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tv   News  RT  May 4, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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before od say the people there given out these visas under the guise of being seasonal workers would really they're not they're here to state that is the argument that you hear yeah that's the same argument that left a lot of people know about with no decent support from their own government with the money they were paying and their taxes because this is exactly what happens you don't shut down an entire program that feeds millions and millions of dollars think about this every one of those people you don't give a visa to that's two and a half jobs lost by americans in that rural county that only has few industries to keep it alive so no you don't shut down an entire program just because a few people misused it you enforce it better you do your job well you've got to put you've got to put you know you actually have to do good policy over just your you know your instincts to just make a few good quotes on t.v. and say that you're tough on something like that with national whatever art as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of a topic should cover the facebook and twitter your full shows that are t.v. dot com coming up we uncover some rather startling changes to the u.s.
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department of justice prosecutors manual but for the fact not only press freedom but voting rights as well to get the whole picture the big picture is all and cook joins us to all. lengths to lead you. to them as i do you stand with us a sign that i think you just don't mind. when i know that i sense takes some. time and i think a lot of those things. yeah
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well you know those are. he's got a book he's like oh i. hate . country of the week mum and i don't think he's going to let them down that's another time when i have a difficult time. and yes i'm they've all caught on that i don't. know how shameful. still i'm gonna believe the film admission i'm going to.
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apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spending shouldn't twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will transfer. and thinks it's minute. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox ellis was customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. opposite it is from his
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office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud of some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business.
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as anyone but the stanchest reactionary will admit times do change and our government's issues and priorities change with that so it does come as no surprise that the department of justice has issued a reworked manual for its prosecutors updating and re ranking some of its law enforcement priorities the most noticeable changes however had nothing to do with the spiraling opioid epidemic terrorism as shootings or even the much talked about violence of illegal immigrants know the updates most striking changes were and what was from cut from the prosecutor's mandla namely parts focusing on press freedoms the right to fair and public trials and voting rights related provisions against racial gerrymandering and the media appears to be far worthier antagonist than any violent offender apparently with new sections setting video diary sites on government leaks and on authorized contacts with the press so with freedoms out voting rights on the back burner and whistleblowing public enemy number one where does that leave us media veteran and host of the big picture holland joins us now to answer that question hello i'm all for streamlining thing keep it simple
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candidate from big. stump what he talked about for every regulation we had we're going to eliminate two and in my lane in the media we have talked about this on a previous show where the f.c.c. is tossing the rules the technology has obsoleted but we wonder is there more to it than that has for instance chairman paved the way for this soon clear tribune merger by specific deregulation and that's the hint that i got off this action here when they've added something about attorney general jeff sessions tough on crime policy and the things they've deleted you know that you talk about yeah so. is this simply streamlining or is there an agenda behind that too yeah that's the big question and to me it smells a lot like political posturing that we've seen over and over again where they'll let kind of you know you see congress do it all the time we're going to pass this
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totally meaningless law just so we can say we passed this meeting was right on the campaign trail this is a lot like that but the real you know the question is you know if you do you really think the government is kind of going after through these changes are they are they going after the quote unquote out of control press that one could could say i mean you hear them talk about it all the time but is this the actual all right here it is in the manual the the whistle blower stuff tab mentioned and there's certain key words that just jump out of this document you know if you take time to go through it respect for religious liberty so interesting it's not a black and white thing you know it's kind of loaded and you mention the laws these aren't fully named laws that are often named to sound like the opposite of what they're going to do right yeah yeah yeah freedom when they're taking freedoms away and one of the things that we should have protected is leaks in the in a whistle blowing and we talk about like the difference between they really it leaks have been a problem obviously they're been politically there been
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a lot of leaks that didn't have anything to do with really you know showing waste fraud abuse collusion any of these things a lot of it's been politically motivated but why is there a need to cut those other sections out instead of just dealing with that one thing and do restrictions on prosecutors is that. is that really going to deemphasize like does that need to be deemphasized in order to take the leaks seriously all depends on whose ox is being gored you know the leak is glass half empty word for whistle blower right best movie i've seen in months is the post you know tom hanks and meryl streep you know riveting retelling of the story of the pentagon papers what a set of never leaked right you know some people actually. here in washington still have a vertebra. and we have both of us spying. so you know acts of political courage depends on what the issue is you know it's
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a very so i was there something i mean obviously now we've never had a moment in this country where everyone agreed that something was great or anything you know when nixon was thrown out you know obviously not everybody thought that was a great thing but this is a very it's hard to understand where the political motivations and the patriotic i guess motivation as particular administration is allergic to leaks you know we've heard the stories out of turn in your phone when you go to the white house stuff like that so obviously it touches a nerve with them but what touches a nerve with us is this stuff about the press the stuff about the media and a lot has been introduced by congressman eric swalwell from california which he calls the journalist protection act and get this it makes it a federal crime to intentionally cause bodily injury to a journalist in the course of reporting or in a manner designed to intimidate him or her from news gathering and how timely is this all along the campaign trail the president ranking out the press in the back
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of the room by name poor katie ter you know we lionized the trump stir and demonized the media and fake news and we've called the press the enemy of the people and you and i know members of the media who are getting death threats and e-mail in these grisly phone calls yeah so i think it's time to add rather than subtract protection for what the founders considered was going to be our check on power when you think about that that's a pretty important thing because well you know the second amendment arms they at least have a gun and say well you know they had weapons but if that's how you want they had you know newsletters and you don't have press even remotely and no protection. so i thought that's so important that that was so important to put down that this is going to happen it's important we make the irony being that our president lives on unfiltered media right you know you can tell what time he got up from twitter i
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will say it's going to be really interesting you know you mentioned the erik's all over you know representatives or souls legislation because it's very interesting though is that you also have offsetting legislations where you have you know they passed laws saying that you can't go in and film industrial farming locations of as like that so they're going to see these two laws but if this gets passed you're going to see these collisions collision and it will be up to the courts to decide plus again goes back to the how do you decide who is and who's not a journalist you know is the kid who didn't go to school but has the camera report and writes in a blog and is breaking stories that way is he considered a journalist or more do you got to go to columbia for years the n.f.l. has been credentialing bloggers for the super bowl because they want to get covered with the next generation of fans is reading and watching and listening so you're right you're absolutely right when you say courts i got to chill because who's appointing these federal judges for life now yeah that's the other flip so there's i think it gets into a very when you start saying you know when you start putting penalties or people
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who go after journalists or put in kind of journalists themselves that it gets very scary right there because again you're asking a group of professional you know you're asking these people to decide what is and what is not there that is a very interesting issue. i'm curious about gerrymandering because that was the other thing that came up and how you found actual shape districts yeah i mean obviously now some sites are like there's already county lines why can't you just do things well they didn't pennsylvania now that you know it's getting a look elsewhere and again it will be the other party's turn at some point you spend enough time in washington here and you get the sense that things are going to work out but it could be rough sledding in the meantime what's interesting too is in this report it specifically you know takes out the idea of racial jury man right . yeah because this free ride to do it i'm going to ask about this sort of this to really think that politicians on either side of the aisle or going to be stupid enough to run out and start tearing my under in right along like white and black
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neighborhoods and saying oh well hispanics live here whites live here i want to make sure i get these so far over seventy members of congress are not coming back so i think they hear the footsteps well enough but i will say you know what they've been doing it for years without having to bring up race you know they don't find those cute words to kind of like say race but not say race you know code and it's a code word and they were doing exactly what they have been doing that for years we've seen for the last thirty or so you know just recently had a case in texas where you know they were arguing you know being hey this was racially districted movement should be stopped but the texas courts said no you know i wasn't you know i think that you're going to continue to see that but under that kind of coded language at the end of the day all politics is local good voice through you know i want to get to the last piece that came up in this in this prosecutor's medal you mentioned earlier is religious freedom you know i mean aside
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from from this man who is kind of focused on going after leaks and this new direction you know there's a new direction is that they're worried about the infringement on religious freedoms requiring government lawyers to notify senior officials about any and all lawsuits against the government that is your religion really under attack are we supposed to separate church and state here anyway what happened to that how many how my and my friends write our brooms out to our coven meetings as i live it is not a matter of them and i. say it again and you know it does seem a little much to me because i think i think again that's one of those issues in the media where it's being blown up in the media that there's a religious war but there really isn't at the end of the day not when you're there on the ground we'd like to think not we'd like to think not you know i would hope i would think that you know people are generally respectful of each other we know the best. it will happen all the time but i do think this will those issues that the media likes to explore this i think there are a lot of us thing yes and it's just out of control they pick an issue any issue no minds are being changed any more we don't want information we want affirmation
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that's a great point right there at the very very well that is one of those things that we all need that we're very meeting society now i mean really we need people to tell us we got enough we need to know we have enough bolivar's and politicians i think are no different they need to have lots of money i mean you look at it you know the democrats and republicans both all the emails you get from them are all about by the teacher we've got to raise one human nature anything that challenges us is now deemed fake news yes and we need to change you know then you're still the prosecution manuscripts for all the problems you are going to part with just as this business just of for political ideology to be this very dangerous is what i am watching. always a pleasure having you know all of the you so boys are joining us today. from the majestic rivers to the depths of our deepest oceans all the way back to the small crack running through your neighborhood the life giving force on the planet earth
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is an interval part of our daily lives which makes nasa's upcoming launch of its gravity recovery and climate experiment follow on or graceful oh so vital to better understanding our small blue planet two identical spacecraft scheduled to launch on may nineteenth from vandenberg air force base in california the space x. falcon nine rocket will orbit earth in tandem and map changes in water and ice around the globe by detecting variations in the earth's gravity quite literally measuring the weight of water all to help us track earth's water cycle and gain new insight into how climate change affects our oceans glaciers groundwater and even in the atmosphere go the whole gross fold does amazing the use gravity the. incredible and much needed at the this in. kiam sightseers well those. be interesting to see how much water you know what is the right of water whether you call it a creek or a crater we still need the creek correct all right that is our sort of everyday and
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remember everyone in this world we're not told that we were brought up so it's all you wall i love i roll but i doubt of the law if people watch those talks have a great day and night everybody. pummel is one of the most controversial products of our time it's a salted vegetable fat that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion pummelled plantations which is the destruction of rain forest. given d.z. a lot more than ten million hiked as of unique rain forest has been destroyed it's
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a process that just keeps going. price perceives news and so if you have fake prices you end up with fake mis selling here when you have manipulation of markets and there if you have if you have interest rates at zero and you can borrow money at zero percent and have an unlimited credit line and you can muscle prices around it well that creates fake prices and then if you have robots reporting on fake prices on the financial media for stuff then the robots are going to report on the fake crisis driven by the fake news created by robots and you have a virtual or a not so virtual cycle of fake news and fake prizes and then that people interpret that as reality. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and
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better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently and all the science is controlled by them and they impose the opening times so if. it is from is all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and soon inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva free pool it's such a position that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the words black books of the art business.
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the czech republic admits to producing the type of nerve agent used to poison a former spy and his daughter in britain despite earlier refuting russian claims that it could have been one of the countries which handled the substance. of. german police raid a migrant center where a group of refugees force officers to release an asylum seeker earlier this week. and russia's foreign minister says that if israel has evidence that iran violated the two thousand and fifteen nuclear agreement it should hand it over to the u.s. .
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are broadcast live direct from our studios in moscow this is our two international enchong thomas to have you with us from the czech president of iran has confirmed that his country has been involved in producing the type of nerve agent used to poison the former russian spy sergei screwball and his daughter in the u.k. in march. it's small amounts of money truck were produced in the czech republic and we know where it will be critical to pretend that such a thing never happened. the czech president saying that's not the child had previously been produced and stored in the country could be seen as a very major development to the script whole saga given that this is a point that russia had been making for a very long time saying that this nerve agent that was said to have been behind the pope poisoning of sergei and screwball and his daughter could have been produced in a number of countries including the czech republic and the us now it has to we have to be clear that the czech president did say that. was held in the country in
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a small amount and has been destroyed however this is key given that previously czech ministers had denied this possibility russian claims that the czech republic is one of the four countries most likely to manufacture the nerve agent used to poison surrogates propound his daughter wholly unsubstantiated and highly speculative. the russians crossed all boundaries when they said the novacek agent could have come from the czech republic that is a lie now if you remember the u.k. was saying that it could only have been russia behind the attack or two used a recent mase term quote highly likely and this was along with the wider picture with british official saying that russia had a history of similar incidents that it had been behind that it could only have been russia to have a motive in this case as well as a handful of other accusations that had led to westminster to point to moscow and
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of course what unraveled was a major diplomatic standoff bringing ties between russia and the u.k. to a new low diplomats were expelled from a number of countries there had been boycotts by top officials of attending the world cup to be held in russia in the summer of twenty eighteen so certainly major circle major consequences for this development and of course despite the fact that we have seen a major scientific lab such as porton down being unable to pinpoint the production of the nerve agent used in the attack as having come from russia and the fact that russia all along has been saying it had nothing to do with the incident and denied that it was involved in this her paul case whatsoever it had called for a joint investigation and really saw what happened as anti russia histeria this is what the latest is that we heard from the russian foreign minister on this the government's accused russian launched a massive and see russia political and information complain without showing any
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evidence it's even didn't wait for the conclusion of the british investigation they ignored all those proposals for joint troop and legal demands to produce evidence including samples of the substance which was used. and of course curiously what we have seen is within especially the first month of this major screw up all scandal unraveling this was the major biggest story on all sorts of headlines especially of course here in britain as well as throughout the world yet recently especially following sergei script fall and his daughter hughley is conditions improving this story has kind of disappeared from the political and media limelight so we will have to see whether or not it might resurface given these latest statements from the czech republic or the czech president cited a report from the country's military intelligence it said that a small amount of a noble choke nerve agent was previously produced tested and destroyed in the czech republic however the president said that another report by the counter intelligence agency identified the agent not as nova choke but as a similar substance called
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a two thirty we heard from chemical weapons expert james tour probably at least a dozen countries that have the capability to make these persistent nerve agents and it doesn't surprise me that the czech republic and many other countries could could do this the czech republic is very advanced in their chemical and synthetic chemistry ability and many countries have made it in the past to smart of study on making nerve agents and many countries have made nerve agents if you want to study what a persistent nerve agent can be like something that that is harder to detect something that. lasts much longer than a typical nerve agent like sarin are so minor g.s. then you'd want to be making these in understanding how they work sometimes countries make it just to learn how to defend against it so yes this could have been made years ago and kept around for many years. police in southern germany have
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raided a migrant center after scores of asylum seekers forcibly prevented the deportation of a togolese man on monday or tuesday or all over as more. well if we start on monday with the incident and kick this all off it started when police in the southwestern german town of. gartin but important book arrived at this refugee center with the intention of taking away a twenty three year old man from togo who is about to be deported now as they arrive to do that crowds of people start arriving saying he should be set free those crowds got bigger and bigger we're hearing one hundred fifty plus refugees surrounding the police in their car that was there we hear from the police that this was a particularly aggressive crowd that threats were being shouted the police officers eventually for air fearing for their safety well they released the man and then retreated now the police chiefs haven't condemned those officers they've said that
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they what they described was a really horrific situation a potentially dangerous situation that they were right to pull out there now three days later thursday we saw a major police raid take place now we're hearing as many as two hundred police were involved in this and they detained that twenty three year old along with seventeen other people but speaking to the press senior police saying that they had to move in when they did to stop this situation descending into further chaos you know i'm kind of it's for you we will not allow the creation of a law we will work against it we have clear indications that most black africans here see the police as the saree and want to fight against them but you know we've never experienced a situation like this before it was big when young people well as more information has come out about this throughout thursday we've seen quite angry reaction from politicians particularly at the fact that it this man was essentially on the run in free for three days and we also heard from the interior minister horse who is
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typically a bully and in what he had to say this was. what happened there is a blow to the law regarding population we shouldn't let them trample on our hospitality. attacks on police officers are unacceptable in a constitutional state such conduct must have criminal consequences is clear that frustration is no excuse for crime but there are a lot of questions being asked namely well why was this able to happen in the first place how can it be stopped from happening at other refugee centers in the future and ultimately who is to take the blame for allowing this situation to escalate as rapidly as it did refugee crisis has caused a deep disagreements between each member state the dutch migration minister has accused countries in southern europe of failing to secure their borders. ninety five percent of irregular migrants and asylum seekers arrive from other states
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about two thirds of them managed to travel through other member states undetected and unregistered despite all measures taken to improve registration dutch minister also questioned the european commission's previous claims that almost all migrants arriving in greece and italy are being registered and he wants you members who refuse to share the burden of taking in refugees to be punished. freewriting should have a price member states refusing to demonstrate solidarity in violation of the e.u. obligations should be penalized through subsidies on the. member of the syriza party in greece believes that blaming southern europe is unfair the saying is that europe has failed to provide a holistic and inclusive solution to the problem. it's a union it cannot. only diary card the refugee crisis is not a great korean italian problem and it cannot be managed. or
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a greek problem it's a european problem and greece and italy have handled all the burden of this whole situation i think the criticism is a bit unfair greece any are dealing with the refugee in my ground crisis with dignity while there are european member states that have resisted the really cation that have resisted to abide by their. agreement that have it is this to take on the refugees and migrants or to ask the european commission for their response to the allegations from the dutch migration minister and we're waiting for them to get back to us. the man whose wedding in yemen was hit by a saudi airstrike last month has described the horror of what happened last at least twenty family members and friends and is among the survivors.


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