tv Keiser Report RT May 2, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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the. business. correspondent is caught up in. may day riots in paris police also fired water cannons after masked protesters torched cars. israel's prime minister tries to convince the world that iran cannot be trusted it just days before he's likely to scrap the historic nuclear deal. with north korea on denuclearization will go ahead while his national security adviser believes what happened in libya should serve as a mom. more news heading your way next hour but for now it is a report looking at crypto currency and the potential effect of change on the
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global economy stay with us. hi this is max kaiser stacy everett of the cars are reporting our into ronson check out what we did on our live stage act you know the story begins in one nine hundred seventy one actually you know president richard nixon entered a new era and global finance he had been in the bretton woods agreement and gold was no longer anchoring the global economy we entered a period of very interesting experiment of free i currencies anchoring free our currencies anchoring free of currencies anchoring. it's turtles all the way down we entered into the modern financial era reference value at all no gold
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nothing just a country's flailing about entering into spurious wars. economic theoretical policies based on nothing and a lot of money printing the rise of the central banks the whole the central bank the ben bernanke is the janet yellen of the world who we worship as priests in front of the disease will of money printing now that era is coming to a close the era of the u.s. dollar as the reserve currency is coming to a close with the rise. in crypto currencies is it an asset class or darn right it's an ass i class how do we know that because as people abandon the fee out currency nightmare that was given us and nothing but misery for fifty years they're plowing into fee at currencies is a go at one hundred thousand you're darn right a skilled hundred thousand because there is trillions of dollars sloshing around in a cesspool called the global financial markets there's absolutely no rhyme or
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reason to valuation on any of these assets that whatsoever. and i saw a headline coming up here today which immediately got my attention so the exchange crack and right crack crack and jesse powell jesse powell at the crack in exchange they have told me to new york to pound sand a basically you know they're trying to dig into all the market making that goes on in these exchanges and they wonder how price discovery works on these various exchanges and so all these exchanges are saying look we're opposed regulatory framework or opposed to be our currency framework we're entering a new era we don't need the f.c.c. that c.f.d. see any of these regulators guys were taken this thing to another level is based on a whole different valuation model and just to give you some context of you know my history in all this and how i got into it was back in one nine hundred ninety five
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one nine hundred ninety six i started the company in los angeles called the hollywood stock exchange and we were trading virtual assets with a virtual currency on a virtual exchange and to build that technology which was pretty new at the time i had to invent a technology so i invented a technology called the virtual specialist technology is that has a u.s. patent i think it's five nine five zero one seven six is the patent number and so we were having to do prices covering virtual assets this benchley was sold to cantor fitzgerald in two thousand and one and they moved the entire thing to their office in new york the top floor of the world trade center. a few months before nine eleven so there was. an inability for them to really capitalize on that going forward they wanted to introduce box office futures contracts and i told them at the time that this would never happen and you would never launch box office futures contracts because the m.p.a.
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the motion picture association of america is a very guarded monopoly in the united states without any competition. and they don't like the idea of price of sky every on box office they like to control that market with an iron fist the six studios in los angeles and sure enough they didn't listen they know they spent twenty million dollars trying to develop a box office futures contract and at the last minute for the diagram below are the ground on or the ground they had produced a rider into that last saying our long box office features contracts so hollywood is the only industry in america that has this kind of protection from financialization you can treat a box office futures contract which you can trade futures contracts on almost every other industry in america because they don't want the competition they don't want the prices coverage they don't want to interrupt the flow of their model to market their way into a box office event and. i find this
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a bit disturbing because it says that free market economics and crisis coverage is selective in america we like it in certain markets but not other markets and being in the news business and i as i am we're constantly has are the regulators who are trying to tell us which news is approved by the regulators so this idea of free market capitalism being selectively applied to some industry and not others is that also applied to the news business so some outlets their news is considered to be more truthful than other news and they don't allow the public to decide what they want to say and for the public to make up their own mind about what is informative and what is relevant to their lives another word for this to be propaganda so we live not only to price propaganda and if currency propaganda but we live in the news propaganda the major outlets in america are in the most insidious and vicious propaganda and war mongering that we've seen in decades the
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idea of free markets which i'm totally in favor of right it goes back to the enlightenment it goes back to adam smith it goes back to the transition of power from the fricken catholic church to the enlightenment to the individual sovereignty of the rights of man to be preserved and markets are a way to get there free trade is a way to get there anything that interrupt free trade interrupts freedom and anything in or of freedom is a reversion back to neo feudalism and we see that happening right now the united states and presumably here in canada as well is concentrated in a few or fewer hands we're having a river at the risk of me of a feudal ism on the horizon crypt out is is the answer in my view and it is an asset class and it is gobbling up market share and the u.s. dollar is doomed all free up money is doomed and any money they keep in fear of money only keep money and only have money keep money in fee at that you're willing
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to lose. anything this one tripped out is going to vanish. the biggest bubble in the world is the us dollar the stock markets in about the bond markets at a three hundred year bubble we haven't seen bond prices sovereign bond markets aside three hundred years in britain and in over two hundred forty years in america think about that it's a multi hundred year bubble when those bubbles burst and they well because interest rates can't remain near zero for a perpetuity keep insolvent banks looking like they're solvent every single bank and bust your bank is leverage that five thousand to one that there's nothing collateralized and towards your bank with some hand in the end and in a vault somewhere munich is absolutely nothing it's a mirage. currently. dario's
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banks all right what else we got here oh yes lisette tested that's the genesis block a system of laws already has a beginning a sit through all started notice that the headline is times in london chancellor on the brink of a second bailout of banks is that random did they just put that in there is a time stamp or is it so she making a comment well it could be both but i heard it as a comment the banking system is in jeopardy and it's a reaction if you will is a very political elements a big calling that is not talked about that often and i think that probably to put in context of where we are historically should be mentioned already so there's a jamie diamond a suicide banker and people say why do you call it jamie diamond you know a terrorist a suicide banker when you think about it banks on wall street they are cut from the same cloth as she hotties. they misinterpret their basic texts right so in the case
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of analysis fanatical was the hottest seok theocratic li german psychopaths a kind of misinterpret the qur'an here jamie dime until they misinterpret saddam's with me he selectively reads books on economics to support his maniacal psychosis they go to. terrorists i go to my dresses. jamie dimon and his crew who go to the ivy league schools which of them addresses of our hero who teach them economic models that are dangerous and fanatical he's going to kill himself and others for is beliefs. so he has no compunction about putting isn't our society or from self at risk by pushing weapons of mass financial destruction as warren buffett calls them derivatives so to blow himself up kill him soften anyone around him so he says a terrorist with my suit. initially was very anti bitcoin. then he
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came around a little bit and now is still a bit more probate going as the markets moving against him and he says he has no morals or ethics or any kind of soul he's just going to go with the market he's just like a dead fish will go with the current right he's not going to swim against the current because he's inside he's dead he's a parasite he's a tapeworm on society. and this is what i was very might might say we die when the tapeworm impression because it's too vulgar but does it give you night blown then you know it's pretty sick. you know we've been doing our show. thirteen hundred episodes and this is kind of the reaction we get people are understanding that the enemy are banks hers and it's not the concocted skirmishes you know the world with the war the scapegoating that goes on all right now you know when when the replay the reagan democrats were in charge that you member the
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muslims were the the enemy and now that the republicans are charge the the the russians are the enemy. so it's all. the enemy of the bank's toure's that's our common enemy so we got to get above the the parochial regional nonsense and scapegoating and bigotry. three hundred eighty billion dollars in drug money for mexican of course they were bought by walls fargo wells fargo big position by warren buffett wells fargo caught recently going into millions of customer accounts and stealing money and they get a slap on the rest of the price of fraud and terrorism in america is roughly you get penalized ten cents on every dollar you steal that's the conflict. that's the business bottom. line. three hundred eighty billion dollars how does that compare to road which was used as an excuse that he had lines like this all the time that.
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big queenie's east for money laundering or buying drugs or things like that for him so ross all it was with the silk road bees and now serving life in jail anybody from marco in prison most far away from h.s.b.c. h.s.b.c. built this was in that revelation they never went to court i was going to say the court case but there was never a court case so this was in their discovery what happened with h.s.b.c. is that they actually physically designed like the equivalent of a. trace or a ledger and they created a physical box uniquely for the mexican drug cartels to deliver money to each s.b.c. branches in mexico city and here they don't go to prison they they never were charged with anything they are given these bonuses and the bonuses are driven by stock options that go up in value based on the stock price based on stock repurchases and buybacks funded by zero percent interest rates from the central banks so the
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central bank is or is it is a this is an accomplice so again because it is fighting this fight that's what quite is putting these guys hopefully six feet under big coin is the revolution is the means by which there will be a lot of as we saw in the one nine hundred thirty s. bankers jumping out of windows that that's part of the goal. that was really problematic oh i enjoyed it immensely well don't go away for much more after the break stay there. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education low its high education is becoming just another product that can be born and sold not just about
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education anymore it's also about running a business where you could. want is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now in an extremely high education the new global economic war. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goal. but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and a huge amount of pressure you have to be the center of the pole with you and do all the great the great good you are the rock at the back nobody gets to you we need you to. go.
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alone. and i'm really happy to join. the world cup in russia meet the special one. meets the reno p.r.t. team's latest edition. and welcome back to the cause report i'm asked has her special guests. sunny welcome to the kaiser report days we have me it's great to have you on in a bit following your career really for a long time and you're one of the earliest guys in typical and of course in india it's a great place for pitt going to flourish because it is a next generation of financial technology in a country that's looking for next generation financial technologies and of course
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it took off like gangbusters it's usually successful and then i was just reading that the indian government they're not being friendly right what's going on with the r.b.i. the reserve bank of india has recently announced that it's i mean in short they don't want banks in payment companies to be working with companies like google and was it a surprise or was it a surprising that read the big white paper like six years ago so not a complete surprise but yeah i mean a little bit i mean a surprise so here's how much contact you have with the government now at this time with unocal oil which is one of the largest crypto exchanges in india how much interface you have with the government quite a bit quite a bit we know almost every regulator there's like maybe seven or different departments that are looking very closely at because we have relationships and many of them. but you know all of the different government bodies don't always work together they're like you know a multi headed monster where one head you know kind of does things without knowing
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what the other one does to some extent and so yeah so this was a little bit at a left field with the r.b.s. announcement but like you said you know in december you know it's not just you know we started the show in india but there's like twenty twenty five exchanges all by really really smart people backed by smart investors but the r.b.i. decided that you know they didn't. now one thing important know is they did not ban to coin even as politicians on you tube say hey if you want to buy a big one with cash want to trade between yourselves go ahead we just don't want the banking system interacting with it is this a period of maybe a bit of transition from a bit coin naive it's a to a bit coy real politic what i mean by that is that when we all started in the business when it got started there was this feeling that it would solve problems and it was a fantastic paradigm shifting technology that would banksy and banks particularly in countries where in india for example were you know this would be such
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a. step up for the huge portion of the population that didn't have access to bank accounts and so in is it in the case of now a slightly different mental attitude toward bitcoin if my question makes sense in other words. the promise of bitcoin is so fantastic in his being and my view i'll say this in my opinion it's being stifled by a bureaucratic machine that maybe is not really going to take on all the warm and fuzzy aspects of this technology and why it's so great we think about that what i just said. first they ignore you in the laugh it's you in the fight you knew when they were at the in the for you as if it was in the in a said that gandhi. and i think yeah i think we're kind of at that stage i mean look at the last three months since december i mean price to be quite obvious to go
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big like some of the biggest companies in the world like google facebook twitter saying that they're going to ban and you had banks you know coming down on the queen globally and so i think it's you know it's hard but i think at the same time it's kind of good why because you talk to a bank the unbanked to a new queen up until they do and even now we only deal with people who have bank accounts. we're forced to but if we now cannot work with people in banks we're only going to be working in the un being sick there so in a weird way it can accelerate our progress towards towards or our goal. to have it i said you know in big point nothing ever surprises you like the guy i had a desk job for ten years i could go back to that but i chose this because it's difficult it's hard and and there were enough people you know working on these big challenges until you're ready to work around anything any obstacle that comes down or in your crypto to cash we're doing we're looking at could do a quick door we're looking at you know why labeling we're looking at you know
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moving order book of side of india and maybe. i could list twenty different things that we could do we're not going to die we're a cockroach right now similarly in china you know they've they're then going down the path aggressively of decentralized exchanges because governments like trying to attack the exchanges the exchanges you know as i've said from the beginning i've always been the point of failure because it's the interface with fia and if there's going to be a clampdown that's really going to go that's really going to attack moving along to now some comments made in new york about going after exchanges and just looking at their price discovery mechanism how they how they maintain their order books they want a crack in other exchanges to start answering to regulators cracking. response has been basically we don't care what you reckon answer your letter we're not going to answer your inquiry we're glad we're part of new york and you know we can exist without this regulatory framework and they've taken a very. bad approach of like the damage torpedos. going straight
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ahead you know very grasses. are you guys part of that movement is that is this a global movement it can't really be derailed at this point and it. but i what will happen is entrepreneurs like myself in capital and we have one hundred fifty employees and millions of users we're going to have to focus for its. inching towards the central is exchanges and guess what that's not is a bad thing because when i think back to five six years ago when i first got a big point all we obsessed about was building a new centralized exchange but i think it was early you know but i think now it takes come along lee and i think it's going to be easy but we are seriously considering that ok unocal it is breaking news right here considering that model that's right it's in the warehouse it's on the shelf you could pull it off put the engineers to work on it and keep keep keep the lights on and keep rolling better and leave it there if it's assoc so tell us talk about the conference if you will block chain economic event be it how many years it has been running but i've been
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doing events for six seven years and starting in india and that's how i met my co-founders that they can be and started a new point and so both a year and a half ago or two years ago i started living in canada because this is where i'm from and i noticed a disconnect i noticed that there was a lot of big wind event but it was like in coffee shops and bars and basements and i wanted to do an event once every three or four months where people would look forward to it and they would kind of remember back in really hearing room x. said and and so that was the initial goal that kind of the bigger goal was we wanted to be the catalyst for ten unicorns at a trial and like i just said on stage you know there's this they miss notion that we try and make money on these events and the truth is first and you need money and i'm telling you that because they do know there's anything wrong with making money but i do literally do these events because i love trauma and love block chain and i want the smartest people in the world like yourself like adam back like chris i
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said it i want people like you to come here and you know and share the gospel of it interesting the way these events are kind of taken on different character so in the miami event of this past year was very lambeau or a lot of us and just the busty women you know you know it's very like playboy mansion meets toshi ok then this event. more as you say you got some original gangster types adam back this year you know he's one of the solid guys is the reference of the white paper you know you've got other really hope ross profile folks and i meant here to fifteen year old kids that came to the event they're in to block chain they're figuring out of ply blah chained to genomes an artificial intelligence and this is the this is me hope sunny is that this next generation coming up is completely empowered by block train and they are ready to take this to the next level are you seeing that as well so for this event tickets are four hundred dollars a head if you're a student you get
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a free ticket we can see that on camera but that was our kind of secret deal was that we just wanted young people in here yet because they're the future and yes anyways a little emotional but definitely that's a big part of it right so the event itself it kind of operates as a think tank and gathering place and try to help the ecosystem in whatever way you can where as i get acquainted you know that you're more of your do your day job and you're you know pounding that forward and bringing it through the startup cycle and and how how is the startup vironment now is that the market is that we had a huge ice year mark and twenty seventeen regulators came in and they really put on a huge amount of. surveillance but. looking at all the stuff we're in that cycle to our last one december i did another event where we had admin more the thirty trek through the u.s.
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mint was also a big point of vangelis. and so i think that we trying to get. that he said and anyway so he came and he you know he shared some of them in say with us and he did say that look the hammer is going to come down i suppose and look i'm a big fan of the free market so from that perspective i love you know everything but personally as a solution time the financial services sector i worry a little bit of what i see oh isn't. and what's happening now and and you know it could be argued that a lot of the clamp down now is happening not just because of a quick is because we're over seventy years but it's because of this ice you know phenomenon again i caution people against i do these events as they try and find some of the better projects and put them on stage people can tear gate them and ask them questions but i think that it's not it's not secret i'm personally not super bullish on an icy but i do believe there will be a few that will succeed and change the game the word around the street as always spend that you know you can by becoming an exchange with you very quickly put off exchange into into cold storage into a paper walled into
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a hard wall because these exchanges they tend to be vulnerable going back to the mt gox disaster which everyone still remembers because it was a huge event so at unocal where is the industry on the security front so that people have more confidence that when they go exchanges that they're going to be getting the security that they need to just honest i know we partnered with block chain dot info dot com and we have a partnership through our a.p.i. a customer in india can buy and sell big queen street from watching meaning they're holding their own private keys and they just make the purchase and use a big ones or the take on the account essentially like the money market account with jack we're partnering with my sealion and so yeah we see that as like the next evolution where people hold their own private keys but we act as just the mediator for liquidity right well that makes a lot of sense doesn't it how is the volume and trending in a single i mean volume is ridiculous right up until december we were on boarding
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ten thousand users a day a day we literally couldn't keep up with it. but obviously when it was like in the last few months the market see no definitely calmed down a bit personally i kind of like it when things are not like through the roof and everybody in your neighbors talking about they quite like you and everyone's like no this is never going to work and it's failed as and i get most excited what's the next event we can look forward to. in four months when you know one entrepreneur do something called blah chain expo. later this year much bigger more grander and yet that sounds exciting yet i do have to go back on now and it was an x. i love you guys. yeah it's already and that's going to for this edition of the cars are parked me back skies are safe aramark like to thank our guests on the rave you know going to catch us on twitter it's kaiser apart until next time by all.
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apply for many flips over the years so i know the game inside guides. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch put the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to get to twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else
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on the because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game played great so what will chance with. the face it's going to. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. in the heart of the swiss. the shores of lake geneva. in the land of banks and discretion.
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