tv Boom Bust RT May 1, 2018 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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self of hundreds of stores in brazil and the u.k. wal-mart reported plans to sell about jordi stake in its united kingdom's base grocery store chain as the to competitor j. sainsbury while keeping a forty percent stake as well as selling a controlling stake in its brazilian business advent it to advent international wal-mart currently operates six hundred as the stores in the u.k. and four hundred sixty five wal-mart's in brazil. wage and salary news alphabet incorporated owner of google has announced the median pay for its workers the point where the wages of half the employees fall below while half half of the others make more it's reach one hundred ninety seven thousand dollars those figures make alphabet the four highest paying company out of three hundred ninety seven of the s. and p's five hundred firms that have already disclosed pastis to sticks as of last friday but still left alphabet alphabets media and lagging behind that of rival
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facebook where median pay is two hundred forty thousand dollars interestingly median pay at amazon which as you recall released an impressive earnings statement last week legs well behind these companies that are often mentioned in the same context median pay at amazon was less than twenty nine thousand dollars or under fourteen dollars an hour and now we move to talk tech stocks and one of our greatest pleasures hidden life is to be joined by the c.e.o. of the stocks are melissa thanks for being with us as we reported on the program the tech sector came in a hot and heavy with their q one earnings microsoft amazon intel and facebook all did well and those earnings came amid some public relation problems for a few in particular facebook as we know but how overall did do the fundamentals look for the tech sector going going forward. well you know what i think on all is so far apple has reported that you're talking about the couple stocks that have
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reported netflix reported google reported amazon reported but you know their earnings reports were good fundamentally they were good but i got to tell you as far as the stock charts go technically i was disappointed about the reaction about the reaction the stocks had right after the earnings none of them rallied even the stocks that kept up after the airings did not rally so we didn't see any follow through on the positive fundamentals in the reports of the positive technical jump up that happened overnight in the game you just didn't see any solace were so i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow night with apple but i know one thing it needs to see some follow through and apple's the one wire that's still still out there but do you think maybe the reason they didn't get sort of. a jump there after the reports was this is a concern about potential regulation we know that the europeans are going to impose regulation beginning on may twenty fifth the after those hearings with mark soccer burgers are concerned not concerned but it looks like there is a possibility it will be regulations although there are a long way off in the u.s.
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do you think that might be something that is sort of tempered the expectations for future growth of the tech sector well i don't know if it's going to have a impact on the growth for long term but obviously it has i think right now for this earnings season second quarter it might have something to do with the e.u. is going to be regulating i guess the regulation start for facebook is one of what the privacy concerns i don't know what's going to happen they had to testify that mark zuckerberg testified in front of congress a couple weeks ago but nothing really came of that in the u.s. so i don't know what's going to happen in the us with that but i will tell you overall what i feel when i see the charts when i look at them technically no one seems to be really wanting to jump in and buy them as far as big institutional money power money there it's not coming in a full sweep and buying up these stocks now these stocks you got to remember about big huge moves two thousand and sixteen two. thousand and seventeen all these stocks made brand new all time highs that's why that's what helped the market move up you had these stocks leading the way tech stocks and so on they're really feel
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kind of heavy right now even though they're still in strong up trends overall nobody is coming back in and buying them whether it's because of all these regulations or the threat of regulations all over the place i don't know but no one seems to be that interested in buying that netflix is the only one that really hide a little bit of follow through on the earnings report where it traded a new highs and was green amazon made new highs on the earnings last thursday night but it really dropped a drop and friday morning dropped big oil i wonder talk about amazon specifically i wonder melissa if you know amazon is so expensive they really have to keep their like a shark right they have to keep growing they have to keep eating and getting bigger otherwise they're pretty hefty valuation to take on do you think that these big stocks like it like an amazon you know those are good investments you should investors be looking for some of the smaller or even some of the larger specifics like intel we're always going to need chips it seems what's your view but i don't
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think these stocks are bad investments again they're still in the trends but i don't think right now is a good time to buy and if you're already in them long term investing home they're fine they're still strong we could see better earnings report and better reactions into the later fall of the end of two thousand nine hundred for these companies i would say i actually don't think anything looks like a buy to me right now except for to be honest with the whole tape which is not fang stock but that's the only stock right now it's a go you can go long because that that stock did a correction on the earnings report last week but as far as buying right now i wouldn't buy any of them it doesn't mean the charts are bad investments if you're ready and them hold as far as buying things that are cheaper no i wouldn't do that either i think this is just not appearing to be buying right now everything is had a good rally and i would wait until probably next quarter earning season to buy back in or when the market starts to look better the market fell today the market fell on friday that market. in the markets nowhere near the highs right now the market feels heavy to me well i wonder about you know the it's easy for people on
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t.v. and elsewhere to sleep well bar the dips but the artistry as it were is really is when is the do i mean we know facebook for example has taken a big dip but is it done dipping is there another shoe to drop so your advice is sort of hold off for a little bit but i would say my philosophy is don't buy don't you don't buy dips you buy into momentum when the momentum is trading up so for example facebook would have been a good buy if it had kept up huge and rallied big time it failed to do that so let's look at the next one out tomorrow night may first apple reports if apple gaps in a big way and reilley shows its hand ryan into the open and rallies it'll pull the whole market a pull the whole sector up i don't know if it's going to do that but i know there's a lot of expectation around this report why because it's the first report since they had the tax law passed in december and there's this this tax law says you can
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repatriate monies back to the u.s. with lower tax fees to be thirty five percent it's going to be fifteen percent to bring this money back so apple's going to bring over two hundred fifty billion dollars back to the u.s. supposedly and we're going to talk more about that and that's going to happen and they may increase the dividend so we'll see how it reacts to that but all of those things might be positive for the stock in a reaction where it would provide an opportunity to buy apple tomorrow night or maybe buy some these other stocks that have been dragging but i would say netflix would be the next one to watch but they've all got to move together in other words if apple fails. down in the or inside has a negative reaction and falls or even gaps up like the rest haven't fallen like amazon did on friday then they're still not buys in this place in this time right now and you got it you got to wait i don't like the idea of buying dips that's not what i do i don't teach people to do that at the stocks where should people have to buy momentum you. want to go with when it's moving you want to take a position and get the left and if something if you're short something you want to
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eat you would short something when it's falling so you buy stuff that's moving higher and none of the reports none of the stocks really solid that movement which was what was disappointing except for netflix it just had a little bit of a move up but it never followed through that because google amazon the rest of them kind of went boom and they just fell we will be watching you're always full of great information melissa our host c.e.o. of the stock thank you for your time thanks for having me. and to clear away the smoke and give us a clearer picture of some of the tobacco products yours are to correspondent who also tells us about the move towards actually that's right bart smoking cigarettes are looking to be a thing of the past and in its place modern smokeless tobacco also known as reaping still tobacco companies are profiting more than the average that's due in part because cigarettes are more expensive than they've ever been the industry's profit margins are growing every single year and according to the wall street journal
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since two thousand and seven the profit margins have gone up by seventy seven percent. and the mid one nine hundred ninety s. there were seven major players in the tobacco market today there are just two altria and reynolds american both companies are making large profits sensitives that show americans are spending more on tobacco products than on beer and soda combined although the defacto industry isn't taking a big financial hit now it could in the future as fewer americans are smoking tobacco and are transitioning to of a thing they ping as the act of inhaling and exhaling vapor produced by an easy cigarette or similar device the particles within the vapor contain varying amounts of toxic chemicals which studies show are linked to cancer respiratory and heart disease balls both altria and reynolds american have a stake in vaporing as experts say the tobacco industry will see a decline in the coming years. now according to the centers for disease control and
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prevention more than nine million adults bathe regularly here in the u.s. that's about one in ten americans most people say they are motivated to use e cigarettes because they can smoke indoors and they happen to be cheaper than other tobacco products however the majority of those who regularly also use a regular tobacco products they're for keeping the back of industry alive now the c.d.c. and the food and drug administration also found of a ping as popular among middle and high school students the reasons for doing it peer pressure the availability of flavors and the misguided idea that east cigarettes are less harmful than other forms of tobacco which experts argue is not all true and beeping shouldn't be looked at as a healthier alternative now according to a business insider the global east cigarette and vaporizer market is slated to grow by twenty percent over the next decade due to its popularity the industry could
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reach sixty one point four billion dollars by the year twenty twenty five globally now bart it'll be interesting to see what happens to the beeping industry in the coming years as there's an ongoing debate within the health circles questioning the role east cigarette should play in our society thank you actually push it. time now for a quick break but hang here when we return we'll be joined by former national transportation safety board director jamie fit to help us learn the latest on that ill fated southwest airlines flight which killed one person plus there for two failed efforts the third time they seize this charm for t.v. mobile in splits we have agreed to join forces will instruct cross officials allow the diversion to go forward or she's telling them arwa that joins you just go as we go to break here are the proverbial numbers at the polls and bill oil with the only green arrow on the board today second the fore.
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anything that interrupts free trade interrupts freedom and i think interim freedom is a reversion back to the us a little of that and we see that happening right now in the united states and presumably on saturday as well thems concentrator know if you're if your hands bradley a river of the risk of neil feudalism on the horizon crypto is is the answer in my view and it is an asset class and it is gobbling up market share and the us dollar is all free up money is don't. pummel is one of the most controversial products of votes on the it's a solid vegetable found that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil
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has led to the massive expansion plantations which is the destruction of the rainforest. given to these you alone more than ten million typed in as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. global war still of you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battle is going. to do soft credit tell you that the because of the public but fell for the most important news today. off the bad guys and tell me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with all will want.
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welcome back the world's largest oil company saudi aramco as announced the names of five new members of their board of directors and the list includes the first woman to ever sit on aramco as board the move comes in the wake of saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon m.b.'s his recent tour of the united states and ahead of a planned initial public offering an i.p.o. of five percent of iran's coast stuck to be held late this year or early twenty nineteen the appointment of a female board member also helps aramco to distance itself from the kingdom's record on women's rights over the weekend saudi authorities expressed official outrage after a wrestling event and jet of the town of jetta briefly broadcast images over saudi airwaves of women whose clothing did not conform with the official dress codes can imagine what they say about east trish stratus the crown prince has been eager to
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improve the image of the feudal monarchy ahead of the i.p.o. and his expected ascent to the throne the kingdom is also currently waging war including a blockade on food and medicine against its neighbor yemen earlier this month the united nations secretary general antonio the terrorist said yemen is the single worst humanitarian crisis in the world. london's financial times is reporting that the deputy chief executive the french bank society general greed to quit and exchange for a softening of a penalty of demands from the us department of justice soc gen is accused of attempting to rig the key london interbank offered rate otherwise known as libel or the rate at which banks lend to other banks overnight because the rate is so central to banking operations even a modest pressure on that rate could result in wide gains for an investor who have knows what such fluctuations in advance so former deputy dick direct. executive i'm
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sorry former deputy chief executive didier ballet of soc gen in march left after the justice department prosecutors said that if bell lay and other executives that d.o.j. suspected of involvement in the alleged manipulation did not resign they would demand that the soc gen plead guilty agree to outside oversight and pay a higher fine if you might wonder if my old agency the cia f.t.c. is also involved in the investigation the answer is a big yes i was involved we were there we actually started those lie born vest again which impacted so many investors. and southwest airlines is being sued by a passenger on that ill fated flight on april seventeenth which took the life of another passenger jennifer reeled in the jet's engine blew apart damaging a window and causing ms reardon to be partially pulled out of the plane the lawsuit filed on behalf of passenger liliya schabas who was in a seat three rows behind ms reardon contends that ms job it continues to suffer
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severe personal injuries including p.t.s.d. post-traumatic stress disorder which includes anxiety emotional distress and depression she also received personal injuries to her body from the incident and here to bring us up to date now the speed of what's going on surrounding the matter is former director of the national transportation safety board jamie fitch jamie thank you for coming back we sure appreciate this let's start with the case that was just filed i got to imagine this is a difficult thing when you were director of n.t.s.b. play a part of what you did was try to comfort these families etc and it's right after something is happened and i imagine that you know there is this thought out there about pending lawsuits maybe not against the government but against the carrier in this case potentially against the engine manufacturers how do you deal with that delicate circumstance jamie that's an excellent question that's one that came up in a for many years in the aviation industry and in one thousand nine hundred six after t.w.a. eight hundred crashed off of long island congress passed the the family assistance
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act which it was the first time when the n.t.s.b. was given the authority to deal with the families on a official basis and officially ad hoc n.t.s.b. was already addressing the family's needs we've seen the family's needs but this is an issue that. it is a prime example of how when the attorneys start getting circling the wagons if you will and that's what the attitude was prior to the one thousand nine hundred act and so once we had that. authority and we saw that we could work with the families assisting them properly you're never going to eliminate lawsuits but you can temper down the anger and he's got to be careful you don't say something like yeah that airline stinks or that benj it was faulty and then all the sudden you're involved in a lawsuit as a government official right right that's exactly right that's one of the reasons why the n.t.s.b. is very slow and methodical with the information they come out if they find
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something that's an emergency that needs to be addressed immediately before the because these investigations take about a year you know and so if there is something that they need to address immediately they will but otherwise they need to be very careful and the thought of and make sure and certain that everything that they release and say is factual and factually based so you say that they usually take about a year now this was a one of those huge things but we're only two weeks into it what do we know so far about the investigation so far right now it's very limited information that's coming out of the n.t.s.b. and that's rightly so the information that they're they don't want to release release any false information or misleading information the n.t.s.b. is main stock in trade is their reputation so to be able to maintain their reputation they are very careful with that and they protect it with all at all costs the we do know this they are looking at the blades they're looking at the maintenance records they're looking at the thread weights on the jet engine and
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it's a particular engine and it is it just on the sangean is it just on these seven thirty seven three hundred twenty well actually it's a seven thirty seven seven hundred seven and yes it's the this particular engine was the c f e m fifty six seven b. makes that that is. it's international which is a joint venture between general electric and saffron as a little cranky engine in part at least a g.e. has is that it's a joint venture between those too. so there's there's thousands of these out there how much of a southwest flight for example has these planes with these engines any idea well it's going to it's somewhere in the. it's somewhere in the four to five hundred range of what seven hundred. of their fleet is about eight hundred ok so theoretically and i don't want to jump to any conclusions as i say you got to be deliberate and i know that from my time in government but if they said these
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engines are a problem i mean it could theoretically just theoretically try to put southwest out of business if they said you can't fly these planes they're not going to you know telling them which is a yes you're absolutely right i mean because this this this type of aircraft this seven hundred series is the bulk of the largest bulk of the the southwest fleet ok so we anticipate jamie that there will be some news about increased in scope a party started some of that was how spec sions yes but with regard to these in the next with other carriers perhaps absolutely there are sixty right at the very beginning sixty air carriers airlines were already starting to utilize in russia to do these tests on this but but seven thirty seven the type of engine there are there are three hundred airlines that fly c.f.m. engines and we're talking about ten thousand or so seven thirty seven s. in the air not now all of not all of those are going to have the c.f.m. engines but they are going to be there are they the southwest has already announced
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that they're taking extra precautions and even checking other engines to make sure we'll keep an eye on it repression you bring us up to speed jamie lynn is former director of n.t.s.b. sure appreciate your time thank you. and will the third time be the charm for a merger between sprint and t. mobile well sprint has now said yes to t. mobile twenty six billion dollar offer but approval by federal antitrust regulators the same folks we were speaking with earlier that are arguing against the a t. and t. time warner deal that that approval is required before a deal can be done if approved the new company would be the second largest wireless carrier with roughly one hundred million customers the u.s. would be left with only three national wireless companies verizon the largest the new team mobile sprint company and eighty and t.
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and here are discusses r t l r t s alex mahela bitch who joins us from toronto what he's been following where he's been following the story alex what do we know so far this news just been breaking in the last twenty hours or so what do we know so far . well you know if what you said i mean this has been years in the making for years down and back during the obama administration this merger did not seem like the best of ideas simply because of the regulators you spoke of as well as the f.c.c. they were inclined at that point not to accept a deal of this magnitude to go through of course you know the thought of monopoly pop in your mind when you only have three massive providers so now the climate the according to both team obama and spirit seems to be a little bit better under the trumpet ministration they're going to gamble they might toss out the dice and hope for the best and see that if this deal can actually be pushed through under this administration look it's a twenty six billion dollars deal mostly stocks and the t. mobile is basically taking the sprint t. mobile as the bigger of the two companies worth about fifty five billion and then
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sprint would be absorbed into it to a new company and guess what they're going to be called t. mobile so we're seeing this thirty third entity coming to existence if that happens it will be a big three then obviously now both these companies together have about sixty billion dollars in debt so moving forward this would be a good merger so they can fight this debt together and obviously when they're fighting against eighty and t. and verizon those are two massive companies this gives them a bit of a gain when it comes to the whole deal of who who can fight through this war of wireless better than the others so this actually puts them into a position where they can play the game a little bit better than they would have been able to before alex this may be a loaded question it probably is big and may be something that's going to be discussed in court if they goes the route they did with a t. and t. time warner but but how do you think this might impact consumers. you know there's two sides to this story of course and i are going to talk to t.
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mobile and sprint they're going to tell you this is great can for consumers they can put better packages together because they can lower prices because now the two organizations are together which means less new use for for the infrastructure that they have and for the amount of people that work for the two organizations also they're saying this will be much much better way for them to be able to invest into five g. technology and be able to roll it out more quickly but if you talk to consumer advocates they'll tell you a very different story and that breaks down to what we just mentioned which is competition so the less of these massive companies that you have out there the more looks like a monopoly and when something looks like a monopoly well that can sometimes end up being really bad for consumers because these three companies could of course talk together and conspire to keep their prices at a certain way i mean that's a massive problem we have up here in canada the prices in the states are much cheaper when it comes to mobile technology and mobile phones and and the carriers themselves especially so this is something that the states might be dealing with competitions a good thing and in this case we just don't know if this investment into future
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technologies that actually going to benefit consumers when it comes down to their wallets alex thank you so much for your time and that's it for the show today thanks for watching sure to catch boom bust on you tube we'll catch you next time. a little to late. to get an outside just in the tools and so on it's just that my. own lives there's a sense that. it's. a lot of those. well showing the birth
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a lot of lives really got out of the book slow. to take. custody of those in the limo familiar to him until he picked up the scent of them and didn't have a difficult moment. and these years i'm able thought and did i don't. know how shame will. kill if it's done it will be of admission from the. politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to it's. actually going to be for us it's like the full story in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the lawyers in the house. for six. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently on the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. opposite it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet
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commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud of some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. what. i.
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respond that is caught up in tear gas during may day riots in paris police also five water cannon. protesters. here to tell you one thing. israel's prime minister tries to convince the world that iran cannot be trusted just days before donald trump intends to scrap the historic nuclear deal. trump says negotiations with north korea on denuclearization will go ahead while his security advisor believes what happened in libya will serve as a model.
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