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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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anticipate jamie that there will be some news about increased in spill they've already started some of those now spectrums but with regard to these in the next with other carriers perhaps absolutely there are sixty the very beginning sixty air carriers airlines were already starting to utilize and rush to do these tests on this but but seven thirty seven the type of engine there are there are three hundred airlines that fly c.f.m. engines and we're talking about ten thousand or so seven thirty seven s. in the air not now all of not all of those are going to have the c.f.m. engines but they are going to be there are the southwest has already announced that they're taking extra precautions and even checking other engines to make sure we'll keep an eye on it reprieve you bring us up to speed jamie lynch former director of n.t.s.b. sure appreciate your time thank you. and
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will the third time be the charm for a merger between sprint and t. mobile well sprint has now said yes to t. mobile is twenty six billion dollars offer but approval by federal antitrust regulators the same folks we were speaking with earlier they were arguing against the a t. and t. time warner deal that that approval is required before a deal can be done if approved the new company would be the second largest wireless carrier with roughly one hundred million customers the u.s. would be left with only three national wireless companies verizon the largest the new team mobile sprint company and eighty and t. and here are discusses r t r t s alex mahela bitch who joins us from toronto what he's been following where he's been following the story alex what do we know so far this news just been breaking in the last twenty hours or so what do we know so far . well you know if what you said i mean this has been years in the making for years down and back during the obama administration this merger did not seem like the best of ideas simply because of the regulators you spoke of it as well as the
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f.c.c. they were inclined at that point not to accept the deal of this magnitude to go through of course you know the thought of monopoly pop in your mind when you only have three massive providers so now the climate the according to both team obama and sprint seems to be a little bit better under the trumpet ministration they're going to gamble they might toss out the dice and hope for the best and see that if this deal can actually be pushed through under this administration look it's a twenty six billion dollars deal mostly stocks and the t. mobile is basically taking the sprint t. mobile as the bigger of the two companies worth about fifty five billion and then sprint would be absorbed into it to a new company and guess what they're going to be called t. mobile so we're seeing this thirty third entity coming to existence if that happens it will be a big three then obviously now both these companies together have about sixty billion dollars in debt so moving forward this would be a good merger so they can fight this debt together and obviously when they're fighting against eighty and t.
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and verizon those are two massive companies this gives them a bit of a gain when it comes to the whole deal of who who can fight through this war of wireless better than the others so this actually puts them into a position where they can play the game a little bit better than they would have been able to before alex this may be a loaded question it probably is big and may be something that's going to be discussed in court if they goes the route they did with a t.n.t. time warner but but how do you think this might impact consumers. you know there's two sides to this story of course and i've you know talked to t. mobile and sprint they're going to tell you this is a great can for consumers they could put better packages together because they can lower prices because now the two organizations are together which means less new use for for the infrastructure that they have and for the amount of people that work for the two organizations also they're saying this will be much much better way for them to be able to invest into five g. technology and be able to roll it out more quickly but if you talk to consumer
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advocates they'll tell you a very different story and that breaks down to what we just mentioned which is competition so the less of these massive companies that you have out there the more looks like a monopoly and when something looks like a monopoly well that can sometimes end up being really bad for consumers because these three companies could of course talk together and conspire to keep their prices at a certain way i mean that's a massive problem we have up here in canada the prices in the states are much cheaper when it comes to mobile technology and mobile phones and and the carriers themselves especially so this is something that the states might be dealing with competitions a good thing and in this case we just don't know if this investment into future technologies that actually going to benefit consumers when it comes down to their wallets alex thank you so much for your time and that's it for the show today thanks for watching sure to catch boom bust on you tube we'll catch you next time.
3:05 am
didn't i just. said. is that my. lips there's a sense that. there are. a lot of those. a lot of these. lower. hate. the tree of those around. him until he took a look at it out of the don't care to happen to the congress. and the idiots are made up often they don't know. how shameful. going to get
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done it will be a lot of admission. in july twenty seventh and hunted a freelance journalist working with on t.v. a militant shelling in syria. to own it his second fire scotti has established a holiday memorial they will recognize war reporters who often risk then months for the sake of the truth and through that peace you can submit to your published works in a video or written form go to a war and do it on t.v. don't come into now. palm oil is one of the most controversial products of odds on it's
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a solid vegetable fat that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of palm oil plantations which means the destruction of rain forest. get into the zero a lot more than ten million hiked as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. i
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. tell you one thing. israel's prime minister tries to convince the world. with.
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the u.s. president says negotiations with north korea. will go ahead. as a model. and one of russia's leading. diagnosis. one o'clock in the morning here it's tuesday may the first welcome to the program on r.t. international. israel's prime minister who is known well for his use of props during big speeches has gone all out to prove once and for all that iran lied about its nuclear ambitions he wheeled out thousands of documents and c.d.'s of evidence
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as part of a grand powerpoint presentation binyamin netanyahu was bid to persuade the world comes with just twelve days to go in told donald trump said that he would scrap the iran nuclear deal tonight i'm here to tell you one thing iran lart the evidence well that lies in this filing cabinet allegedly thousands of documents and c.d.'s half a ton to be precise proven conclusively to iran misled the world about its nuclear plans both before and after the twenty fifteen agreement we've known for years that iran had a secret nuclear weapons program called project them out hailing this as a significant development and a great intelligence achievement then your who was sure iran has one reason and one reason only to hide this information why would a terrorist regime. hide and meticulously catalog good secret nuclear files is not to use them a good leader do a state hiding its nuclear weapons program what other country would do such
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a thing some will remember netanyahu has twenty twelve un speech and the cartoon bomb iran's foreign ministry has already called his presentation a propaganda show but the issue here is also a serious one since the onset netanyahu has been an ardent critic of the iran agreement so this is a terrible deal. i think this deal is a bad bad to do it should never have been concluded. and if you do storm. president trump. will desire will make us the solution on what to do the nuclear issue. i'm sure he'll do the right thing the right thing for the united states. the right thing for israel and the right thing for the produce of the world this development comes at a crucial time for this international framework in less than two weeks president
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trump will decide the future course of u.s. action is likely to differ strongly from the other members of the five plus one group despite last week's niceties touring president micron's visit to the states so far trump has kept his cards close to his chests we'll see what happens his favorite phrase whatever does come about on may the twelfth there's a new york who will do all he can to convince the world that scrapping the deal is the right way forward even at the cost of years of negotiations and the delicate regional power balance. hailed as a huge diplomatic success the iran nuclear deal was hammered out back in twenty fifteen between the u.s. china the u.k. russia france germany and of course iran the negotiations took nine years to ending a decade long standoff over iran's nuclear activities tehran agreed to strict limits on its nuclear program and to opening its facilities to international inspectors in return some sanctions against the country were lifted.
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the white house backed the israeli prime minister's presentation saying in its statement that iran has a robust nuclear weapons program that it's tried and failed to hide from the world the european union's foreign policy chief also responded to netanyahu his presentation federica mazarine said you didn't see israel's prime minister putting into question iran's compliance with the deal and political science professor dr my dad bought the last says the claims of the israeli prime minister are unjustified. it's a masterpiece show by yeah and this is not the first one he's in no position to talk and we should try any country. slimy. with the proliferation treaty. line you to use the time it could leave germany has responded immediately had
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a press release saying that it's going to examine the. iran is. the only one is trump who is not convinced or wants to put out. for a well known reason. u.s. president donald trump has said that getting rid of nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula will make the world a safer place he also expressed confidence that is meeting with the north's came john what happened soon his remarks come in the wake of friday's historic summit between the leaders of north and south korea during which the two sides committed to denuclearize ation and vowed to sign a proper peace treaty in the meantime donald trump's national security adviser says that the korean denuclearization process should be modeled on what happened in
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libya. will president trump in the cyst that kim give up ship out all of those nuclear weapons all of those nuclear fuel all of those ballistic missiles before the u.s. makes any concessions yeah i think that's what denuclearization means and we have very much in mind the libyan model from two thousand and three two thousand and four indeed back in two thousand and three libya agreed to eliminate its weapons of mass destruction. takes a look at how about all. remember the colonel colonel gadhafi he once had the nuclear program scary stuff that desperate with nuclear weapons so that willed sanctioned him pressured him him punished.


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