tv News RT May 4, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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i think americans and love european allies of united states is very much watching observing that davis that that you totally failed there was a cynical a strategy of this integrating a sovereign country like syria has failed totally i think the collaboration between iran and russia definitely proved both internationally acceptable more or less support of who and very successful one we are we won't be afraid of this type of activity definitively we want to see that as much as possible the number of involvement of americans in syria we should be decreased also should bestow american. presence in syria northern part of syria is illegal and it is against international law he scored different from the russian
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collaboration with the syrian government which is based on mutual acceptance reliance. americans would one get and they think by bombardment selective targets they favor is better to manage to favor rather than to advance their eye gresham but mr larijani what i'm asking you about is not so much about the american actions but about what actions should russia take in response to this potential act of aggression you you mentioned that you believe and i think again this assessment is shared by many in moscow that the american strategy in syria has failed but that an argument could be made that that would make the united states even more predisposed to desperate actions or. actions that could attract the attention of the world because i think we would both agree that donald trump has a propensity towards showing off so if indeed he proceeds with a delivering and not a strike on syria how do you think russia should respond. while none of us knew
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iran or russia they have interest in expanding the military conflict i thought our steps are very determined is supporting the russian people and the russian government to defend their land the russian position especially year has been warded by president putin is very acceptable and russian all they say that to definitely they won't tolerate any threat to the years russian presence in this area are i think this is quite rational position america should not gamble on that they should not under under the skin of the there's a result in in defense of his personality and his this artistic presence but anyhow what is the term mental is not some selective air strikes what is the term mental is the determination of the people and those who are on the ground fighting to
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liberate the syria from the visit you will part of the terrorist group supported created led armed by the americans and british and others well mr larijani we have to take a short break now but we will be back in just a few moments they chant and. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have a crazy patient let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic developments only and. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. pomalyst. one of the most controversial products of alzheimer's it's
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a solid vegetable fat that's very cheap. in twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million items that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of palm oil plantations which it means the destruction of rain forest. into the zero a lot more than ten million hiked as of unique rain forest has been destroyed it's a process that just keeps going. not. only do i have.
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to. call them back to worlds apart with muhammad have i played it johnny how different runs high council for human rights mr larijani you're joining us from geneva where where you took part in the thirty seven session of the united nations human rights council which once again chose to focus its attention on the human rights situation in iran meetings like these are fairly regular the critics of your country are all the same their grievances and complains are well rehearsed i wonder though if you found this meeting any different from all the previous ones. you mentioned.
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we participated in the sanction to speak our views aboard human rights i'm also the critics which is learned against us and also the behavior of united as there's a number of european gangs. human rights regardless of american or. european support but by itself is a valuable barometer of civilities so regardless of their position we are going to promote human values in our country and or democracy but american. type of human rights. it's a corrupt notion in which the human who is we swapped with petro dollars in the region who we swapped with political influence through the example of yemen you see the genocide there were going on with larger scale of millions of
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people live and then just look who is supporting who american and british and the number of other european countries they are very generous they lend their support to the aggressor even directly they participate in the press aside so what kind of human rights is in which to live of million children a woman does not count well let me ask you a specifically about that because when the issue of human rights in iran is raised you never for a fail to mention what you just said that the united states and europe i'm not qualified to pontificate on human rights because of their own record of murder in a number of countries but you know very well that they easily dismiss your argument as briskly as you dismiss theirs do you think there is still any of room any space any form of laughter in within the international system for a genuine and open discussion on how various governments around the world trade
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their citizens rather than this nonstop circle of condemnations and recriminations the united nation is not. an institution. belonging to neither state is the institution for whole nations of the world secondly yes this is one right now the u.p.a. our mechanism of united nations security council here my advice is rather acceptable method of monitoring every country with a selective method without using double standard to every country should be. unsellable to the situation human rights in zone country united this is britain and europe are boiling in racism and in violence their record own citizens their own citizens are very dire and miserable the lives of
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the crimes they are committing those are yes then or mechanism right now and could be present mechanism we should join hand to hand to stop this corrupt notion of human drives which is pursued by you know this that europe's and the strive for free human rights there is one issue of human rights that is particular close to my heart and this is the issue of veils that has long been of symbolic significance both to iran's religious leaders and their harshest critics in the west and in this debate. women who have to wear this cards usually have a much lesser say that the man who advance that religious or ideological positions i mean i know that there have been a number of. individual projects in iran in support of the woman's right to choose how she she wants to dress do you see that as a foreign plot or do you see that as a genuine movement both of them are the issue is the limits of nudity is
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not enforcing his job. well whether nudity should have a limit in the public places or not so definite according the law for men and women they should abide by the limits of nudity in the public places while if you know if you walk into two wrongs the street corners you see the women's games and also boards are rather carrying putting very casual dresses on nobody's following them and pursue them but if there is an organized activity you. this is signed by the burton number of american six for services we want to create a social upheaval. on the. pretext while we are very sensitive we will definitely respond to that this is not
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a private single act when it becomes an organized action led by the external sixer services definitely come from well mr larijani i do not represent any secret services including russian but i can tell you that having been to your beautiful country during its excruciatingly hot summers i can tell you that it is deeply uncomfortable for me at least to being obliged to wear a headscarf and i know that your country i believe at face that your country's very good as far as social participation of women is concerned i think there has been a lot of. progress in that regard than the recent decades and i think customs and laws do you change i mean they change in every country do you think there will ever come a moment when they rainy and religious leaders or the iranian democracy will give its women and. its foreign female visit there is the right to decide whether they want to cover their hat on up while as you mentioned this is the law also and then
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think it's changing the laws should go through the legal the structure and the legal look for artists while i'm not in a position to dictate to the people of iran through what way they should choose for the change the legal process as far as the law is everybody should respect but next time in tehran when you are in the summer i will have screwed recommendation for a few to refrain from the heat i think go with the wired no the issue for the women in tehran and iran as you know the number of educated women i had no superseding the men who had no they demand a job. they demand job and they demand the positions and i think they are in the very good environment so this is actual think if we should pave the way for the women of wrong for women in iran to
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acquire position harvest standard of influence in the society which they are moving fast well but there there is this yes and no then necessarily in contradiction president rouhani has office recently released a two thousand and fourteen report that according to which forty nine point eight percent of iranians oppose a government intervention to enforce the veil and in a democratic society i know that iran considers itself a democracy almost half a population that is a number to be reckoned with are they likely to be reckoned with in iran. you know that the palling system could not replace the legal system if present draw news reaching the position of the should be a change in the law he should prove present the bill and send it to the parliament and then they should follow through but i don't think that this maybe this is
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correct or liable as you said i think right now the major issue for the women in teheran is is their job and their social position suppose a woman is a minister this is more important than or a virus minister or director general or a c.e.o. of a company this is more important for them them how they should dress either to cover their heads or to cover the rest of their bodies so i think this issue should be considered as it is you should not look at it from a cultural bias or culture and why much is different from card to either a knee and even before islam. the iranian women are very much covered so why are so this is a cultural issue. we cannot formulate one prescription and
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impose it to war all countries are. well mr larijani you just said that we cannot formulate one prescription for all but i would argue that this is exactly what iran is doing at the moment one prescription for all women regardless of their cultural or religious background or of that preferences anyway i earlier this month a woman who removed her house karf and public was sentenced to two years in prison for attempting according to the prosecutor to encourage moral corruption and through the removal of the hip hop and public now you cannot see me right now but i'm not wearing a have scarf if any of your compadre it's see this interview do you think i or you by engaging in this conversation can be accused of encouraging moral corruption no not the thought little lucy you know you are talking from the culture of that you are in that you respect and i'm talking from the cultural background for my country
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which i respect so first of all that indictment is not for taking a scarf out of there the few working there are new see a lot of ladies you know there may not hold the scarf on their head all the time as they say. involvement and indulges in organized activity which is led by outside secret service is the point that led you were surely you have kids is not finished the courts you rule. and this is the prosecutor's position but then you know the final series with the court i think definitely the point the allegation is being within within that all the mars activity which is led and supported and funded by the food in the secret service is so this should be cleared up she should she should she has the capability.
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of having a lawyer of defenders of this you proved him our action was a personal archon. of the most action led by the secret service is from britain especially then. to be clear for them that allegation well mr larijani next time i am in texas. i will try to follow your advice remove that house scarf as a personal act anyway let's hope that this interview will not put us in their cross hairs of the iranian prosecution especially since our time is up thank you very much for your willingness to spend some time with us and i also encourage our viewers to chime in with dire thoughts on their proper edness of this discussion on our social media pages as for me hope to see you again same place same time here on worlds apart.
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price precedes news and so if you have fake prices you end up with a fake name sell here when yeah manipulation of markets and there are if you have to do that interest rates are zero and you can borrow money at zero percent you have an unlimited credit line and you can muscle good prices around it well that creates fake prices and then if you have robots reporting on fake prices on the financial media as foreign stuff then the robots are going to report on the fake crisis driven by the fake news created by robots and you have a virtual or
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a not so virtual cycle of fake news and fake crisis and then that people interpret that as reality. the czech republic admits to producing the type of nerve agent used to poison a former spy and his daughter in britain despite earlier refuting russian claims that it could have been one of the countries which handled the. german police raid a migrant center where a group of refugees forced officers to release an asylum seeker earlier this week. and russia's foreign minister says that if israel has evidence that iran violated the two thousand and fifteen nuclear agreement it should handed over to the un. for the latest on these stories you can head to our dot com my colleague nic aaron will be here in about an hour's time but right now stay with us for the financial news in the kaiser report.
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well there was a report on myers kaiser there was well wrapping it up parents what an extravaganza stacy turn to your state show max. so to talk about bitcoin in relation to as you were talking about individual sovereignty and the new enlightenment and also about the censorship resistance because you mentioned jesse powell and where's the headline about him my max took my classes because he had lost his glasses and so we only have one pair of glasses and underwear in a. crack and says it will not cooperate with new york attorney general request for information so we have jesse powell telling the new york attended attorney general go away we left new york and this was
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a good this actually proved to be a good idea because now all these other companies that. allow customers from new york are subject to the bit license. we have another headline here max regarding censorship resistance of bitcoin and that is the chinese entrepreneurs have some creative responses to the government's crackdown on crypto so every time the government's crackdown on crypto the headlines read and of course no pointers will say ha ha big point is dead you guys are going to die because the government's going to get you i told you jim rickards says it's all the time it's like the governments after you and they're going to shut you down well you know there's no bigger government no bigger surveillance state than the chinese government and what they show and this article is that all these decentralized exchanges are popping up all sorts of ways to get around government censorship of the block chain it doesn't we're going to work around it's order and that's what the blodgett technology is
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a fantastic way we're. around the nation state so. nation states are coming under attack and central banks are coming under attack the banking system is under attack and i don't think there's going to be any real compromise with regulators or states or you know i mean i'm saying this for a number of years you know but a lot of big companies are trying to work with the banking system and trying to work with regulators and when they're there are entrenched compromise conflicted corrupt. full stop so there's not going to be any working with them they want to dominate and get rid of the any competition and in the case of these countries that are going up in flames whether it's venezuela or what have you they're just going to work it out and work around it this is a great story the p.d.p. exchanges which are the next evolution in exchanges will take away that single point of failure the exchanges i've always been
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a point to point of owner ability you know having you designed virtual exchanges myself probably the only patented technology in the world for a virtual exchanges my patent cantor fitzgerald uses of the trade billions of dollars worth of securities every single day i can tell you that always has been a point of failure now this is going to work around that point of failure the other censorship resistant story in in terms of this chinese article there is that i see those are banned in china and. whether or not anybody wants to invest in them i.c.a.o. is another thing but they got around that by now that everybody's doing air drops or tokens as they're called in china and so there's always a new innovation popping up assume is the old system in line meant so the big quid is basically monetary and light minutes we you know in in the first in like mint of the middle ages after the middle ages is that you know. now. it
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was no longer controlled by the priests and the class everybody could have access to knowledge and now everybody get av access to individual sovereignty in terms of the monetary around yes i concur with that that's a topless is of course. luminary in the space in making the point that you can't have it if you have fake prices you'll have fake news i mean there's an old saying on wall street the price proceeds and it is because markets are very sensitive they tend to react very quick before the news gets out you'll see price movements on nine eleven for example i remember we were buying puts on more call the top contractor for the booster rockets now that was a nine eleven that was a shuttle disaster in the eighty's under reagan and so the you know the put said already troubled before the news that the tape. in one nine eleven of course the options on the airline stocks were hugely active before the news that the tape
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about nine eleven as a matter of fact they were active a week before which is another story but so that price proceeds news and so if you have fake prices you end up with fake niggas so here when you have manipulation of markets and there if you have if you have interest rates are zero and you can borrow money at zero percent you have an unlimited credit line and you can muscle prices around it well that creates fake prices and then if you have robots reporting on fake prices on the financial media as forbes does then the robots are going to report on the fake prices driven by the fake news created by robots and you have a virtual or not so virtual cycle of fake news and fake prices and then that people interpret that as reality and meanwhile the underlying reality is completely different you need accurate prices before you have accurate is. don't trust verify your space in the prices especially given that verification of reality and this led
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us to be queen because we're going to go i want. go back to when we were you know report was covering financial the financial crisis and we were covering gold and silver and precious metals and monetary issues and central banks and in the lead up to the birth of equating the genesis locke and why he mentioned the chance on verge of a second bailout of banks is that all the prices remember in order to maintain the pyramid system where we we didn't rely on individual sovereignty we relied on trusted bankers we relied on central bankers who relied on the treasury to take care of us to take care of the financial system and they sent out fake prices of libel rates that were rigged on behalf of the central bank the british central bank . ordered these bankers to now they're all going to prison because the central bank has to send somebody to prison rape the prices of gold and silver all these prices
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where they were trying hard to manipulate in order to. make sure the population who were the chumps and this ponzi scheme continue to have faith they were basically operating the big connect of the you know that last century what you have also was. right that's it was clear he was more george osborne born in brown than a kid. that's right they had a manipulator on order of the bank of england to create the fake price so that the b.b.c. would pre-board and then bail out a bunch of trials and say everything's ok don't worry trust your bank and your supposed that the prices were supposed to be your verification don't trust the bank just use this libel rates use the sort of numbers use the price of gold to determine whether or not it's true what we're saying and of course they had to rig
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those in order to like it basically they were the big cash as well of the time they had the like if you know the speaker before us had a chart which suggests that there is one of the options of why there's a premium on it could be manipulation a big. catch oh yeah because it's so story stock trading robots reacting to stories i just made reference to this so you've got the basically financial news is being written by robots and then they create the news and then other robots read that news and then they do algorithmic trading on wall street based on the news and by a robot that a robot uses to trade stocks and create prices that are then reported by another robot. so that's another s. kerry thing to think about is that it is a she not comodo a robot that created some currency for itself to basically well you know my theory is that such oh she's coming from the future and he arrived and he's heading back to the beginning to me. basically. just nickel and dime and people to
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death malicious adora them so just go in there and steal money again there's no penalty there's no there's no criminal charges for this type of fraud and the just the scourge like the plague that needs to be eradicated or you know gonorrhea are socialists i mean wells fargo is the syphilis of wall street. and bitcoin it is penicillin essentially and if you're going to ground it if you turn it if you talk about looking into the past when these sort of headlines are being like this these are pretty blocking sort of financial and banking stories right on the really late children you know people that are ten twelve years old now and the future they'll this will look like a freaking world that you could live in a world where bankers had all control of your wealth and they could create fake accounts for you and start trading and you didn't even know.
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