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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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ok and we did see it was sort of interesting we were talking earlier that we covered the. the wells fargo settlement but i don't know three or four days before that we were doing a headline about how mr mo baby was sort of not moving forward on on the enforcement actions and then they had this big settlement with wells fargo which was in tandem with the office of the comptroller of the current currency so to your point there are still some actions going on out there jenny what do you think companies should be looking forward and what should we be looking forward as observers of this in the next i don't know month or so couple a couple months perhaps yes i think that what we need to look at as we move ahead is the pattern that the mulvaney led biro has shown so far and even to your point before the wells matter there were several enforcement actions that were alive and well there was a ninth circuit appeal on a payday matter that the bureau filed under the mulvaney led staff there was
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a fifth circuit appeal in all american chack there was a district of montana action and payday that was an amended complaint and think finance so there is a lot of activity but it's not necessarily being highlighted by the bureau's press office at the moment well maybe they want to act like they're not on the side of consumers i don't i don't really i cannot figure it out this matrix yet but it sure different than anything i've seen recently i can't thank you enough for being with us it sure is nice of you jenny lee thank you so much achy sorry shape having me. a u.s. national security review has raised concerns about a chinese state run conglomerate taking control of the massive container terminal in long beach california are to correspond and touch the sweet reports the port of los angeles and. long beach can by the make up the largest ports of the western
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hemisphere after a u.s. national security revealed officials are questioning a deal that would give a chinese state run shipping company control over one of the larger terminals here china's state run schools takeover of its competitor oriented overseas international was announced back in july they were both six point three billion buyout with grant pascoe what was formally orient overseas international's long term concession to operate part of long beach is port facility however the dude is being looked into by the committee on foreign investment in the us by way of national security grounds costco's vice chairman said it was likely to be a done deal by june but this still comes at a contentious time regarding trade between the u.s. and china both leaders president trump and she's been paying are frightening to impose new tariffs on both sides of the pacific regardless this takeover of orient overseas with great cost to the third largest container on the boards. isn't just expanding its hands in the u.s.
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chinese shipping company is expanding in greece belgium and begin constructing a terminal in abu dhabi of twenty seventeen and in may of last year trying to acquire twenty four and a half percent equity interests of the rail hub of the kazakhstan chinese border cosco also obtained fifty one percent equity interest in a poor company in spain last year state alone gives china access to several terminals on the imperial peninsula and what hasn't been part of the discussion with u.s. officials is that cosco also has other investments in u.s. ports those include another terminal here in long beach as well as the port of los angeles and seattle in long beach and just weeks r.t. . time not to squeeze in a quick break but hang here because when we return the april jobs report is out from the commerce department and we have a big panel on to check out all the numbers that plus more afterward break we'll be right back.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside ives. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch put the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman ija killian erroneous and
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spending surge and twenty million one playa. book it's an experience like nothing else on to it because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy migrates a woman chimes for. and makes this minute. global economy is so tightly wound that these sanctions don't work but the has to because the supply chains are completely overlapping and what is the sanction of the one country drives economic problems of another country that you're not trying to suffer get sanctions to spell longer workable than the global economy has to come to integrate. its two. interdependent.
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the national rifle association's annual convention kicks off today in dallas texas the pro-gun advocacy group is no stranger to controversy but the temperature of the debate around the annual gathering is notably higher this year after another year of mass shootings in the united states that included the killing of fourteen students and three staff members that marjorie stoneman douglas high school in florida the stoneman douglas massacre jump started the movement for gun control when student survivors began organizing and the controversy spilled over into the business world and we have reported here a couple of times about some of these cycles of boycotts and backlashes that untangled brands including dick's sporting goods delta airlines and even wal-mart ahead of the n.r.a. gathering critics claim to parker say on the part of the n.r.a. for actually banning the carrying of firearms firearms into the hall during
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speeches by president trump and vice president pence despite the familiar talking point from gun and about a proverbial good guy with a gun being the best protection against gun violence. turning to south america argentina interest rates have been raised for the third time in a week to forty percent forty percent my gosh the rate increase on friday came on top of an increase on thursday to thirty point two five percent and last week the rate was twenty seven point two five percent the dramatic increases were an attempt by the government to halt a slide in the value of the argentine peso which has lost twenty five percent of its value in twenty eight teen five percent just in the last week but many observers say the rate increase may be necessary but it's far from sufficient to put a floor under the peso or bring inflation estimated at twenty five percent in two
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thousand and seventeen under control argentine president machree has been planning an austerity by. and his treasury minister said earlier today that the government would now aim for an even lower fiscal deficit relative to the gross domestic product. and the april jobs report is out today from the commerce department bureau of labor statistics the unemployment rate dropped to three point nine percent that's the lowest rate since december of two thousand and a tenth of a percent from the march rate of four percent there were one hundred sixty four thousand jobs created in april and there is no question we have a strong labor market but while the rate is really low the number of one hundred sixty four thousand isn't all that great although it certainly is up from one hundred thirty five thousand in march and here to help us dig deeper into the numbers as jeffrey smalls the president of barbara financial and conservative t.v. and radio host steve mauls burke thank you both for being here jeffrey what your
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top and opinion on these numbers well i think they're skewed i mean we had about four hundred ten thousand people actually leave the workforce or retire or drop out together and stop looking for work and that's the real reason we're down from four point one down the three point nine even though there is six million jobs outstanding bart right there's still a lot of folks out there there's the the you six level the unemployment rate also hey steve let's get your top wind opinion on what's been going on on first. well i think you're if you look at it over three months you have an average of two hundred five thousand jobs i also think you have once again record low black unemployment you have tied for the record low of hispanic unemployment at four point at six point six percent four point four point six percent black at six point six percent even adult women went down to three point five percent so there's a lot of good in the numbers i think that workforce participation does need to pick
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up and i think that that is problematic we did lose over four hundred thousand people as as my counterpart alluded to but i think overall you have to be satisfied with this as we as we move along and by the way by now we'll get to wages i think pretty much the wage growth kind of tempered down inflation fears and know that seems to have done well for the markets today. absolutely i do want to get to wages in a minute but i do want to comment and you're right about steve about the black unemployment and there's been a lot of discussion about that because president trump has been taking a lot of credit for that and i don't want to go back to far but that's been increasing but i did want to note something for all the boom busters there's a new study out i was just reading it before we went to air from the national urban league and one of the interesting things in it was said that of the forty six percent of blacks are homeowners forty six percent while seventy two percent of
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whites are homeowners and so there's a couple of other data points in that study which everything isn't just roses for black black americans jeffrey what about work wage growth and hours work what are we seeing in these numbers. well we're we're at thirty four and a half hours a week we've had wage growth of four or four cents month over month or two point six percent year over year so that's hardly enough wage growth to really facilitate inflation and really justify the fed increase rates the markets are really taking this there was a positive today and i think we're going to see the markets get really unsure of themselves when the fed starts talking about raising rates again next month and jeffrey what about the different sectors you know we know the tech sector has been growing construction has been growing i don't know if you've looked at that i have you know infrastructure came out down today and so some of those
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infrastructure stocks those construction stocks are taking a pretty good heads but when we're in a rising rate environment and it appears that inflation is going to creep up very slowly as we've seen energy go up six and a half seven percent this year and i expect on employment to continue to decline i see is going on the three and a half percent which is really going to give the fed the fuel to keep raising interest rates and so if you're an investor in the market you want to focus on financials and banks at this stage. we're going to we're going to come back and look at three point five i hope you're right on that jeffrey and steve any sector is that usually we see them that add jobs and sometimes there are a few that don't do as well how about those that maybe lost jobs or stayed sort of the same well i do want to point out if i may manufacturing which i think is very key that gained in the twenty's about twenty five thousand and since october of two thousand and sixteen and we know what happened
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a month later not to get political but since that time we've had significant growth in manufacturing jobs up about two hundred forty thousand and this year it's it's grown significantly as well also mining did pick up some jobs as well and that's something else that has picked up since since two thousand and sixteen so those are two key sectors that i think of when it came to donald trump's promises he did promise to make a mark on and he has basically health care also picked up and of course the service industries picked up but nothing nothing too significant nothing nothing to write home about and nothing dropped that much it either. and steve you know we spoke a week ago about those fourteen states that saw in the last year the record low unemployment rates that in nearly ten years that trend it looks like continues when i was looking at the below last report so that that's good news but i do want to
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ask you both this same question and steve you sort of said if you look at the the first quarter it actually the first four months of the year that is it's pretty good and i'd agree i don't want to. what's been going on but these numbers aren't you know two hundred three hundred thousand like we've become used to in the last year and i'm curious if both of you think that that is a bad trend jeffrey think we'll get down to three point five but what does this mean for the economy steve let's start with you what do you think it means for the economy for the rest of two thousand and eighteen well i think i think you get to see job growth accelerate as we move along with the rest of the year i think as the unemployment rate goes down even further which you know not many of us could have anticipated it would be four percent is considered full of full employment i think you're going to see pressure on wages and i think you will see wages increase as the as the unemployment number goes down you know a survey just completed
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a nine out of ten small business owner said they can't find enough people enough qualified people to take the jobs that they have to offer so i think you're going to find employment numbers going up as the year progresses and i think wages will reflect upward as well. great point and jeffrey you know speaking of wages when we saw those go up i think it was the february numbers boy the markets took a big tumble as you may remember they rebounded but that was one of the beginning to that volatile time period we had starting in the beginning of march what how do you see the rest of this year playing out jeffrey. well i think the market is really tentative right now in terms of the economy i mean we saw mortgage applications decline two and a half percent as they increase rates it's going to put more pressure on the earnings profits and the cost of debt is going to go up and so that's going to put a squeeze on the economy as we just saw annualized g.d.p. right now is around two point three percent as per the rest last report for this
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year that's not a screaming growing economy that combined with lots of people hundreds of thousands of people leaving the workforce will give us the illusion that the unemployment rate is actually increasing because all we really did bart is increase one hundred sixty four thousand jobs as per this morning you know most economists were expecting one hundred ninety seven thousand in the report so this is the second month in a row that we've underperformed in terms of what they predicted and so you know i i hope that that number changes but right now for the three point nine percent goes we really are kind of being padded by people leaving the workforce more so than people actually being hired even though i believe that those six million jobs out there they'll find they'll find workers there's people that if they want to find work it's there ok can i give a while what are great dessert i should thank you i'll go right ahead i was just going to say china let's see what happens with these negotiations absolutely low everything up one way or another. yeah the admitted to the treasury secretary is
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over there now the delegation will have to keep an eye on that steve malzberg and jeffrey small thank you so much for your time appreciate it have a great weekend thank you. and that's all for this time thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bust on you tube you tube dot com slash boom bust r.t. enjoy your weekend we'll see you next week. it was one of the most controversial products about sun it's a solid vegetable found that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion the plantations which means the destruction of
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rain forests. into the zero a lot more than ten million as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. political a used to be the end victim outside the system if you fail to post a final it's just that my site. when i pledge that i sat next. month and i'm making a law and i love me. i was showing the world just leave leave leave got up a book to his lawyer. and. take. the. country of the
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legal up and i believe he's going. to sit on the family have a difficult time. and these years i'm evil thoughts until i don't. know how shame or. killing the gun it will be if admission from that. i. go. oh. yeah i'll just.
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look at. russia says it is waiting for other. to admit they manufactured the president says his country produced the stored nerve agent similar to that used in the very poison . u.n. chemical weapons contradicts its own chief who earlier said to one hundred grams was used to poison a former russian spy. i don't want to. follow. thousands of palestinians it demonstrated on the israel gaza border for a sixth consecutive friday and are met with. tear gas from i.d.f.
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soldiers. and two journalists mount a legal battle in the us against their alleged inclusion on a government kill list they say they are wrongly suspected to having links. or are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t international thomas really glad to have you with us now russia is urging foreign powers to declare whether they have produced of the nerve agent in the past it comes after the czech president admitted his country manufactured a substance similar to that used in the poisoning of former double agent sergei screwball and his daughter in the u.k. . novacek was produced and tested in the czech republic it was a small quantity though we know when and we know where it was done it would be hypocritical to pretend that such
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a thing never happened. then want to now expect answers from other countries that as we said had and still have the potential to develop now the chalk russia says the revelation undermined the case but in a statement to our t.v. the british foreign office repeated its claims that only russia has the technical means and motive to target the screen palls separately there has been confusion in the probe being conducted by the international chemical weapons watchdog the director general and other o.p.c. w staff have given conflicting views on how much of the nerve agent was used the o.p.c. w. would not be able to estimate or determine the amount of the nerve agent the booze used in salzburg on the fourth of march twenty eighth in the quantity should probably be characterized in milligrams. for research activities or protection you would need for instance five to ten grams or so but even in souls free it looks like they may have used more than that without knowing the exact quantity i'm told
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it may be fifty one hundred grams or so which goes beyond research activities for protection of the saga that started on march fourth with the poisoning of sergei script and his daughter yulia and the snowball effect it has seen we have certainly seen quite a bit of backtracking and lots of questions in fact about evidence this latest statement from the o.p.c. w. follows statements from their own chief of this organization saying that it was probably from fifty to one hundred grams used in this attack and we've seen tweets from the russian embassy here in london questioning what exactly one hundred grams of such a nerve agent on a door handle would look like of course with a door handle reference being discussed as one of the possible ways this cripples had been poisoned so that's one latest example of how we've gone from some information becoming completely different another example that made headlines here in london of course was when scientists from the porton down the board tory said
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they could not identify the source of the nerve agent used in the attack while previously before that we saw boris johnson the talk about how he has been reassured by the exact same aboard torie that russia was behind the attack we have of north verify the precise sort of storage you ought to see we are actually was manufactured so to be fully you will not tell you to look cool down to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that but when i look at the the evidence from the people from important they were absolutely categorical and i asked the guy where so i said are you sure and he said as they dug and of course a lot but not least we saw russia being identified as the culprit in this massive saga that brought relations between russia and the u.k. to a brand new low and while russia was being called guilty almost immediately we have to remember that any official results of an investigation are still yet to come. former british army officer charles shoebridge believes the confusion over the
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numbers may be more than just a counting error but one can look at that and say well ok it's very easy poppy to make a mistake an image of an interview when say grams when in fact you meant milligrams but that it's actually contradicted by what the. service of said because they have said no it probably would have been actually in milligrams but actually in fact we haven't been have to make any estimate at all and so burn in mind that they have actually contradicted what their own chief has said it makes you wonder what was the reasoning behind the chief actually saying something that appears to be not just a mistake but at least officially untrue certainly it was grassed upon by headlines in the west that said that this was further proof that such a huge substance i see huge amount could only come from a state of course to bolster their case that this might be russia for quite some time we've had confirmation that actually that central plank of the u.k. government's claim to only russia could produce this was actually likely to be untrue and this of course admission from the czech president is further
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confirmation of that i mean even the chemists themselves who produced this substance of themselves gone on record and said that it's highly likely that for example britain and other countries have themselves in small quantities produce that. the search for undercover kremlin agents in the us is continuing and one analyst has pointed the finger at an unlikely suspect robert kanye west twenty's. comment remember when being portrayed as a russian spy was funny. a bit of a joke. over. what are you doing in the dark when. russian spy assaulted. by a kitchen. who isn't funny now could be anyone in the oval office in the pentagon madison square garden. can years recent
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coordination with trump along with his use of infamous or rhetoric and symbols confederate flag reek of products here just join up the dogs can year indorse trump publicly their friends. i'm not saying can you west is involved at all in the trump russia scandal but i am saying he has russian ties and was there right after the twenty sixteen elections scott did walk in or perhaps work in a contributor for the us news channel m.s.n. b c and also founder of russia gate agrees there are just too many dogs not to connect them kanya west went to russia he went to russia he literally flew to moscow and walked around the jew see what he got up to i sure
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didn't get to be doing anything it's now so or vs why didn't we see it before we see it now and there are more of them clint eastwood openly backed trump and the russian connection is blatant clint eastwood speaks russian. pretense. oh and robert de niro he hates trump or so he says but look at the fact he owns a chain of all true a luxurious restaurants in moscow and he's opening a new one soon you know who goes to his restaurants oligarchs we're not blind anymore there could be russian spies in my audience and i would know everyone is a suspect. are you a russian spy now. russian spies. ellen de generous knows what's up
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we need lists so i've put together a quick one to start things off this is a list of american stars who recently been to russia they held. and did business it's time to wake up russian agents everywhere the president the republicans hollywood your neighbor your friends maybe probably even you. at least ten palestinians have been injured in clashes on the israel gaza border. around ten thousand protesters turned out for the rally for the sixth consecutive friday israeli soldiers used mine fire and tear gas to push the crowd back the
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i.d.f. claims that rioters were trying to break through the border fence with more on the developments here is local journalist. tree. the sense the morning there is really snipers have been calling and warning the israeli if the palestinian protesters to stay away the palestinian the protesters started burning the tires to blur the vision of the israeli snipers since the warning the israeli army is stated that they deployed to one that one hundred fifty new snipers israeli snipers targeted a paramedic who would be his alone as that nick with live ammunition that the damage there is going into the holiday to the medical field going and as you see those are the snipers are targeting that is even protesters and that medics and journalists they have been using a lot of tear gas since the morning like i am they didn't stop it that's right the final tear gas because there were.


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