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tv   News  RT  April 28, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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right. washer buying gold as i go. through the biggies to pay you number one lives in a country blown away by the huffing and puffing of the big bad feel wolf thank you number two you've got countries like india that are like one step it one step sector household sector has all the gold their government does exactly and then the big deal will often fall to the people the pubs are to survive the government has blown away and you've got the countries like china and russia that are said route. to forecast gold bullion and the big that's the pump and blow the else.
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back in the fight against the mass incarceration we've seen some grassroots victories recently regarding mandatory minimum sentencing and bail reform but the corporate record talk receives need to profit off our prisoners has given rise to mass e.-commerce aeration which is different from course in agendas which is cancer from cigarettes no e-cards to ration is the electronic monitoring of pretrial dependence and parolees through devices like ankle bracelets which turns life on the outside into an open air jail for more on this we turn to our senior prison or over jack to deny it now and again. calling it an open air jail is a bit much all right let's reserve that for something more accurate like working at a strip mall forever twenty one. right. forever is your sentence. but these
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miners are doing their part to keep people out of brick and mortar jails more than one hundred twenty five thousand people were tracked with these devices on a single day in twenty fifteen versus fifty three thousand the same day in two thousand and five with that many x. prisoners this is a prime opportunity for rehabilitation and entrepreneurship that's why i've started selling my own motivational monitors with the screen. so they could read uplifting messages like the world is yours. within one hundred yards of your house . fender's will love to read their opportunities are limitless within certain limits. at least i'm creating something that invests in an ex offenders well being just like the i incorporated they're one of the largest the monitoring companies in the u.s. and when private prison company geo group acquired them they included the monitoring
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in their geo care division this prepares the full real world tasks like paying bills especially since the average person with a monitor often pays user fees ranging from three to thirty five dollars a day only thirty even just three dollars a day adds up when you leave prison jobless the these monitors already severely restrict them for the prisoners from from setting up job interviews things like that you know what employer a lawyer loves to hear and i'd like to do an interview for the job we do via skype because i've got a bracelet on that you know won't let me leave that how nice is parable anyway it always loses it no. but you know what never loses a signal be our eyes exactly track monitor like this one will feel replaceable battery that gets up to an eighty hours of battery life with a single charge although body monitor will soon compete with a battery power. so lingle and were new will systemic racism. work and work
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oh you have to do is hold it with them close range of encapsulation speak. that's a little bit depressing knowing what's the pressing is our beta version was solar powered her house arrest doesn't really work without sunshine but very likely it is essential a weak signal for any reason beings cops think a wall it's it's why paul made a ford has to wear two ankle bracelets now. virgin your probation officer couldn't track his first one so we had to get a second but the weird leg hand will get this summer is just a small price to pay for freedom this isn't freedom. rechristen eliza's long lives ravaged by the war on drugs if the goal is to end mass incarceration which it should be then we should celebrate technology that imprisons people in a new way by isolating them from everything that helps them thrive plus we haven't
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even gotten started on the racism in the herons in the system i know i get followed in stores without a monitor so everywhere is an open air jail even a t.j. maxx you see the max is for maximum security prison. there may be an alternative to the sharing economy that doesn't suck so much to break this down we shut redacted correspondent john of adonal you filed this report . all right so call it what you will the sharing economy or the gig to me or the peer to peer economy or the exploitative hyper capitalistic success scam machine three thousand me whatever you want to call it it's still life and. it's here to stay
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now enjoy it is recklessly optimistic animation. people are more likely to change show more seven day right now money every week working there is a real. i don't care how cool of a surfboard you put into that animated millennial spanned for no reason one in three americans having to freelance just to make ends meet is not a good thing they generally don't get fair wages benefits retirement plans or worker protections in fact mit recently did a study entitled how driving for hoover and lift sucks worse than a surly razor wire ok so that wasn't like the actual title of the study but it was pretty much the takeaway the mit researchers said the pretax median profit for a ride share driver is only eight dollars and fifty five cents per hour and a full eighty percent of drivers actually lose money on the job they lose money
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driving strangers around their car that sounds like a xeni punishment an eccentric judge on a corum sick problem would give out and the name of that sitcom would definitely be gabble oh so deep up you know as their judge would have to be joaquin. i'm not sure exactly why it has to be working in phoenix but it does anyway how can we make the sharing economy work for the people platform co-ops are the leading edge of the cooperative ownership they extend the cooperative model into the fast growing sharing economy where they can help increase income equity in the technology sector it's all about platform cooperative as you all it means the cooperative ownership and operating of the digital platform by those who depend on it most name. the workers and the users and i'm sorry that i use both the words
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platform and cooperative in my definition of platform cooperative i know that's lame but we competed there first when i looked it up what do you want for me as the technology sector sends us hurdling toward a world of robots and artificial intelligence technological unemployment becomes the threat as automation replaces jobs strategies for radically broadening ownership will play an extremely important role in mitigating the threat of wide scale declines in income platform co-ops can play a vital role and please don't try and tell me some version of the vis robot isn't going to make you obsolete one day. that spinning hunk of terror is definitely going to take your accounting job right after it murders you. look right now business models like lift air
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b.m.v. and task rabbit create their fortunes and near monopolies off of our proverbial infrastructure if you work for them they run off your car your apartment your time your energy your emotions your life blood and they sell you this exploitation of scam with buzzwords like entrepreneurship flexibility free. the reality is we have to continue to cultivate platform co-op alternatives like green taxi local nomics and stock c. or else. i don't know why i have put what phoenix has had on their own but i did get to learn more go to platform dot com reporting from silicon valley john a photo. here
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are your headlines from the future tomorrow you'll read and s.m.b. says joy reid says she has nothing against the gays. also tomorrow in embarrassing moments caught broods e.p.a. discovers water pollution accidentally regulated. and finally two weeks from now. man exhausted after entire evening trying to give him status electronic monitoring bracelet is a fit bit. that's our show but i have a brand new weekly podcast called common sense or you can get a perforated on i tunes spotify and fitch or also we have tons of web exclusive videos every week just go to youtube dot com pfizer jackson tonight. death star.
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in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably most secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and . fort knox customs place well all the science is controlled by them and they impose the opening to. the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe to pieces by artists like picasso and modigliani i can't unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes. naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport. you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand
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three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it like the our business. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you can walk into excitement it's that knowing that's where the adrenalin rush comes from. playing definition and the extremes of all. the violence is a part. of schizophrenia. where you can do all these things and behave badly. i. don't want to be a public hospital for all. that's going to last. on this man and.
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roll. in the thought. i would rather when i really did uphold. the meaning in these in the brief if you don't involve these constantly evolving. headlines on r.t. international republicans in the u.s. house intelligence committee clear president. with moscow to deliver a final report into alleged russian meddling in the twenty sixteen presidential election. people in the iraqi city all struggled with the consequences of chemicals and radioactive materials used by the u.s. and its allies fifteen years after the iraq war started. and germany is stepping up its military spending pumping money into state of the. us despite
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concerns from the opposition and in general the public behind me is apparently the future of the european male. the secretly recorded or do you really just buy the intercept shows how the us democratic leadership pressured a new kind of it to drop out of the race for the u.s. house seat in colorado. to big day for news who were naughty international welcome to the program here let's get into your top stories right now. no collusion that's the verdict of the u.s. house intelligence committee which found quote no evidence that donald trump's twenty sixteen presidential campaign was working with russia reported further deepen partisan divisions in congress as the democrats refused to endorse the findings and a valve to continue the probe. of jacqueline who investigates if you've heard it
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once you've heard of a thousand times but here it is once more for those of you in the cheap seats the russian active measures campaign against the united states was multifaceted to leverage cyber attacks covert platforms social media third party intermediaries in state run media the house intelligence report begins with a novel idea the american people rightly want to know what the russians did and how and well each section starts off with accusations of what the kremlin did where the evidence is meant to be there is just a bunch of blacked out text nevertheless the committee concludes that russia's goal was to stow discord in america and cast doubt on the democratic process that's apparently with point zero zero zero two percent of u.s. election related advertising on google and with an equally huge amount of ads on facebook twenty five.


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