tv Documentary RT May 3, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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this idea that says research has shown that girls do better research shows that kids do better in same sex an educational environment so boys and girls separately that's not true it's not scientifically proven it has the the data for that is inconclusive evidence is the statement saying is really telling the thousands over three or four thousand young girls have signed up for these programs and what they're the thing with the girl scouts don't realize is that what you're doing is shaming them and saying they're not being a girl you're literally sitting there saying your not the right kind of feminist you are not the right kind of of girl you're doing it wrong you don't belong with the dirty icky boys they have cooties. which is really unsettling for me because they don't have a whole they can't act like they're so far ahead they were two years ahead of the boy scouts the girl scouts were about letting in gay troop leaders and transgender students they really only put in
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a real set actual step program last year where guys have had a lot of the boy scouts have a much bigger i you know it in full disclosure i was a boy scout explorer back in the day when i was in my twenty years well you know and i honestly it's just it's the programs are different and look i always go back to the basic thing it's kind of like free market it's like look if your organization can't compete and both boys and girls want to go join the scouts you boys go that have then you need to change your organization and make it more like to where girls want to come here and stuff like that it's simple kind of i saw the big deal with it you know if you believe in your program it should just be about your program i mean i'm sure any man would love to get in on some of the cookie moti right for the boy scouts really we'd love to sell some of this book is there you are no fun facts real quick about there are a few money the girl scout troops that sell them only get about seventy five cents for every four dollars box of cookies most of the rest of that goes back to the main organization that does not give any funds to. local. troops but it's important
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also no doubt that this kind of patriarchy hurts the boys too because it in twenty eleven gender and context content and approach compared gender messages in girl scout and boy scout handbooks by kathleen e. denny and the university of maryland they put on the programs are still pushing these very outdated gender roles to both sexes only two percent of girls got to be is included science was six percent a boy scout programs do while six percent a boy scout programs were related while eleven percent girl scout activities were are really so you see these like you know the differences here the study also point out that the negotiation between traditional progressive feminine identities is a problematic balance for girls today the gender messages being communicated the girl scouts appear to be preparing girls to one day take on the dual roles of devoted worker and selfless mother while the boys handbook communicates clear messages about how to roll normative masculinity and scientific rather than an artistic orientation to me let everybody learn whatever they want so that they
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themselves individually can have happy fruitful lives and this is leave gender out of it thank you all right which is what we do as we go to break cock watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on base because we are here our poll shows that our t. dot com coming up we question the trustworthiness of base focus facebook questions the trustworthiness of the news thankfully we have political commentator steve malzberg to help sort out all of this trustworthiness so stay tuned to watching this. one else shows seem wrong. to me that he's yet to see. this thing come out to. detroit equals betrayal. when something you find themselves well it's a party we choose to look for common ground.
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and. palm oil is one of the most controversial products of odds on it's a solid vegetable fat that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million items that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of plantations which is the destruction of rain forest. into the zero a lot more than ten million hiked as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. according
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to marketing studies the average american spends over two hundred hours a year on facebook with generational differences in the millennial smartphone addiction obviously driving that number much higher for younger americans but it's not just cat videos and vacation photos that we consume on america's biggest social media platform according to pew research forty five percent of americans turn to facebook to get their news with a staggering twenty percent saying it's their only source for news now with that in mind and may be of some concern that facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg announced this week a new system to rank news outlets by trustworthiness and tasks thousands of human sensors and computer algorithms with deciding what qualifies as fake news or propaganda and if the newfound passion for moderating the human mind isn't the mouse zuckerberg has also endeavored to moderate the heart as well announcing a new dating service targeting giants tender and ok cupid so to parse this is
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a bold move as we've brought in none other than political commentator ed bowl lose moderator steve malzberg a flock of state what are they going to sell girl scout cookies on facebook that's the question because now i have a paying for thin mints after the letter i know the guy only telling about that is a mo as. before we get on the first of the show and let's cut to the chase mark zuckerberg and many legislature legislators are implying that platforms like facebook and other social media which have this responsibility to police the accuracy are legitimate is legitimate to give news posts just like they would hate speech or calls for violence now in your opinion as a long time news media better is that social media's job is that based books job. no because who the heck is facebook i mean i know this kind of rhetorical question to me they're a bunch of leftists in my view and what they've been doing since they changed their algorithms back in january of two thousand and seventeen according to two separate reports out last month conservative sites and conservative pundits and news
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organizations have seen ahead of fourteen percent less traffic and liberal sites and the like have a seen an increase of two percent so i know what their goal is and it was obvious that those hearings to you bring in politicians you know they they brought up to zuckerberg diamond and silver and other examples of conservatives who were suspended or or part is sure lost their account and they said could you name any liberals who suffered that same fate he could name anybody i mean it's obvious what's going on here it's censorship of conservatives what is is there really conservatism and i would agree with you that definitely there has been a concerted effort i think those algorithms and that sort of community policing of of of our political correctness that's what's caused a lot of that is you have a lot of sort of far left activists who are very good at going in and just sort of reporting everything and they do it to me too to the surface of the world communist
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youth organization and things like to have been a you see this kind of happening on both sides crew which is interesting because nobody trusts that you know the biggest irony of this whole conundrum is that while facebook is taking the role of this objective judge of trustworthy and as it was to me as kind of a joke as the money is also used to work in digital media come on many people don't trust the social media platform the ability ability to do that and a recent hugo poll actually reveals that over sixty percent of users don't trust facebook when it comes to questions of integrity and privacy with all of this sort of perception how can facebook even take on such an ambitious role as. to educate all of us about what's right and wrong to me it's cold it's cold could spot i mean it's a shell game he with it look at all we found out about facebook so much so that they had to go before congress and now all by the way now we're going to judge what's news now it's our responsibility says our responsibility to to bring the
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country together to have a common set of accepted news facts to make sure we're not polarized as a nation to support sure and alyssum really that's your role all of a sudden who says you say i mean these asia saying don't look over here look over here and it's very dangerous and you know he's a liberal. i know you don't want to go to that liberal conservative i'll go further yet they'll be extreme left newsgroups and news sources that will be punished as well i'll agree with that because he and is a which won't be ready for five to ten years so his thousands of people that he'll hire to judge what's fake news watch hate speech they're going to pick what they think it is and it's going to be a biased view the whole thing is totally totally nuts and smacks of the worst kind of censorship yet and i will say this about i'll save us on the left right issue i
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don't think any anyone should call themselves a leftist or think that they're liberal if they're out there stealing people's user data and not respecting privacy above all things because to me that's a very left idea of my my privacy is my privacy and i don't care who you are even if you're the cops like you know for me i'm like he's such a liberal i can't i can you know i mean it's interesting space books investment news moderation is going to rely on this combination of human the value waiters and artificial intelligence which to me sparks this interesting question who do you trust more or rather less you know in judging what is real news or news or are newsworthy you know the potential. biased human who is going to make decisions based on what they believe or a computer algorithm which is going to make mistakes because it's a computer algorithm designed by people so here is the thing if only everybody was as honest and smart as the three of us here the fact of the matter is though
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seriously the fact of the matter is when somebody says well it's our responsibility we're going to determine what's news we're going to make sure that no fake news is there we're going to judge what hate speech is well then you know what just say according to us this is what we believe is fake news this is what we believe it's a speech and we're not going to let you see it if you want to see everything then go somewhere else that's why i respect him if he said that but to make believe that he and his minions are the operators and the judges of the in the grand scheme of things of what you and i in a democracy should see because he said so that's knots yeah that's not free speech at the end of the it's not freedom of the process and it's not it goes directly against the constitution because now granted facebook is a private business like you said and you can jump on to it if you want to you can jump off to go after so they do have that right as a private business to do i just don't like the fact that you have the government and you know mainstream media pressuring them to do this that's what i really
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upsets me about all those and they're actually i was not voting i'm sorry i was going to have but the voting i mean the people on facebook are going to vote and determine who. who is more trustworthy c.n.n. or or or r t and yesterday did just say i think they put it out by mistake or maybe they put out they got caught and they just took it down every post even your own post you had a box to check is this hate speech yeah it's come on and that brings me to this the thing about free speech they gave space to me is a very unsettling term because it's it's it depends on what your perspective is and one of the most interesting facets about this debate is where does free speech and . hate speech again so they say they're going to fix this now. it is you who are saying this idea of this these these these buttons saying is this his speech is this the future of free speech where you know the everybody has to decide is this puppy pics or politically is i said ok enough for a p.g.
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thirteen audience like what what is the future of the i don't know well let me the end well let me let me say during the campaign i said that if you will if you forget the second amendment which we need said but if you want to be worried about something be worried about the first of them because i believe hillary was going to go follow the european model which more and more punish is opinions and free speech and labels that hate speech and throws people in jail if you say something that offends a certain group so i think we were headed in that direction with supreme court nominees that would have come forward from hillary so having said that my little political spiel there i think this is what the liberals believe in this is natural for zucker berg and he thinks it's his job to do this well i'm you know i steve i wish we would have seen this kind of like outrage over facebook's action and other you know people over in silicon valley one when the word snowden issues came out and they found out that they were just handing over our private data to the n.s.a. without you know and violating our personal fourth and fifth amendment rights there
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you know i wish we would have seen that kind of outrage then the last thing i'm going to ask about is you know they're not just stopping at moderate moderating new . mentioned earlier piers morgan's are birds and it's like a bird is intent on moderating our love lives as well matched the owner of dating haps tender and ok cupid so it stocks tumble today on the news that facebook will now enter the dating service steve are you going to are you going to sign up for facebook. services you trust well here so you trust them with your love life now well they already have all my information and if you're on it your all your information so i know you have to sign up but you don't have to give them anything got they. i got it you know i've never full disclosure i'm divorced but i've never had the nerve to put my picture on a dating site ever i just never have and now my picture is already on facebook and like i said they got all my information so who the heck knows but you're right he's pulling
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a fast one on all these dating sites they're going to suffer they are and we get a little bit time when there are certain and i know it's free market and all that but is there a certain time when you've got facebook which is has more people involved in the countries on earth you know. is that too big is there a certain point where you have to say you know what we need to kind of break this up this monopoly you could almost call it well i've always advocated and pleaded for some rich conservative to start the counter face of the counter to facebook but they're talking about doing that with google now what exactly what you're saying i don't know a facebook is going to fall into that maybe down the road if the political climate is right for it will happen well well steve malzberg always a pleasure to have you on thank you for coming on talking with us today i love it thank you.
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