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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 26, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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and it's not that's prompted thousands of people to come out here to the streets of the german capital to say you know the semitism in this city to anti semitism in all its forms. a public golf club in the u.s. state of pennsylvania has apologized to five black women for calling the police on them they were kicked off the grounds after the co owner of the club and his father complained that the women were playing too slowly it's the latest in a series of incidents where african-americans have been arrested or asked to leave a public facility in the u.s. . why. on sunday a black woman was arrested at a waffle house in alabama for refusing to pay for plastic utensils the video of her arrest shows offices wrestling how to fold was another case two weeks ago at a starbucks in philadelphia stuff that called the police from two black men because they have not placed an order but still wanted to use the restroom that sparked a wave of anti racism protest. i was just ok i didn't want to know
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that that can. be ok and in response to that the c.e.o. of starbucks ordered all restaurants to close for mandatory anti-racism training following our nation my campaign against coverage and we got reaction from economist david perkins and human rights activist randy short. racism against the two sions is real and that we're prejudice is real that we need to care about america as well as an entire society and look after everyone if we don't do this we're going to have worse problems i have enormous difficulty accepting the idea that this young lady trying to run her starbucks in philadelphia spends time thinking about class and segregation and trying to target black people can't she's trying to run the restaurants and she's trying to do. order and keep the business
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working and not let people take advantage over you guys loitering and not purchasing products from the store while using their facilities how do you stop that from happening again and i don't think that's a little girl running the starbucks as best she can reluctantly calling the police to sign saying saying loitering again he's thinking about using loitering laws against black people yes there are people that have a literate and businesses yes there are folks out of order some of them of black but i've worked with a lot of white drunks in my day. and they don't get handled quite the same way this is a fact i'm not going to last well and play another slowly than me and then five women together play very slowly and the entire culture is waiting for the fact is nothing to do with it it's the fact that they are lol as along as people pretend that injustice and mistreatment of people is ok as long as it does not impact yeah that is the problem with the majority it they lack an understanding that it can be us
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today and it could be them tomorrow now this is where i ask myself the question at what point do you treat black people like ordinary people and subject them to ordinary rules of society at what point do you stop taking every incident as racism and start evaluating them as human beings and how they're reacting that's my question to you. american broadcaster n.b.c. has joined the dots and discovered that ati's online series in case you missed it is in fact linked to. an exposé article the journalists say they look to the registration data of the show's website and cross checked it against the registration. so we could save them the trouble though if they just come to our website r.t. dot com click on shows there it is right up there at the top i response to n.b.c. scoop the show has taken viewers behind the scenes to blow the lid off its connection to r.t. . so here we are first look offices although there is
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a slight smell in the vodka and caviar. we're in so it is probably a spy keep an eye on it. but first glance it looks like any other office but take a look below the surface and something starts to seem off we spoke to i see why in my eyes members of staff so tell me what's it like working for someone connected to r.t. . well i always loved the topless game show tutti frutti when i was at school. if you could you could get us girly right but that was that was on the sky channel r.t.l. this is this is r.t. this is this is funded by russia we're talking about well i mean r.t. is funded by russia for the russians who are. yeah i mean if your parents is mainly just had new stuff over to poly and things like that to be honest i've never really had so much freedom at work no one tells you how to answer of
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over and i'm just really happy but do you work alone i mean do not you know really something i like to talk about. i have total freedom to study looked at who was what was it talks to move to for example sort of it's fantastic for. a limited supply. on a good production approved for long. term. i'm going just heard that the host of the show polly boyd has just arrived at work so let's see if we can get a word with her boy. was booker high you were a was oh i see one was funded by the russian state through was he one. yeah great yeah yeah i got the email yeah. i've got to take this inside. so that we have it i see links to all to you have to
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be pretty special to think it was a secret. u.s. authorities have moved into a russian diplomatic compound after envoys were expelled the details of that and life reaction after the break.
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point is a black hole and it. walks of life and money from all points on the globe and as it expands it's just a war of the size of anything else trying to get with it that includes various money regimes but also i level bankers and economists so christine legarde is just the latest to to get. but. welcome back the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman has launched or whether it attacks on u.s. authorities after inspectors entered the russian consulate in seattle following its closure on tuesday by dissing us that violent american agents have made a hostile takeover i have no other words for it even though yes authority has been
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the work of the russian mission in seattle it doesn't mean that we have no property rights us authorities have no documents that show their actions to be legally sound it was just a political decision security personnel reportedly broke the lock to gain access to the building and carry out checks on wednesday the compound is now being patrolled by police u.s. officials decided to close the facility under expel sixty of moscow's diplomats following the poisoning of former double agent sergei scribal and his daughter in the u.k. last month the u.s. state department says that the building no longer enjoyed any privileges or immunities and that it inspectors actions were fully in line with the vienna convention on consular relations right let's talk to somebody not about the protocol for these kind of things former greek ambassador chris on top of us welcome back to r.t. what you make of the u.s. authorities decision to enter the former consulate building what's the for my ear.
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yes let's go directly to the. people and. the geneva agreement we go to article thirty one it's speaks about the invite of billet t. of the consular premises. thirty thirty one paragraph two it says specifically that. nobody should it without the consent. of the said the country so nobody can enter the previous. receiving state is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises from any intrusion or damage so there was an intrusion and this was a violation of article thirty one paragraph three the. consular
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affairs geneva to consider the thoughts what do you have yours and if it's been closed. parted is that still the case if a conscious being closed yes yes yes yes i don't so knowing that the sygate profile is a good sense of humor i would suggest that if they make a complaint to the police on charges. how do you think the americans would react if the russians used the same legal basis for going into diplomatic premises to have a look around on a reaction to things like. well i wouldn't i wouldn't i would tell the americans that. i would remind them what what happened in iran with the u.s. embassy which they get over there at the end they went to the international court
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to resolve this issue who owes what the who would be the damages so but the problem today in humanity is that nothing is being implemented. it's international law is no longer being implemented we saw that in syria we saw the attacks what happened there so it's see it's see my list of humanity i can say other it's a foreign protocol for diplomatic premises and i'm sure countries around the world would love to have a poke around various embassies and consulates that they're hosting from various nations as a result of what happened in seattle do you expect any response from russia. no but . don't forget that this is not the first time i think that we had the same issue that happened with the los angeles russian consulate that was closed
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again after it was closed the the authorities broke into it which is totally illegal even when you bring to the relations in case of war the country that leaves usually leaves the consonant to the responsibility over a third state. still what is happening now is totally legally what's been done but i hope that russia does not retaliate because if we start to rebel you eating only illegal activities there is no end to that and certainly appears unseemly and i really appreciate your thoughts on this and your insights former ambassador need us for some fabulous thanks for coming on r.t. again good to talk to you right thank you want to buy back. there's controversy brewing over the imminent release of an american prisoner who spent more than four decades behind bars for the murder of two policemen have been barely said to walk
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free on friday but new york's police department be making a desperate last ditch attempt to keep him locked up caleb maupin has the story. herman bell natori is for being a cop killer and a member of the black liberation army will soon become a free man after spending nearly fifty years behind bars for shooting policeman dead now the new york parole board's decision even had the support of a son of one of the slain officers it seems that individuals with no knowledge of ms to bellow the circumstances that led me to support his release many is a go have taken it upon themselves to drum up hate and benjamin's the parole board of new york might have shown sympathy and a willingness to forgive but not the policeman's union the patrolmen's benevolent association they're guilty then and a guilty now and no cop killer should ever walk the face of the year now siding with the police's n.y.c. mayor bill de blasio who called for the decision to be reversed and for bell to
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stay behind bars the parole board received over three hundred sixty seven thousand letters urging them not to free herman bell despite his record as a model prisoner well not quite there and not actually that many individual messages the associations website gave compliance the option of automatically sending a letter for each of the sixty two cop killers listed on the site that meant that fewer than six thousand objections to bell's release generated over three hundred sixty seven thousand messages completely distorting the level of the outcry in fact according to one poll eighty six percent of new yorkers support the parole board's decision we decided to talk with some former cops about the associations ethics i can't comprehend a man who openly admitted to killing three cops. i can't comprehend how that person would be allowed to walk the streets i could picture every cop out there being absolutely outraged the point of acting on their motion especially in today's
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climate where there should be used to do your government is trying their back on the police officers i can absolutely picture now. one cop out there not wanting six hundred thousand plus letters being sent to the pro board to eb requesting this man's parole be denied it's manipulation that's quite a you know i mean. it's very tragic incident he actually took three people to put parole is what it is you know we have murders rape is awesome this people get paroled every single day and hell bent on if you kill a cop they want you just right in jail into jail supposedly from people that now cops like to talk about the perilous situations they put themselves in and the public that they serve in order to do that but this incident will leave some in new york questioning their integrity. r.t. new york and that's the way look for me at this hour thanks very much for watching i'll be back in thirty five minutes to update you again here on r.t. international.
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you never know what's around the corner never know what's in the pub even the. excitement is that that's where the adrenaline in much comes from. it isn't going to make streamed through all. the violence is a pug and it's a schizophrenia. we can do these things and behave badly. important people of course but if
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a little. more so for the last. one this may. well . i would rule the earth when the five figure out i really did a poll down down went up a little get. the meaning in these images that at least if you don't win the involves it's constantly evolving in the field. america has or this is the kaiser report i meant to rob it's the winter time slow spring that could only stanley cup action baby that's why i'm here. plus some other stuff. safety thanks for the block chain economic event it's being put on by sonny ray we've interviewed him on kaiser for he's the c.e.o.
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of dot com this is actually back to. conferences we have some amazing people at this have and people like adam back people like chris earnest people like who is going to be on the kaiser report while we're here but you know what while we've been here as well. opening her mouth and adopting our way christine let's. say this i.m.f. boss christine legarde praises cryptocurrency and suggests it could transform the way people see and invest i would posit that it has already see you know transform the way people save and invest it's already done that she's saying it could do that the coin is a black hole and it is sucking in folks from all walks of life and money from all points on the globe and as it expands it just the wharfs the size of anything else trying to compete with it that includes various money regimes it also includes
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various high level bankers and economists so christine legarde is just the latest to get in to the bitcoin black hole and she'll be utterly transformed she'll be talking about the white paper soon everything she thought she knew about economics is over rule everything she thought she knew about the way the world works is now no longer viable she is now an apostle of satoshi welcome christine legarde be even do. new. fun to do. low i also want to point out somebody else we've mocked many times over the years who also has come around because we didn't give him a lot of attention when he had a large short position in silver in the world we did give him a lot of attention when he basically received a backdoor bailout through the financial crisis we didn't give him a lot of attention when he called bitcoin a fraud but i do want to remind people from january ninth two thousand and eighteen
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just a few weeks after jamie dimon had called big point a fraud here's a headline that it we didn't cover because we were covering the genesis block during that week and that is jamie dimon says he regrets calling big careen a fraud and believes in the technology behind it in september diamond called bitcoin a fraud i regret making that comment he said tuesday on fox business the block chain is real he added in the interview you can have crypto dollars in yam and stuff like that i see oh yes you've got to look at everyone individually the big question was always to me what the governments are going to feel about bitcoin when it gets really big and i just have a different opinion and other people say rumor he is a guy who's a statist where he has to be right because you can't be a free market guy and be the head of the largest bank in the world and the largest derivatives book importantly in the world because if that derivatives book blows up as it threatened to do back in two thousand and eight you need big daddy government big mama janet yellen big mama christine lagarde you need these people to bail you
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out next year jamie diamond will be at burning man you'll see stark naked with honey slab all over his body rolling around on a mound of fire ants with fierce rock i'll be there taping it for the show he'll be our reporter on the ground will be on the plane and make it jamie diamond talking about the toshiba aka moto at burning man in twenty eighteen and that's a kind. of effect that coin has on the mind is jamie diamond is not as dumb man is not a stupid bag he doesn't have a functioning brain cells what happens is the block chain starts to reorient those brain cells like gravity effect on a star or a planet or this table or this earth it just changes the way the architect of your mind works especially if you're in the financial industry to begin to understand that you now are apostle of social nakamoto so i want to talk about like he had
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mentioned. that governments would respond if the individuals had too much sovereignty that they're going to smash you they're going to throw you into a gulag they are going to destroy you they will not let you become more powerful than my bank you collectively more powerful than my bank so there is another story related to that that shows that well in fact. bitcoin is censorship resistant you can try all you want to restrict us to put it down but the whole community is global it's decentralized it's peer to peer and it's the smartest people in the world now china of course everybody knows is a giant behemoth state they have a lot of control over their citizenry they have a lot of capital controls they have a lot of the great firewall of china and we know that they've cracked down on decline chinese entrepreneurs have some creative responses to the government's
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crackdown on crypto crypto is far from dead in china is starting to eke back into existence they did a lot of exchanges did leave the country but in this place are erupting in china unique to china decentralized exchanges we have them here emerging in the united states and canada as well as regulators crackdown in exchanges china september crackdown also included a ban on i c e o o's the crowdfunding schemes based on crypto tokens in china as elsewhere these had acquired a shady reputation companies looking to raise funds quickly were selling digital tokens or coins that were supposed to buy access to some product or service in the future but they often had no way to fulfill these promises a chinese term emerged or air tokens but we predicted that twenty eighteen would be the air that the nation state is challenged by. and that's exactly what's happening in china it is censorship resistant it is resilient people want to trade people will find
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a way out of the vietnamese beat america in that war because they were resilient you could bomb all day long but they found a way they found a way to keep going and they eventually beat an empire out of the us beat the british empire we found a way in the end to be helped in a cause that we asked a french. law and we beat the empire now we've got a new empire. they're called the nation state and the central banking system that runs on fear money nonsense and big coin will defeat them and the important thing about the eruption of initial quaint offerings that happened last year and this kind of petered out now that there are crackdowns on it and apparently innovators and entrepreneurs are finding ways around the regulations but it did show that the likes of jamie dimon had failed there was a demand for the likes of jamie dimon what he considers you know the good guys of the regulators and government that they had cracked down too much there was demand by people to invest in things they wanted to participate in the financial
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environment the small you know young guys with an idea wanted to raise capital and there was it was hard for them to access a capital as they point out here the i.c.a.o. ban suppressed this digital crowdfunding of i.c.a.o. but it didn't address the root of the problem illegal fundraising of all kinds has thrived in china because the formal banking sector still favors large corporations and state owned enterprises smaller firms and entrepreneurs rely on a shadow banking sector to meet their needs for financing it's very similar in the u.s. obviously it's a more advanced financial system than in china in terms of the state owned banks but not too dissimilar i mean the small and medium sized enterprises don't have access to capital like the ones like amazon they could borrow money and do borrow money to share but buybacks and things like write well there is a political edge to it because in china as entrepreneurs find ways to do enron around the regulatory system and to swap an exchange and do all kinds of crypto
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related businesses the message will not go unnoticed by anyone looking to pursue free speech in china so no matter how they try to clamp down on free speech there will they'll find a way to get the free speech out there just like they're finding a way right now to get crypto out there so crypto is leading the way both and finance and in political activism gearing up to an. environment where no state can control speech it's censorship resistant in many many ways including that it's being used the power of blocked change technology and bitcoin that birth it is that even states are able to see that you know when one state like the u.s. controls the global financial system and you cannot access the rails of that financial system without jamie dimon or u.s. regulators saying you can access these whales then you're cut off from the grid and
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you're no your nation can starve but if there is a decentralized peer to peer anonymous network that is neutral and it functions simply as the rails of a free market system betters treats all participants in the market is equal then. you know it's it's not you can't censor it there's no way to stop transactions from people to get it coming together agreeing to a price for a product and exchanging ideas or products right so the forces that created the birth of the universe the black hole the forces that create the birth of life itself the day to procreate the forces that guide us as living beings on the multiverse i'm not going to be stopped by any state recording releases power that is beyond even atomic power this is cosmic power it can't be stopped atomic swaps are coming atomic swaps are coming you know
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you can't you can't stop this with any force. all nation states got together and tried to stop because they would fail and that's very liberating i pointed out that decentralized exchanges are emerging all over the world they're updating from you know the plasm of this new ecosystem and environment and there's evolution of ideas and the more people governments or regulators try to stop it the more fragile it becomes the more robust every time you get on coming back stronger and stronger but the article actually suggests that china the chinese government doesn't actually so much mind all this stuff happening they were worried about the destabilization in the financial system which they control because so many chinese investors were pouring into ice ceo's and there were a lot of scams around so the article points out that these activities of allowing
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air drops and decentralized exchanges may appear to go directly against the chinese government's orders but in a sense they may be what chinese officials wanted to see in their september edict the authorities talked about avoiding market chaos strengthening the education of investors and collectively safeguarding the normal financial order by china doesn't have a. fundamental aversion to digital currencies in fact the central bank is developing its own currency additional currency will bring about a new financial ecosystem said shanklin ben dean of the academy of internet finance university the purpose of the crackdown he said was to curb excessive speculation and give the authorities time to upgrade their regulatory capabilities they were digging a hole and they decided to stop digging and declare victory ok it was on their decision that decision was not the poll appear of trying to figure out they're just reacting to this bitcoin black hole sucking up the entire nation of china and then when the rules china is being sucked into the black hole if you want to be sucked up in this because like all states for the second half and you too will be sucked
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up into the clock all right after these words. and it's getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and dismiss it. like you believe this is my complicity is going to sunday oh maybe. the only palestinians who gets the most hope from it's too soon counterparts i don't think there's some of those who. wish to know when to do this. and that is unfair thunderstruck to this lady of the most of the.


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