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tv   News  RT  May 4, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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creatures who knows the impeachment process well and probably even more importantly knows congress very well at to do some maneuvering there i think that's a very smart strategy and a great insurance policy. which most analysts believe the democrats will take back the house maybe even the senate there is however a split in your party between the progressives that much might be called the mainstream democrats will that affect the elections it very well could look at what happened with bernie sanders and hillary clinton and we're still working to bridge that divide to be perfectly honest i'm still the political director here in the city of atlanta for the democratic party and we're still trying to heal some of those wounds so you know we've got some soul searching to do the where the party really needs to concentrate is on a coherent message larry in my opinion we've spent so much time with the resistance but we've not offered enough about what the democratic party can actually do and
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that's that's not going to resonate with the voters going into the midterms we have to have a more solid plan and a better alternative to them than resistance that's not going to ring at the polls jan and then interviewed tuesday nancy pelosi said the democrats will win the midterms and that she will run for the speaker the conservatives love to hate nancy pelosi and hillary clinton hillary has been out of will hasn't held an office for a long time and they still hate her every day are you worried about from your standpoint is this a good idea jen for the republicans to have nancy say this. well i think this is the best thing to happen to republicans all week larry nancy pelosi has been acting like the marie antoinette of american politics saying that this massive tax cut that went to american families is like crumbs nancy pelosi could not be more out of touch as she and her husband run their businesses in northern california benefiting
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off of those american tax cuts by the way and she by the way got more than just ask her husband who runs that business but look this is comes down to the midterms comes down really to the three m's money message and motivation as robin just said this is why i like robin he's one of the more reasonable democrats he's honest he'll tell you the democrats really don't have the message down they haven't been able to develop a message since they lost the two thousand and sixteen elections and as you see hillary out there still talking about why she lost they really need to turn the page and move on the second in larry money the democrats just last month had to actually borrow a couple of million dollars to keep their operation afloat meanwhile the r. and c. is trancing them in fundraising so that does not work in their favor the third am i've actually been very concerned about for republicans and that is motivation there was a poll out recently that said eighty percent of americans had participated in some sort of protest arguably against trump for the first time in their lives in the
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past two years and i think democrats here have one thing going for them in the midterms and that is motivation you look at the women smart you look at the florida parkland march but they answered closely throwing her hat to the ring gives republicans now a bit of motivation as does the impeachment proceedings potentially. right after the break.
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legal. political end used to be the end of the film outside the established a few folks who first found it i think she just didn't mind. when i left that i sat next to the market and i think a lot and i love me. i will show the world that i lived because somebody has low.
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and. take. custody of those mums and i believe that he's going to let them down the shit out of them in jail if i have a difficult moment. and these years i'm a puppet and that i don't. know how shame will. kill i've done above if admission from the. back to politics let's continue with the political panel robin as a bit of a good place to stay you want palosi to come back as the leader. you
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know i've got really mixed feelings on that and i'm not going to give you a direct answer because i'm still kind of soul searching to be honest look nancy pelosi is name is a nothing to so many people and her name is used a time and time again to divide the party right here in the georgia six john asa who never even shared a room at any point with nancy pelosi they never at the net they talked on the phone but they never even met but he was labeled as a policy democrat and he lost that election and the g.o.p. has been using that time and time again and the special elections to come for our candidates to pin them as pelosi democrats so i do think it might be time for a change although i will say she is a master legislator that is there is no doubt about that but i'm concerned about her staying on board just because it's such a good political warfare to link our candidates to her because her name is so
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unpopular with so many people. basically centrist people moderate republicans maybe even that might vote for a democrat but once they hear liberal policy democrat would absolutely refuse to do so larry are jen as palosi might be a problem on their side a word might be a problem on yours is west virginia where an ex convict executive named don blankenship was in a heated battle so the g.o.p. nomination many are calling him the next roy moore if he were to come out as the republican candidate in west virginia if donald trump would go to willing to support him. would not be a thorn in the side of the republicans. well look i believe that americans and voters in particular are very forgiving he addressed this last night at their big debate in west virginia so you know i'll leave that to the voters of west virginia my parents happen to be from west virginia born and raised my brother was also born
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there so it's a state i know fairly well look i think like i said people are forgiving and they're going to vote for the person that can best help president trump with his agenda to make america great again and that's bringing back manufacturing it's upholding the right to bear arms which is very popular in west virginia i just asked joe manchin how much that issue has come up for him recently but look i think president trump has also been courting joe mansion quite a bit who knows what donald trump will do in this race he might support the republican he might stay out of it completely he and joe mansion of building quite the relationship over the last year or so to be interesting to see what happens in that state rather than concerning this president will you think it's all going to go nothing is predictable. you know it's. it's anyone's guess right now larry i can't exactly put my finger on it i think at the end of the day donald trump mike mike again i go back to my gut instincts my gut instincts tell me
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that he himself may not have been directly involved in the collision i don't think that he was but look at all of the people around him that have been indicted who are being called to testify who some who have already pled guilty i think think some of those people are going to to take the fall as they should if they were involved in anything untoward and but i think that donald trump himself i think personally democrats need to work more toward the strategy of what we can do coming toward twenty twenty rather than sticking on this so much sticking on the impeachment we need to be developing our message right now because we have a serious problem with messaging i'm concerned about it and we've got to start laying the groundwork now to tell the voters what we can do and what we can bring to the table to help shore up some of the deficiencies right now this administration thank you both genevieve reverend back home again in california come
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visit us in studio and robin if you come was do the same. i well i thank you so much more now on the legal problems both criminal and civil that the president finds himself in those close to him and rolled in for that we turn to trent copeland criminal defense attorney and legal analyst he joins us here on set as always great having him with us what's your key takeaway from the leaked list of questions well first of all that they were leaked right larry the fact that these presumably came from the special counsel the truth is they didn't and i think anyone who presupposes that these were questions that came directly from the special counsel that they're not being honest with themselves these were the summaries of questions that i'm certain that muller's team gave verbal lead trumps team and trumps team decided to leak these questions for a couple reasons one they can label. the special counsel is being leakers that's important to them they could essentially get the public sentiment for those people
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who are behind trump to say hey look there's over broad questions these questions deal with issues that don't relate to anything that the special counsel should have been investigating there's no collusion so all of those things were the reasons why these questions were leaked and i think the most important takeaway from it is that these questions zero in on trumps state of mind these questions they don't hang around the bush but they do is these zero in on trump state of mind they want to know what he knew about russia inclusion they want to know what he knew about paul manna for reaching out to russia they want to know why he fired james comey these are questions that directly go to his state of mind and i think trump feels the heat as a result of these questions so the nature of them is so in summary it's a summary i think look lawyers don't ask questions like this lawyer larry and you know this is a bit of it is anyone who is on ask these open in the questions and the truth is everyone knows that if you're going to get an audience with the president of muller's going to get an audience of the president and have him sit down for an
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interview they're going to be strict time constraints he's not going to ask an opening the question that's going to allow trump to just you know filibuster his way through an hour or two he's going to aspecific questions narrowly tailored specifically zero in on specific issues so there's no way that these questions were the actual ones big questions like did should why not why. the mullah team that made most white can mullah make a statement that we didn't send those questions over i think he could but i think the general said i didn't know and never speak. muller's team learned that's a very good questions most team has really been hermetically sealed right they don't leak they don't speak they're not seeking public support and sentiment for what they're doing they just go about their business head down doing their work and i think that's where he wants to be remembered muller has been involved in government for many many years headed up the f.b.i. and it is nice that he knows you well the fact of the matter is this is someone
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larry who's going to keep his head down he's going to continue this investigation and he's not going to play the game the trump plays and that is that he's going to tweet that he's going to somehow issue public statements denying he's simply going to continue to do his work do you think trump would have a fire and rosenstein sure i do i don't know that he will but i think he's certainly anticipated firing them particularly earlier on in the investigation i think he had to be talked down from that from his lawyer john doubt but would he consider fire them absolutely he would but i think at this point there's been such critical mass there's been such momentum moving towards whether or not he's going to sit down with miller i think would be really politically difficult for him to fire k. was going to as soon as the audit was over he was going to release his tax returns he has previously said he can't wait to sit down with him over the baloney look larry look i think you know the truth is in the putting right says is going to release his tax returns we're now three years past him releasing the last three
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years of tax returns he hasn't says he's looking forward to sitting down with muller because doing everything in his power to avoid doing that you can't believe him so the truth is his supporters and anyone who's behind trump believes trump at the moment he says what he's saying at that moment. do you think you might subpoena mo mo might subpoena trump i think he will almost certainly subpoena trump if trump does not voluntarily to sit down to him and look there's been a lot of discussion larry about you know there are only two options is he going to sit down voluntarily with mahler or is he going to be subpoenaed in which case he'll be forced to i think there's a third door that people are talking about the third or is that he simply says listen i'm going to assert executive privilege i'm going to say listen you don't muck muller have the authority to force me to sit down for an interview because you're going to ask me questions that relate to my specific duties as a president under article two and an article two under the executive branch of which i am the head i don't have to answer these questions and that could create
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a constitutional crisis where that issue goes up to the supreme court and he doesn't assert the fifth nor does he agree to voluntarily sit down interesting did nixon or clinton ever do that nixon did assert executive privilege lay but he has sort of executive privilege related to whether or not he was going to produce tapes he was never subpoenaed to testify in front of a grand jury and that's different this would be a case of first impression so we don't know what the supreme court would do in that instance is that any were awarded to trump to sit down you know that's a great question larry and i think scholars will debate that for years is a reward certainly but there's a risk in the risk reward is a if he sits down he could say things that could be directly incriminating the reward is that he says hey look i chose to sit down i told me all along i had nothing to fear i had nothing to hide and i chose to sit down but i think the risk
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reward is far weighted more heavily in the risk and i don't think that his lawyers will let him sit down from his lawyer i'm standing in front of the door i'm blocking and i'm saying you're not sitting down with the special prosecutor over my dead body. he could plead the president could plead the fifth to get any sure he could plead the fifth and that certainly would that would really almost because he is not people who apply the historical he'd be the first president who's ever pled the fifth he's also going to hear a running a monologue in the background of him saying who pleads a fifth only mobsters if you plead the fifth i'm not pleading the fifth now look again he has defied the laws of political gravity larry in more ways and in more instances than one and so if he decides to take an about face in the science of plead the fifth he may use that as political campaign fodder and simply say look i'm pleading the fifth because i'm not going to engage in this process i don't believe in bob mueller and this team i think this is a complete set up so i'm pleading the fifth and i'm not doing so because i think
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i'm guilty i'm doing it because i simply don't want to be involved the process let me go to the american people say folks. i can't be present with this or hanging around me i'm trying to do things i'm trying not career i'm trying to settle things and this is hampering me and it probably is hampering and where it's a good question in reality this probably is such a distraction for the president that he really can't focus on much else and look there we've heard there are rumors coming out of the white house that he's completely obsessed with it that he's not focused that he's got a big north korean. summit coming up and he can't focus on it and of course he can go to the american people and say listen i'm reaching the conclusion that i've got to in this investigation i've got to cut it off so i can go back to doing the business of the american people so i'm firing both and so on foreign both of that could happen trent always great my pleasure larry trent copeland one of the best we thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the
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conversation on my facebook page or tweet me had kings things and over get use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of the global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred for a first strike at the first second and bitcoin rose to forty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust.
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headline stories this hour the czech republic. also this hour we hear from an elderly. user campaigner. along.
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i could. forces stationed in the. chinese laser weapons as the u.s. issues a warning of extreme caution. also ahead in the program. to military. practice makes perfect sense and seemingly simple maneuvers like this one. simple dozens of vehicles involved in the all have to be in sync.
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live from moscow to the world this is our team international my names you know you're very welcome to the program our top story the czech republic has revealed that it produced a similar nerve agent to the one used to attack former russian spy. and his daughter the country's president cited an intelligence report confirming not the poison had been made last year. do you know the choke was produced and tested in the czech republic it was a small quantity though we know when and we know where it was done view would be hypocritical to pretend that such a thing never how you look at it the president of the czech republic saying that nava child had been produced and stored in the country could of course be seen as quite a considerable development since it reiterates the point that russia has been making throughout the script saga for all of this time saying that it could have been produced in a number of countries including the czech republic and the us now the president of
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the czech republic did say that this was a small amount and that it had been destroyed however still this is important given that previously we have seen ministers of the country deny this possibility the russians crossed all boundaries when they saw the novacek agent could have come from the czech republic that is a lie now of course when accusations against russia started if you recall the united kingdom was saying that it could only have been russia to produce the novacek nerve agent that was said to have been used to poison sergei scruple and his daughter in sol's very on march fourth however this came with a combination of arguments made by the west saying that it could only have been russia that russia was the only country they thought would have a motive in a situation like this as well as had a history as they described it of carrying out similar attacks and very cold so it is about the identity of the culprit no other country has a combination of the capability the intent and the motive to carry out such an
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action poolesville alternative explanation yet but do six because this is. a close evil are actually able to forgive. the plausible explanation and this is of course that russia had denied throughout the whole scandal however it did unravel and snowball into a major diplomat. bringing ties between russia and the u.k. to a new low leading to a handful of expulsion of russian diplomats from a number of countries as well as the boycotting of the world cup about to take place in russia this summer and again despite the fact that russia over and over again said it had nothing to do with the incident had called for joint investigations to be carried out including with the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and of course taking all of this into consideration it's curious to point out that following sergei script hall and his daughter yulia
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regaining consciousness in the hospital here in the u.k. the story and the whole scandal has pretty much disappeared from the political and media limelight so it's going to be interesting to see whether or not it could in fact return following these latest statements made by the czech president yeah the czech president said kuntar intelligence reports identified the agent made in his country as a substance called a two three four a novacek type substance we got the thoughts of global affairs expert george zimmerman. it really does blow the whole british american thesis out of the water the british american thesis was that nobody bought of the russians could have produced it even though no evidence of ever being produced to suggest that. it ever was manufactured in russia and the people who go anywhere in the world could not have done it i mean the formula
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has been published in the united states already some years ago and now if. what the czechs are saying today proves to be correct then. explode the entire british american leases. american rapper kanye west is a russian spy secretly working for a flooding there putin according to one self-proclaimed strategic intelligence analyst the accusations come after the celebrity publicly revealed his warm support for donald trump rock as the of now looks out an ever growing army of kremlin agents. remember when being portrayed as a russian spy was funny a bit of a joke. over. what he'd done in the dark when and just the way things pilings what are you a russian spy or something. who
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isn't funny now could be anyone in the oval office in the pentagon madison square garden. can years recent coordination with trump along with his use of infamous or rhetoric and symbols confederate flag reek of products here just join up the dogs can year endorse trump publicly their friends. i'm not saying can you west is involved at all in the trump russia scandal but i am saying he has russian ties and was there right after the twenty sixteen elections scott walk in or perhaps work in a contributor for the us news channel m.s.n. b c and also founder of russia gate agrees there are just too many dogs not to connect them kanya west went to russia he went to russia he
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literally flew to moscow and walked around the juicy what he got up to i sure didn't get to be doing anything it's now so obvious why didn't we see it before we see it now and there are more of them clint eastwood openly backed trump and the russian connection is blatant clint eastwood speaks russian. pretends to. oh and robert de niro he hates trump or so he says but look at the facts he cool owns a chain of all true and luxurious restaurants in moscow and he's opening a new one soon you know who goes to his restaurants oligarchs we're not blind anymore there could be russian spies in my audience and i wouldn't know everyone is
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a suspect. are you a russian spy now. that's why russian spies. ellen the generous knows what's up we need lists so i've put together a quick one to start things off this is a list of american stars who've recently been to russia they held. and did business it's time to wake up russian agents everywhere the president the republicans hollywood your neighbor your friends maybe probably. even you. know another headline stories this hour a british police monitoring past forced u.k. authorities to release its counterterrorism training materials after years of court battles the document reveals that defrocking activists are considered extremists
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much like radical islamists or new states they are treated accordingly. you know i don't. believe he believes. the police have been involved in dragging disabled people out of wheel on the public highway. people and of standing by and. private security companies employed by the fracking companies come out of this site on to the public highway and. punching people in the face putting people in sleeper hold positions all kinds of. have.


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