tv News RT April 28, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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hard for her or at. least some of the club. to let their pain this awful but you know as a. citizen but. also what about the publishing company and the. hole in it that so wouldn't even know it depended on him and the planet now they were going to manipulate the minds of you know something of the feeling i had an issue of the power of the few minutes in the loop with. a little spirit that didn't like a good job but it did not evoke the nasdaq or. the telephone coming out of that and i love feet believe it when i'm on t.v. i didn't come in the stability of the business so when the people told me that the
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a punk and exist almost a schizophrenia gang culture where you can do all these things and behave like badly. i. don't want to be public hospital for a little while. so focus on the last. on this man infirmed. role in all this from the start. i would roll the way enough i figure out a really beautiful down down went up a little get. the meaning in these in these at least if you don't involve these constantly evolving into. a little.
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bit of good that's going on ok good believe it and i'm over the shock and i think that it would have created a minute segment of the next month to show if you know what i said you've done with looking a little moment for you know that i've got beside him is on my wish to move to mr black that i thought of a. little not a little fish not. so if not as adults i want to push him out my friend had a fit about the one special for nothing out of the money going to follow it up it does mean that i look a symbol of the fellow that if i don't call them up will come up with a. good example of something when i suppose. it is possible. oh. yeah well tell us about how long. yeah. i think it's going to police the most with us and this could. be looked at present course you can go live in quincy from all you want to know how long she has you know they you. know this will come. up.
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i think i want to end this off it file a big how about what i want to but i would i'm a little hot in a bottle in my hands when i said i don't i'm talking about the house. of santa comes in the sons of a family man and the holcomb wanted him out of akiva schaffer i thought so i mean that's what that is off and and that's design office knowledge he had to this lady in the muscle which he had i don't know if you can t.v. in the doesn't seem to do one. but this is often done with a. few thousand feet the lawful can employ no i'm not aside from sleeves or you can be thin and the love either jacket on for the honey. i'm not going to do is go over just a month and they sent their method and it's the a fee she say i'm about out of it which is not all in one account i think i went out the things off and i use my pocket a few fifty eight and that's only seven of them up to a place with a little me time in the book what if. i'm in the little baby.
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the way. the way. the outlook here i don't follow good morning doctor something you're going to say good morning this isn't think of calling from day as like tickets of office. i'm good thank you how are you trying thank you i have some good news for you. the technical assistance committee approved your candidacy for membership of the. chair you are officially a c.f.m. now. are you very much congratulations thank you thank you thank you very much you're you're not really looked at a grocery. and i surprise i hope you are right you are
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going to go now. yeah it's been it's been quite a process and. i'm glad it all worked out and that we can officially work together . you're here to work around. well jerusalem's who is going to be your mentor institution so they will be working with you for the coming five years to work towards the standards vic of old good old should believe you'll be able to see it to finish it a bit of gum so you'll. nothing be off your stuff below lung modern machine should begin to tell you it's usually must be a big ticket item in the. year the man came in said you know what if they want to sell the market value not will cause a lot of this i need gunless of emotion he looked at me. so that allocate the box.
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with the chance in their life come one thing. to say i will not use it but the best. i will not do is the give. and finish and workshops given to the science museum. the science museum is one of the last of this is called bins does this take you i don't know why it's difficult for me this way distinct the mystic. three distinct this think this thing the disk thinks three distinct. thing three distinct three distinct three distinct three distinct this thanked.
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just she. just. goes. off. on behalf. of coccidia and old the sixty member of a lot of stuff we send out to get things to all of you that. we are extremely happy to be bothered to feel as a family and even if we could not but at this a bit we did not want to lose the chance to but as you. saw welcome to. my mind on election day. i was on the move you know in the. the fun
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along the. way and those. on the on the condit. did you did leave the kid is a. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure to come out you have to meet the center of the problem here with you and you told the all the great the great you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone i just i want
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to know and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and ten world cup in russia meet the special one come on top of. me to just say the reno p.r.t. team's latest edition to make up a bigger need to just look. at the plate from many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to kill the narrowness and spending two to twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy but great so what chance with. the thinks he's going to.
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in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. opposite it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand
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three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. deadlines in r.t. no collusion found the u.s. house intelligence committee clears donald trump of allegations that his presidential campaign was working with russia. meanwhile continues to fuel those allegations though as a new interview by the russian lawyer who met with the trump campaign officials back in twenty sixteen she admits to being a russian government informant we look at the revelations to see if there's anything new in the city of fallujah struggles with the consequence of chemicals and radioactive materials used by the u.s. and also its allies fifteen years after the iraq war started but the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei it says nato ally germany is not spending enough on
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defense the burden seems to be changing as it presents new military hardware. it's not just the professionals that get to sort through the air using this tactical simulator of a helicopter i can even fly a mission over this small german town albeit probably be right with me in charge. hello there is just on seven pm this saturday evening here in moscow you're watching r.t. international. no no collusion that is the verdict of the u.s. house intelligence committee which found no evidence donald trump's twenty sixteen presidential campaign had been working with russia however the democrats still refused to endorse the findings and have to continue the probe with more on the report. if you've heard it once you've heard it a thousand times but here it is once more for those of you in the cheap seats the
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russian active measures campaign against the united states was multifaceted to leverage cyber attacks covert platforms social media third party intermediaries in state run media the house intelligence report begins with a novel idea the american people rightly want to know what the russians did and how and what each section starts off with accusations of what the kremlin did where the evidence is meant to be there is just a bunch of blacked out text nevertheless the committee concludes that russia's goal was to sow discord in america and cast doubt on the democratic process that's apparently with point zero zero zero two percent of u.s. election related advertising on google and with an equally huge amount of ads on facebook twenty five percent of which were never seen by anyone that's in the report still the aim was apparently achieved and is the sole reason for the expansive divide that has grown in america since the election rush's active measures campaign achieved its primary goal of inciting division and discord among
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americans for more than a year us politics have been consumed by busy recriminations charges and countercharges about the attacks it's wholly unclear how russia's alleged actions are responsible for the political chaos that has ensued since trump took the white house it wasn't russia reporting that term's former campaign manager has connections to ukraine spelled out collusion one of the many theories that the report shoots down the charges against the for president trump's fall campaign manager perceived more than seventeen million dollars in secret payments from a kremlin linked to political party in ukraine but it was the american media that hypothesize that trump jr is meeting with a russian lawyer proved moscow was supporting trump donald trump son think he was about to get help from a russian lawyer with ties to the kremlin this is looking more and more like treason all these strange behavior from the president it's all explains now a stream of leagues. the intelligence community condemned by the report as damaging
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national security wasn't orchestrated by the kremlin who are also learning from your sources that intelligence officials they denied n.b.c. news is learning from intelligence sources u.s. intelligence sources tell c.b.s. news or even taken bastard house of team trump was accused of meeting with him and that threaten their jobs but the report says there was nothing sinister there also there the controversial russian ambassador sergey look of course of the pictures of course a shameful picture where the united states press corps was kept out by the russians were there is an open question whether there was collusion cooperation between trump associates during the campaign and russian officials all of that discord was home grown so after a year of searching that included seventy three interviews nine hearings and briefings and the review of countless documents were left with the conclusion of no collusion and as much proof as we had before the report was released meaning little to none checking to get there will talk of russian meddling almost always involves a mention of this channel two with the so-called to kremlin influence and this time
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the apparent reason is a growth in artie's popularity according to the report moscow uses google and its services to spread propaganda via r.t. accounts and also notes that r.t. has reached two million subscribers on you tube the rule makers are also disturbed by the fact that r.t. is taken in the same manner as quote the legitimate news sources media and this line of things that congress is mistaking an alternative point of view for interference the only thing that we can maybe point to is that these people called the russians russian government russian actors people with russian names i don't know but these people that we will collectively call their russia. put out a tweet facebook story that did not encourage armed revolt by the american citizens i want to think it merely presented allegedly the point
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zero zero to whatever percent of this but presented stories that other american actors and politicians in folkson and activists were alleging as well so it just so happened that this horrible russian examiner's of dissent or whatever was their story discord happened to me are exactly the same thoughts and sentiments of actual americans who may have had a different opinion from hillary clinton it's the only story in town and the american public has been so had better waited to this mean that they want to hear more of it they believe there is evidence when there is no evidence no no i'm sorry to say this isn't stopping i hope it does but i'm afraid it will but it doesn't seem to be at the moment because right after that report was published a new media frenzy took hold a russian lawyer who caused a stir over her meeting with campaign officials back in two thousand and sixteen is making the headlines again now mainstream media claims she's confessed to having connections with the kremlin. the russian lawyer who promised dirt on clinton to
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the campaign worked with latimer putin's kremlin this is natalia vessel that sky as she was twenty sixteen meeting at trump tower acknowledging that she's a lawyer but that she's also an informant listen to what she's telling us now about her ties to the chief prosecutor of russia in fact a mark that i. don't. even know in front of this story of course state so we're back to twenty sixteen as we heard in that meeting between verse and it's going in trump tower between her and trump jr paul and jarrett couche now that story subsequently hit the headlines in summer of last year much media reports are on the story as a smoking gun all rather one of the battery of smoking guns here in that trump russia collusion probe now. is a top attorney she's worked for the prosecutor's office before something which she's admitted in congress that's the million other interviews as well and she has
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stated before links or rather her contact with the top prosecutor general in russia with government agencies in a professional capacity as a lawyer this for example is one piece she gave to the wall street journal last year i now the general prosecutor personally in the course of my investigation i shared information with him now as we say diverse in this case has worked for the prosecutor's office she's represented clients from various countries nationalities interest groups both. perhaps russian government linked groups as well as private clients who have for the russian government in financial and criminal cases now she gave an interview to us also quite a few months ago in which she stated that her visit to the united states her meeting was in a capacity as a private citizen as a lawyer and in no capacity as a representative of the kremlin in any way shape or form this is what she had to tell us then that i had to have that meeting as part of my job as a lawyer citizen in the us it had nothing to do with politics it didn't have
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anything to do with russia. i think it's beyond a doubt here that missile is certainly a top attorney she's very well connected and she has come into professional contact it's fair to say with russian top prosecutors with russian government bodies as she has in her role as you know as an attorney for the prosecutor's office at the beginning of her career the way this has been presented was she some sort of representative. coming on behalf of the kremlin to lobby to influence some of the election certainly that narrative has come under question of course the other question is why this is coming now this comes out after that report by congress denying any links between collusion rather between trump and the russian government it's interesting to see now what impact this will have on investigation that hawkins there will or. martha macauley thinks there is nothing special in the so-called revelations that a lawyer sometimes works with
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a prosecutor's office this relation that the television. is very a criminal agent doesn't stand up because as a lawyer she can give advice to the prosecutor general's office. members of the prosecutor general's office as a lawyer that's quite legal nothing there's nothing illegal about it and you can go to the united states and represent a client it's just another meeting and tribune you met her. and he said it only lasted twenty minutes they didn't speak about very much if the opposition of. then can find evidence that they were conspiring together they were trying trying to undermine hillary clinton so it's up to them to do that but on the face of it just norden we. will have to prove that it had other. rove objectives in the meeting and we find it very very difficult. to prove.
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