tv Going Underground RT April 28, 2018 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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works with a prosecutor's office this agrees ation that the television. is a very criminal agent doesn't stand up because as a lawyer she can give advice to the prosecutor general's office. members of the prosecutor general's office as a lawyer that's quite legal there's nothing illegal about it and you can go to the united states and represent a client it's just another meeting and tribunal met her. and he said only lasted twenty minutes the didn't speak about very much if the opposition of robert miller then can find evidence that they were conspiring together they were trying trying to undermine the recluse or it's up to them to do that but on the face of it just norden beauty. will have to prove that it had other. rather objectives in the meeting and if either very very difficult. to prove.
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now it is fifteen years since one of the darkest chapters of the iraq war the foliage a massacre that was when u.s. soldiers opened fire on civilian protesters killing scores of people at the time the u.s. military claims protesters opened fire soldiers first however human rights watch never found any trace of bullets in the building the offices had been in within a year the u.s. had launched an all out military assault on the city known as the first battle for fallujah which resulted in around six hundred deaths many civilians including women and children were among the casualties washington used white phosphorus and depleted uranium at the time which according to doctors led to a surge in infant deaths miscarriages and also birth defects there was also a twelve falling in child cancer cases that's higher than among her russian my survivors where years on locals in fallujah are still dealing with the consequences that are. so i hear the story begins with that talk in fallujah when the americans
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attacked at first i had a few miscarriages and then i had tried to my. the doctors discovered that it was a result of the phosphorus which was used by the americans. and i have conducted a study based on samples analyze them in certified german laps which have nothing to do with any political party they found here a correct chance. she's a very good student despite her disability when she writes on the board or in her notebook and it is very nice she's one of our best students in.
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planetary. system. and. it was a. well that has been a little overly civilians because in a matter of years islamic state would start to take a foothold in fallujah bringing with it the turmoil of civil war and even after i still was driven out of the country locals say life in the city is still far from know. and although we came back from the camp to fallujah they told us that the city and its suburbs are clear of these so we came back as we were cleaning the house an i.e.d. went off and killed my sister and sister. remember are not this neighborhood went
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through a lot this house lost two women and i lost a son and the other was crippled and haven't seen any official pass by here about us so often i don't see. what the bay area is destroyed is not a place anyone would want to come to we stay in our house go to the house in front of us use this road to come in and out of it that's what we don't go anywhere else the area is full of bombs or additional fire look at these flags all over the place which we can't work here the area is dangerous soldiers have come here set off two or three bombs and left this area behind me is closed off with the flanks only trying to come home but they can't. america's secretary of state mike pompei or his kicked off his new role with a speech at nato headquarters in brussels and take aim at germany's failure to meet the alliance's military spending target of two percent of g.d.p.
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. do you think germany is doing enough to meet the to target you know. what i want to do they should meet the goals that they agreed to but despite pomponius attack on germany there for not enough money for spending the country to seem to be changing as it starts allocating more on military. losses peter oliver went. to see what is new on display this is an exploit is underway in the german capital poland thousand square meters of all things aviation from the commercial private and military sectors. not just next to me are some of the joints currently operated by the german
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military this is the current and if we come over this way this is the hair in t.p. that's the one that could be equipped with weapons now then made by an israeli company in a joint partnership with the aerospace giant airbus and over the next nine years germany is set to spend a billion a year zero increasing the current fleet of these many isn't just looking to buy drugs from abroad behind me is apparently the future it's called the european mail now it's a joint collaboration between italy france spain and germany and the developers all of this particular unmanned aircraft told me why those type of drones are the weapon of choice for modern european armies and this is now the next step towards the kind of independence in europe and that of course comes them along with a clear push into several. meaning data serenity but also to well when it comes to the real ability. also on display is this much of the f.
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thirty five now this is lockheed martin stealth jet that's been touted as a replacement for the tornado fighter bomber that's currently operated by the german military and it's not just the professionals they get to sort through the air using this tactical simulator of a helicopter i can even fly a mission over the small german town albeit it's rather a bumpy ride with me in charge companies from all over the world to showcasing their wares and germany is in the market to buy the country's army chief is already call to defense spending by fifteen billion euro by twenty twenty one but opposition politicians happy with that direction all the pressure being put on germany by its nato allies to spend more on the military this is the wrong direction in the moment very. serious role for education in the
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climate system and germany for example and. military. and if you look at the german population german population wants peace so i walk around and. everyone says i want peace so i think the government have to listen listen to the population and we as a left bring forward position and just. humanistic just through forward that position as well despite those dissenting voices it does seem that the german military set for a funding boost and without a load of new hardware peter all of a r.t. berlin now still to come for you this hour secretly recorded already has revealed the u.s. democratic party forced one of its own candidates for the senate to drop out of the election we'll have a look at why just after the break. sure
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buying gold as i remind all is like us we don't think he's right of a number one lives in a fiancee alistair house is blown away by the huffing and puffing of the big bad feel wolf and then taking over to you got countries like india they're like one step in one step sector household sector has all the gold their government doesn't exactly and then the big bad feel will often pop in the deep of the pond such as survivor the government has blown away then you've got the countries like china and russia that have said rouse tour for can gold bullion and the big that fear war of
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i'm. somewhat from one. i read primary. well every term and there had been focusing his campaign on clean elections combating climate change and also improving the health care system in the u.s. he was indoors too by the state senator last may but was later asked as we heard that a drop out of the race the house minority leader though has defended the move. i don't see anything inappropriate. mr hoyer was engaged in a conversation about the realities of life in a race as to who can win in the general election and this isn't the first time leaks have pointed to attempts by the us democratic party to influence elections e-mails from field by wiki leaks show that parties officials tried to use bernie
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sanders religion against him in favor of hillary clinton both representing the democrats in the twenty sixth race for the white house and leaks also showed the then vice chair of the of the democratic national committee secretly gave clinton debate questions in advance that was during the democratic primary however the current d.n.c. chair says incidents like this are actually a thing of the past but we're moving forward we have to make sure that everything is fair and open and everybody has a fair shake and that's what we're going to do we discuss the issue with journalist and author daniel is there who believes the democrats are becoming less democratic there's a split in the party between the base and the higher echelons the elected officials it's totally undemocratic. but smoke and mirrors the race thinks they're getting a choice but they really aren't because the the real candidates or the side are chosen behind closed doors but the democratic party is in the danger of self destructing it's it's trying to think that will win in two thousand and eighteen if
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it passes itself off the republican party. but that's a very risky tactic because the risks the danger is all wind up needing its base of support which will either stay at home or vote for green candidates or others who are challenging the democrats from the left so they're trying to try to walk a very thin line and i don't think they'll be if they'll be able to do it. iran's foreign minister spoken out against recent calls by the. u.s. and other countries to to strike a new deal on terrans nuclear program as well as curbing the nation's actions in the middle east. the situation in syria and the other middle eastern countries has nothing to do with the iran nuclear deal the us is making the moments that are unacceptable only for the people of iran but also for the other countries who
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signed the nuclear deal for the world community as well the potential new agreement which is being discussed by global powers is thought to be aimed at containing iran in the middle east it may also address around ballistic missile test which have still been conducted by to iran in violation of a un resolution and as proposed by the french president any dream and should also regulate arounds nuclear program after the current one expires both the manual macro on and angle of merkel appear though to change their stance and he ran deal after meeting with the us president. the isn't there may we believe it's better to have this agreement even if it's not perfect and have no agreement. the iran deal is not sufficient to see that iran's ambitions are curbed and contained it is most important to recognize that iran through its ballistic missile program is trying to exert geopolitical influence in syria and lebanon. the solid
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robust verifiable agreement that guarantees that iran will not acquire nuclear weapons to denounce it without proposing anything else would be a serious mistake not respecting it would be irresponsible longleat france thank you. and we should acknowledge that the current agreement doesn't allow us to address all of us use among other things not covered by the iran nuclear deal is iran's activity in the region of the. middle east expert paul who though believes there's no need to scrap the iran nuclear deal as it does work well addressing the issues it's meant. i would hope that president trump would not try to exert any political influence or you know any type of economic influence trying to get others to abandon you know support for the deal because you know i think you're saying it's a great deal it's working in curbing iran's nuclear ambitions and that was the intention of the deal but for other ambitions that iran might have in the region
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in july twenty seventh team on an attempt to freelance journalist watching without militant shelling in syria. the owner of his sacrifice quality has established a holiday memorial they will recognize war reporters who often risk the sake of the truth and through that peace you can submit to your published works in a video or written form to along doughty dot com into now. los angeles the sony of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the street. the simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in it's been a struggle. this man's bone his own response to the problem and construct
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dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing and nowhere to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such to lucian that tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution perth to someone monitoring the site otherwise it'll be a free for all and is there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. yes i was yes yes yes. yes. one hundred yeah right the comedy show where americans in america covering
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american news are called foreign agents or europe you know i covered how iran was threatening to drop the us dollar in its dealings with foreign currencies i assume you wrote it down at the time all right there's going to be an exam if you can well just this week we found out iran has finally done it they have finally switched from the dollar to their euro the united states gets a lot of our power and economic might from the petro dollar in fact we've got a funny little habit of invading and destroying countries that stop using the dollar it happened to live there used. to realize it's a bit of a trend it is yes you know and i like if you have a friend who is like dating a stark raving mad girl with no sense of humor and you're like jesus christ what is wrong with a nerd and then he brags over there and you're like oh my god now we're going to hang out again and then he starts dating another one exactly the same. i
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guess that's his type you know he likes women who probably understand his hadn't gone through dry wall and that's his thing well invading and destroying countries that drop the better zero dollar is starting to look like our thing. as the guardian reported in october two thousand rock insisted on dumping the us dollar the currency of the enemy for the more multilateral euro so not long after that the bush administration desperately wanted to force the w m d intelligence agency had to make it fit for innovation we now know the w m d's story was all. sewn large it had other smaller horse orbiting it. so clearly there were other reasons the us needed to invade and one of the biggest ones was saddam switch away from the dollar but that's not all soon after libya
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began moving towards and african gold based currency and lining up all of their african neighbors to join them we invaded them as well with the help of nato author ellen brown pointed out this fact at the time of the invasion she says gadhafi initiated a movement to refuse the dollar and the euro and called on arab and african nations to use a new currency instead the gold dinar john perkins the author of confessions of an economic hitman great book he has also said that the true reason for the attack on libya was gadhafi has moved away from the dollar and the euro clearly it's all about. banking all right. but actually ridiculous if you were about the banking then the rebels in libya getting help from nato and the united states would have set up some sort of new banking system after bringing down get down be actually that in weight well in france said several writers have noted the odd fact the libyan rebels took time out from their rebellion in large to create their own
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central bank this before they even had a government. here you know the brutal war to do list one torture and murder gadhafi in the streets check to kill a raccoon for dinner check three former central banks jack. for find somewhere quiet to take a. working on that point i'm sure does sound like it's all about the banking maybe the rebels had some help let's dig a little deeper most of you know about general wesley clark's famous quote about seven countries in five years i've played this pub on the show. check your notes will be an exam a fee and. clerk is a four star general the former nato supreme allied commander and he ran for president two thousand and four basically nothing with his life nothing at all. he may very well be remembered for the fact that he told us the pentagon said to him
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in like two thousand and two we're going to take down seven countries in five years we're going to start with iraq then syria lebanon then libya somalia sudan we're going to come back get iran in five years most of those have happened and we've added some to the list of course afghanistan well they didn't have our money they had our drugs. twenty four thousand afghans they were producing twice as much as it did in two thousand by twenty fifteen afghanistan was the source of ninety percent of the world's opium pipe. it's all about the banking but sometimes it's about drugs you know i believe that always trumps economic adviser larry kudlow told me that. we. had a one hundred thousand dollar a month coke habit i mean look i'm fine with anybody doing anything on their own time as long as it's consensual i'm fine with that but
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a hundred five was the snorting diamonds that had passed through a virgin's digestive track she says larry you're scaring the normals all right try to praise or take a great nod to the austral. then there's yemen we're helping to destroy yemen largely to make saudi arabia happy apparently we only claim to care about syrian children to justify regime change we couldn't care less about yemeni children or rocky. palestinian children north korean children we had them on children or somali children i mean put michigan children baltimore children eight of american children where three kids. died be children. oh wait i think that for have a talk i was at fiction i think it was me i'd like to let you know might my
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memories are starting to blend with the three d. movies i've seen they're just kind of coming together. but the head of the cia is all trying right i have that right. alan brown goes even further in our analysis about general clark's bombshell what do these seven countries have in common none of them is listed among the fifty six member banks of the bank for international style settlements that evidently puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers central bank in switzerland the most renegade of the lot could be libya and iraq the two. that have actually been attacked it's all about the bank and mother. yeah. yeah. probably then why is the u.s. so eager to turn syria into a failed state syria never dropped it down to your old stupid theory falls apart right there oh does it does it does it annoying is really does it cause. chicago
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tribune february two thousand and six syria dollar dropped as primary hard currency i think i'm noticing a bit of a trend. so now that iran has officially dropped the dollar be prepared for an even greater push for war with iran the recent pressure started about a year ago when trump got into office in iran threaten to drop the dollar the mainstream media will likely run increasing number of reports pushing for a bleed a rating yet another country such as this from p.b.s. over on the still of top state sponsor of terrorism one must assume this list of terrorist ponces does not include the country that mase arms that significantly enhanced isis's military capabilities or the country that averages over one hundred forty bombs dropped per day under donald trump but those bombs don't cause
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terror those are the happy bombs there they are they just drop one thousand nine hundred ninety five richard simmons down on people that. this is very jazzy and fun it's going time. but if this is all about dropping the dollar then why was french president macpro not running around d.c. this week trying to get trump to stay in the iran nuclear deal yet france was leading the charge to attack libya and bring down gadhafi and you really are second otherly they really are. i'll tell you why iran dropped the dollar for the. euro so france cool with that that sounds good. but gadhafi was threatening to drop the dollar and the euro for an african currency it's all about the banking but the nice thing about our manufacturing of consent for war nowadays is how predictable it is what will happen next is the u.s. will continue to raise the threat of iran at the same time will be funding rebel
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groups then if things get crazy enough will start accusing iran of having w m d your chemical w m d a or nuclear testing and then we'll go that is a red line when need to but because they've crossed a red line and we are the moral authority based on. giving our foreign. giving our foreign policy red lines is like putting lipstick on a pig you get redlines lipstick again i guess i stayed up for like three nights coming up with that. act like israel still not prefers a iran seeks to dominate the world in fact they have already taken over this area. we you know our military bases well yeah. you know over time you know. they didn't even leave a piece for us they've also taken over this island off the coast of alaska there is
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there is an iranian military base staling down alaska all right and i am of course life. but. could you imagine how much we. the federal ronnie your military base just popped up knew we would lose our goddamn. but of course iran would never do that because they have no intention of dominating the world however we've done that everywhere around here. well one of the reasons we've done that so you can make sure everyone keeps using our banking system they talk about the bank right you don't write it down you don't try to out the company was easy because the are.
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that. welcome welcome on late cam now let's take the news from behind so you guys on this show i try to cover the redacted and censored news and i try to avoid the downright conspiracy theory stuff you know the stuff that has basically no evidence to back it up like maybe the alien or it could jackson's told your bathroom plumbing. may be done on trump it's actually intelligent i don't know i don't entertain that stuff but sometimes i have no choice but to at least mention some of these nutty conspiracy theories so this is one of those times.
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