tv Worlds Apart RT April 28, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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and you can go to the united states and represent a client it's just another meeting and tribe junior met her. and he said it only lasted twenty minutes and they didn't speak about very much if the opposition of robert mueller then can find evidence that they were conspiring together they were trying trying to undermine hillary clinton so it's up to them to do that but on the face of it just not any bt. or will have to prove that it had other. rover objectives in the meeting and it find it very very difficult to prove. the new wave of allegations comes as the u.s. house intelligence committee revealed that it's found no evidence donald trump's twenty sixteen presidential campaign had been working with russia so no collusion according to the committee the democrats still refused to endorse the findings and vowed to continue with the probe more on the report is generally figure. if you've
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heard it once you've heard it a thousand times but here it is once more for those of you in the cheap seats the russian active measures campaign against the united states was multi-faceted they leverage cyber attacks covert platforms social media third party intermediaries in state run media the house intelligence report begins with a novel idea the american people rightly want to know what the russians did and how and well each section starts off with accusations of what the kremlin did where the evidence is meant to be there is just a bunch of blacked out text nevertheless the committee concludes that russia's goal was to sow discord in america and cast doubt on the democratic process that's apparently with point zero zero zero two percent of u.s. election related advertising on google and with an equally huge amount of ads on facebook twenty five percent of which were never seen by anyone that's in the report still the aim was apparently achieved and is the sole reason for the expanse of divide that has grown in america since the election approaches active measures
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campaign achieved its primary goal of inciting division in discord among americans for more than a year us politics have been consumed by busy recriminations charges and countercharges about the attacks it's wholly unclear how russia's alleged actions are responsible for the political chaos that has ensued since trump took the white house it wasn't russia reporting that term's former campaign manager has connections to ukraine spelled out collusion one of the many theories that the report shoots down the charges against paul the for president tom's former company manager or save more than seventeen million dollars in secret payments from a kremlin linked political party in ukraine but it was the american media that hypothesize that trump jr is meeting with a russian lawyer proved moscow was supporting trump donald trump son think he was about to get help from a russian lawyer with ties to the kremlin this is looking more and more like treason and all these strange behavior from the president it's all explains now
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a stream of league. by the intelligence community condemned by the report as damaging national security wasn't orchestrated by the kremlin who are also learning from your sources that intelligence officials they denied n.b.c. news is learning from intelligence sources u.s. intelligence sources tell us news or even taken basser kislyak half of team trump was accused of meeting with him and that threaten their jobs but the report says there was nothing sinister there also there the controversial russian ambassador sergei look of course of the pictures of course a shameful picture where the united states press corps was kept out by the russians were allowed in there is an open question whether there was collusion cooperation between trump associates during the campaign and russian officials all of that discord was home grown so after a year of searching that included seventy three interviews nine hearings and briefings and the review of countless documents were left with the conclusion of no collusion and as much proof as we had before the report was released meaning little to none talk of meddling almost always involves a mention of this channel as
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a so-called tool of kremlin influence this time the apparent reason is a growth in auntie's popularity according to the report moscow uses google and its services to spread propaganda via accounts and report notes that are two million subscribers on the cheap the lawmakers are also disturbed by the fact that r.t.c. considered in the same on their wrists quote legitimate news sources the media on this line all things that congress is mistaking an alternative point of view for interference the only thing that we can maybe point to is that these people called the russians russian government russian actors people with russian names i don't know but these people that we will collectively call the russian. put a tweet face story that did not encourage armed
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revolt by the american citizens that i want to send something it merely presented allegedly the point zero zero two whatever percent of this but presented stories that other american actors and politicians in folkson and activists were alleging as well so it just so happened that this horrible russian examiner's of dissent or whatever was a story discord happened to me are exactly the same thoughts and sentiments of actual americans who may have had a different opinion from hillary clinton it's the only story in town and the american public have been so had better waited to this mean that they want to hear more of it they believe there is evidence when there is no evidence on oh no i'm sorry to say this isn't stopping i hope it does but i'm afraid it will. it's fifteen years since one of the darkest chapters of the iraq war the for luge a massacre this was when u.s. soldiers opened fire on civilian protesters scores of people were killed at the
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time the u.s. military claimed that the protesters that opened fire first on soldiers but human rights watch never found any trace of bullets in the building where the officers had been within a year the u.s. had launched an all out military assault on the city it became known as the first battle for fallujah it resulted in around six hundred deaths many civilians including women and children were among the casualties washington used white phosphorus and depleted uranium which according to doctors led to a surge an infant deaths miscarriages and birth defects there's also a twelve volt increase in child cancer cases that's even higher than among hiroshima survivors years on and locals in fallujah are still dealing with the consequences. exactly the story begins with that talk in fallujah when the americans attacked at first i had a few miscarriages and then i had tried to make. the
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doctors discovered that it was a result of the phosphorus which was used by the americans. and i have conducted a study based on samples analyzed in certified german maps which have nothing to do with any political party they found here a new career and other pollutants. in this but she's a very good student despite her disability when she writes on the board or in her notebook and it is very nice she's one of our best students.
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there has been little relief for civilians in a matter of years islamic state would start to take a foothold in for lou just bringing with it the turmoil of civil war even after asa was driven out of the country locals still say that life in the city is far from normal. and although we came back from the camp to fallujah they told us that the city and its suburbs are clear of these so we came back as we were cleaning the house. an i.e.d. went off and killed my sister and sister. and at this neighborhood went through a lot this house lost two women and i lost a son and the other was crippled and haven't seen any official pass by here about
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us offered condolences. but the the area is destroyed is not a place anyone would want to come to stay in our house go to the house in front of us use this road to come in and out of it that's what we don't go anywhere else the area is full of bombs or look at these flags all over the place which we can't walk here the area is dangerous soldiers have come here set off two or three bombs and left this area behind me is closed off the flanks are trying to come home but they can't. america's secretary of state might pump a recently accuse germany of failing to meet the nato military spending target of two percent of gross domestic product but berlin is currently digging ever deeper into his pockets by snapping up military drones an aircraft i think peter oliver went to the berlin airshow to check out germany's latest hardware. this is an exploit is underway in the german capital polled thousand square meters of all
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things aviation from the commercial private and military sectors. but just next to me are some of the drones currently operated by the german military this is the current and if we come over this way this is the current t p that's the one that could be equipped with weapons now then made by an israeli company in a joint partnership with the aerospace giant airbus and over the next nine years germany is set to spend a billion a year zero increasing the current fleet of these mini isn't just looking to buy drones from abroad behind me is apparently the future it's called the european mail now it's a joint collaboration between its silly france spain and germany and the developers
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all of this particular unmanned aircraft told me why those type of drones are the weapon of choice for modern european armies this is now the next step towards the kind of independence in europe and that of course comes them along with a clear push into several. meaning. but also to well when it comes to you know real ability. also on display is. thirty five now this is lockheed martin stealth jet that's being touted as a replacement for the tornado fighter bomber that's currently operated by the german military and it's not just the professionals that get to sort through the air using this tactical simulator of a helicopter i can even fly a mission small children in town albeit a bumpy ride. with me in charge companies from all over the world to showcasing
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their wares and germany is in the market to buy the country's army chief is already call to defense spending by fifteen billion euro by twenty twenty one but opposition politicians aren't happy with that direction all the pressure being put on germany by its nato allies to spend more on the military this is the wrong direction in the mall and various legs in the consideration of education and the climate solutions of the health system in germany for example and. the military. and if you look at the german population german population wants peace so i walk around in her room everyone says i want peace so i think the government have to listen listen to the population and we as a liberty bring forward that position and other actors. you witnessed it just very well with that position as were despite those dissenting voices it does seem that the german military set for a funding boost and without
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you. the u.s. is calling on europe and to the allies to slap new sanctions on iran in an effort to halt its development of ballistic missiles meanwhile rounds foreign minister spoke out against recent goals by the u.s. and other countries to strike a new deal on to iran's nuclear program as well as to curb the nation's influence in the middle east. but the situation in syria and the other middle eastern
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countries has nothing to do with the iran nuclear deal the us is making the moons that are unacceptable not only for the people of the room but also for the other countries through sun the nuclear deal for the world community as well. the potential new agreement which is being discussed by global powers is thought to be aimed at containing around in the middle east may also address iran's ballistic missile tests which have still been conducted by to run in violation of the un resolution and as proposed by the french president any agreement should also regulate iran's nuclear program after the current one expires both emmanuel micron and angle americal appeared to change their stance on the iran deal after they met with the us president years and we believe it's better to have this agreement even if it's not perfect and have no agreement. of. the iran deal is not sufficient to see that iran's ambitions are curbed and contained it is most important to recognize is that iran through its ballistic
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missile program is trying to exert geopolitical influence in syria and lebanon. the solid or blockbuster verifiable agreements that guarantees that iran will not acquire nuclear weapons to denounce it without proposing anything else would be a serious mistake not respected it would be irresponsible longly france thank you. and we should have knowledge of the current agreement doesn't allow us to address all of us choose among the things not covered by the iran nuclear deal is iran's activity in the region. we discussed the flip flop on iran's nuclear deal by the french and german leaders with politics professor at the university of tehran side mohammad marandi who believes that such a move will diminish the credibility of merkel in the eyes of iran. he did more damage to themselves then twenty one else because iranians are looking at the
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actions and the statements of these european leaders and when they see that they flip flop so easily and they try to appease the u.s. president. so readily then in future i don't think that the iranians will ever take the germans or the french seriously again they'll know that in future they simply are are useless to negotiate with because they have no influence and they are willing to bow down to the u.s. president if he demands the them to do so so more than anything else the damage themselves because iran is not going to allow any changes to take place in the nuclear agreement when when the nuclear agreement was a was being discussed many in iran were critical of it they were saying that iran is giving too many concessions but ultimately when the iranians decided to sign those critics and those who supported the agreement they all agreed that juran must abide by its commitments over the last couple of years more than two years the iranians have been abiding by their side of the bar bargain and the americans
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haven't. police conversation has revealed the u.s. democratic party's leadership pressured a candidate for a house seat in colorado to drop out of the race. he would like to get out of the race. i know your fund raising. you guys or someone money. i mean it's a. smaller. sum with someone and then i marry.
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you. levi tillman he heard that had been focusing his campaign on clean elections combating climate change and improving the u.s. health care system he was endorsed by the state senator last may but was later asked to drop out of the race the house minority leader has defended the move. i don't see anything inappropriate and let. mr hoyer was engaged in a conversation about the realities of life in a race as to who can win in the general election this is not the first time leaks have pointed to attempts by the us democrat r.t. to influence elections e-mails revealed by wiki leaks showed the party's officials tried to use bernie sanders religion against him and in favor of hillary clinton both of them would representing the democrats in the twenty sixteen presidential race leaks also showed the then vice chair of the democratic national committee
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secretly gave clinton debate questions in advance that was during the democratic primary but the current d.n.c. chair says that incidents like those are of the past. but we're moving forward we have to make sure that everything is fair and open and everybody has a fair shake and that's what we're going to do we discussed the issue with journalist and author daniel believes that the democrats becoming less democratic there's a split in the party between the base and the and the higher echelons the elected officials it's totally undemocratic. it smoke and mirrors the base thinks they're getting a choice but they really aren't because the the real candidates are decide are chosen behind closed doors but the democratic party is in the danger of self destructing it's it's trying to think that will win in two thousand and eighteen if it passes itself off as the republican lite party. but that's
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a very risky tactic because the risks the danger is old wind up needing its base of support which will either stay at home or vote for green candidates or others who are challenging the democrats from the left so they're trying to try to walk a very thin line and i don't think they'll be able to do it. the numbers of up to date still me for the latest news headlines on updates on our top stories it often out.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be perhaps we. have to be right to be for us to see what was before us three in the morning can people get. interested always in the waters of our. first sip. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education. higher
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education is becoming just another product that can be born and sold so there's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you good. luck with. the following couldn't you. want is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now and i'm extremely bored higher education the new global economic war. skies or financial survival. when customers go buy your do something. else well reduce some lower. that's undercutting but what's good for food markets it's not good for the global economy.
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i'm not sure it can see we're going underground as trade unions around the world demonstrate to remember the dead and fight for the living on international workers memorial day coming up on the show just twenty four hours off the nato met in brussels award winning author and foreign correspondent charles glocks tells us whether it was like for to raise a baby with nature's blessing. that damascus in the possibles days and we speak to a journalist on the ground in yemen who claims he has proof that american made bombs were used in a double tap strike on a wedding that killed or injured nearly one hundred men women and children well. we shouldn't be too shy about it was the speaker of the house of commons referring to another parliamentary scandal of this week's u.k. pm piece all the simple coming up at today's going underground but first in the
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past twenty four hours syria was just one of the topics at the nato summit in brussels for discussion nato nation conflicts from venezuela to ukraine to central africa to the south china sea and if anyone was in any doubt that donald trump has abandoned his america first strategy here is jump speak for secretary of state on trump's right to bomb syria i believe the president has the domestic authority to do that i don't think i don't think that has been disputed by republicans or democrats throughout an extended period of time actually it's disputed mostly by our founding fathers who believe they gave that authority to congress the voice there of senator rand paul has been a tiddley came around to confirming cia director mike pompei is jobs which to become the u.s.a.'s top diplomat well joining me now is award winning foreign correspondent and author of syria burning charles glass charles thanks so much for coming back on a good to see to resume joining macro and trump and enforcing red lines on chemical weapons in syria where as i recall the british contribution was eight rockets out
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of over two hundred of those and it wasn't militarily significant but it shows that britain and france will willingly be dragged along with american policy in the middle east and sometimes actually lead the americans to things they might not otherwise have done let's get on to that leading in a second but yeah you can say dragged along the prime minister of a very proud it seemed like the country you know the prime minister of britain went along with it without consulting parliament i'm not sure what the outcome would have been if there had been a vote on it well just as in washington where. trump said that he didn't need congressional approval this government. is forcefully argued and we in fact. tony blair's attorney general who gave the cause of legal basis for it here on this program would morris saying that in a time of exceptional circumstances a country like britain can fire missiles at an urban environment like damascus no
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questions well this has to be tested in the courts in both america and britain but it hasn't been yet i think that. the direction the jurisprudence would take particulars of the war powers act in united states which was which was brought in because of the abuses during the vietnam war era there are restrictions on what the president can do and cannot do militarily abroad in this country because there is no constitution is no such a thing similar to the war powers act. there are indications that should be consulted but maybe doesn't have to be consulted again side from the constitutional matters here in britain what did you think of the timing of the strike i had of the o.p.c. w. inspectors going to do more to prove what mainstream media certainly has assessed many times that it was all it was it was a case of the execution before the trial the idea of the o.p.c. w. going to damascus and into tomorrow was that they would investigate and determine whether chemical weapons were indeed used or not and it should have. there should
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have been a patient period of waiting to find out what the outcome of that investigation was instead the assumption was as the rebels said that the syrian regime dropped chemical weapons on duma and that was that was seems to have been enough you've written about chemical weapons used in the middle east over a decade a good way of getting rid of chemical weapons as strikes from missiles. flown from will planes are taking off from the mediterranean there has been a great inconsistency in western policy on the use of chemical weapons since one nine hundred eighty during the iran iraq war the united states favored saddam hussein using chemical weapons against the iranians and thousands of iranian soldiers were killed by poison gas and that's indisputable fact in some in some of that gas was manufactured by plants in iraq that were according to american designs
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in one nine hundred eighty eight saddam hussein at the end of the war bombed the kurdish village of halabja and at that time the united states denied that saddam had done it at first they said it didn't happen and then when when roberts noted investigative journalist from this country went there and brought back soil samples that were tested important down proving that this were these were chemical weapons chemical weapons in saddam's stockpile that they had to admit to the british and the americans had to admit that chemical weapons were used by that they then came up with a story that the iranians had done it was later when they decided they wanted to get rid of saddam hussein that they admitted that he had done it and that was one of the reasons we're going to war against a great inconsistency if not hypocrisy and in syria both sides have used chemical weapons the government and the rebels and there should be a policy for stopping the use of chemical weapons but i think more importantly for stopping the war itself the by by the best estimate. no more than
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a thousand people have been killed by chemical weapons five hundred thousand people have been killed so that five hundred four hundred ninety nine thousand people have been killed by conventional weapons supplied by russia iran the united states saudi arabia qatar and turkey syria doesn't manufacture weapons the impetus should be to end the war in the use of all weapons conventional and chemical should say that but the syrian government and certainly britain the british backed rebels deny any use of chemical weapons so does the syrian government has everyone everyone does deny it and there is evidence we know it's been used we know it's been used on multiple occasions in varying amounts it's. really been you know everybody says we didn't do it everybody says the others like it but there has to be a serious investigation a real really serious investigation could be done countrywide once the war has ended well britain noise as it does one day political says a solution and says clearly that it.
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