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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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when a sociopath in chicago bets your entire pension and loses no swat team no arrests because it's a legalized ponzi scheme and by the way these ideas are not allowed on your corporate media your financial shows your financial web sites the almighty stock market does not permit even the slightest doubt to creep in tom lou the author i've been speaking about has tried to put his ideas on popular finance blogs and web forums and they are often you believe it or he's banned completely from the site they act like you know he just showed up to a scientology web forum and wrote you know tom cruise is a freak right. he's done to tell you the side of these actors who are weird oh oh oh right and mr pitt i'm possible is overrated. it's tough to overstate the impact this convoy has on our world and our lives not just when people lose their pensions but when the news came out that north korea had brokered peace with south korea the
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stocks of the major weapons contractors tanked billions of dollars. really was rock now that exerts exerts major pressure on powerful people to make sure peace does not happen and that's just one example of how strong the gravity of this ponzi scheme is there are steps we could take to make the stock market less exploitative we we we could stop speaking about stocks as if they are money you know stop saying you have a thousand dollars of apple shares and instead say you got a thousand put doodles of apple shares or whatever then when you sell them then you have a thousand dollars step two is realizing that the market economy in general is designed to exploit billions of us while a tiny number get ridiculously rich. just as just pays us he's now worth all
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hundred billion put doodles of amazon stock right and step three the recipe for the coconut carrot cake is one cup. i don't really talk just look it up like you don't all right but it was a decent fellow debate was. really camelot said news from behind both. secretary of state mike palm peo and israeli prime minister bibi netanyahu claimed to have a brand new proof just remembered proof that iran is developing a nuclear weapon but after scientists from the u.n.
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nuclear agency study both the with and the depth of pompei o and yahoo they found they were brimming full of radioactive bull. the u.s. says there was no credible indications of nuclear activity because just about anything this is ministration or a corporate media tells you is happening is not happening and anything they don't tell you is happening is probably happening. for example is your mainstream media telling you that disaster capitalism is caught in puerto rico and therefore there were major protests there dissuade to try to stop the austerity stop the privatization and gain independence no no younger than you and the major media then yes that means it's happening. police attached and so i austerity protesters with pepper spray and tear gas this week those. people have gone like eight months
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without power and hot water do you think your pepper spray is going to stop them pepper spray probably made them smell better after eight months without a hot shower or a corporate media doesn't want you to know about people standing up they don't want you to know about the largest teachers' strike in history the history of arizona is happening right now they don't care to tell you that the world health organization came out with a new study this week showing that nine out of ten people are subjected to high levels of pollutants from the air we breathe we are filling the atmosphere with crap because we have to have factories pumping out meaningless tchotchke ease that people can buy and then you know to fill the void in their souls created by advertising telling them that that's the answer and the more chomsky's we buy the more jobs there are for people to make money so that they too can buy tchotchke
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. then the end result is you can have a want tennis sidewalk in your own neighborhood without in the handling pieces of your own refrigerator magnets said sir frames are fitted sprinters and planned obsolescence couches the old going to last a week unfettered capitalism has gotten so pervasive we're breathing it all right. so so i just i just got a bit of a selfie stick to my lunch. that corporate media won't mention that well they and actually that article was i admit on the on c.b.s. news website but it was buried under thirteen grammatically incorrect columns about stormy daniels. doesn't really count. was ok ok watched a few days and yesterday morning on a watch of the day going to jackson's chlorodyne. as the clapping trickles. go to
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dhaka tour dot com get tickets or you vote for your own city also have a new podcast called common sense or every way we'll be back in just a bit doggo. the global economy is so tightly wound that these sanctions don't work like they used to because the supply chains are completely overlapping and the what is sanction in one country drives economic problems of another country that you're not trying to sanction suffer get sanctions a spell longer workable the global economy has to come to integrate and too fragile it's too. interdependent.
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a little too late to be the victim outside to start a movement to from some fundamental changes that might. want to look to the south take some. alarm and i love. a little. leave leave leave leave slow. and. the. country of those mug him until he let them sit on the bottom and gently have a difficult moment. and these years i live apart from that i don't. know how shame. still going to the leader of the ship.
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i. ask another high profile democratic senator and possible two thousand and twenty presidential candidate has sworn off corporate super pac money this time it's mic resistance darling come on the harris here now to luminary this topic is our senior campaign financier john of o'donnell. right away every. kemal here is for real here hell yeah i mean and it's not just her it's also superstar senators cory booker and pierce and jill abram they've all decided to
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take the corporate out of corporate democrat and replace it with true progressive they went even further and decided to take the d. and the c. out a democrat and then break the remaining letters into two words emo rats. aka a motional rodents. and who wouldn't want to vote for a true progressive emotional rojek. i thought i was thank god save me you're talking about i'm sorry it's just i recently watched ratatouille you know. that chef one of the rat is inspirational and so are these mainstream democratic senators pay no attention to their voting. yes yes pads are on the record john let's be honest they're not projecting all big money donations here oh no no they're not doing that. not even close the reason intercept. article points out that cory booker only receives
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a little over ten percent of his campaign funding from corporate pacs here's the gillibrand receives under seven percent and kemal heresies under five percent they all get considerably more from large individual donors that include corporate executives and lobbyist. i'll give you ten dollars if you don't say something cynical right now. no i can't have it is because he's establishing a telegraph or giving up a small amount of money so they can create the illusion that they care about reforming money in politics to appeal to voters it's more of a poll tested empty gesture compared to a genuine political stance yeah no ten dollars for you. also thomas ferguson a leading academic who studies money in politics strongly disagrees with you he says it's an absolutely cheap gesture that means nothing that's why they do it so
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he's completely agreed with me again as. but if you take the a g. and o. are out of agreeing and replace it with a big then he is completely peeing with you was that there was no more of these and were way ahead of the crossword puzzle and didn't come all at harris's shooters self in the last month with the corporate donations came up at a town hall and oh yeah she definitely did that nasty something extremely specific will because i'm hoping for a very specific answer ok if a corporation or a corporate lobbyist wants to give you money for a campaign where you tell them thanks but no thanks. well i guess it depends i mean wrong answer. yes. thank you the reason why i was zombie crowds clapping and come all is am
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certain. look kemal has has since changed her tune and we should celebrate that more democrats are responding to the pressure of the progressive movement to get corporate money out of politics it's not helpful to be uniformly dismissive. far and i'll make a deal with you cory booker's giving up ten percent of corporate money right ok so then we can have you can have a ten percent of a celebration. everyone would look like it involved be like a stale bag of cheese puffs one communal wine cooler. and pin the tail on the donkey sans donkey to be over for john i don't. know they were still doing time for the thing this is the leader and this has the a
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part up in arms for more on this let's go to redact correspondent they only care about. when the two korean leadership hands a few weeks pencil for peace was celebrated by. except at the american press hundreds and members of trump's cabinet saw north korea's outreach as a dangerous even event we all know handshakes and be terrifying without fear or else they could be fatal and imagine if your acquaintance has a hook for a hand i mean what's the decorum for hope thinking do you just put out a finger. like a hawk and shake it like there are. no one was more disappointed by this event the national security adviser john bolton who still supports the iraq war. today the hum of fighter jets taking off is this man's well above that.
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now he's in the most powerful position ever had so close to trumps here that he hears an echo when he speaks watches he tried hard not to vomit when he reacted to the korean leader's touching hands they're like putty in north korea's hands it's very emotional for south koreans i understand it but you know as the great international relations theorist p.t. barnum once said there's a sucker born every minute phineas taylor barnum a man known for his wisdom and making a mermaid by sewing a monkey's head to a fish for his traveling freak show. wait is it possible that bolton is the real merman. the bullets in his right green leaders meeting at the d.m.z. to sign a peace accord and was an emotional gun the d.m.z. is a cold war relic that the u.s. drew on a map after world war two to ensure an american spear of influence but also separated
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gree and families for decades this is what the demilitarized zone looks like and we know. that's just the music south korea plays at the d.m.z. to counter the north korean propaganda real but now they're dismantling the speakers and well it just saddens me to see yet another radio station go under but don't let all this symbolism go to your head think reasonably like bolton when bobby already argued the legal case for striking north korea first at least when the us decides to kill innocent koreans bowen's already done all the necessary paperwork here's an all purpose insult that you can use i'll apply it to the to the north koreans question how do you know when the north korean regime is lying answer when their lips are moving how good it was and great joke to break the ice at the peace. but when can you tell if americans are lying.
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you're already dead but north koreans have little reason to trust americans. two because of the slowness understanding where the u.s. killed a third of the korean population during the korean war and thousands more through later sanctions than because of our now but of regime change we have very much in mind the libya model from two thousand and three two thousand and four there are obviously differences the libyan program was much smaller actually the most obvious difference would have to be that we toppled the libyan government after realizing that they didn't have a program you couldn't have thought of a better example of peacemaking like i don't know nuremberg. if true does broker a deal between the koreas will be the first to yell his way to a nobel peace prize instead of live translation of his acceptance speech oslo will provide guests with earplugs but despite a hawkish media and count any move towards peace is
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a cause for celebration a celebration trump says we should have at the d.m.z. but did anyone tell him that they already removed the k. pop he was. reporting from washington this week air money redacted. there are your headlines from the future two weeks from now you'll learn w h o reveals planet's atmosphere now thirteen percent plastic seventeen percent sharply new. to law. man with life savings in snap job stock heard saying big corn is a real because it's not backed by anything that started out by forget prefer. i had eyes for a while i thought i was quite a. palm
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oil is one of the most controversial products about signed fit to solve
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a vegetable found that's very cheap about twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of palm oil plantations which is the destruction of rain forest. get into the zero a lot more than ten million takedowns of unique rain forest has been destroyed but it's a process that just keeps going. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. let it be an arms race. dramatic look at the only move. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very. you sit. in.
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the. truck contradictions the u.n. chemical weapons. claims the. tens of thousands of. policies with tight security following this week's. coming of the. anti-government protests taking place across russia days before the most potent presidential inauguration the man behind the marches opposition leader.
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two hundred. of the iconic pioneer in germany for most of his beliefs about the nature of capitalism continue to resonate with many of them. welcome thanks for choosing. first in this update on the international chemical weapons watchdog which is currently investigating the poisoning of. training. in this backing away from claims made by its own boss the o.p.c. w. director general heard suggested that up to half a cups worth of the nerve agent novacek was used in the attack on the former spy that saddam was large enough to kill tens of thousands of people more does d. of takes of the story usually what happens with ministries is the answers
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get revealed crimes are solved perpetrators are identified in the script allocates what's interesting is we seem to be going in reverse the research activities or protection you would need for instance five to ten grams of but even in seoul is free it looks like they may have used more than that without knowing the exact quantity i'm told it may be fifty one hundred grams or so which goes beyond research activities for protection it also stretches the realms of reality here's some perspective one drop of a new for chalk nerve agent is enough to kill roughly ten people one hundred grams the equivalent of a small glass would be enough to wipe out at least a neighborhood kill thousands and thousands any serious chemist familiar with nerve agents will tell you as much know each other is supposed to be very toxic highly
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toxic five to eight times more toxic than the x. which is already a very very toxic what's interesting is how the head of the world's chemical weapons watchdog could possibly make such a mistake perhaps it was a mistake the u.p.c. w. didn't take long to shall we say clarify. the o.p.c. w. would not be able to estimate or determine the amount of the nerve agent the booze used in solsbury on the fourth of march twenty eight in the quantity should probably be characterized in milligrams fair enough they miscalculated a slight exaggeration of about who hundred thousand fold but ok remember when russia protested the accusation that only it could make nova chocks no one took them seriously in fact the accusers were offended by the very idea. the russians crossed all boundaries when they served the novacek agent could have
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come from the czech republic that is a lie fake news right so imagine the czech foreign minister's face when the president then comes out and says this bill novacek was produced and tested in the czech republic it was a small quantity though we know when and we know where it was done it would be hypocritical to pretend that such a thing never happened pretty remarkable just to think britain was so sure it was all so we singularly exclusively russia is highly likely that russia was responsible the two poles russia culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder you argue that their source of the chalk is russia how did you manage to find it out so quickly i look at the the evidence from the people from from porton down they were absolutely categorical and i asked the guy myself i said are you sure and he said there's no doubt only russia it could only have come from
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russia said the guy over there to barra's johnson hundred percent guaranteed go ahead sanction russia you can probably guess what happened next as a pattern here of not verified the for say source to be clear you're not able at porton down to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that so much backtracking it might as well be back running yet the media hits the breaking news peddle over any scandalous statement no matter how unsubstantiated and every time those statements turn out to be untrue no one cares staying tuned only for the next sensational revelation. award winning journalist filmmaker john pilger is on today's going underground show he talks. about how in the current political climate news outlets take
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a totally uncritical approach to claims leveled at russia i've never known a time when so cold as you describe it mainstream surely. a satirical. mainstream journalism has been so integrated into propaganda. and that that propaganda campaign at the moment pointed right against russia suggests to me that it's the beginning of a kind of not a macho in russia i've been a journalist for a long time. i've covered many wars i've covered the first cold war i've covered it from the soviet union i've covered it from the united states i would say there is a pseudo journalism now to simply write down and swallow what governments tell you is the very antithesis of what real journalism is.
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next talk about a party with tight security forty thousand people turned out in paris to protest the french president's economic reforms and what they're calling a party for my craw on heavy policing is a result of this week's may day rallies that turn violent although this event is generally passed without instead this weekend at least one police officer supported an engine shell a doob and skis in the march. so the police have just moved into the basti area which is the end part of the protest that they have started making what seem to me some arrests so far that's often some of the protesters damaged of van you might be able to see in the distance smashing the screen and they also attempted to set it on fire there all around two thousand john goma police out in clueless in paris today to try and keep the violence at this protest to a minimum after the violence that was witnessed on the may day protests on tuesday
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when almost she one hundred people or so who were arrested from a ground to a crowd of around one thousand two hundred ultra militant leftists as they were described by the police now you may be able to see behind me some of the people who cover their faces they generally people describe themselves as being anti capitalist anti fascist and they don't want to see it and identified many of the people came here to protest against the policies of the math on government over the last year that's because on monday it is since he was elected for the moment it feels like it is quite a calm but tents. standoff between the police and the protesters here as the police have moved in to try and protect this area where the protesters had been trying to damage some of this property but as you can probably hear they're describing the police in the chance as being racist i mean these are people who tend to hate the police i mean normally we hear them saying all the world hates the police but you
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get a sense of that tension these protesters who initially came in to protest against that year in power of mr macro but what they are is against the system capitalism and pretty much anything that go against the natural form of what they want and what they want they've said in the past is to bring up power to the street . that all spin rallies here in russia to this weekend opposition activists have been protesting ahead of libya putin's presidential inauguration on monday heeding the calls of the country's leading opposition figure election of only they've been demonstrating under the slogan putin is not designed to us now novelli him self was arrested in moscow earlier along with nearly three hundred others for breaking protest laws he goes down or for pulls. some fifteen hundred people have gathered here in central most of them are supporters of alexina volley a prominent opposition figure in russia now at the beginning of the protests we do
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know that there have been some scuffles between the supporters and the opponents over latina volley but so far larger view this event has been peaceful now right now the police are trying to clear out of the city center they are kind of breaking up the crowd into smaller chunks of people and and trying to disperse them one of the reasons the reason as to why they're doing this is this location for the protest has not been approved by the most school authorities the. system itself that these supporters gather here on pushkin square square well and stick closer to differ. location on saturday avenue now it's just a few thousand meters a few kilometers away from here it is also said in central most boys story districts somewhat of a traditional what has become a traditional sport for opposition rallies in moscow one of those actually took place literally a few days ago we're going to.


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