or listen to your own is very business model.
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welcome to worlds apart cuba is one of those countries that have long been perceived and described in terms of ideological opposites known in the u.s.s.r. and later russia as the freedom island chains of capitalism it has long been seen in the west as one big treason rolled with an r. and fist but when you spend almost half
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a century documenting the lives of its people as my guest today has done you'll find that the reality is different from the ideal or ideological cliches what is cuba really like to discuss that i'm now joined by john alpert the american journalist and documentary filmmaker so it's good to see you in our studios think you're much for coming thanks for inviting me i appreciate it now if you're here in russia to promote your documentary called cuba and the cameramen which i think is a very straightforward and a very honest title because you really show cuba as you've experienced it over what is it forty five forty five years on the film and i think this is very unusual for a westerner. american journalist because most of them believe that you need to cover stories from the position of iron neutral observer and so often from a position of judgement rather than experience or immersion why did you break that tradition i wanted american people to really experience what the cuban revolution was like and it's complicated and i don't think you can understand this ninety
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second news report i don't think you can understand it in twenty ninety second news reports i spent forty five years following three families and fidel castro when you watch the revolution and you watch these people age and you learn a lot about cuba and i think it is also very obvious in your film that this kind of emotional involvement that you develop with your character has also allowed you not to not only gain trust but actually gain unprecedented access to some of them including fidel castro you go the extra mile to show him as a human being rather you know historical figure the way you show came is that really how you remembered him. that's the way i remember him fredo trusted me. and with you that he considered me to be a friend and. took the risk. in my camera into places
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it had never been before into his bedroom into his kitchen. taking his shirt off for me showing that he is not a bullet hole but is this it's a feel that nobody had ever seen even the cubans had never seen a feel like this before but i've seen some reviews especially in the american press and they were very very critical of. the reviews that i saw i saw there were about three weeks after these really right wing people who obviously i don't think it even seen the film decided they didn't like it but up to that particular point of resetting the review was positive positive positive but i think the accusation of the claim that some of the review writers made was that you were. way too friendly and not critical enough but pam how did you listen to it there are some very very critical moments in this film special period in cuba when the economy collapse when the soviet union fell. and they withdrew their support in cuba the negative impact on the cuban economy was like an eighty five percent contraction of their economy
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no electricity no transportation food shortages and because the people trusted me the people who are suffering i film things that the cuban people never filmed and that nobody else was filmed and so. the road reviews that i saw understood that. more gratifying was it and i still get them today the hundreds and hundreds of e-mails from all over the world especially from cubans and because i think you cheated them really as a human being rather than you know a foreign they're coming into their country and passing judgments about how flawed various systems really is and i think this is what many people experience in western journalists including in this country when somebody comes to your house to your country as flawed as it may be and tells you you know how flawed do you really are and i tried really hard to be honest. the. most gratification i get is when
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the cuban say that when their children ask them these are pro castro nandy castro when their kids say mommy daddy what was the revolution like they're going to take my film out and show them my film now to close this famous saying by a british historian lord acton the power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and i'm not sure you would put it in quite those terms but. i think being in power for so long as fidel has been in power and being hunted for so long because i think he survived more than or around six hundred assess a nation at times that would change your personality have you noticed any character changes in him over time well i think i was the last journalist. the last american to be with fidel before he died. and he was always very open and friendly with me i think in terms of his relationship to the united states. he needed a strong defensive posture because the aggression focused on him was really really
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very severe i think it hurt the revolution i think that the revolution needed to be more flexible and he to be more flexible with the human rights that needed to be more flexible economically. and. to some degree pushed into inflexible position that he didn't come out of you saying it was a matter of. personality aging or was because of the pressure that his country was subjected to i think it's both. i think it's very very important to have a very very strong feedback loop when he was young was all over the island he was playing baseball with everybody. you know he certainly couldn't do that towards the end. but every country needs to be corrected my country really needs to be corrected and you know that's the that's our work that's the work of false reporters some people say we're not patriotic. i would like to say
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that maybe that's quite a high form of patriotism when you point out the things that are wrong with your country because you want your country to be better well i agree with you but i think it also depends on how you say it because i think sometimes and that's my personal issue of the day american journalism and american or western criticism in general is that sometimes critical things being said to put people or countries down rod to. show them deficiencies in their systems and. i heard you say in some of the other interviews that you believe that. cuba was never really given a fair chance to run its social experiment to the fullest do you still believe that i sure would have liked to seen that happen you know when the revolution began free health care free school housing guaranteed jobs literacy
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campaigns that taught everybody how to remove the we were fighting for these things in the united states at that time and the fact they were going on in cuba was very very exciting. but there was always tremendous pressure economically politically militarily against the regime and it would have been let the cubans experiment so we don't have to try this if it doesn't work we can look down there and all gosh it didn't work in cuba let's forget about having universal health care. but they never had the chance the problems with the communist systems in general is that while they are striving for bigger things they tend to forget about the little comforts of life and i think you put it well in one of your interviews when he said that it's good to have free education and free healthcare it's also nice to have a hot shower shower in the morning if cuba hadn't been pressured so much if it hadn't been sanctioned so much do you think they would have figured out how to provide both to their population you know that they had internal debates that are about the economy and sort of individual is that i don't think they were
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resolved i think is one of the reasons why che guevara left the country because he was in conflict with some of the other people that have more power internally and the tragedies will never never know cuba is now in the process of having a pistol transition of power and the united states department of state has already described it in pretty derogatory terms they say well they said it wasn't free it wasn't fair it was dictatorial in nature. they also believe that this is not really a change of power after all and you know just a change of a figure had but. there's no way of knowing what i'm going to ask you at this point of time there's nothing in their way of making it an educated guess but i'm going to ask you still. how do you think the relationship it's been transamerica cuba ended this new president is going to develop over the next few years how do
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you see it i would like to see it continue on the path to normalization that was started in the previous administration i think that was healthy look at the blood. caden the animosity for fifty almost sixty years did it change the regime in cuba no it was a completely unsuccessful policy if you got in your car to go see your bush every day and you turned a key in the car doesn't go any place when you get in that same car every day for fifty years no you go to the metro you take some other route to this the united states had a talk about cuba's and flexibility we had a really inflexible policy too there was totally unsuccessful cos a lot of suffering on the united states can afford to be inflexible when it comes to little neighbor and their mounts are no point yes it would. be the going. to the retrogressive miami community that is every day more and more a minority unfortunately that's back and forth again the last administration
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realize that the majority of cuban americans want to normalizations the normalised and when you normalize you can talk and i want to tell you from my experience in cuba when the united states use sugar instead of a hammer things change in cuba in the way that the united states wanted them. were like i can't go backwards fast enough in the year to show you what what what's going on in cuba now. it seems that in order to protect lection prospects in florida there is a little bit of a game that's being played with a very very very reactionary cubans who are disrespected more and more every day by the cuban community since the western commentators compare this new president make l.d.s. now to now. and i know that you visited the soviet union during its reformist years of glasnost and perestroika reach as inspiring.


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