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tv   News  RT  May 3, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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achieve north of one billion dollars operating profits in twenty team there was no mention on the conference call with investors of the impact that the trade war with china could have on soybean experts which would surely impact a.d.m. the u.s. accounts for more than twenty three billion dollars worth of global soybean exports a lot of those by a.d.m. the most of any nation. and catching up with the land down under australia's housing market seems to be cooling but it may be coming in for a soft landing market watchers at core logic said in a recent report that hot markets in the cities of adelaide melbourne and sydney saw small declines in prices which were offset by price increases in more affordable housing markets market research firm demographics rates all five of australia's major housing markets as severely un affordable and that and that includes sydney which is actually the second most least affordable country or city rather in the
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world behind hong kong and cooling the hot housing market has been a challenge for australian policy makers over the years and aussie tax authorities are investigating u.k. based health care provider book over a twenty sixteen and twenty seventeen tax returns bloop is reportedly suspected of manipulating loans while units of the not for profit company to improperly reduce its tax burden the tax justice network in australia said in a report that and other large health care providers that are effectively subsidized by the government are using quote unquote aggressive tax avoidance strategy i'll give you the regulatory translation probably breaking the law and now we continue our conversation on crypto is here to focus on crypto currency exchanges is form a c. suite executive board silly ass b. c. suite is a lot to say you're you're sweet and you're sweet as you are ways i thank you for being here boris so tell us about these crypto exchanges all over. the world we've
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got some here some in ages some in europe were the biggest ones which ones are people using the most well the biggest ones tend to be in asia and one of the things you have to differentiate is between specific exchanges the trade the main major crypto currencies like a theory and between and like coin and also the all coins by nantz for example a very large exchange based in asia where many of those exchanges are but the u.s. is quite significant as well and i know we've talked in the past about asia they had we go back to two thousand and fourteen with mt gox which was a large pack sport of seventy five million dollars that were stolen out of customers digital wallets some of that was returned that was again for seventy five million and then this year in the first two months of twenty eighteen we saw hacking at two exchanges including checkpoint check in japan i forget the other but of seven hundred million dollars interestingly quine check i still haven't figured this out i guess i'll ask you if you figured out how the heck did they pay people
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back they didn't get everything back but they got the current value of what they had invested minus two months of dropping prices what about that so it's a pretty amazing case because they actually paid back well over four hundred million dollars worth of their currency before then being bought by mon x. the big brokerage firm in japan that also owns trade station here in the u.s. well i didn't know that ok but i don't think anyone's really figured it out other than the announcement recently that they did apparently make over a half a billion dollars in revenue last year which allowed them to pay back but it doesn't explain why mon x. paid less than fifty million dollars to acquire the company so that remains a little bit of a mystery yeah in my former role that would there would be more conversations about that put it that way let's shift back to the us i know a one of the large ones is a coin base one of the other want large ones in the us a large large crypt occurred. exchanges right so you have coin base which operates
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st x. another well known one but not quite so big is the one called vaastu unsponsored gemini exchange right but the other large one is crack and based on the west coast as well as bit tracks big tracks in particular is known for all coins and what's been interesting in the news recently is the action from the new york attorney general who sent out a questionnaire with some very interesting responses from those exchanges yet the with the wiggle by amaze me when i know you probably heard earlier we speak with jeffrey tucker they're trying to start one of these s.r.o. as the self-regulatory organizations organization i think so that they wouldn't have government regulation but they do their own regulation i think they call it the virtual currency association right there that's about right so but we also have seen some a questionnaire recently in new york that had gone out and as jeffrey was talking about earlier when they put some regulations in place before some businesses left
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you think that's going to happen again i think it might and it certainly created quite the explosion of response from jesse powell who is the co-founder and c.e.o. of the crack and exchange but you know anyone who's been in the exchange space with a regulatory space like you and i we've seen these questionnaires before they're not that big of a deal they're a lot less scary than you think and the reaction from some of the other changes it's been a lot more agreeable including the gemini exchange as well as coinbase i think people that haven't been involved in this sort of stuff they see a questionnaire from the government and they freak out people that have been like you have at the international security exchange and nodal exchange to have this experience you know put the compliance guy on it get it done when can you get it done all those you have to do what you have to do have to now and we also saw a coin base being asked by the i.r.s. last year about getting the names of their investors you do have to pay taxes on the profits you made on crypto and we boars only ask if we thank you again for
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being here appreciate you being in studio pleasure to be here but thanks so much see a next time. to sell the largest second largest aluminum company in the world located in russia could be catching a break from the trumpet ministration the aluminum industry giant which has been hit hard by u.s. sanctions has been given an additional month to change its ownership structure which in turn may greatly reduce the restrictions on the firm artie's alex mahela which joins us from toronto with the latest alex thank you for you and you're so great it filling us in on all these myriad issues but we're talking about easing restrictions now on this russian company that by the way i think they were about to be delisted from the stock exchange in london so it's a huge deal but we're hearing some news from the treasury department what's the latest. now the company that was going to list it is and plus actually and that is
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one of the major shareholders like a mother company of rue saul and steve said the u.s. secretary of the treasury secretary this is not about rue solve this is not about destroying a company and making it go under this is about a very different book of that and that's ownership in rizal and particularly we're talking about the russian billionaire oleg deripaska i know there are a pos got is been on the u.s. list of people that the u.s. wants to sanction and he has tons of shares major ownership in result so this is what's happening here this is actually the person that they're targeting not the company itself now the united states has said in the past that it would consider pulling back with the sanctions if there are just basically put to his holdings of the company down and got off the board and right now when you should is saying that this is actually moving forward they've had a conversation with the billionaire there they say that there is potential that moving forward they're seeing the actions that they're asking to be done and that
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russo all is a company now that instead of having a deadline that was supposed to be may seventh they've pushed this deadline for devaluation just basically looking at the company evaluations and correct word but for looking at the company and seeing the ownership structure of the company they pushed it back to june june sixth so this is actually a big move considering that when you look at russia and just how stringent sanctions are against russia from the u.s. and just how they've been brawling out rolling out really oh this is actually a step in the other direction frankly just because as we said they're not looking at destroying the second biggest aluminum maker in the world because that could cause trouble for everyone it's just so weird alex when you think about it i mean you know we're talking about facebook a lot lately right and the treasury department say that facebook won't have regulation if mark zuckerberg believes and i'm not making a total analogy between and oligarchy leaving roussel. but it's just such a weird thing we're not used to hearing these sorts of conversations and even
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german chancellor merkel is concerned about the impact on german companies of u.s. sanctions so a lot of these things are interrelated aren't they well that's exactly the point here the interrelationship because we're talking about an international structure and we're talking about the second biggest aluminum provider in the world that's eight percent of all aluminum that we see coming out china is number one and one of their companies so russo was number one until the chinese company kicked it out that lester bumped it down i should say but again eight percent when you're looking at eight percent of a commodity being taken off the market that's huge especially a commodity like aluminum that everybody uses so other the u.s. and then the u.s. treasury secretary is very well aware of this this is not about destabilizing an industry this is not about destroying a company it's about hitting and what to say what the americans are calling a russian all of our again again is what you mentioned you know step back for
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a second they still got to play ball playing ball is a big thing especially when you look at something that's so tied internationally absolutely we appreciate you following this story r.t. correspondent allison heil of it thank you as always and thanks to all of you for watching all you great boom busters out there be sure to catch boom bust on you tube you took back com slash boom bust r t we'll see you tomorrow. a lot of hard sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings clues to the chicken pox forcing you to fight the battle. to stop spreading tell you that the gossip the public. the eyes and. enough. of the heart that we are good for.
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was. was. thank you thank you thank you. america's new top diplomat promises to bring to the u.s. state department as my pump aoe is officially sworn into office with the full backing of president trump.
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the white flag and to reduce gun crime the paint ball walls movement in the u.s. leads to as thanks of violent incidents and is believed to be responsible for a number of dads. and we speak exclusively to the survivors of a saudi led coalition strike which hit a wedding party in yemen at least twenty people were killed in the attack. and it doesn't start off the moments of the rocket landed in the whole world tom ridge was in the many q. bushra. a very good morning to you from our team here in moscow you're watching r.t. international with me good to have you with us this hour now our top story former cia director mike pompei of has officially been made washington's top diplomat for
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foreign policy after he was sworn in as the new secretary of state he's been given a stronger endorsement by donald trump which is in stark contrast to his predecessor rex tillerson who was often at odds with the president. i must say that's more spirit than i've heard from the state department in a long time many years we can say many years maybe many decades it's going to be a fantastic start a fantastic day and that spirit will only be magnified only with this man right here i know that for a fact. now it's official praises a true american hero might come pale has been sworn in as the nation's chief diplomat and he's vowing to make state department great again i talked about getting back our swagger and i'll fill in what i mean by that but it's important
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the united states diplomatic corps needs to be in every corner every stretch of the world executing missions on behalf of this country and pump a speech was well received by everyone from the media to other officials some didn't even wait to compare of the tillerson saying that he was more open than tillerson ever was pump a i did however stress the concept of american exceptionalism which is generally considered controversial in some circles i talked in my my hearing about the fact that this nation is so exceptional and so incredibly blessed this is a unique exceptional country russia is unique but not exceptional and he's wasting no time taking the reins of us predecessor my pompei has spent his first days as secretary of state showing support to israel and that was just before israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu made from an lavatory claims against iran accusing the country of lying about a secret nuclear weapons program for years but pompei was tough stance on iran and
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other supposedly hostile states aren't new. i can't think of a thing that has put america in a better position as a result of this deal every has single action the iranians have taken has been bolder and starker than the ones they took before the agreement. a very real danger they are ever closer to having the capacity to hold america risk with a nuclear weapon. and it is difficult to imagine a stable syria that still has assad in power he is a puppet of the iranians and therefore it seems an unlikely situation where assad will be sitting on the throne and america's interests will be well served this is the same man who made a secret trip to north korea to pave the way for trump's historic meeting with kim jong il bringing peace to the korean peninsula has become a top foreign policy priority for the u.s. mr.


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