tv Keiser Report RT May 2, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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i have. my car. well there was a report on myers kaiser there was well wrapping it up parents what an extravaganza stacy turn to our state show max. so to talk about bitcoin in relation to as you were talking about individual sovereignty and the new enlightenment and also about the censorship resistance because you mentioned jesse powell and where's the headline about him max took my classes because he had lost his glasses and so we only have one pair of glasses and underwear. crack and says it will not cooperate with new york attorney general request for information so we
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have jesse powell telling the new york attending attorney general go away we left new york and this was a good this actually proved to be a good idea because now all these other companies that. allow customers from new york are subject to the bit license. we have another headline here max regarding censorship resistance of bitcoin and that is the chinese entrepreneurs have some creative responses to the government's crackdown on crypto so every time the government's crackdown on crypto the headlines read and of course no pointers will say ha ha big point is dead you guys are going to die because the government's going to get you i told you jim rickards says it's all the time it's like the governments after you and they're going to shut you down well you know there's no bigger government no bigger surveillance state than the chinese government and what they show and this article is that all these decentralized exchanges are popping up
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all sorts of ways to get around government censorship of the block chain it doesn't we're going to work around it's order and that's what the blodgett technology is a fantastic way of word. around the nation state so. nation states are coming under attack and central banks are coming under attack the banking system is under attack and i don't think there's going to be any real compromise with regulators or states and you know the been saying this for a number of years you know a lot of big companies are trying to work with the banking system and trying to work with regulators and when they're there are entrenched compromise conflicted corrupt. full stop so there's not going to be any working with them they want to dominate and get rid of the any competition in the case of these countries that are going up in flames whether it's venezuela or what have you they're just going to work it out and work around it this is
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a great story the p.d.p. exchanges which are the next evolution in exchanges will take away that single point of failure the exchanges i've always been a point to point of own ability you know having you designed virtual exchanges myself probably the only patented technology in the world for a virtual exchanges my patent has dropped me and cantor fitzgerald uses of the trade billions of dollars worth of securities every single day i can tell you that one always has been the point of failure now this is going to work around that point of failure the other censorship resistant story in in terms of this chinese article there is that i suppose are banned in china and. whether or not anybody wants to invest in them i.c.a.o. is another thing but they got around that by now that everybody's doing air drops or tokens as they're called in china and so there's always a new innovation popping up assume is the old system in line meant so the
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big quid is basically monetary and light meant you know in in the first and light mint of the middle ages after the middle ages is that you know. now. it was no longer controlled by the priests and the class everybody could have access to knowledge and now everybody get av access to individual sovereignty in terms of the monetary round yes i concur with that that's a topless is of course. luminary in the space in making the point that you can't have it if you have fake prices you'll have fake news i mean there's an old saying on wall street the price perceived is because markets are very sensitive they tend to react very quick before the news gets out you'll see price movements on nine eleven for example i remember we were buying puts on more call the top contractor for the booster rockets now there was a nine eleven that was a shuttle disaster in the eighty's under reagan and so the you know the put set
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already troubled before the news that the tape. in one nine eleven of course the options on the airline stocks were hugely active before the news that the tape about nine eleven as a matter of fact they were active a week before which is another story but so that price perceives news and so if you have fake prices you end up with fake niggas so here when you have manipulation of markets and there if you have if you have interest rates are zero and you can borrow money at zero percent you have an unlimited credit line and you can muscle prices around it well that creates fake prices and then if you have robots reporting on fake prices on the financial media as forbes does then the robots are going to report on the fake crisis driven by the fake news created by robots and you have a virtual or a not so virtual cycle of fake news and fake prices and then that people interpret that as reality and meanwhile the underlying reality is completely different you
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need accurate prices before you have accurate is the first we don't trust verify your space in the prices especially given that verification of reality and this led us to be queen because we're going to go and win it. go back to when we were you know report was covering financial the financial crisis and we were covering gold and silver and precious metals and monetary issues and central banks and in the lead up to the birth of big the genesis luck and why he mentioned the chance on verge of second bailout of banks is that all the prices remember in order to maintain the pyramid system of where we we didn't rely on individual sovereignty we relied on trusted bankers we relied on central bankers who relied on the treasury to take care of us to take care of the financial system and they sent out fake prices of libel rates that were rigged on behalf of the central bank the british central bank. ordered these bankers to rig now they're all going to prison
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because the central bank has to send somebody to prison rape the prices of gold and silver all these prices where they were trying hard to manipulate in order to. make sure the population who were the chumps and this ponzi scheme continue to have faith they were basically operating the big connect of you know that last century what you also saw. right that's it was clear he was born george osborne born in brown as a kid. yeah that's right they had a manipulate by on the order of the bank of england to create the fake price so that the b.b.c. would report and then bail out a bunch of trials and say everything's ok don't worry trust your bank and your supposed that the prices were supposed to be your verification don't trust the bank
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just use this libel rates use the sort of numbers use the price of gold to determine whether or not it's true what we're saying and of course they had to rig those in order to like it basically they were the big cash as well of the time they had the like if you know the speaker before us had a chart which suggests that there is one of the options of why there's a premium on it could be manipulation a big difference in big cash oh yeah because as a story stock trading robots reacting to stories i just made reference to this so. the basically financial news is being written by robots and then they create the news and then other robots read that news and then they do algorithmic trading on wall street based on the news written by a robot that a robot uses to trade stocks and create prices that are then reported by another robot. so that's another s. kerry thing to think about is that it is a she nakamoto a robot that created some currency for itself. basically well you know my theory is
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that sometimes she's coming from the future and he arrived and he's heading back to the beginning to move on to basically. the most fargo just nickel and dime and people to death militia saager them that just go in there and steal money again there's no penalty there's no there's no criminal charges for this type of fraud and the just the scourge like the plague that needs to be eradicated or you know gonorrhea are socialists i mean wells fargo is the syphilis of wall street. and bitcoin is penicillin essentially and if you're going to ground if you turn it if you talk about looking into the past when these sort of headlines are being like this these are pretty blotching sort of financial and banking stories right on the roof like children you know people that are ten twelve years old now and the future belt this will look like a freaky world that you could live in
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a world where bankers had all control of beer wealth and they could create fake accounts for you insight trading and you didn't even know that they were operating in your name then it won't believe it they'll be part of a myth. fifteen years of collecting right now same and finally paying off. ok this is not really relevant anything. much. i thought it was interesting that that that's relevant to the whole point market maybe it might pay off yeah did i see around rhino salem. collateralized by run and see. all this kind of gets into the economics of extinction which is interesting. trend you know they believe they're fishing these shoes bluefin tuna in japan to extinction because they have a lot in the refrigerator so the price is going to go up when they become finally extinct so obviously that's not
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a healthy use of capitalism specially when you apply that to humans which i suppose will happen certainly rhinos the difference between family and central banks group them and i like this it's a great image you know you that champagne pyramid you know the champagne kind of runs out after the first year big because if you live in near the central bank just like if you're a defense contractor and you live near washington you get rich you live you're living upstream if you live downstream you end up in prison or you wind you know your purchasing power going to trash so it's just proximity that the capitalism of proximity there's no economics behind it there's no school of economics it's all this just. old system that is the case is we have a system whereby if you're next to the new york fed and this was actually shown through collecting data from yellow taxis in new york city what they found is that there is indeed even though the new york fed is not supposed to talk to the banks
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about what policy is about to happen and why interest rates are about to be set their way there is evidence that they do go and see each other and meet between midnight and four am down near the new york fat taxi data reveals the truth. don't trust verify that data from there would verify that they are colluding and they're giving inside information they get easy access they get zero percent interest rate money and then they pollute it and give it by the time he was twenty five percent interest rate with a big point everybody's basically equal everybody has equal access they're all on a level playing field there's nobody with cream minus nobody with you know an easier access everybody's. equal par this is the pattern of price we've seen we have we started twenty eleven with bitcoin with bets or at least three or four major eighty percent corrections and it's usually this is the pattern i think this will just continue on two hundred thousand and beyond that is to me the valuation question it is less important than the adoption question and the
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adoption question is driven by failure in the banking system they feel that money as i open this talk with the money era is coming to a close the idea is to have money referencing other c.n.n. money is now dying the bond markets and huge bubble is going to crash property markets are going to go through a japan style nikkei average style eighty percent crash and one thing left to buy is going to be bitcoin gold and silver coin has a. remarkably attractive attributes beyond gold and silver. be cash is the scientology of crypto. i am one is free to free to compete but i mean why steal the brand dude why plagiarize oh i see studies on the side of well give us of a good he's a big be casual look in the right the right time. thanks don't go away
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for much more after the break stay there. seemed wrong. but all roles just don't hold. any old belief yet to say proud disdain because to advocate and engage women equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. with both. palm oil is one of the most controversial products of odds on it's a solid vegetable fats that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led
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to the massive expansion of plantations which is the destruction of rain forest. get into the zero a lot more than ten million hiked as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser got a couple of special guests coming your way in just a second but first let me just say that people ask me all the time where is because i'm going this because it was the future and the future is technology programming and is are new generation of technologists and programmers who are going to carry this thing forward and the answer is a yes let me introduce two young men who i
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think are going to be part of the future of this space introduce yourself server a my name's nish this and you are and some are some are yes ok so we met here at the big calling conference in inwardly toronto. and i immediately started to tell me about projects and things that you're interested in and i merely recognize that this is kind of be the future. first of all just talk a little bit about i guess crypto and bitcoin what attracts you to it just in a general sense dish my overall interest was in blocking actually would launch in what attracted me was the idea that we're not being centralized we're not having banks control everything anymore like essentially institutions control everything and maybe with engine nomics especially we can transact this you know we can for genomics yes is the genome yes the study that how old are you and fifteen you're fifteen ok and so are you being taught this in school no we have an outside of
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school program called the knowledge to society and here we get exposed connection topics like learn skills like networking talking with confidence and all these other real life skills that school doesn't teach you unfortunately ok and your name again i'm sorry some are some are ok so and you guys are buddies i guess in your running in your gang of crypto gang and started here in toronto is your interest also in genome in genomics not specifically saw. in general it's blocked in technology in artificial intelligence so in terms of blocks and technology i try i really try to leverage this technology to solve some real world problems so with a partner i actually built a decentralized medical records application where hospitals can share medical records securely on a private block to another one of these applications that i've built as i can essentially as an e-commerce store where you can bed without a third party. voting supply chain and things like that so what would happen. if i did too well this is something in the water to do or you know this
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is coming out of the mouths of teenagers i'm just thinking of my own experience as a teenager and it's remarkably different you know we is a year and they give to the internet you know you've never known a world without the internet you never known a world without smartphones and now you're you've kind of been grown up now in a world of crypto and block shame what is it is how do you relate to your peers are your peers the similarly aged kids are they thinking the same thoughts or are you an anomaly. people of kids in the oceanside the recent play differently than our peers at school and we sort of start to feel as we're talking about this actually and it's sort of just associating yourself with like minded people and people who want to go to the same place you want to go to now i asked you earlier about if you were interested in starting
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a company you know which implies. making lots of money and things of this nature but the response you gave to me was more nuanced in that you were saying well if that if that direction might not be the best direction so your motivation is it fair to say that you're not at this point you're not part of the lambo crowd that's like we want to get a lambo right away your motivation seems to be focused differently is that correct yeah i think that our motivation is to solve one of the world's biggest problems we don't the money will come later ok we can't we don't want to worry about that now we want to start solving some of the world's biggest problems right anybody in a five as in genome and you talk about proteins maybe expand on that a little bit i'm actually looking to approach in engineering and one of the problems i was supplying to solve approaching engineering is viruses and bacteria before this i was in favor of therapy and this targets this the use of bacteriophages to target back to infections but they couldn't target viral infections so the protein engineer we can engineer the right protein to latch on to
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the right virus to try and deliver a drug that kills off the virus so erratic and sickness right so let me ask you this about the soul. in medicine. antibiotics. i hear that they're running out of antibiotics they need new antibiotics and you've got the superbug and all these kinds of things are now resistant to antibiotics are what you're doing does it address that yes phage therapy is actually a solution to this problem and actually giving a presentation. next sunday about this problem in phage therapy and how it could potentially help solve this problem ok and you're focusing in on ai is that correct what has drawn you to artificial intelligence i think at first i wasn't really interested in artificial intelligence have i like it just was another one of those topics but i say as i saw more and more of it come around me i realise it's actually really cool so i delved deep into it and i found this really cool kind of
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some topic of artificial intelligence called reinforcement. learning delivered a presentation about that a couple weeks ago and basically what it is is learning on its own so it's basically a machine. reenact a human the way it learns to experience and i think that's really cool because we're we're bringing a step closer to general intelligence. there's a debate that is on a high profile basis between i believe in on mosque and mark zuckerberg they talk about artificial intelligence has warned against artificial intelligence considers it a threat mark zuckerberg over facebook has spoken positively about their artificial intelligence how do you weigh in on this topic sir i think it depends on what we use it for so if we use it to solve problems then it's definitely good but if you use it on the flip side then it can have negative effects i mean look at the goods out of course. right so do you see there being a possibility that it could get out of control artificial intelligence and what i
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mean by that is a you just described a situation where the artificial intelligence is kind of teaching itself and so it's now kind of divorcing itself from. the human experience if it becomes cognizant of its own existence and starts to live a kind of a parallel world i don't get to saif i hear but is that is there are risks there or how do you see that the other could be a potential risk in the future i don't think anything for the for the near future though reinforcement learning is still super early and there's still a lot of problems that we need to and you know if you're right and so do you guys have work together work on some of projects you know we don't collaborate. so you can do the this conference with the blotching conference and are you getting a lot out of it yeah we've been talking to two speakers like you and me listening and getting a lot of value so in mice when my presentation where stacey and i are on stage you
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know we were talking in the sense that there is going to be a battle be. block chain and the state that people need repair themselves for this is not going to be any handshake reconciliation between the state and bloc say it's going to be a conflict it's going to get more heated. how do you how do you see that i mean when you heard our presentation what did impression that it make on you like what do you think about that about the problem block chamber since the government i feel like sometimes the government does a little bit like stifles innovation sometimes and that's not ideal obviously we're trying to innovate and solve biggest problems and we can't have that constraint sometimes. we need to have a government that allows innovation encourages it without having like a clamp on or trying to regulate it in any way the press is going to follow up on that yeah i was just agreeing with what everything has sat whatever he said right now i think it's suppressing innovation and i think really change so you guys are basically on the front line of this emerging technology and there's going to be of
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course a lot of pushback and is it the idea that your ability to introduce products that are so. great is going to trump any pushback i mean they're just going to live and get a life of their own when you're when you're solving from the biggest problems like i said before you can't have any sort of government safely in this if it's a solution like facebook or something that has real power i feel like the government would eventually have to accept that it is a solution that you have to take a break any thoughts on yeah i agree i think i'm going to be really passion about what i do so i will make ends meet on this ok so stark and their future here you get ready you're still high school i guess right so then you're going to go to further education are you looking at different universities that you have your eye on that you think are attractive for you to go out there what was that was going to be like for you guys we were actually talking about this is well ok let me do your
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thoughts i was usually go to your. so there was your thoughts on this i'm not sure what i want to do in university honestly at this point i want to share most of the great geniuses of the space they drop out of university. i'm not sure right it's like maybe there's value there maybe there's not what do you think my feeling especially for a block chain there are only like a couple of courses in the entire world in the university so if we get to a point where we learn about artificial intelligence genomics what are a species we choose to be and. become thought leaders and is there really a point in going to university anymore forty thought leaders and there's foundations like the peter thiel foundation we have a project or idea that really works that solves a problem and right i believe it's alec was a fellow of the work through the system is vitale seen as a. you know a role model in this space. yes i'd say so i'm relatively new to the space i've been focusing on for only a couple of months so yes i'd say so what are your thoughts.
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right he's seems of captured the imagination of quite a few number of people and encounter is kind of a great place to be at this final count is that a good area to work and for this to go forward yeah for sure they're trying to becoming almost a new innovation have at this point and i think it's a really good environment to be in when you're innovating and changing the game so expand on that a little bit what makes it a good environment to mars building of course that has a bunch of startups in it in general just the people here in the venture capitalists and things like that it really helps to have meetings with lunch or capitalists. but that could be the coming soon yes i sure am ok well guys you know what i can tell you is that you know we've been here we're talking to c.e.o.'s talking to fund managers the one thing that's lacking in this space are great engineers so you guys are really well position now going forward and i think you know guys like yourself are really the next generation a big guy gives me is
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a big point investor and supporter incredible home. i'm totally encouraged by meeting you two guys probably the most interesting meeting i've had this entire conference goes i think all you know the future is assured so i should be on the kaiser board thank you for having us. well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser parros me bash kaiser and stacey herbert i want to thank our special guests. mish and some are us some us if you want to catch us on twitter it's cause report it's election time my all. about your sudden passing i have only just learned you were yourself and taken your last wrong turn. to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i
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never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each pair. but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave the funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with this one to. speak to us there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on often spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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welcome to the part u.s. president donald trump has until may twelfth decide whether to make good on his threat to accept the rand deal potentially a panda hears of international diplomacy and setting the ground for yet another conflict how seriously is that threat taken intact and should the american bullying be accommodated if peace is at stake while to discuss that i'm now joined by mohamad job later jonny had of iran's high council for human rights and deputy off international affairs in the just sorry mr larijani great pleasure great honor talking to you thank you very much for your time thank you but let me start with the news of the day and this is a concern in many corners of the world that the united states is going to read meat on its obligations under the iran nuclear deal concerned grew even more acute following the appointment of the new.
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