tv News RT May 6, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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hundred three percent to twenty seven thousand from a year earlier to eight hundred eighty six million and that the total expenses dumped one hundred eighteen percent to one point eight two billion based on this well established unicorn strategy the net loss in twenty seventeen jumped by one hundred seventeen percent year over year to nine hundred thirty three you know they have to spend two dollars to gain a dollar sensually and revenues that amazon you know they had lost money for years and years and they now own the market and that's the strategy so we work our netflix our apple or these other companies day are willing to take this enormous risk that they are going to burn through more money than they have could ever raise to gain market share it works until it doesn't work you have amazon netflix are genuine dot com companies this is the real estate company which has huge elisa's long term leases whether or not that's going to write it's like any lamp or over sears yet thinking it's going to be the next warren buffett because of a retail foundation not understanding that warren buffett is an insurance based
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in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox customs are here permanently and all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet felt but also discreet because they concern fraud from some
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of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets they kept inside the geneva freeport sister you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you there. welcome back to the kaiser report imax either time now to go to dan collins in shanghai and the author of a china money report that collins welcome back to mexico to go on air again now
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then the two koreas are signing a peace treaty who will get the nobel prize for this and how is the bank present and china well my personal feeling is they may be she jinping i don't know maybe donald trump maybe the you know the president so korea part of syria now the news over here is trying to you know very great news the end of the creek and war after in more than fifty years. kim jong un says he's going to completely denuclearize the north korean peninsula fantastic news you know on the skeptic side they said we've seen this before two thousand year two thousand and seven several to some and nothing came out of that but i think we're out of at a crossroads we have got a crossroads here because of the donald trump factor i think because of the aggressiveness that nor that the united states has shown over the issue i believe china has finally taken the lead here and there that the puppet masters behind this
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piece that we see break you know in north korea well you can't discount the role of dennis rodman in all this i know it sounds a bit crazy but he did he live kim jong un in a way that no one had done before and up on the way really to a dialogue. how will this play out economically are there any sectors that wall boom as a result of this an interview than early to say but keep in mind china is the linchpin for the north korean economy ninety percent of their trade is with china and that trade this year is down some sixty seventy percent because of sanctions because china has actually put on the sanctions the north korean economy if they let loose could boom because. they're so far behind the modern economy and the hard to say what sectors will will will open up the will we see you know how that was the real question are max and how do dictatorships die how does kim jong
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loon pull the kurds all over you know i open the curtains on the world to the north koreans this isn't and still remain in power that that remains to be that's going to be a tricky move for him that's interesting what you're saying this other words the sanctions that china imposed on north korea sams to have brought them to a negotiating table and of course the sack shows i guess you could say orchestrated by donald trump and donald trump is proving his farai that geopolitics can be saying through the view there's a lens of deal making and and in china of course where they are dyed in the wool dale makers that approach same since they are working how does it affect on a broader sense in china in other words the trade war that saddam going the currency war that's ongoing that trumper left a ship with china where a way out and that their relationship them yeah well i believe the china is
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actually on the losing side of the treaty or here you've seen a lot of chinese companies including the buy deal makers the trains alcohol heavily reliant on imports. from the united states so. there's a lot of companies that have gone with the chinese government are asking for relief with these new duties the chinese put on american products what i found most interesting is what china has done is e.t.e. the tillicum or what united states did is easy the telecom maker with limited chip exports to chinese companies this is a new phase of the trade war the trade we're getting a lot of press here everybody's talking about it i think china has pulled back they've already announced huge opening up in many sex. the car. sector is not going to open up electric vehicles there's a lot of areas now that the train is going to open up their economy and allow more imports it well the same time you mentioned that you know you political you know
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they're playing a game of google which is you know the chinese game later still means you have your tears were that's one bill one root is that's what this so trying to see you saw us andrew this week max mentioned china now controls a soldier in syria chemo bleeding you said that right well you mentioned the game of go. this is another game to throw into the mix along with chess for d.h. ass forty chasse checkers and now go now when you describe go there to sounds like you're describing mercantile ism which of course has been the chinese room to go to global economic policy that is just grab as much global trade as possible from the other guys in other words they don't have the idea that all can grow simultaneously it's about growing at the expense of your trading partners and of course some of the gold standard that worked out
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pretty well because as the accounts were settled in gold and you had some consistency in the current say and the currency was gold but we live in an age of fast current say and so is a market to last policy or a game of go as you describe it does that work in a free ad currency where people can just print money all day long in other words. china's weapons here they're buying gold they are buying gold and they are expanding through american tell us approach but america has got the federal reserve they can print money all day long and they control the dollar which is the world reserve currency. so is this match up who wins in this match up down well absolutely i think the last hand the united states had to play is the. federal reserve the u.s. dollar with the china though taking that apart the swiss system built off the from
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the united states now the united states is even weaponized the swiss system against russia and the other country that's going away russia china are building their own swiss system the you know we talked about five years ago max are way ahead of the curve of the petro you in i mean i've said years ago we're talking about the china movie no oil in to remain be the next phases the remain b. to become a global currency that's what they're moving back on that trying to move all the oil shanghai futures oil futures exchange open you know late last year so as we see more oil contracts go into renminbi remain be international trade gets settled more and more in order to be really be will eventually challenge the dollar so to go and then all of a sudden it won't be such a christian game people are going to have to are going to demand real assets for their money right so that would imply a rail asses for their fat money watch what employ a higher prices for real assets and i would suggest that commodities have the u.s.
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like oil start to trend higher we are already starting to see the oil prices creep up that might be a result of what we're talking about here you mentioned russia their course russia china are establishing a one bell want to run out going all across asia you're asia answer russia they're creating this huge economic zone which well rival the dollar and interestingly enough there's a rumor is that they summit between donald trump and north korea's kim jong what happened in a city just north of japan what happened to be in russia so how would that play bad as seems remarkable yeah. keep in mind cheney the cheney's former minister won he is now. going to north korea this week and i think they're laying all the groundwork for the trump kim summit to come and i think they're laying the groundwork now to mention i think china is the puppet master behind this piece but they're going to give the credit the donald trump and i think you know the big hand at play in this of course but yeah i mean the summit we will see i think china is
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already working behind the scenes they're going to want to demand that the see the nuclear inspection sites. has him take those off line what comes out of the summit are they going to ask for american troops to be withdrawn from south korea you know we still have thirty thousand troops sitting in seoul as pawns in this game where north korea ever attacked the united states would lose thousands of soldiers and then it's instant game on you know what the united states so are they going to mean withdraw those troops so far they haven't asked but it's going to be issue what comes out of the summit but i think the tone coming out of him and what we saw this last week with the engagement from south korea i think we're at a total new turning point and i think china is going to put north korea under its wing and the question why is why is north korea feel so safe not only they want of dollars from the united states that they would not be attacked and then they would be nucular has china given north korea nuclear shield have the have they promised
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north korea military support those not forgetting the korean war they lost over a million people million soldiers so they are you know they're in the game and they're going to support north korea right well yes imagine the sanctions have really put a lot of pressure on north korea and it seems that donald trump maybe locked up the geopolitical chess board argo gorup board and looked at where the u.s. was wasting the last monday and the military budget and said hey you know those troops in south korea could probably be gul and we can save a lot of money right there let's get that allow ssion and that. a result that brings and to play china south korea and russia and as as a way to unravel this enormous military apparatus at the us as much as half of tax dollars approximately one point five trillion annually goes into the pentagon's
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budget and you know i think the pentagon burns two hundred fifty thousand gallons of oil a day or something extraordinary if they there are thousands or millions or something unbelievable so it's an unbelievable drain on our energy resources so just as a single point of failure or a single point of leverage the same like trump is may be playing a very interesting game here tell us a lot of blog chain a big going to china is relaxing and heavy handed response to bitcoin is that true what are your thoughts i think china china has two users there's big going and then there's blocking the block she was actually incorporated in the last five strategic five year plan from the chinese government angulo of april twenty eighth announced a one point six billion dollar investment on blocking startups three offices free human resources or handled the bank of hong jules getting involved in moving
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loaning money to blocking startups onto of course the home of ali baba it's financial a financial both two hundred fifty billion dollar i.p.o. we talked about it before max trying to so far ahead it's been fifty times the rate u.s. has in mobile payments shenzhen is also known as something similar to compete with one job changes the whole of concern in many high tech companies so china is big on the blocking the p.t.o. see people's bank of china has already done trial runs with their own crypto currency that leads into crypto they're not such a big fan of because they want to like every other government they try to control your money control your life with your lease which is which is the paper money. so you know i mean me may have known there was the blockiness been to conference here a few weeks ago which i actually attended and we were thrown out and right before lunch the government came in and literally you know everyone's got to go and over three thousand people we had to exit the conference the morning was most i've been
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sacked but then when they started talking about crystal wallets and how you can get your money out of the country then it got shut down so well that no kidding me well i got a twenty seconds can i make a comment on sina. so you know kim is the train to accompany the first trial runs with block gene with gas imports in exports where it's completely be centralized and treat spirit in all parties and both have a record of it so chinese companies are moving back on blocking and i expect them to be the world's leader just like they are with mobile cream it's all right they're out of time guys re on the kaiser report and he's right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max stacy everett well one writes us on twitter is kaiser report and select time by a.o.l. .
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manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the fine merry go round. we can all middle of the room. model is one of the most controversial products of our time it's a subject vegetable fat the favorite. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million times that a rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of plantations which means the destruction of rain forests.
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into the zero a lot more than ten million pounds of unique rain forest has been destroyed it's a process that just keeps going. there's. a little too late to be the end of the film as i believe you started with the first film some phantom features that my wife. when i left that i sat next to the markets and i'm thinking a lot unless. it was you know the words that i lived up to his life. and. the.
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the global chemical weapons watchdog says. it is unable to determine the amount of the nerve agent used in this group paul poisoning despite earlier claims from the head of the organization. tens of thousands protest. against president my problems labor reforms amid tight security following recent bryant's. also this hour anti-government protests are held across russia two days before the presidential inauguration. are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our international i'm sean
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thomas really glad to have you with us i mean international chemical weapons watchdog which is currently investigating the poisoning of sergei screen paul and his daughter in the u.k. is backing away from claims made by its own boss the o.p.c. chief earlier claimed that up to one hundred grams of the nerve agent novacek was used in the attack on the former spy or is what i got comments usually what happens with ministries. get revealed crimes as sold to perpetrators are identified in the script allah case what's interesting is we seem to be going in reverse. for research activities or protection you would need for instance five to ten grams of but even in souls three it looks like they may have used more than that without knowing the exact quantity i'm told it may be fifty one hundred grams or so which goes beyond research activities for protection it also stretches the
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realms of reality here's some perspective one drop of a new rich aka nerve agent is enough to kill roughly ten people one hundred grams the equivalent of a small glass would be enough to wipe out at least a neighborhood kill thousands and thousands any serious chemist familiar with nerve agents will tell you as much of each other is supposed to be very toxic highly toxic five to eight times more toxic than the x. which is already very very toxic what's interesting is how the head of the world's chemical weapons watchdog could possibly make such a mistake perhaps it was a mistake the u.p.c. w. didn't take long to shall we say clarify the o.p.c. w. would not be able to estimate or determine the amount of the nerve agent the blues used in souls bring on the fourth of march twenty eight in the quantity should
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probably be characterized in milligrams fair enough they miscalculated a slight exaggeration of about two hundred thousand fold but ok remember when russia protested the accusation that only eat could make no rich ox no one took them seriously in fact the accusers were offended by the very idea. the russians crossed all boundaries when they served the novacek agent could have come from the czech republic that is a lie fake news right so imagine the czech foreign minister is face when the president then comes out and says this the novacek was produced and tested in the czech republic it was a small quantity though we know when and we know where it was done it would be hypocritical to pretend that such a thing never happened really remarkable just to think britain was so sure it was
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all so we singularly exclusively russia is highly likely that russia was responsible the two poles russia culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder you argue that their source of is russia how did you manage to find it out so quickly to look at the the evidence when the people from from porton down they were absolutely categorical and i asked the guy myself i said are you sure and he said there's no doubt only russia it could only have come from russia said the guy over there to boris johnson hundred percent guaranteed go ahead sanction russia you can probably guess what happened next as a pattern here of not verified the press a source to be clear you're not able at portadown to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that so much backtracking it might as well be back
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running yet the media hits the breaking news peddle over any scandalous statement no matter how unsubstantiated and every time those statements turn out to be untrue no one cares staying tuned only for the next sensational revelation. forty thousand people took to the streets of paris on saturday to protest. against the french president's economic reforms there was a heavy police presence in the wake of mass writing on may the first the latest rally was largely peaceful but one police officer was injured parties trying to been ski at the march so the police have just moved into the basti area which is the end part of the protest that they have started making what seem to me some arrests so far that's often some of the protesters damaged of van you might be able to see in the distance smashing the screen and they also attempted to set it on
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fire and they're all around two thousand john goma police out in clueless in paris today to try and keep the violence here at this protest to a minimum after the violence that was witnessed on the may day protests on tuesday when almost she one hundred people so who were arrested from a ground to a crowd of around one thousand two hundred ultra militant leftists as they were described by the police now you may be able to see behind me some of the people who cover their faces they generally people who describe themselves as being anti capitalist anti fascist and they don't want to see and identified now many of the people came here to protest against the policies of the my own government over the last year that's because on monday it is since he was elected for the moment it feels like it is quite a calm but tense standoff between the police and the protesters here as the police have moved in to try and protect this area where the protesters had been trying to
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damage some of this property but as you can probably hear they're describing the police in the chance as being racist and these are people who tend to hate the police i mean normally we hear them saying all the world hates the police but you get a sense of that tension these protesters who initially came in to protest against that year in power of mr macro but what they are is against the system capital. and pretty much anything that go against the natural form of what they want and what they want they've said in the past is to bring up power to the street. but i have also been protests across russia ahead of lattimer putin's presidential inauguration which will take place on monday now the unauthorized rallies were called by the country's leading opposition figure election of ali he was arrested in moscow for breaking protest laws and released several hours later around three hundred other people were also detained many of them have been arrested to see what
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has the details some fifteen hundred people have gathered here in central moscow most of them are supporters of alexina vali a prominent opposition figure in russia now at the beginning of the protests we do know that there have been some scuffles between the supporters and the opponents over latina volley but so far larger view this event has been peaceful now right now the police are trying to clear out the city center they are kind of breaking up the crowd into smaller chunks of people and trying to disperse them one of the reasons the reason as to why they're doing this is this location for the protest has not been approved by the most school authorities the. system so that his supporters should gather here on post discussed well and stick around suffered at different locations on soccer avenue now it's just a few. thousand meters a few kilometers away from here it is also said in central most boys story districts somewhat of a traditional what has become
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a traditional sport for opposition rallies in moscow one of those actually took place there literally a few days ago organized by different people and it was in support of the internet freedom in russia in the wake of the russian government banning a very popular a messaging service messenger telegram here it's one of only himself did not shy away from appearing on that score. how which did raise some questions as to why he chose time i know your troops to denounce that location south of avenue for his rally and so no problem appearing there at the at the rally organized by different people also this has been this the protests have not been contained to just more school it has been a russian white thing some two thousand people we know have been protesting in st petersburg and in other russian cities as well we have reports of arrests
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in some of those cities to mostly the cities where locations like here in moscow. approved by the authorities as well and most of all we saw some people being detained by the police to mostly those who are trying to block the streets. the german political theorist karl marx was born exactly two hundred years ago and his ideas on the revolutionary socialism are still a source of fierce debate across the world our europe correspondent peter oliver went to the city where marks grew up germany is commemorating one of its most famous son and controversial think is suffered a if the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the author of the communist manifesto call marx to say that his ideas of class struggle and the overthrow of the ruling classes by the workers i'm dreaming divisive here well that is beyond understatement marx's ideas were literally at the root of the ideological division between east.
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