tv News RT May 4, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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and point that i think has been the greatest obstacle within the seti community to send an intentional signal because some of said we're not ready for something that requires that long term perspective our position it may be is that we need to get ready for a long term perspective as a species in fact a lot of the problems that we encounter in our world today is because we're always looking for immediate gratification we want results by the end of the week or if we're really thinking long term the end of the next quarter but some good things take time so you're absolutely right that when we're sending our messages in a bottle we're sending many of them to many stars and it's critical that we keep track of where we've sent those and what the messages were so that if we do get a reply back we will know what the reply was in response to how do you figure out what the aliens well understand what they won't i mean do you think human culture has something that transcends this boundary mathematically equations i don't know
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maybe music. you know i wish that when we're communicating with the aliens they would know english or russian or spanish or arabic but there's no reason to think they would have that in common so we have to say what do we and the aliens have in common simply by virtue of being able to make contact well if they receive our radio signals we know that they can build radio antennas that requires a technical sophistication and you've got to be a good engineer you're not going to be a good engineer on any planet if you don't know something as fundamental as two plus two equals four so that's what we begin with in our message simply explaining to the extraterrestrials here's how we count here's how we do arithmetic the interesting thing is by taking very gradual steps upward soon we can talk about the nature of the radio signal itself and that's what the aliens have in their hands or that they pick up on their machines and so we focus on communicating some very
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basic concepts very clearly because that's the essential starting point once we have something that they understand that could open the floodgates to tremendous understanding where we can go beyond just math and science to talk about something as you suggest like music the beauty of music is that at its core it can be described in terms of mathematical ratios between no it's it can be described by the same terms physicists use an amplitude frequency duration and so by starting with basic scientific and mathematical principles we can begin to give extraterrestrial a peek into what it means to be human all right we're going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking to dr douglas vaclav president of the organization discussing what it's going to be like to hear back from l.a. and civilization states. palm
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oil is one of the most controversial products of odds on the it's a solid vegetable found thirds very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of kamel plantations which means the destruction of rain forest. get into the zero
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a lot more than ten million had to as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. seems wrong when all rolls just don't hold. any old belief yet to say proud disdain comes to advocate and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the
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passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to kill you narrowness and spending two to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great so what more chance for. the base. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon small mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs place all the science is controlled by them and they impose the opening time so if. it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like picasso and modigliani i can't boards unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report
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comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud from some of those paintings a link to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva free pool it's such a pleasure that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black books of the art business . and we're back with dr douglas package president of messy organization discussing their prospect of finding intelligent life on other planets so dr i cuts when you
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think about extraterrestrial what do you personally imagine they're like well the ones that we can contact are going to be scientists because that's the only way we can exchange a radio signal or a laser pulses if they also have an ability to create the instruments that allow us to exchange information but beyond that i don't expect that they're going to look like us you know they're not necessarily even going to have the same way of encounter in the world that we do we rely very heavily on our vision vision has evolved forty times independently on earth so it's been very effective here but what happens if you're a civilization on a planet where there is a murky cover over the atmosphere and you need to get around through a sense of hearing or a sense of touch or a sense of smell you could still be a scientist still discovering your universe but your way of encountering the day to
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day could be very different and so that's why we always need to be open to new possibilities for creating messages so that if they are detected they'll be understood jill tarter from saturday told me once that we tend to think about aliens ass earthlings on steroids is it likely that we will be similar in appearance and how do you how do we white thinking about it this way. you know there are some aspects of our bodies that we might find in other species for example we're bilaterally symmetrical the left in the right hand side of us looks pretty much the same but why would we expect the extraterrestrial to have say only two hands you know we see very intelligent creatures on our own planet with very different body types the octopus has more of a radial symmetry there's more of a circular symmetry to it and there is also the possibility of having multiple
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appendages so i don't think we can count on the extra terrestrials looking like us i think jill is right that we we tend to think of aliens as humans on steroids because that's frankly what it's cheapest for hollywood to make but instead we may even encounter intelligence that is not biological at all but created by the biological intelligence on another world you know our first contact may not be with carbon based life but silicon based life computers artificial intelligence is we project our own development of artificial intelligence on this world some are saying within the next century will have very intelligent computers so those may be the nature of the extra terrestrials we make first contact with here is the point earlier can we study what other species might be like bakes based where they might leave for instance what would allianz for
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a mean it's look like if life was possible there longer and i was a huge chads or no no is enos is a plant v. they would need anyone living on venus would need to almost have an especially as covering is incredibly hot on venus but one of the basic things that we can think about is how big is the planet the bigger the planet the greater the gravitational force and so that's going to favor as. species that's really going to be sturdy maybe shorter squader very solid in stocky on a planet that is much smaller than our earth it's similar to being on the moon which is much smaller it's a much smaller gravity and so there would be a selection through evolution for creatures that are maybe taller and thinner so that's one of the fundamentals that you can consider but then as you point out maybe it's the different environment so maybe there is aquatic life that's intelligent we know that whales and dolphins are highly intelligent on our world
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but there's one problem i mean there may be extraterrestrial whales creating wonderful symphonies that they send to one another but if they never build a renia detector if they never send us radio signals we simply won't know about them so in some sense that narrows the kind of intelligence that we will make contact with in intelligence that can create a technology similar to ours so is there a planet that you are specifically concentrating on right now when looking for alan life a planet that you have the most hopes for. yes in october of two thousand and seventeen many sent its first messages to a nearby star called lojban star this was in cooperation with the sonar music festival a project called sonar calling g.j. two seventy three b. and this is the closest star that has a known exoplanet within the habitable zone so it's at just the right distance from
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its star that it could support liquid water now the fact that it is twelve point four light years from earth means that a round trip exchange would take just under twenty five years so those are some of the best timescales that we can hope for so that's why we focus on stars that are in our own galactic backyard rather than much further away stars how do you imagine our earth will react to actually making contact will there be panic emergency security council meetings crises i mean what sort of reaction do you expect well if you believe hollywood you're going to see a tremendous upheaval but when we do surveys psychologists asked people how would you respond they say you know i think other people are going to be upset but i'll be fine but if everyone is saying that it it maybe there really won't be a big chaos i think over the last decades people have become more familiar with the
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idea that there may well be intelligent life out there and so actually getting confirmation i think for a lot of people would be no big deal they're going to want to know when's the next football game that'll be the next thing in their attention and the world's major religions stress god special concern for the earth and humans what would that mean for religion as a whole once we know we're not alone in the universe. well it could have profound religious implications and for many years people said christians or monotheistic religions would have special trouble because of the idea that there is something special about life on earth but in fact theologians from christianity other religious traditions have said there's really no in compatibility if in fact the universe was created by god then god could have populated it with as many creatures as he or she wants and so i think even those
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religions that people have said will have a hard time absorbing that are really pretty comfortable with it and other religious traditions like buddhism or hinduism already have a notion of multiple gods and incarnations throughout the universe so i think there'd be no difficulty at all there let me ask you this what do you think of people like former canadian defense minister paul hellyer he says that ellie is already contacting humans very discreetly and there are other people who think like him what do you make of it have we had contact already without knowing it. i think whenever anyone says the aliens have been very discreet and various or a petition you've got a question that. many and seti scientists need evidence we need proof we need something that you and i can look at together and say is this really from an extraterrestrial you can have as many conspiracy theories as you want about the aliens having arrived but unless someone can give me a piece of their spacecraft i'm not going to be impressed so we need to be
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incredibly skeptical that's built into the way we detect signals in seti and we have to be just as skeptical about any claims that the aliens have come to earth so no i have never seen evidence any evidence to suggest the extra terrestrials have already arrived now there are so many who follow just out there who claim that aliens built the pyramids that allien still our water our oxygen i mean it seems this people are a bit wacky but only other hand they believe in las just like you believe in aliens and perhaps you guys are in that different. well i would make a distinction because you say i believe in aliens i think it's possible they're out there certainly devoted my life to trying to make contact but as a scientist i also have to be open to the possibility that humankind is the only intelligence in the universe now when people say that the aliens are going to come here to steal our oxygen or our water that just doesn't make economic sense but
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again the bottom line is that you can claim and believe whatever you want i mean who am i to question someone's belief but then the big question the science asks is what kind of evidence can you give so that someone else can share your belief that's what's lacking from the u.f.o. community you said it yourself there is no hard evidence that elin's exist it is just a possibility and sorry as we know without speculating the earth is the sill planet where i laugh exist surrounded by the vast freezing black space of dust and gas so could our obsession with aliens be just a way to cope with enormous costs make loneliness. i do think some people want to reach out they want to make contact because they feel like their lives are empty on this world my advice to them would be get a friend on this planet because an alien is never going to be our friend an extraterrestrial if we ever do make contact will be so different from us that we
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cannot expect them to solve all of our problems we can expect from the stars i think the best that we can hope for in contacting the other civilization is to learn how another species understand this universe in a sense it's holding a mirror up to ourselves because what we know from contacting people on other cultures on our own world gives us a new perspective on ourselves it's not that we want to give up our culture and take on theirs but we have a better appreciation for ourselves. golden words dr back get a friend from this planet don't rely on aliens thanks a lot for this interview when talking to dr douglas back on the president of the messaging extraterrestrial intelligence organization discussing our chances of finding intelligent alley in life and whether we should be trying to in the first place this holiday season about alt i wish you and list love and peace let's hope
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it into the controversy surrounding attempted murder of the russian spy the u.n. chemical weapons watchdog. chief said that up to one hundred grams of the tops a gauge it was used in the attack in salzburg. also add to russia says it's waiting for other nations to admit that they also manufactured after the czech president claimed that his country produced and stored a nerve agent very similar to the one that was used in the souls poisoning and in other news. i want to underline.
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demonstrations along the border with israel and to this sixth week dozens of palestinians including two journalists have been killed during the great march of return protests campaign and. the legal battle in the u.s. to fight their alleged inclusion on washington so-called kill list they say they're wrongly suspected of having links to terror groups. hello and welcome to our team use it ten with me kevin owen here in moscow first that russia is putting pressure on its international partners to declare whether or not they produce the novacek nerve agent in the past it comes after the czech president claims his country manufactured and stored a substance similar to that used in the attack on a former russian spy in the english city
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a soul's. novacek was produced and tested in the czech republic it was a small quantity of those we know when and we know where it was done it would be hypocritical to pretend that such a thing never how to be more actual their money and now we expect answers from other countries are there as we said had and still have the potential to develop not you know just yes well russia says the revelation undermines the u.k.'s case but in a statement to r c the british foreign office repeated its claims that only russia has the technical means operational experience and motive to target the script perl's separately there's been confusion in the probe being conducted by the international chemical weapons watchdog today with the director general and other o.p.c. w. stuff being unclear it seems over how much nerve agent may have been discovered the o.p.c. w. would not be able to estimate or determine the amount of the nerve agent the blues used in salzburg on the fourth of march twenty eight in the quantity should
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probably be characterized in milligrams. for research activities or protection you would need for instance five to ten grams of so but even in souls free it looks like they may have used more than that without knowing the exact quantity i'm told it may be fifty one hundred grams or so which goes beyond research activities for protection of this saga that started on march fourth with the poisoning of sergei script pollan his daughter yulia and the snowball effect it has seen we have certainly seen quite a bit of backtracking and lots of questions in fact about evidence this latest statement from the o.p.c. w. follows statements from their own chief of this organization saying that it was probably from fifty to one hundred grams used in this attack and we've seen tweets from the russian embassy here in london questioning what exactly one hundred grams of such a nerve agent on a door handle would look like of course with a door handle reference being discussed as one of the possible ways this cripples
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had been poisoned so that's one latest example of how we've gone from some information becoming completely different another example that made headlines here in london of course was when scientists from the fortune down the board story said they could not identify the source of the nerve agent used in the attack while previously before that we saw boris johnson talk about how he has been reassured by the exact same aboard torie that russia was behind the attack we know verify the precise sort of star general to see we are actually was manufactured so typically you will not tell you to look cool down to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that but when i look at the the evidence from the people from from portland they were absolutely categorical and i asked the guy so i said are you sure and he said as they dug and of course a lot but not least we saw russia being identified as the culprit in this massive saga that brought relations between russia and the u.k. to a brand new low and while russia was being called guilty almost immediately we have
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to remember that any official results of an investigation are still yet to come. for a british army officer chose shoe bridgeboro the o.p.c. w. chiefs numerical mistake it seems that he suspects there might be more to it. but one can look at that and say well ok it's very easy probably to make a mistaken image of an interview and say grams when in fact you meant milligrams but that is actually contradicted by what the i.p.c.c. serves have said because they have said no it probably would have been actually in milligrams but actually in fact we haven't been able to make any estimate at all and so burn in mind that they have actually contradicted what their own chief said it makes you wonder what was the reasoning behind the chief actually saying something that appears to be not just a mistake but at least officially untrue certainly it was grasped upon by headlines in the west that said this was further proof that such a huge substance i see huge amount could only come from
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a state of course to bolster their case that this might be russia for quite some time we've had confirmation that actually that central plank of the u.k. government's claim to only russia could produce this was actually likely to be untrue and this of course admission from the czech president is further confirmation of that i mean even the chemists themselves who produce this substance of themselves gone on record and said that it's highly likely that for example britain and other countries have themselves in small quantities produce that. mean time is a target for the books a us rapper kanye west is a russian spies secretly working for vladimir putin well according to renowned strategic intelligence analyst the connection well the accusations come after west publicly revealed his warm support for donald trump more girls the of next looks at the ever growing army of kremlin agents them remember when being portrayed as a russian spy was funny a bit of
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a joke. over. what he'd done in the dark when not just the late night filings what he or russian spy assaulted. here. who isn't funny now could be anyone in the oval office in the pentagon madison square garden. can years recent coordination with trump along with his use of infamous or rhetoric and symbols confederate flag reek of products here just join up the dogs can year endorse trump publicly their friends. i'm not saying can you west is involved at all in the trump russia scandal but i am saying he has russian ties and was there right after the twenty sixteen elections scott walk in or perhaps work in a contributor for the us news channel m.s.n.
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b c and also founder of russia gate agrees there are just too many dogs not to connect them kanya west went to russia he went to russia he literally flew to moscow and walked around the jew see what he got up to i sure didn't get to be doing anything it's now so obvious why didn't we see it before we see it now and there are more of them clearly eastwood openly backed trump and the russian connection is blatant clint eastwood speaks russian. pretend. oh and robert de niro he hates trump or so he says but look at the facts he cool owns the chain of all true
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a luxurious restaurants in moscow and he's opening a new one soon you know who goes to his restaurants oligarchs we're not blind anymore there could be russian spies in my audience and i would know everyone is a suspect. are you a russian spy now you know russian spies. ellen the generous knows what's up we need lists so i've put together a quick one to start things off this is a list of american stars who've recently been to russia they held. and did business it's time to wake up russian agents everywhere the president the republicans hollywood your neighbor your friends maybe probably even you.
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the great march of return protests along garza's border with israel are entering the sixth week almost fifty palestinians have been killed since the anti occupation rallies began including two journalists thousands of reportedly been injured with more on this friday's demonstrations his local journalists that include every. they are one hundred fifty meters away from the fence and says the morning there were ten palestinian protesters injured the palestinian the protesters started burning the tires to blur the vision of the israeli snipers since the morning the israeli army is stated that they deployed two one that one hundred fifty new snipers this is an injury that puts the shot it's a palestinian damage make that less injured term the israeli snipers. israeli snipers targeted a paramedic with. his alone as that nick with live ammunition that the family think is going into the holiday to the medical field going.
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