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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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and i somehow don't have a how. ashen does that make us as a bear as a father to have a duty. to. look . at. it. let's call it. that should.
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he. take. the stand in that seat or that war and the feeling that. because of the whole of them going to move. in their lives was that somebody. gets. on the phone. from got
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a good. yeah you can do you know when the wall they are all going to focus if he. knows you. want as little slogan police who. say don't blow in that little swiss while you are be. out there in the form of their. backs geysers financial survive until they say money to the allied for. quantitative easing this is us central banks the four die a common kind of problem right now they stopped.
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palm oil is one of the most controversial products of odds on it's a salvage vegetable fat that's very cheap. twenty seventeen production grew to sixty three million tons that rapid growth in international demand for cheap oil has led to the massive expansion of palm oil plantations which is the destruction of rain forest. get into the zero a lot more than ten million typed as of unique rain forest has been destroyed and it's a process that just keeps going. because
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i went. through some allow. them. to keep going to the lunatic and i know you're going to be close with their two kids have little know duffy looked a little. surprised that you know. me or something all that much. because i let it. go out i just.
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i let you know them personally saw that. fits him. about that and said sunni i don't think it will cut it but i'd be out of it. if. he did. to remove the litigious you have those. you look at that would tell.
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the jury one it comes it comes in. on the good the first the fugitive emotion to be done oh i don't know much about the guy at death i mean obviously get out and be done it would have to be months of assault but i think on the. morrow. punch a stone he said looking for me i'm carving along just a month stuffed full caught enough to get the feeling of the month lucky to fuck off on the musharraf and among the people so look out for the money so the sea come i believe even i thought nothing of philip not of that did the same about them are obviously. little different dates. and if i was to go solving these are. the most up. for class challenge at most. being i'm a young bloke and we know he. would listen or. not be such.
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a witness because we have the most something out there not believe it to be. mean but even if it is true. there's still the you. know those who. heard her. to. do it to. get out of the way of the emotional the leave. us to get off the boat in the dunes of the city and do. the township of yesterday and do for sure nothing but the few at. least. the there were. plenty. big. you know. you know that.
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doesn't justify at the time because i don't listen i want to. lift those. books. to. use up the i mean if i get on a plane and i'm not up a few i love my phone number that's you both will show you what the new york post opened is a massive overhaul of the most bold use it or the best kind of ability we've got is that the feet. of the most you have going to doesn't hold on most of the. games all get you to shut the show a little. bit. if
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you look at those who. saw the company behind the employer. i think in the order of a few people if you look at some of them give them a little scoop you want to look look. good. see. the shuttle on
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the homeless will. get us all these little of them. killed in the morning i'm full of the song fusion he must have a lot of them do the lot of the old one of them look up to one of. the south he will fuck up i'm. not going to. look odd but somebody and if it was some band i liked him it was blocked but i found the house more than i ever struck. down by making thomas in a swell. it's not a matter of fact that most of. the time mail the fact i'm home from san angelo from the club and i'm dizzy it's a bad informed old what i was up on my shelf at the end. of the sebastian and
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summer looked like an awesome slash oh my post was once about by how much jan what is your. fault game. if you. just feel.
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a little silly. they. really. should stop. and there are no problems. in the public and well you. know i'm sure the guy that i've heard reconstruct the stuff to. say. the. look without a doubt about. thank.
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god it was somebody in the media is the. sort of my little. daughter and i saw three hundred in. ten days and more like suddenly. i'm going to be here to deliver the thing i said. just to back up and i'm still looking. for. something. now that's enough time to put it.
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to you. on that level but i know that you are wildly out of shape and be it out in the. media. sorts of funny sad new. chick fil a boy if you will have moved cheerleader. like a mom my stepdad mentioned new software so i stopped doing the sublime enough to blame down. below well that might be a. good school logan and there should have been a lot on she would be a strict limits. because she might be out of sheer.
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statements to hear a little of me. in the. world of the hired beauty of us a little more the female what would they still be a lot of. study. to learn of. the heart of. limitless. you if you look at the field out to. you today. other articles for carbon steel. cutters if they do the.
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leaves on the whole new that's a. good building for and who is good at it i'm a sucker for the deer that a little bit of that old fella. subtlest. keep it against the book i tell that to my mind a continuous wheel. i hate that she knows you're beautiful you know anything much about one hundred nine good. time is that that would be a reason to live the good article how did you know we knew he was the sun shining the sign found the been. given to us as you know the sort of. toys murphy i'm sure i don't know measuring i really understood he did. one of my a couple times need to hear. this music then but have to look at it now but maybe
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it. was time. to learn the dark. shade in one ear and then change it i meant i don't feel it does feel that i could love the most awful i think i did but i do look at the limits of the. fact that i'm learning to be dead so i hear my thoughts to vibe in it's not a bad thing no not. right you. know current going to have to be out of there with and i have got it up to you what you know how to help me just adds. ford. will have. killed.
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in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently. is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand
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three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. in the stories that shaped the week made. described as the worst in half a century with more than two hundred arrests. coming up the police. because. of. the supposed evidence incriminating russia in the script. after several claims are refuted in the week. along the border. with i.d.f. troops using extreme force to the patient and injuring over
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a thousand of the pros. happens tomorrow monday president ford will be covering it and taking you behind the seat. just turned eleven this late sunday night weekends going ok this is the weekly roundup of the big stories of the last seven days starting with this paris was shaken on choose day by what's been described as the city's worst may day riots in fifty years the violence began after. protesters hijacked a peaceful rally against the french government's labor reforms the so-called black bloc torched vandalize shopfronts and clashed with police across. those in the thick of it.
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the. fundamental question is now starting the police i want to have a look over you'll see the tear gas is coming up to us the police move again and that's because just behind us there is a fire going on the demonstrators have put forward to a vehicle and emerged to bike and as you can see smoke ok. well as you might have gathered we've just been in the middle of what was quite a large clash between the police and the protesters just look behind me this is one of the trucks with the water cannons and you can see the gendarme now coming down and you can see some of the water in the form that's been on the ground to try and push these protesters back take
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a look behind me and they're actually trying to barricade themselves up now that's off to they set fire to what looked like a g c p the fact it's still own fire over there in the distance the process is to it is if you just turn around a little bit more what we have a look at this you may see this. over talk smoke coming up here on the protesters what they did is they lit for it she won't seem to be some sort of motorbike and the car just want to give you a sense of what sort of damage is being created from those are cautious and not just conscious but the damage that was coolest by the protest is the police had warned early on tuesday morning ahead of these may day protests that they thought they were going to be hijacked by anti capitalist spy anti fascists and they would indeed that they came out in their hundreds ready with a gear they safety gear to be able to protect themselves from the tear gas the masks protesters would. damaging in smashing items up across this part of paris
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and the police had let them be just come over here and you'll be able to see the boards here of the fast food restaurants that have been put up that was completely and utterly destroyed restaurants further behind down the street were also destroyed and basically the police did very little in fact nothing for a long time when this destruction was happening it was only further on into the demonstration when the violence took place and little bit further on that the actually did something now they've said the reason that they didn't react as quickly as some people say they should have is because they were trying to avoid collateral damage. the further pouring of anger at the government and its pro-business economic policies forty thousand to the street to the french capital on saturday to the event was organized to coincide with the first anniversary of president of manual macross election when protesters could be seen holding banners
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slogans such as stop mccraw and the president of the rich two thousand police were deployed there on the streets. to avoid risking a repeat of what happened on labor day that we just showed you turned out the march reportedly passed of peacefully. and this is a bit of a revelation in the weeks of the attorney for the books the acclaimed american rapper kanye west might be considered by many to be a modern day creative genius if you like his music but his controversial twitter rants of landed him in a bit of strife a renowned strategic intelligence analyst been poring over his timeline and concluded therefore that can you west as a russian spy secretly working for vladimir putin well the that's mainly because west revealed his warm support for donald trump online and therefore the connections were made. of looks at an ever growing army of kremlin agents remember when being portrayed as a russian spy was funny. a bit of
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a joke. over. what are you doing in the dark when. just. what your russian spy assaulted. who isn't funny now could be anyone in the oval office in the pentagon madison square garden. can years recent coordinations with trump along with his use of infamous or rhetoric and symbols confederate flag reek of products here just join up the dogs can year endorse trump publicly their friends. go. i'm not saying can you west is involved at all in the trump russia scandal but i am saying he has russian ties and was there right after the twenty sixteen elections scored the walk in or perhaps work in
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a contributor for the us news channel m.s.n. b c and also founder of russia gate agrees there are just too many dogs not to connect them kanya west went to russia he went to russia he literally flew to moscow and walked around the jew see what he got up to i sure didn't get to be doing anything it's now so or vs why didn't we see it before we see it now and there are more of them clearly eastwood openly backed trump and the russian connection is blatant clint eastwood speaks russian. pretend. oh and robert de niro he hates trump or so he says but look at the fact he owns
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a chain of altria luxurious restaurants in moscow and he's opening a new one soon you know who goes to his restaurants oligarchy we're not blind anymore there could be russian spies in my audience and i would know everyone is a suspect. are you a russian spy now you know russian spies. ellen the generous knows what's up we need lists so i've put together a quick one to start things off this is a list of american stars who recently been to russia they held. the business it's time to wake up russian agents everywhere the president the republicans hollywood your neighbor your friends maybe probably even you he well there are some suspect links in turkey's hierarchy too we can report is the
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foreign minister showing some impressive russian skills and we will stretch out. the syria. to syria. or to incur syria. torture torture or to prison but some seriously the week over eleven hundred reportedly injured in guards are on friday as israeli soldiers used live ammunition against anti occupation demonstrators again the rally was the latest in the gardens six week old great march of return campaign in which dozens of protesters have been killed. that. getting. fired by the israelis like my.
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people are actually crossing the street israeli territory. nonlethal. area there has been. crossing the border without authorization using live ammunition. force. on or sponsoring the threats of my friends and that's not what's happening israel's responded to the cry from the un human rights groups government lawyers say the gaza protests fall into the state of war cow the grain that human rights laws therefore don't apply to the i.d.f. rules of engagement in the reserve colonel with the defense force has told the same thing to them in his view the israeli military's actions are justified that any
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