tv Sophie Co RT May 4, 2018 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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earlier as around ten thousand palestinians turned out for anti occupation protests for six consecutive friday israeli defense forces used live fire again and tear gas to disperse demonstrators some of whom they were rioting and trying to break down the border fence over four hundred protesters were reportedly injured and seventy sustained bullet wounds with more on the developments is local journalists in could very. a one hundred fifty meters away from the fence and says the morning there were ten palestinian protesters injured the palestinian the protesters started burning the tires to blur the vision of the israeli snipers since the morning their israeli army is stated that they deployed two one that one hundred fifty new snipers this is an injury that was just shot it's a palestinian family take that was injured term the israeli snipers. israeli snipers targeted the pavement it. would be his alone and stomach with live ammunition and the damage there is going into the holiday to that medical field
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point and that you see there is it is diapers i take it think it is an intro to serious and then medics and journalists they have been using a lot of tear gas since the morning like i am they didn't stop. the fighting because they were just trying to disperse all these the protesters and that you were getting infected but does that get picked that this is funded by the israelis like was. i really i'm trying but. that's still a thing it's a. tough job trying to work in that stuff the last week the united nations castigated israel for its handling of the ongoing protests campaigning there in which at least forty five were killed and thousands injured going as ation says israel's defense forces
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are violating the fourth geneva convention that prohibits the targeting of civilians it's difficult to see how time burning or stone throwing or even more of cocktails thrown from a significant distance that heavily protected security forces in defensive positions. can be seen to constitute such threat. in the context of an occupation such as cars or killings resulting from the uncle or for use of force may also constitute willful killings which are a great breach of the fourth geneva convention israel's responded to the cry from the un and human rights groups the state's attorneys claim that the gaza protests fall into the category of war and therefore that human rights laws therefore don't apply to the i.d.f. rules of engagement or reserve colonel with the forces told us that in his view the israeli military's actions are therefore justified any nation america
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friends of course israel as a full right to defend them so we are not facing just a simple pacific margin of nice people who are facing people who want to invade our country and when someone wants to invade your country you have two possibilities once you let him go in and you just leave you do you know you have to put the ability or you with or you lose you cannot let people kill you you know they are to react you have to act first because the rule of the game in this terrorist military rule is to be on the only setting not to be on the reactivity. we also spoke to a peace activist and human rights lawyer about israel's actions he stressed that the i.d.f. is violating international law. it could well be sometimes an internal armed conflict but i think what is important is that an internal armed conflict human
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rights continue to apply i think israel is their own security concerns i think are something that will be viewed very botched from their own subjective perspective but no matter what those concerns are there are limitations that the law imposes on actions that they can take and when they're taking actions into gaza they're taking actions into what most of the international community sees as occupied territory and those actions must be in conformity with the law line to occupied territory and in this case that includes not only international humanitarian law but also international human rights laws that protect individuals from inhumane treatment degrading treatment from attacks on their life. to journalists have lost a legal battle in the u.s. to contest their possible inclusion on a classified government kill list one has drawn criticism for his controversial reports from various flashpoints in the syrian conflict with some accusing him of
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sympathizing with extremist groups the other carried out interviews with a number of high profile terrorists. more. now the issue in tuesday's court hearing was whether or not the united states could take unilateral action against american citizens suspected of being terrorists now the two journalists deny that they have any links to terrorism but they say that they're on a kill list people who could be hit with u.s. drones or air strikes for being terrorists now the two individuals in question one of them is bill little of dual kareem now the little dual karim has been widely criticized for the fact that his reporting on terrorist groups like al qaeda and al nasra seems to be rather uncritically seems to almost glorify that people have said he's an extremist propagandist we do know that top al qaeda clerics have said he's there they've actually referred to him as our media man furthermore we've seen him reporting with potential suicide bombers are showing off the equipment the suicide
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belts or vests that they wear despite all of this criticism it's important to note that the little of dual karim has been featured in mainstream american media you know i'm now seeing some of them. i'm. not going to spend some. time on the stuff that goes. on sometimes you will hear someone say that they are part of al qaida but what is their real affiliation to al qaeda other than some romantic notion to be honest with you the other person who filed in the lawsuit is aka mad because they don who is the bureau chief of al-jazeera in the city of his lama bad now he's done interviews with top al-qaeda leaders the two journalists say that they have no links to terror they deny their links their official complaint says that the methodology is employed to have or actually resulted in unjustified killing of innocent people they call this an
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arbitrary and capricious action by the agency and they say that the united states constitution and internet. national laws being violated it refers to a program a computer program called sky net and apparently this computer program uses algorithms it follows a person's location in the communications that they're having and uses a computer algorithm to determine whether or not they are a terrorist now it's not known exactly what is all that is included but it is possible it's alleged that this computer program essentially would determine whether or not the person to be killed in a drone strike this is this program skynet is being widely criticized as violating human rights violating the rights of journalists and it seems to point to a big problem of artificial intelligence when you have a computer program determining whether or not someone is a terrorist or not and whether or not they could be killed in a drone strike. the u.s. is reportedly freezing its funding
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a controversial syrian emergency response organization the white helmets the moves being met with major disappointment by the group's leaders who say it will impact on their ability to save lives the u.s. state department told me that it is that typically reviewing assistance programs that spokesperson out of washington expects what helmets nonetheless to continue would work as a result of additional funding by donors backed by the u.s. the u.s. has been funding what helmets more than thirty two million dollars the group says it's also being bankrolled by several other nations to although the u.s. is now thought to be cutting funding the state department recently praised the first responders efforts in syria. we recognize and appreciate are very grateful for all the work that the white house continues to deal on behalf of the people of their country and on behalf of the u.s. government on all the coalition our coalition forces they're doing incredible work the u.k. meantime was reaffirmed its commitment to the white helmets and the work they do in syria despite the group being widely criticized for some of its actions in the
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country its members have appeared a number of times in videos of killings published by the news return or a group of the white helmets of also posted videos which say that they show them conducting rescue operations to save the lives of wounded civilians but some of that speaking seen by medical experts and later criticized as unprofessional is what patrick henningsen from the twenty first century one news website he told me the white helmets don't need money because they're becoming redundant these days. they're running out of room to operate in syria as the syrian arab army and its forces clear up in liberated areas like spirit was there for instance like duma like. last year. that's where the white helmet operate so they'll use this as a fund raising off the raise money saying that we need the money but there's nothing because they're running out of place to operate in iraq the kurds don't want so we're going to go this is basically a video production unit it's an information operation that's used to underpin
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routine training and essentially these feeble eyes syria. it's be confirmed that american soldiers are directly helping saudi arabia protect its border with yemen the pentagon news briefing on thursday admitted that troops would know in active roles the statement of contradiction with previous comments in which officials said that the u.s. is only helping the saudis with their craft refueling logistics and general intelligence sharing. their. security. but do support the saudi led coalition with intelligence sharing military advice and logistical support a priority is the fight against al qaeda and the arabian peninsula and isis in yemen extent of our support is refueling and sharing and so many
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common looks next to have a bit further of the pentagon's mixed messages concerning its role at the moment in the conflict in yemen this latest development contradicts the pentagon statements that indicated that u.s. military assistance to the saudis in yemen was limited to intelligence logistics and aircraft feeling but so far what we do know is that a team of a few green berets apparently arrived on the saudi you many border sometime last year and according to. pentagon they've only been there to protect the border however reports suggest that they've been helping them destroy who's the ballistic missile launch sites and it's worth mentioning that even though this war has been going on for a few years saudi arabia hasn't been successful in welling the who is the resistance so it's fair to say that maybe u.s. involvement will help the saudis do just that but they see the saudi onslaught the conflict in yemen has morphed into the world's worst humanitarian crisis and there's been some domestic backlash here in the u.s. and american politicians have been pushing to end u.s.
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support for the saudis but this latest development might lead to a messy legal battle given that there was no fuss with debate on whether the u.s. should get involved because it seemed as if it was consciously kept from the public so i honestly wonder how americans will feel knowing that their government could be indirectly fueling the world's worst humanitarian crisis and that includes american politicians who works washing washington's indirect role in the conflict even though there was no direct military support so it'll be interesting to see how they react to this will continue to track his next an iraqi man who became famous you remember the story of his throwing his shoe then the u.s. president george w. bush is about to balk at a political career of his own. these running for the iraqi parliament in next week's election having returned to his country just two months ago it's a decade don't know from when former president bush toted the u.s. invasion of iraq to crowds in baghdad.
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well back to the present totals that he was a t.v. journalist at the time after his stunt he was arrested then convicted for assaulting a foreign leader he was sentenced to three years in prison but released after nine months study then moved on to lebanon and then set up a humanitarian organization to help iraqi war victims following the stunt he became a hero for many iraqis and coincidentally so the issue after separation from its owner a quickly became a symbol of protest against his imprisonment the company making the shoe even renamed the model for a while as by by bush it was briefly on a two with a bronze statue at an iraqi orphanage we spoke to mr ailes very direct about the incident and his political ambitions right now. how what to do about that i think what happened was this i was arrested along with my brother we were left in solitary confinement for three days we were only released after i went on hunger strike without water for three days i told them i'd
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rather die than stay in prison they broke my teeth my nose my leg they electrocuted me whipped me even broke a table or a chair over my back i don't know as i was blindfolded this was something i've never experienced before up and tortured by the authorities by the rule of law could. fix. but the bottom line i thought i had to change the miserable state of affairs in iraq i did not consult anyone and it was a personal decision i took after a long deliberation for the george bush incident which is in the past and it's history now history will remember that when the americans invaded iraq and some iraqis are on their side but others beat them with. but i did not and will not show you this incident with the people who have been putting up posters on the street showing me throwing a shoe at george bush that most of these have been taken down and i reject it
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because this is not part of my campaign to hold. a special day to the russian calendar is fast approaching the ninth of may a voice on his victory day will be celebrated across the country very widely and the head of the event marking the end of the second world war in europe parties been to check out the rehearsals for the big moscow annual military parade. would be a little awkward. but. try. these vehicles this minute it really is nothing like the other cool things down. go all the time and we are going right.
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back just makes perfect and seemingly simple maneuvers like this one stop being all that simple when there are dozens of vehicles involved in the old. to be in sync that's why moscow's main streets have been blocked off for these beasts to refine them a new buzz. this a.p.c. is designed to absorb explosive damage from landmines and it will deflect even armor piercing rounds now it's not the only vehicle to be making the first show at this year's parade so let me give you a tour. these unmanned drones will be shown to the public officially for the first time at the parade they were initially being
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designed as the purely recognizance aircraft but now they can carry bombs to. and finally how about this german aces on the red square no this is not a plug over you hollywood blockbuster but rather this tank support unit it will also be for the first time featured at a parade on the red square so now this is of course is just to me a taste of what you expect the actual parades to do chewing on the ninth of may and have a look yourself what these guys have prepared. yes it was a huge spectacle what watch around the world isn't it but it's also a time of course for reflection all the hardware aside looking back at the second world war it affected countless families who lost loved ones in so much pain i just before i say goodbye for this update we want to show you too how at a personal level so many of us here and out here also joining in the commemoration and celebration of heroic veterans.
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thomas hell is one of the most controversial products of alzheimer's it's a solid vegetable fat that's very cheap. twenty seven c. in production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of palm oil plantations which is the destruction of rain forest. get into the zero alone more than ten million typed as of unique rain forest has been destroyed but it's a process that just keeps going. welcome to the stan collymore show i mean maybe even columbia filming for a future episode so watch this space but this week's episode comes from paris from the beautiful world cup winner six time with us to have a chance we're going to be chatting to a former teammate of mine the legend is ian roche and rob blanchard it's goes up to
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manchester to look at some of the world's concept for sure welcome to this town called we will show. we're in paris city of lights to talk about the great. french football. and that was when the local play in. front of us let's go back to nineteen ninety four for my european champions how disappointing was it is a nice you know as
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a young footballer to not qualify for ninety ninety four that was a disaster because we had two games in hand true and we needed one point to go through and to go to the united states and they do work we lost the two games we had a home and it was a real disaster i mean the. the dream that we have we had to see that beautiful squad going to. fell off in one minute we started off with goals for at the last second and. everybody was ashamed of being a french guy loving football you have to remember that you do european championship in one to two was also a disaster when we went out after the group stage so. we had the idea of rebuilding everything in fact in international way and when he took charge of the of the job we just followed him he had an idea of creating
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a club inside the this election this team started to be built around ninety five ninety six just before the european championship in england and where we winded up finishing i think. it was a real new adventure to recreate the time to recreate something to be ready for years after in one thousand eight hundred. groups. playing at big clubs chelsea arsenal manchester you know it's when people talk about me knowing me from from the french site i was a tough guy when i go to england i was kind of you know a little. shy guy playing inning against stan collymore and being afraid of being king. and the fact is that's true but going to england for me. it was you know learning the fighting spirit and never let it
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go always having the hope that we can finish something even if you are you are losing to neil and. that's what we learned or did you feel before the tournament did you feel in the friendly matches. preparation to win the tournament we were we weren't good we were in good we didn't play well just before the world cup we didn't have the feeling that we could goof that far. down and already have done it on was in the time of the average ninety seven ninety six of world european championship and remember if you see all the games which we had a ninety eight he got suspended. after the second game came back for the the quarter final. two very good games for the quarter and the semi is. done in the final what was your individual emotion about getting that final call that principle to supply federation francis for you all included still congratulations you
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included in the final twenty three players to represent france at world war i i i looked on we keep. you know important it is and i'll probably hall you know when you know you you read your name and just before the world cup i had maybe like twelve twelve caps for the for the national champs so rookie kind of going off but lots of calls were not coming to and. and when you know you're going to play a world cup in your country and it's it's a good try you know your family calls you you see how you are in i mean and i'm going to fight for for you to make sure you go everybody is going to be proud of. the tournament itself you go through the great stages some substantial appearances because obviously laurent blanc was the yeah it was the talk much of money how did
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that make you feel the first one i saw said being rick along being red carded i felt ashamed in a way that i knew that if we would we would we would one would be i would be in the first eleven and i finished on my it's already my place three days before the walk up i couldn't watch t.v. or listen to radio or read to us because it was always out couldn't we. so you really feel like a piece of and i didn't know what to do and i said to my ex-wife i said you know what if we win we can and if we lose we're going to stay in england and we'll never come back to it to friends well it went well it worked well i played a good game and we won so everything is perfect of the of the day you know but the fairytale could have been a nightmare so laurent blanc gets a red card in the semifinal. you then went to ensure that you were playing and i never said we had to talk two months before the walk up where you say ok you
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know what there is law and marcel would go and play if any one of them is regarded or injured usually saw as soon as was recalled and i knew that it would go through i would play telegin fill in the dressing room it's a mixture of things that time goes very slow before the game you want to be on the pitch you want to play you what you desperate to be in the bottle in the bottle and he's getting very long and i remember coming to his into the stadium getting out of the bus and taking my heart rate i was one hundred eighty so you're ready sprints and i was already there and then when we went into the dressing room it was over i was a little different because it was how did that make you relax you mentioned nice family and friends it's worse it's worse you have the pressure of a country you don't want to ruin the the party after you know you can be everybody was ready to party and they did but you can ruin it and they have the dates again
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it's a football game so when you are into the game you don't think it's a walk up. i have to be better because it's a welcome not you know some players thing some players get rid of their delusion if they lose their their. their calm i guess the play the game before has to be done i think it's different between a champ and and somebody you know less not quite less ready to to to fight for those this intensity of the of the game and the pressure of the kid get is if that's your pocket or the guy went out i was in it. you playing the game you've got one of the world's best strikers you're having a fantastic guy does your confidence grow as the guy he's operating oh yes definitely after the first bull you know you know put on the first touches you know when you control well you pass well you feel confident and the first time that i had done think it was rivaldo i said i still care i mean i mean and i'm ok i'm going to be good until the end so you know that things can change but you start
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well so you know what do you finish well i did better than my idols which is impossible normally so it took me like i would say three four years maybe at the end of the mike area that i realized i became work a player you know when i mean france every day every day there was somebody say oh thank you very much for the world cup for the last twenty years so it takes a time when the whistle goes you know when the refs ace at the end of the game you just lose the pressure. telescope after experience is the part of the relay for the enjoyment of the world going to show the least i want of the world's great with five million people around you when you line into the competition when you're in the series and between the series in the end and the finals we saw the people down the streets but we didn't
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realize you know it was on t.v. and everything and when we won we won and we went back to confront ten where we have the castle and we feel that you were sheltered from the public yeah yeah of course and you have to it's not a good thing yeah it was a good thing because you had to protect yourself and make sure that you you are into the competition he doesn't see what's going on you know outside the tent so when we day the day after when we win two. and when down to. close to plus called and we saw that i'm one of people. who say oh my god we did something big we did some. and it was crazy for two hours it was crazy and it never stopped for like the fifteen days early days that i had never stopped and when corsica. i didn't realize they had had to evacuate and meat from the beach was getting crazy as i don't really want to deploy you. know where yeah yeah this unit of solution of the five for me but imagine for he didn't. have to hide
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and because he's the icon of that team and and it's he's crazy is fantastic i play i work now for a manual party and christopher gary we see each other every day for television and we know what we feel that something special is under brothers that's where it's like why for you never. would call you a proper of a mess that i see. the learning your lawyer in on twenty kilo for. a role i'm not sure i'm not sure of how many why acting why acting because i thought about being an actor before thinking of being a football player when i was four five years alone was watching.
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