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tv   Documentary  RT  April 28, 2018 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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the size that trump jr is meeting with a russian lawyer proved moscow was supporting trump donald trump son think he was about to get help from a russian lawyer with ties to the kremlin this is looking more and more like treason all these strange behavior from the president it's all explains now a stream of leaks by the intelligence community condemned by the report as damaging national security wasn't orchestrated by the kremlin who are also learning from your sources that intelligence officials they denied n.b.c. news is learning from intelligence sources u.s. intelligence sources tell c.b.s. news or even take a master key half of team trump was accused of meeting with him and that's threaten their jobs but the report says there was nothing sinister there also there the controversial russian ambassador sergei look of course of the pictures and of course the shameful picture where the united states press corps was kept out by the russians were allowed in that is an open question whether there was collusion cooperation between trump associates during the campaign and russian officials all of that discord was home grown so after a year of searching that included seventy three interviews nine hearings and
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briefings and the review of countless documents were left with the conclusion of no collusion and as much proof as we had before the report was released meaning little to none. torcall of russian meddling rarely goes without a mention of this channel that's a supposed tool of kremlin influence and this time was no exception the reasoning is apparently though popularity of the documents states that moscow exploits google and its services to spread propaganda via counts and the notes that r.t. has two million you tube subscribers the lawmakers are also disturbed by the fact that odyssey is served in the same manner as quote legitimate news sources media analyst lionel things congress has mistaking an alternative point of view for interference the only thing that we can maybe point to is that these people called the russians russian government russian actors people with russian
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names i don't know but these people that we will collectively call the russian. put a tweet face story that did not encourage armed revolt by the american citizens that i want to as i think it merely presented allegedly the point zero zero to whatever percent of this but presented stories that other american actors and politicians in folkson and activists were alleging as well so it just so happened that this horrible russian aig example of dissent or whatever was a story discord happened to me you are exactly the same thoughts and sentiments of actual americans who may have had a different opinion from hillary clinton it's the only story in town at the american public has been so good but you waited to this mean that they want to hear more of it they believe there is evidence when there is no evidence no no i'm sorry to say this isn't stopping i hope it does but i'm afraid it will. on this day
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fifteen years ago u.s. troops fired on civilian protesters and the iraqi city or for lucia the ensuing first battle for. lucia would see some six hundred civilians killed half of them women and children the operations by the u.s. and its allies in the city saw the deployment of white phosphorus and depleted uranium would have warning you may find some of the following images disturbing according to a report by the us government told national center for biotechnology information local iraqi doctors saw an infant deaths miscarriages and birth defects between two thousand and five and two thousand and nine there was also a twelve fold increase in child cases that is higher than the survivors among. years on a loser residents are still dealing with the consequences. the death of the son here the story begins with that second when the americans attacked at first i had
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a few miscarriages and then i had tried to months. the doctors discovered that it was a result of the phosphorus which was used by the americans. and i have conducted a study based on samples and eyes them in certified german laps which have nothing to do with any political party they found here a new career other pollutants and. she's a very good student despite her disability when she writes on the board or in her notebook and it is very neat to she's one of our best students in.
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america's new secretary of state. has started out on his new job with a speech at the nato headquarters in brussels and then fielded questions from the press. do you think germany is doing enough to meet the target know. what you're going to do they should meet the goals that they agreed to mr pompei are referring to a nato two percent target it specifies that each member state is obliged to spend at least two percent of its g.d.p.
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on the military germany has so far been falling behind on this but now but apparently playing catch up pumping more money into military hardware including aircraft and drones. are all about now looks at what's on display at this year's show. this year is. underway in the german capital per one thousand square meters of all things aviation from the commercial private and military sectors. not just next to me are some of the joints currently operated by the german military this is the current and if we come over this way this is the current t p that's the one that could be equipped with weapons now then made by an israeli company a joint partnership with the aerospace giant airbus and over the next nine years
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germany is set to spend a billion a year zero increasing the current fleet of these mini isn't just looking to buy drugs from abroad behind me is apparently the future it's called the european mail now it's a joint collaboration between the silly france spain and germany and the developers all of this particular unmanned aircraft told me why those type of drones are the weapon of choice for more than european armies and this is now the next step towards the kind of independence in europe and that of course comes them along with . push into. meaning. but also to well when it comes to you. and so on also on display is this much of the f. thirty five now this is lockheed martin stealth jet that's being touted as a replacement for the tornado fighter bomber that's currently operated by the
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german military and it's not just the professionals they get to sort through the air using this tactical simulator of a helicopter i can even fly a mission over this small german town albeit a bumpy ride with me in charge companies from all over the world to showcasing their wares in germany in the market to buy the country's army chief is already called to defense spending by fifteen billion euro by twenty twenty one but opposition politicians to happy with that direction all the pressure being put on germany by its nato allies to spend more on the military this is the wrong direction in the mall and very. educational. system in germany for example. in the military. and if you look at the german population german population wants peace so i walk around in her or and.
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everyone says i want peace so i think the government have to listen to the population and we as a little bring forward the position and other actors. you mystic just bring forward that position as well despite those dissenting voices it does seem that the german military set for a funding boost and without a load of new hardware peter all of a r.t. berlin. the world anti doping agency has released a report on violations in twenty sixteen featuring some shocking revelations italy france and the u.s. were named as the worst offenders while russia which has been severely punished over doping allegations in the last couple of years is number six we gauge reaction in paris and new york. if i was going to say to you what country do you think was the number one thing violated in two thousand and sixteen which
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country would you name russia russia maybe between america and russia not quite sure if. i would guess russia top the list russia china no russia russia so what would you say then if i told you that russia was not the top violated in terms of anti doping if they were even the second the third the fourth all the fifth but they were actually six in the report what would you say to that as well it's surprising to me actually i for one of us but i guess it's just what the reporters now days focus on this is news to them as well as i watch the news but i guess that's all you have about maybe it's just a sort of western take on things trying to paint the enemy and i think there is a long history of us blaming them for it certainly it makes me wonder if if you got my trust fund a newspaper was writing at the beginning of february twenty eighth russian athletes
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were officially cleared of doping and just a couple of days ago it was revealed that grigori called the main informant in the doping case against russia fail to confirm a number of his allegations you know says he never saw any distribution of any so-called drug cocktail nill did he see any athletes taking such things sports lawyer lucien bellone thinks this is a defeat and embarrassment for wada. these credibility east totally destroyed so he was not able to convince the judges and that means he must not be too back to make laws we will have bases poor all these allegations all what all these years i think nice piece not a big defeat for i.o.c. . the goal of those who are making sure i see nice big big
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defeat it's really a mess what's happened all these athletes they do we keep a very bad mantra these cases and i think. one should sing about. these kids who have suffered so much. well still to come on the program who were naughty secretly recorded or do you know has revealed that the us democratic party's leadership pressured a conduit for a house seat in colorado to drop out of the race details after the break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront a shouldn't let it be an arms race in this often spearing dramatic development that only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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washer by well as i didn't go. through the biggies but the big number one was an effect on sales staff was blown away by the huffing and puffing of the big bad feel and then taking a number two you got countries like india that are like one step in one step sector household sector has all the gold their government asked exactly. and then the big deal will often fall to the people of the constitution but the government long look . at the countries like china russia that i said was twenty four karat gold. and the big bad wolf. and. it's good to have you with us today the israeli army has hit six hamas targets in
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response to what it describes as terror activity in the northern part of the gaza strip the strike follows a day of palestinian protests all along the border. three people have been reported dead and almost nine hundred wounded in the rallies according to the palestinian health ministry the protests are part of the six week great march over tongue demonstrations that local journalist and is that for us. we are in the central hospital in gaza strip where this hospital received all the
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injuries from the fat fans friends area from the five locations that are protesting the fifth friday of the great they're great much of return this is another injury that's came just right now from defense but there have been severe injuries in the head and in the legs and i was without him in the post minutes we received at least ten people with severe injuries to the stomach and they were. in the minutes the ambulances are still carrying hundreds of injured people to the hospitals there is a lack of medicine and medical equipment in the hospitals and they are crowded so as you see this is another ambulance just came just right now. as you see this ambulance has at least four palestinians that have been injured what happened.


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