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tv   Documentary  RT  April 29, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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yes but also in the west and. the cheese eating surrender monkeys. not quite hard to claim credit a hundred million dollars. to destroy one hundred thousand dollars worth of sirius . was inside this relationship seems strange. if. you want. to. call that two nations. global security and here they are burying. her and other european leaders. because of. what it is. when he takes us.
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on in. the film. because he. will apart from the french president german chancellor angela merkel has also paid a visit to washington though the interactions between her and trump were significantly more formal the iran nuclear deal was one of the main issues discussed with the u.s. threatening to scrap the agreement but. thinks that while fronts might be coming round to america's thinking europe as a whole isn't. the trio nations in europe especially friends even more than germany and britain is trying to get closer to donald trump's aspirations and
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demands especially with regard to iran's nuclear issue but there were rest of europe is a standing against any intensification of problems and tensions with iran they just reject the demand by trio of european nations regard to imposing further sanctions on iran for its missile and regional activities so this shows that europe is not much willing to you know work with donald trump. now also this week friday so in a story meeting take place the first summit between the leaders of north and south korea in more than a decade. let's .
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talk i . think. after hours of talks they reached a number of key green means to do that could significantly warm relations leaders
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announce that seek the full denuclearization of the peninsula and they also valid to stop or hostile actions against each other and to gradually reduce their weapons arsenals to additionally they agreed to hold talks with the u.s. and china to arrive at a proper peace treaty with donald trump praised the progress between the two sides following decades of tension then it does seem a final peace treaty could now be on the horizon human rights attorney addicks who wrote kin believes the two koreas are ready. i think what we can expect is. exciting moment in time which. as they said in south africa history and hope could live if you have it. in a certain time in a certain slates and i really am hopeful that from these talks we could see the framework for a full peace treaty to finally end this conflict it seems both sides are ready and
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willing to do that if the south and north could create the framework give their own steps in self-determination then the us as it's much smaller role to play if we can agree that and hold them to the notion that ending the hostile policy creating a peace treaty with the u.s. and south korea will lead to denuclearization of the korean peninsula. he wants in a week here an r.t.s. still to come from this our russian. files to confirm his allegations and testimony in court we'll tell you more about that just after the break. a thing that interrupts free trade interrupt freedom and i think interest freedom is a reversion back to neil's little ism and we see that happening right now by states and presumably here in canada as well as concentrated in the cure for your hands
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bradley a river of the risk of neil fiddlers up on the horizon crypto is the answer in my view and it is an asset class and it is gobbling up market share and the us dollar is all free up money is. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confront a shouldn't let it be an arms race based on often scary dramatic did. well ok the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down. tom.
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welcome back to the weekly now humanitarian organizations are demanding answers over an alleged led air strike on a wedding party in yemen the bombing killed at least twenty people and injured dozens more some reports also suggest that as many as fifty people were killed when a word of warning we're going to show you video now but you might find some of the images in it distressing because a small seven year old boy can be seen clinging to his father's body here they are said to have traveled from another part of the country to attend the celebrations the man's body was reportedly the last to be taken away following the airstrike as the boy would not let go of him many of the victims were women and children. i was the bridegroom knows our friends gathered in our place and were hit burners
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trade many and some people were killed and injured. this was my nephew who was injured last night by the year strike his two brothers were killed. we contacted a number of humanitarian organizations for the response to this story human rights watch said saudi arabia continues to target civilians and refuses to adequately investigate or compensate victims oxfam meanwhile condemned the attack and code for an investigation and response riyadh has said it is taking the report very seriously and will fully investigate as it claims to have done in the past with similar incidents saudi led coalition intervened in yemen almost three years ago he came to hate the opposition fighters riyadh considers them terrorists seeking to
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overthrow the yemeni government the u.n. has described the conflict is the worst manmade humanitarian crisis in modern history we spoke to the former head of the red cross in yemen who explained just time much needs to be done to help the country. there is a problem with the structural collapse of the system in yemen you have problems of water you have problems of sanitation we in the international red cross we try to fix those problems otherwise there would have maybe not be any running water and so on anymore so there is no doubt that what is coming into the country at the moment is not enough and more should be done humanitarian aid is to some to a large extent allowed in but the problem is that more is needed to ensure a decent level of life for the population i am afraid that this is becoming a feature of some of the conflicts you know some of the conflict where i work at the begin of my career were very poor country there were poor before the war poor
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during the war unfortunately poor after the war very little infrastructure so in a way very little too to reconstruct and the problem was we logically should simple to deal with here you have something which is extremely complex you have infrastructures which are falling to pieces up to the point of the whole system we have commissioned a study from well known british school that's going to carry out a full study of the health system in the moment to two to know where we are today in yemen you are very serious crisis there is a food crisis there is also a crisis that has led to one million suspected community cases of cholera last year in a matter of six months it went like the fire in twenty two years and the i.c.r.c. had never seen something like that bringing back the country on and on back on its feet will be a long long lasting talks. now it's been revealed that the former head of moscow's
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anti doping. chain called a key witness in the russian scandal failed to confirm the number of allegations against the country's athletes that's during his testimony to the court of arbitration for sport well in february the court upheld the appeals of twenty eight russian athletes who were banned for doping but is only now given some of its reasons she's done of joining me to discuss the latest. byrne first and foremost in the past few years that we've seen the scandal unravel a should say it has been established that pretty much every single athlete in russia dog so it seems it was common knowledge at least that they had a special drug cocktail brewed performance that the swapped the dirty urine samples for clean ones through some hole in the lab walls so a lot of was was said by a man named grigori roche and of so he was the key witness he put forward the allegations but in the in the case basically during that hearing the court of
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arbitration for sports he revealed that many of the stuff that he said was best circumstantial first and foremost he said that he never actually administered the said cocktail which he claims he concocted himself he says that he never saw anyone administering these said steroid cocktail he didn't know how the cocktail was smuggled from russia abroad because well you know to be used in an international championship it would have to cross the border and also he's never been a witness to the mysterious you know you're in the swamp dirty to clean one he did say that his allegations came from basically talking to his colleagues but that was it when it comes to these allegations and in the past two years his words were taken at face value i should say no one questioned them and broaching of himself was propelled to fame even starring in an oscar winning documentary about the
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doping problem in russia i was hoping to facilitate what it was or was deliberate employees in sports history was aware of the existence of a russian doping system. or top level chicks. chunk of claims were the foundation. richard mclaren's report which was then used for a blanket ban on russian athletes and he was speaking to worsening in this court case what did he say well indeed sir richard mclaren a canadian law who basically pulled put the burden on his shoulders to compile a massive report on the scale of the doping problem in russia testifying in front of the same judge being cross-examined as well he said that basically while he did not shy away from mentioning athletes by name in the report you know we said he meant to you know assume that they were guilty of something so basically being
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mentioned in his doping report did not mean he says that those athletes were complicit he also revealed he couldn't basically you couldn't explain justify to the court of arbitration for sport why he trusted roger and why he never questioned his allegations also he refused to provide the names of other witnesses of you know of turn it of sources so to speak he used to put together the reports so the good news for those thirty say athletes that had their appeal was upheld but they would say well ok ok that is good news but the damage as far as we're concerned is already been done to our names well indeed because what happened back in february twenty eighth russian athletes they used to be banned for life they had been banned for life from participating in the olympics which means they were stripped of their medal as the future held nothing for them from that point no more achievement see have. revoked and it happened literally
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a few days before the kickoff of the olympic games in south korea none of them were invited to participate so there you have it you know mud sticks. ok well before we go let's just give you an update on what's happening in armenia at the moment because thousands of people are continuing mass protests in the former soviet republic protesters there are flooding into the center of the capital get a vendor spot the resignation of the prime minister and announcements of fresh elections i think we're looking at live pictures now of mass demonstrations actually began three weeks ago and opposition leaders branded the x. president's nomination as prime minister quote power grab after ten days of rallies the premier. resigned but the protests as you can see haven't stopped in fact the opposition made in a cult. insists that they will continue until the election showed them my the for. so that's the latest from amina at the moment you've been watching the weekly here
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in r.t.l. be back with more for you that. palm oil is one of the most controversial products about its assaulted vegetable fat that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million times that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of the plantations which means the destruction of rain forest. you can do zero alone more than ten million hiked as of unique rain forest has been destroyed it's a process that just keeps going. manufacture
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consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the fine merry go round be the one percent. nor middle of the room sick.
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and welcome to worlds apart after receiving a nobel peace prize just a few years ago the organization for the provocation of chemical weapons now finds itself at the center of a major military standoff which some fear may digress into world war three can this obscure scientific organization task that holding a major international norm do its job without itself falling victim to geo political wrangling well to discuss that i'm now joined by a former un chemical weapons expert in iraq dr ken it's great to talk to you thank you very much for coming over this morning. now just a few years ago very few people are parts from a narrow circle of specialists even knew what the o.p.c. w. was say they only started to appear in global media after famous or infamous barack obama's statement on the red line if it weren't for that statement do you think we would be discussing the use of chemical weapons today. the point is that right now though we. the special position for western countries.
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responsibility for the use of chemical weapons to iraqi government. syrian government. makes it possible for all opposition groups shoe use the chemical weapon to pretend this is the fault of syrian government. because in this situation like today. western countries they do not wait for any investigation they assign the responsibility and then the punish for the chemical weapon use but when you see they punish both in this case with the latest strikes and in the previous case with the alleged attack on hunch a hole in. the response by the united states by its allies was definitely
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illegal from their point of view of international law but it was also very limited and it's also quite difficult to understand what kind of military objective it could have pursued do you think deployment of using this chemical weapons use scare is the point political or is it military is it to advance a military objectives or simply to you know malign syria even more you know we would not see any any real. military gains in these strikes so the this is really politically sure if this would be technical or military or something. it would require more than just accusations based on videos from the internet or social network but what's the point and clearly they don't like president assad i mean they made that position clear seventy years ago so what's the point of pushing. rad line that they supposedly want to
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protect themselves i mean it's clear to understand from a tactical and strategic point of view what could be gained from that of course. syrian government is an important issue right now we see that government with the support of russia and the iranians are gaining more control over syrian territory that was. state control previously and who are all the actors in this area the understand. everything and they would like to get their foot in the door to make sure that they still will be viable buyable players from what i understand russia iran turkey de tried to engage them in various negotiating for months it's not like i mean there is
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a talk about having at government of national reconciliation in syria there is talk about holding new elections so there are some political advantages that they can pursue and to the credit of both the russians and the syrians i'm an interested party here but still i think they allowed many of the militant groups to leave the area which is by my account unprecedented in the more than history of warfare so these people are actually treated pretty decently and they. yes but you have to understand. russians and syrians. bunches of opposition to leave. areas. you have to understand these are not just oppositions to syrian sources there was about seven hundred. western visors. together with the opposition of course we're. finishing.
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the opposition area so there will be a risks some western advisers also will be hit from the intensity of allegations i think perhaps the goals that they are pursuing out far bigger deal not off not only the syrian government i mean in diet point of view it's not legitimate at all but i do you think that goals go father in terms of diligent in my eyes in both russia iran and perhaps even turkey you can see that. it's a chain of events after. russia told the joint investigative mechanism we got a sudden statement. who said that russia. responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in syria there was a kind of trial and what that means if there were similar statements of fact. but.
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she never did that. in her predecessor. the. united nations certainly blamed the russia for a very high civilian for supporting assad who used the chemical weapons but the direct blame in russia for the use of chemical weapons in syria there was a very strange also very shocking because russia had very very high reputation in the world of chemical weapons let me ask you specifically about the role that the can play in all of that because unlike national governments unlike national delegations it is actually constrained by its own convention it has to follow the procedure all of these be seen as following the procedure. how much does god allow for political influences to be exerted on the. scientist it's a very good question. w.
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was. invented organization that would be purely technical. but. the structure or for office w. allow some politics so. consists of conference of state parties hundred ninety two countries the executive council and the technical secretariat there are people who do the technical work so inspectors. technical assistance and so administration administration but they do the work. executive council consists of forty one. state parties and that's exactly the area where politics will be brought the last events especially the situation is all bring in. a situation in the use of chemical weapons in syria
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brought more politics in the situation the difference from my point every year between politics and science is that politics starts with a conclusion and science is supposed to be open ended when you go out to investigate something you should not have any preconceived notion about who might have done it. how does it balance itself out when it comes to the actual investigation so for example when scientists go out and collect the samples do they have enough freedom to investigators samples and to deliver the scientific opinion on them yet very good question but let me show how politics are digital from the technical issues. russia. suggests that decision the executive council to support the mission or w. in syria the western countries. actually blog decision but she.
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wrote the request to. w. . mission specters to do if and w. did that so this is politics versus technical so how technically this work is performed the specter scam to. use of chemical weapons and they collect samples but they also work with people they work with hospitals they talk with witnesses they see those people who. were admitted to the hospitals and take their biological samples and all those samples they brought to headquarters. in the hague and. from the hague the samples. designated laboratories there are twenty two. years in the world at the moment and they analyzed those samples. did have
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probes intelligent use of chemical weapons in syria before and i talked last year it's you had the russian envoy to the organization official going and he told me that some of those problems were stopped by the people by the specialist who tend to confound the fans of syria group and that group obviously is very eager to see mr assad out many of the samples and many of the testimonies were provided by turkey which is also not the neutral player in that war so if how can you have so much confidence in the process right now when in the past it delivered the results that russia clearly didn't agree with that is a very good question but. look you can trust to the results. only in the case when. i see. according to the chain of custody.
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that means that an inspector. came to the site. himself put it in the vial. not just close it but sealed it with a special seal. be broken and then those samples are delivered to. their opened in controlled. environments. records are kept this is exactly. now already have i think a very clear in the western media to suggest that the russia and syria used this initial delay in the ability of the o.p.c. doubly inspectors to access the scene that they used to clean the area from a technical from a scientific point of view can the o.p.c. w. inspectors establish why that the scene was tampered with because even if they
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deliver clean samples in this case clean from the russian point of view the west i think would easily come out and say that. there is nothing there simply because the russians killed all the evidence. yes but in the case of. actually there were not. specters who came into the samples yeah turkish side had provided them with lots of inconsistent. but. didn't prevent. mechanism to. after. use of chemical weapons in tashi whom it was possible to analyze the samples and. you think that russia can rely on that kind of argument it's not really. a tickle yes you can clean.


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