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tv   Documentary  RT  April 29, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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trump's name is also mud in new york city manhattan went eighty six point six percent for hillary clinton so just over ten percent of the manhattan population even voted for trump and there is some proof lately that even renting in anything named trump is the rent prices are declining but now there is. basically trump tower prices are also collapsing we have this headline a new report claims donald trump's new york city properties have lost their luxury status the trump palace at two hundred sixty ninth street fair the worst with the lowest comparable prices when stacked up against the manhattan condo average coming in with eight percent dip over the last decade so these are the prices for the truck palace two hundred sixty ninth street so the blue line is trump palace compared to other luxury condos so people no longer consider it luxury is probably. when people realize i guess they didn't know how he spoke i don't know kill two birds with one stone. trump
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properties the white house the white house is a great brand trump is in the white house if you want to stay in the white house like the lincoln bedroom or something like that you can stay at what was formally a throne poto rebranding the white house they've got the white house logo on the towels they've got the white house soap you've got all the whole of the white house but in various properties around the world and use part of the money to pay down america's debt so you killing two birds with one stone you're rehabilitating the trowbridge and you're paying down america's debt well so basically what you're saying is now the u.s. stands out as debt to g.d.p. ratio increasing you're saying we already have the emergence of a royal sort of family we have the clintons we have the bushes we have these royal sort of families member hillary clinton was the wife of a former president barbara bush just died she was the wife of a president. i'm the mother of
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a president so we already have these well families and why do that you know whenever you're in london like we were for too many years what they always say is oh we love our royal family they bring in so much money because the people tourists come to look at them so you're saying like why don't we start to make money off them like all these tacky hotels we could put those thousands and thousands of gifts that the president receives they're not allowed to personally keep it it's a product you know basically the taxpayer owns it but where is the. basement somewhere the white house where you just put them in all these luxury condo right you. know a little trotsky's in the hotels replicas you can buy the lobby and you know they have the fire recently in trump tower you can recreate the fire in properties all around the world properties are called like a re not going to the american revolution so over going to burn down the room parts are going to cause an insurrection looks set on fire it could all be preprogramed it just be like a disney event disneyland where the fire of burst out on flight of four thirty nine
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and you because just part of your package of staying out the white house but in order for the american people to buy into this and they want the debt to be paid down and their taxes not to rise is you could put it over head as you enter each building in the lobby you can have that american debt clock and then he also has a have a donation box like in the churches where i'd like to help fix up this building help pay down our national debt and have all those like junk presents that were given to the president but absolutely or when you walk through the portals of the hotel it puts you further into debt anyway we got to take a break right there for those don't go will be. luxury and free. an alarming number of people living in the street. simple fact in no way use. a shelter even if people on. streets right now decided
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to come in there's nowhere to come in and it's been a struggle. this man found his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution you curve to have someone monitoring the site otherwise it will be a free for all the news there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see if that.
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welcome back to the kaiser part imax kaiser to speak with heart as sonny. i owe our cash welcome thank you so much for having us on see a huge fat zero zero zero s. rat's ass ticking away our seeing is at conferences around the world because you've got something that is a high demand hoshko dot tell us about it as a whole show itself means security in japanese and we were looking for a short word that nailed exactly where our focus was which is cybersecurity within the block chain space and we felt like we hadn't seen anyone in the industry be laser focused on just block chain security especially one that's not doing their own i.c.a.o. of course people on their block saying they are bitcoin one of the first things they hear about is that it's so secure it's also about that i mean what are people missing or what the add to the to the equation so code that's written on
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a block is referred to as business logic and business logic is very far from being secure and traditionally in the technology era whenever sophisticated code is written you always get a third party to audit it and the exact same methodology is now being implemented in the block chain space that if you're writing code you need to have at least one professional third party who are technical audit of the code and then make sure that there's no hidden functionalities that you're not clogging up the block chain by potentially using too much gas and that the actual written words of the source of truth are actually married to the business logic is the code doing what the words say they're supposed to do a lot of money has been pouring into crypto and block chain and when this money comes in ideally they do an audit of the technology is there enough technology auditing going on with all this money my question is is there more money out there
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now chasing projects than there are. has adequate amount of auditing yet there's not enough sophisticated auditing firms out there to handle all of the work in the space and we're seeing the asian crypto markets boil and become extremely exciting and they're seeing millions of dollars fund raised in a much faster speed of time in asia but none of them are valuing security at the lowest numbers of security audits being done are by far in asia and for an investor to cut a check into a project and not make sure that this mark on tracks been audited at least once and to review the actual audit report i think it's bizarre and there is not enough firms willing to even audit non if you're in based projects so the theory i'm has been the main protocol in which most i.c.'s have been launched on their launching what's called an r.c. twenty token on top of the protocol and that's been the majority of i.c.a.o. as to date now we're starting to see people start to develop smart contracts on the newer protocols that are coming we see some interest in stellar neo and soon maybe
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e.o.s. but the current firms like consensus that have been doing smart contract auditing seem to be much more laser focused on just a theory and you know people when they hear the word auditing they think about auditing firms like price waterhouse cooper and these big auditing firms so it's whole show dot i. say are you the kind of a p w c block chain is that a position yourself correct yeah we're looking to evolve and to becoming the do a lawyer or mckinsey or see if you will of this space right and how long is a company been around in a little less than a year ok so this is a start up start first year start up and what's the headcount we're at twenty four full time in las vegas and about eleven contractors we are hiring rapidly about thirty more people on boarding looking open up our first office outside of the u.s. hopefully looking to as you. global business realize time zones now matter
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a lot and so when i've been in europe i've been realizing well europe is pretty interesting to do business in both asia and north america and so we're exploring where to go we're growing steadily month over month definitely a start up pace murdering the white combinator time paul graham used to say that during y. combinator a startup grows an average seven percent week over week we've been right around there actually as a tech start up growing at a rapid pace week over week ever since we started how many startups have you been involved with technically three i founded one before this was a this is called zaldy dot com we did mobile point of sale and integrating to legacy systems and implementing and if the payments and chip credit card payments and before that we were building a white labeled android app store for pics so let's talk about smart contracts just to connor real back for a second cars people talk about smart contracts you build them on a watch and excited about now is there
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a way to actually author this mark on track the way we operate a smart contract is you need to engineer who has a unique background the background has to be a security background make you a mind full stock engineer that's keeping up with solidity and solidity is the language of the theory and the protocol is built on it's a new language that very few engineers in the world are very well versed in it is updating as a language on a weekly basis and so when we're doing a smart contract audit you need this engineer with a unique background to marry the code to the words to do a gas analysis to do a static analysis and to do a dynamic analysis such as you know you're talking about more money in this space than there is operating more money entering this space than there is engineering talent correct at what point does the industry start to level off in terms of the various under long underlying dynamic components if you will start to come into more of a balance if that ever happened i guess as
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a precedent. back to the dot com era or some other high growth areas but if that question kind of makes sense doesn't make sense what's your thought on that i think that a lot of dust has to settle in this industry in order for more sophisticated capital to come play active ball in the space and the biggest issue is a lack of security and a lack of education when it comes to hiring new engineers and what's needed most in this industry isn't it is more academies to train high level engineering talent ourselves at hoshi we're building an in-house academy because the only way we're going to stack up our engineering team is by finding full stack engineers that we can train to become qualified auditors. if you're a qualified engineer today chances are you're building your own solution or you're being paid a ridiculous amount per month to work for some i.c.a.o. . and this is the reality of it when you're offered eight hundred a theory and for the month of my c.e.o.
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you're going to jump ship from whatever you are and go ongoing joke in the industry as if you're really qualified engineer in this space you might be too rich to get out of bed. yeah exactly i mean that's a real problem there at the top talent is is become fabulously wealthy and so they're not really motivated to. get their hands dirty correct right yes so you've got to grow talent from the grassroots and this is a brand new industry where even if you're hiring someone on the block chain side of things maybe they were an early employee at linked in and they've built out a big team of thirty people for but they haven't spent the time to read the bitcoin block chain white paper there are hundreds of toshiba's white paper where it all started and i feel like most of the times people who are very experienced in business don't understand block chain one on one and that's also a big problem with hiring this is a true for anyone in this industry i'm sure they're all facing it that you found someone who can be a v.p. of marketing you know sales force or she knows sales force and part. but they know
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nothing about block chain one hundred one and how to operate in this space what's the what's trust decentralisation really mean people bring their assumptions and their experience and they hear a few things and then they just kind of court over what they know and they think they know stuff so what is like with the one thing that a newcomer even experience as a technologist is missing about the block chain ethos of you well the core belief system was that one. special sauce if you will that they're missing i don't think it's special sauce i think it's really in the bitcoin that i. read it understand it and if you don't start watching some videos from under it's antonopoulos. ses i think they're a little more of the seeing i phone example is material easier to digest he invented the word smart contract the fairies and it's remarkable that people don't even know that now looking out to twenty eighteen twenty nineteen what are thought
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of bitcoins emerging second layer like lightning networks. and how's that going well i mean we've been waiting for her a really long time for elizabeth and the lightning network team to give us a viable solution but we've all been very excited about side chains being the answer and site chains being the answer to us being able to go up against visa and master card in the space because it's not going to happen on the the corbett clint black chain right so it's got to go off yes it's a handle that volume and it gets back to you know the debate of twenty seventeen was really this debate about store of value versus means of exchange and the means of exchange was opened up competing blocks chains and talking about house to toasties vision is all about digital cash and that the store value argument is not really just be placed in the center of the discussion but it looks as though that store value argument kind of won out to some degree in twenty seventeen and. now or
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in twenty eighteen and it seems like the argument of the day is going to be proof of work vs proof of steak ok so explain the difference and then your view on the proof of work is not sacrificing security. as much as proof of steak is that proof of steak is a great step towards leveraging less electricity and it's way more earth friendly but is it the right step for security. i would personally say in my personal opinion no first book proof of steak takes a step in the wrong direction for security at least right now it's sacrificing security in order to save electricity which brings us right back to proof of work. the dust hasn't settled so therefore economic comes all way back to back when again because it's the longest. they got the longest track record it's got. on on
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interrupted up down up time right and so do you see anything we're maximalist to say that that's the reality is all we really have to right so as a security professional that's kind of your opinion to the industry folks are asking about that that that's where you were excited for proof of steak but they need to value security and we need to as a community hash through how security will be sacrificed so on the environmental issue. seems like a nonstarter in many ways because first of all i mean just off the top of my head i'm thinking like renewable energy. power watch i am in saudi arabia going to be one hundred percent renewables they've got a ray of solar panels that are the biggest in the world iceland is all geothermal energy the technology for photoelectric cells is going that ace of pot a curve down to zero cost right so heading into renewables anyway and so why is this even an issue security is usually just some. i don't think the issue is
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finding a way to have renewable energy be produced whether it's nuclear whether it's solar i think that's not the issue the issue is just being able to hash through how can security be the utmost priority in order that so security is not sacrificed in an effort to make things proof of state of the proof where i get that but it just seems that the common theme you hear from no corners as they're called to say paul krugman from the new york times hill hit on this it eased up a lot of energy issues and it just seems like a it's a nonstarter and doesn't matter right now it's ok if you still owe actress that you're right at this point there's a lot of things that use a lower tricity and honestly we don't even know if the u.s. dollar has sole goal. iow is the name of the company this is how sonny is c.e.o. and founder i'm co-founder and president my co-founders yo kwan and his previous company was coin set or they found an exchange that in new york they sold coins
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that had to crack him and after that he launched launched where they got rid of passwords using multifactor authentication they sold launched a dietician labs and then you and i partnered up to start osho and to be laser focused on walks and security perfect thanks ray i've got so much max already shit all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser par with may max kaiser and stationer well i think our guest sonny a whole show i owe generated on twitter is kaiser report that's an excellent bio. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably most secretive the pentagon stereo system the cia and benteke gone did the. swiss customs place well all the science is controlled by as a monday impose the opening times. it possibilities from the top us the procedures
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in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecans oh and modigliani i can't boards and sold in the side this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet secrets they concern frauds from some of those paintings a link to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport the surplus edition that will never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. off selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle for. the new socks for the tell you that because of
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the public buy a file for the most important day. off the bat doesn't help you on the cool enough to buy their product. on the hawks that we all. love watching. it was our summers and i built tiny houses for the homeless. six years back and they are here why put these guys down for me a tiny house is not a solution it will be a free for off. is my safe conditions to live and. to supervise the president around the city of los angeles.
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always good terrorist. nobody should be homeless anywhere but especially in one of the richest countries in the world. i build everything was true because i make a lot of mistakes. and it's easy to back out your mistakes in compton south central l.a. a pint sized idea as well this summer as in a battle with city author already. when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle. the mayor of los angeles has to clear the city is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. overseas trying to solve it one tiny house at a time the tiny house idea is very simple it's shelter. food water and shelter are
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not optional they're required for human survival so it's a. temporary solution and like the first stone a foundation if you will to helping people who are homeless. according to elvis these cheap and portable tiny homes are meant to be on the streets of l.a. . and they need to fix. but right now they're not moving anywhere because city authorities banned them so they used to belong to somebody yeah yeah. and now they're being used no now they've been sitting here for a better part of a year collecting dust. and people are you know struggling and suffering. so yeah it's really sad i mean it's you know this is human life here you know. los angeles authorities have accused his tiny homes of threatening public safety but elvis has
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seen the tiny house movement go viral online with support coming from right across the world so with the help of internet crowdfunding he's going rogue once completed they all have a new carbon pad. alarms on the windows i put the vents these holes in the top you know it's really hot summer here so that way the heater rises and go out in the city of angels elvis isn't considered one by the powers that be. but to the homeless he's one of the few struggling to get them off the streets i don't quit and i don't give up and i definitely don't bow down to bullies people need shelter now if i have to build a tiny house for every last person until i'm five hundred years old then that's what i'm going to do. elvis is building his next house for a woman called raven. so there's
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a few people that live. ravens living under the top next to a freeway. and five from say. the situation much worse than when this last. check of this is already on a service. the sea. ravens been on and off the streets most of her life. area yeah sure after fleeing violent home when she was just thirteen. she once had a time since the city of st she's been out here so you do not. tired after getting that. pretty well. pretty light at the time
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when they. when they do it. like. elvis is worried by the state of this communal camp and he. to buy raven a tent until he can build her a new tiny house so i'm going to tent and run every back to you guys in a little while. alone present opens up about his situation. it's been a struggle. and. the city always kicks us out from the state it's us to clean those. who want to costly move their stuff every day. not just.
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ravens out here because she feels image and see shelters are overbooked or unsafe but city law was designed to move these camps on. and as a phone queue she receives a visit to a. boy said we got to. get him about this by saturday. elvis. raven is given orders. she's running out of places to go they want everybody downtown they were ready one section. it's not going to happen we're trying to scatter branch out. let's see. who's going to get away from downtown they want everybody downtown what six in downtown skid row. the worst place in history to be homeless downtown.
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if you're homeless in l.a. city laws to keep streets clear give you two choices. keep moving. on the months grow. this is the only place that you can sit up a tent without the city forcing belief. but elvis is tiny homes and allowed here. skin roy is. unlike anything else in the united states. i call it the worst. disaster in the us high. are you. doing ok. andy fails runs a big emergency shelter in the middle of skid row would you like to be seen the numbers of women seeking help here true in just a year what you mean can't daedra place to meet you unless you got pretty eyes.
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and he's on crutches because last year he lost a leg to the flesh eating bacteria that exists here still every day he's out inviting new arrivals to his shelter because he knows just how bad it gets more than two thousand people on the streets forty nine square blocks of skid row it's the worst that we've ever seen. just a good idea you really need to look down that street there's not one open spot or summit sidewalk. or i'll be a half a mile down that way. elvis is tiny houses designed as an option to avoid sleeping on skid row. because here the increasing numbers of women and children a sleeping alongside drugs crime and the mentally ill. and police are the only source of protection starts
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a pretty constant yes day and night. for maintaining order here catastrophic running with. commanders running with handcuffs to risk yes. i'll spend one night every once in a while and streets and i can't sleep because it's so dangerous and you just stay alert rats are running around running over people running in their trance and often people get beaten or assaulted or raped and that in effect can damage your health pretty quickly. so i'm all for tiny houses but there has to be restroom facilities and shower facilities because otherwise we're putting in people in treacherous living
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conditions just as if they're living in a tent. and this is why and the shelter keeps an open door policy but he's struggling to keep up with demand i can see right here right across the city shelters are full up many have to turn people away the simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelters there are not enough beds forty seven thousand people experiencing almost this and there are about twelve thousand shelter beds or transitional housing beds even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in there's no place to go. up because with limited access to emergency shelters and low cost housing life on the streets in l.a. is an endless game of cat and mouse. because the city is charged with keeping the streets clean morning everybody this.


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