tv News RT April 28, 2018 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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auditors it's if you're a qualified engineer today chances are you're building your own solution or you're being paid a ridiculous amount per month to work for some i.c.a.o. . and this is the reality of it when you're offered eight hundred a therion for the month of the i.c.a.o. you're going to jump ship from whatever you are in the go ongoing joke in the industry as if you're really qualified engineer in this space you might be too rich to get out of bed. exactly i mean that's a real problem there at the top talent is is become fabulously wealthy and so they're not really motivated to get their hands dirty correct yet so you've got to grow talent from the grassroots and this is a brand new industry where even if you're hiring someone on the block chain side of things maybe they were an early employee at linked in and they've built out a big team of thirty people for but they haven't spent the time to read the bitcoin block chain white paper there are hundreds of toshiba's white paper where it all started and i feel like most of the times people who are very experienced in
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business don't understand block chain one on one and that's also a big problem with hiring this is a true for anyone in this industry i'm sure they're all facing it that you found someone who can be a v.p. of marketing you know sales force or she know sales force and part but they know nothing about block chain one hundred one and how to operate in this space what's the what's trust decentralisation really mean people bring their assumptions and their experience and they hear a few things and then they just kind of poured over what they know and they think they know stuff so what is like with the one thing that a newcomer even experience as a technologist is missing about the block chain is if you will that the core belief system was that one. special sauce to feel well that they're missing i don't think it's special sauce i think it's reading the bitcoin. read it understand it and if you don't start watching some videos from under it's antonopoulos read. an
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example is ses i think they're a little more of the saying i phone example is material easier to digest he invented the word smart contract the phrase and it's remarkable that people don't even know that now looking out to twenty eighteen twenty nineteen what are your thoughts on bitcoins emerging second layer like lightning networks. and how's that going well i mean we've been waiting for her a really long time for elizabeth and the lightning network team to give us a viable solution but we've all been very excited about side chains being the answer and site chains being the answer to us being able to go up against visa and master card in the space because it's not going to happen on the the corbett right so it's got to go off to sit to handle that volume and it gets back to you know the debate of twenty seventeen was really this debate about store of value versus means of exchange and the means of exchange was opened up competing blocks chains and talking about house of toasties vision is all about digital cash and that the
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store value argument is not really just be placed in the center of the discussion but it looks as though that store value argument kind of won out to some degree in twenty seventeen and an hour and twenty eighteen and it seems like the argument of the day is going to be proof of work versus proof of steak ok so explain the difference and then your view on the proof of work is not sacrificing security. as much as proof of steak is that proof of steak is a great step towards leveraging less electricity and it's way more earth friendly but is it the right step for security. i would personally say in my personal opinion no first of steak takes a step in the wrong direction for security at least right now it's sacrificing security in order to save electricity. which brings us right back to proof of work
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. the dust hasn't settled so therefore it kind of comes all way back to back when again because it's the longest. they got the longest track record it's got. on on interrupted up down up time right and so do you see anything where maximalist to say that that's the reality is all we really have to right so as a security professionals that's kind of your opinion to the industry folks are asking about that that's where you were excited for proof of steak but they need to value security and we need to as a community hash through how security won't be sacrificed so on the environmental issue. seems like a nonstarter in many ways because first of all i mean just off the top of my head i'm thinking like all renewable energy. power watch i am in saudi arabia going to be one hundred percent renewables they've got a ray of solar panels that are the biggest in the world iceland is all geothermal
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energy the technology for photoelectric cells is going that ace of particular down to zero cost right so we're heading into renewables anyway and so why is this even an issue security is usually just someone's i don't thing the issue is finding a way to have renewable energy be produced whether it's nuclear whether it's solar i thing that's not the issue the issue is just being able to hash through how can security be the utmost priority in our that so security is not sacrificed in an effort to make things proof of state versus proof where i get that but it just seems that the common theme you hear from no cooling or as they're called to say paul krugman from the new york times hill hit on this it eased up a lot of energy issues and it just seems like a it's a nonstarter and doesn't matter right now it's ok if you feel low actress that you're right at this point there's a lot of things that you can lower tricity and i don't. we don't even know if like
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the us dollar has sole goal the ocean is docked iow is the name of the company this is how it is sunny is c.e.o. and founder i'm co-founder and president my co-founders yo kwan kwan his previous company was coin setter they found an exchange in new york they sold coins that a crack in and after that he launched launched where they got rid of passwords using multifactor authentication they sold launched a dietician labs and then you and i partnered up to start osho and to be laser focused on walks and security perfect thanks ray i've got so much max already had it all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser par with may max kaiser and state your work and i thank our guest sunny a whole show i owe generated on twitter this kaiser report. is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world
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of zoos and the commission to look into. these things that my cousin is going to study home maybe. john. the only palestinians who gets the most hope from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who. vision. who could do this. and that is all of us not just you have to this lady of the muscle that you had i don't know if you competed in the doesn't seem to do more. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than forty six swiss customs are here permanently all the science is controlled by them. and they impose the opening times. opposite it is from is all
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plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so i'm modigliani i can't boards unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet felt but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business.
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colorado. news welcome to the program. so. that's the u.s. house intelligence committee which found no evidence that the. presidential campaign was working with russia the report further deep into partisan divisions in congress as the democrats refused to endorse the findings. to continue the probe. looks at the findings. if you've heard it once you've heard of a thousand times but here it is once more for those of you in the cheap seats the russian active measures campaign against the united states was multi-faceted they leverage cyber attacks covert platforms social media third party intermediaries in
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state run media the house intelligence report begins with a novel idea the american people rightly want to know what the russians did and how and well each section starts off with accusations of what the kremlin did where the evidence is meant to be there is just a bunch of blacked out text nevertheless the committee concludes that russia's goal was to sow discord in america and cast doubt on the democratic process that's apparently with point zero zero zero two percent of u.s. election related advertising on google and with an equally huge amount of ads on facebook twenty five percent of which were never seen by anyone that's in the report still the aim was apparently achieved and is the sole reason for the expansive divide that has grown in america since the election rush's active measures campaign achieved its primary goal of inciting division and discord among americans for more than a year us politics have been consumed by busy recriminations charges and countercharges about the attacks it's wholly unclear how russia's alleged actions
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are responsible for the political chaos that has ensued since trump took the white house it wasn't russia reporting that term's former campaign manager has connections to ukraine spelled out collusion one of the many theories that the report shoots down the charges against the for president transform a company manager perceived more than seventeen million dollars in secret payments from a kremlin linked to political party in ukraine but it was the american media that hypothesize that trump jr is meeting with a russian lawyer proved moscow was supporting trump donald trump son think he was about to get help from a russian lawyer with ties to the kremlin this is looking more and more like treason all this strange behavior from the president it's all explains now a stream of lee. by the intelligence community condemned by the report as damaging national security wasn't orchestrated by the kremlin who are also learning from your sources that intelligence officials they denied n.b.c. news is learning from intelligence sources u.s. intelligence sources tell c.b.s. news or even take
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a master kislyak half of team trump was accused of meeting with him and that's threaten their jobs but the report says there was nothing sinister there also there the controversial russian ambassador sergei you look of course of the pictures of course is shameful picture where the united states press corps was kept out by the russians were allowed in and it is an open question whether there was collusion cooperation between trump associates during the campaign and russian officials all of that discord was home grown so after a year of searching that included seventy three interviews nine hearings and briefings and the review of countless documents were left with the conclusion of no collusion and as much proof as we had before the report was released meaning little to none talk of russian meddling rarely goes without mention of this trial as a supposed tool of kremlin influence and this time was no exception the reasoning is apparently these popularity the documents states that moscow exploits google and its services to spread propaganda via accounts and notes that aleksey has two
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million you tube subscribers but the lawmakers are also disturbed by the fact that odyssey is served in the same manner as quote legitimate news sources media analyst line all things congress is mistaking an alternative point of view for interference . the only thing that we can maybe point to is that these people called the russians russian government russian actors people with russian names i don't know but these people that we will collectively call the russian. put a tweet facebook story that did not encourage armed revolt by the american citizens i want to send something it merely presented allegedly the point zero zero to whatever percent of this but presented stories that other american actors and politicians and folks in an activist were alleging as well so it just so happened that this horrible russian exile bill
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of dissent or whatever was or sowing discord happen to me are exactly the same thoughts and sentiments of actual americans who may have had a different opinion from hillary clinton it's the only story in town and the american public has been so habituated to this means that they want to hear more of it they believe there is evidence when there is no evidence oh no no i'm sorry to say this isn't stopping i hope it does but i'm afraid it will. on this day fifteen years ago u.s. troops fired on civilian protesters in the iraqi city of fallujah and ensuing first battle for fallujah would see some six hundred civilians killed half of them women and children the operations by the u.s. and its allies in the city saw the deployment of white phosphorus and depleted uranium.
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