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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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that you see him in situations and that nothing extraordinary be just random situations that a human being would find himself they would just say we've never seen put in like that before like hunting practice in hockey swimming or like his dogs why do you think your country and the western audience in general need it to see this side of him because we have stereotypes you know we mentioned this k.g.b. thing beforehand and so it is an incarnation of the evil and the longer our stresses facts like that the more. the more they become so to speak real so we face the fictionalized reality to a certain extent by repetition and i thought ok this guy is a human being as you and me is a put it situation he was at the right time at the right place he tries to develop something for his country ok and going away from this kind of.
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trenches your logical trenches my interest was how does c.r. q how does he how if and what are his interests because it's all about interests. of a country a president normally represents and so that was much more important and built up. picture of me which is useless because it's a rip decision to. take a break right now and when we're back we'll continue talking to hear both charming journalists and documentary filmmaker about how the world president stay with us.
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highlands was as prone to core ties to one he counts donington disdain said standing stock poor. because of the political culture of the off the top to be on the wall street of the ballpark so please try to clear off the top of your stuff with us out of you're going to simply go get out of go compulsory. the soviet army out through all close to a swath of way through st paul's and oh no they go for opening for our golf on you so. let's throw out the call course plus we'll turn our back to those delegates of the target. ok when she sees her you could fall in the routine. and you can become a scene. in time for banter. seemed
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wrong but all quotes just don't hold. any if you get to shape our disdain comes to educate and in detroit because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch or the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the superman to kill you narrowness and
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spending to twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game great to transfer. it's going to. go way back with here and journalist and author of the documentary film i put in discussing what life is like in the eyes of the world so in your movie you have
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a lot of the beginning of put in his first term his visit to bundestag where he talked about russia not being an equal partner in the west eighteen years later and we're still not partners why do you think nothing changes in this regard. it's a good question you mean i can find the answer it's about what i would start. you remember before he spoke in the bundestag i think two three months before the first time he met george bush and there was this meeting. george bush said basically i looked in the eyes in his eyes i got a sense of his soul you remember that i remember and i ran out of against. it with mccain said i looked in his eyes and i saw three letters k.g.b. if i remember this correctly that put it put it. at the same time added at the same time is honesty is direct and he has a great interest for his country so three months later two months later i think it
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was in the dirge of bundestag. it was an interesting talk but the main the main point he said ok he said we are talking we want to get to come together but at the same time we distrust each other and we have hiding and we're trying to play games and i think from the very beginning on that from two thousand onward up till today there is this distrusts about intention and at the other hand there is obviously the core of the coalition of interests and interests are the main point in the whole in the whole in the whole fight here i think up till two thousand. eight more or less. we were trying to get along then we had two thousand and eight georgian war and then we had the ukraine as well it was always on one side the
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fight for democracy and freedom and on the other side the evil reconstruction of the soviet union but it was at the same time of course interests the history you put it it's of a country is basically formed by the history of a country by geopolitical interests cannot make interests current of events but you have to take this into account and russia had this and the west had that it was very complicated it was a misunderstanding from the very beginning i think there was no a cream and after the collapse of the soviet union when was it in december one thousand nine hundred one that russia would be no become another part of the west it didn't work out their interest and i think the west miscalculated this interest and played their own includes only to russia of course to try to get through with its interest and putin was the one who was underestimated but he pushed it through
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tearing this latest scandal around the script out poisoning to resume for instance present it russia where then are to meet him and that's not like a first time west speaks to russia like that moscow's reply has always been done talk to us like this don't tell us what to do this keeps repeating in russia west relations this problem of condescending lecturing and you know moralistic tone why . why is a good question. i think it's the pending on. the moment you are in the very moment and i think this is simply political i could taste but it's not about the tone it's about the methods i mean you see the arab countries like or like india or china are always you know a lot more neutral in the way they communicate and we notice that i was very careful with words why why do you think the west western politicians are so prone
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to public scolding of others to. the teacher like behavior i think that we watched russia to a certain extent as a kind of you know handicapped school students and who have the reach so to speak. the level to to to to to become adults i think that was an early attitude in the ninety's and to a certain extent it is still an attitude and on the other side it's a political weapon we still forget that russia is that russia is grown up they are not under eighteen anymore but at the same time as we argued in the ninety's you have to do this you have to do that you have to and if you do that it will work this is you never changed because we consider us as having won the cold war and that gives us a kind of. moral superiority and the other the other hand the response of russia is
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quite direct to say you have a national national proud at the same time. which tells you go to hell. do you think the west has come to grips with the fact that russia is not irrelevant anymore like it was after the soviet union collapsed. they have to because we have a multi-polar world and not so much the uni polar anymore it doesn't matter to whom you are talking to if you talk to a call she will tell you. with some hesitation there was a list but she will tell you we have to talk with russia because russia is an important player and without russia you don't get the. treatment in syria that in the meantime we have so many different players at the same time that neither america nor russia can guarantee find a solution but the condition is they have to talk to each other to get
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a final solution to convince the others around them to help them you have iran you have turkey you have saudi arabia you have a number of players in the meantime and that makes the situation so dangerous because. you never know how of when the escalation so to speak. reached is it's final point and you something is happening and probably it's an escalation you don't want but you get if you look back to syria on the very moment you had an escalation of words but at the very end you have in the meantime what number of destroyed buildings no russian have been hurt and probably now is the chance to talk i think it's a very good chance in the very moment find a solution together because everybody sees it's not working that way germany is a country that is very close to russia and especially with a pinch german past and that relationship is very important saying how it's germany
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at the forefront of the european union angela merkel and putin also have a relationship that endured through the years is this sanctions story the confrontation going to destroy that relationship completely. i don't think that's that's destroyed completely i think the both people are rational politicians and we see in the very moment what i mentioned just before we have a big chance in the very moment to come to terms because you know we have. issues like north stream to the gas from russia i mean we have syria at the same time we have an unreliable american partner at the same time so within europe we have difficulties and i think we have to solve some problems only together and we have to do that so the situation is quite good i would say if it doesn't look like that and the market is going to has been going to washington
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mark wrong has been going to washington. if it's true that putin got an invitation i don't know yet but that gives us the chance to lean back to see what is our what are our interests and to find a solution i think it's better than we think the funny thing in between is us journalists by the way the russian ones and the german ones there was an interesting in research being done just recently that as far as foreign policy is concerned all the journalists are trying to stick to the government and increase the trama so to speak on the other side it's not so much true in the as far as interior part texas concerned but obviously in foreign policy you have. traumatization by the journalists on both sides as well so in your movie putting was described as
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a man whose mind is not easy to change and who doesn't forget insults or double crossings do you think this personal trait of his will do way to political consideration while he forget the confrontation with the west if i chanced is offer to end this conflict confrontation. you know you don't have to forget it but you have and i don't think the evil forget it but he is a rational person on the other side as well and he knows exactly how politics works and what is needed if you want to have a long time solution now it's this it's last to so he has another of another look six years to fix things which went wrong to a certain extent it's not only depending on him definitely not but he has this chance and after such a long time of confrontation on both sides why shouldn't he use that as this kind
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of testimony so to speak and he is a rational man so i don't see why he wouldn't do that the interesting thing is. you don't have to take everything personal what happens in politics if you do that then you are lost and i think he has not lost. bradley bridge thank you very much for this interesting insight and for your thoughts we're talking to here burt siple german journalist and author of the documentary film i put in discussing how the world says the russian leader and how is the facts russia's relations with the rest of the world that's it for at this edition of cell phone call see you next time.
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we're. three three. three. three three.
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weeks. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education of being supplanted by the right to access education low it's high education is becoming just another product that can be pulled and sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you could also through sheikha could this also kind of follow it could mean. more is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now and i'm extremely more higher education but the new global economic
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war. tax guys are financial survival guide stacey let's learn a salad fill out let's say i'm a strike at any earthly hungry stump banks have to fight wall street fraud thank you for helping. destroy that's true. that's slavery. ministry's police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does what mike was hoping the board doesn't want the eyes of god to just dominate the guns. and into the sea it's just like proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that it's such a security risk when you have a black box operating the public good to microsoft dependency puts governments
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under cyber threat not only that. this is still. one of. the. things. this is. often striking down with the all business stopping there was a sting and all the fun is about his cards and. i thought. i. might be.
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britain's foreign secretary travels food washington in an attempt to save the a run you clear delist donald trump's decision looms on whether or not to quit the agreement. is officially sworn in as russian president to waste no time making key cabinet decisions for his four also to come. over to me. is only one tie something to be killed hundreds of interpreters who worked with the british army in afghanistan facing deportation from the united kingdom even though they were promised asylum by london.
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this is r.t. international. the british foreign secretary is making last minute efforts to persuade donald trump to stick to the iran nuclear deal and barstools and didn't get a chance to speak to the president in person so he decided to deliver his thoughts of via t.v. johnson gave an interview to fox and friends that's been branded by the media is being done in terms favorite show. the president has been right to call attention to it but you couldn't do that without just throwing the baby out with the bathwater without scrapping the whole thing because if you do that you have to answer the question what next. it's all just from washington all day long smear it was so boris johnson's agenda well fox and friends was boris johnson's first stop in d.c. which was an apparent move to try to get trump's attention now boris johnson has
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already met with secretary from jail and he's set to meet with other top officials during his visit but he's not the first european official that has tried to warn the u.s. against leaving the deal now german and french foreign ministers have stated that there is no justifiable reason to plot of the deal now in addition to that five hundred french british and german m.p.'s wrote a letter to congress asking them to quote keep the j. c.p.o. way alive and beyond that president mccraw and then chancellor merkel even visited washington d.c. to discuss the matter but they were able to convince trump otherwise. the isn't them and we believe it's better to have this agreement even if it's not perfect and have no agreement. if. the iran deal is not sufficient to see that iran's ambitions are curbed and contained it is most important to recognize that iran through its ballistic missile program is trying to exert geopolitical influence in syria and lebanon. the solihull go bust verifiable
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agreements that guarantees that iran will not acquire nuclear weapons to denounce it without proposing anything else would be a serious mistake not respecting it would be irresponsible. and we should acknowledge that the current agreement doesn't allow us to address all of the issues among the things not covered by the iran nuclear deal is iran's activity in the region. and what kind of support is there at home in the us for a plan to scrap the surrounding. well the u.s. is divided along partisan lines and it's mostly democrats who want to uphold what's a widely regarded as obama's only foreign policy achievement according to several pundits on t.v. here but believe it or not the republican chair of the house armed services committee advised against leaving the deal i'm not necessarily opposed to sticking
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with this new york forever but you need to have a clearer idea of about next steps if we are going to pull out now the deadline is coming up in a few days so we'll just have to see if all these efforts end up in vain. many thanks of course once the miracle in washington ok let's bring in a guest now dr ashton shai he's a senior lecturer in international relations at middle east politics working at several universities among them university of bradford over in the u.k. very good evening see. you do you think that boris johnson has the the powers of persuasion to make a difference county affect donald trump's stance here. i think mr johnson is trying and trying extremely hard to the point that this morning here on fox news channel in order to come up persuade
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mr president about his fateful decision in a few days time about the future of iran deal but i very much doubt it mr johnson will be in the position to persuade the president you still have no idea about. what decision he's going to make what if he can't look at the wind that picture if you look at kind of the responses from other european leaders . for example to french president after his visit to washington and certainly if you look at trump's rhetoric over the last few days it seems that he is more or less ready to get out of the deal in a few days' time despite the fact that mr johnson is really trying i very much doubt it if he has the necessary power to pursue
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a donald trump. the e.u. leaders of the countries who were party to this agreement based still seem to support it what is it that donald trump doesn't like about it he said it's a it's a terrible deal for the r.t. to take he said it before even became president i've not heard him saying why it's a bad deal he makes it sound like one of his trade deals but what's his problem with it. to be honest i very much doubt if mr trump really understands the complexity of the steel but what matters is that. the that he started his presidential campaign all the sixteen seventeen months ago he made the iran deal as part of the d n a or his foreign policy so over the last sixteen and seventeen months he has been going on and on and on and on about this deal and the fact that this is the war still in history so this is no longer
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a foreign policy issue for him because even if you days time he decides to i don't know to stay with the deal is going to have some internal implications for him because after all which so many month he has been kind of threatening to get out of the deal if the european partners don't address his concern so if u.s. does with the deal without any doubt it will have some internal implications so he has created a situation for himself that he's between the devil and the dark blue sea of course most of his allies sit in the the european allies don't want him to get out of the deal but at the same time he has practically made can of that the situation be difficult for him if he wants to stay. can this agreement continue without the united states i mean the they break the deal of pay back out or is that is it enough that you've got several other countries so it was good it's not broken
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let's keep it. the thing is the situation was so uncertain until effectively a few hours ago a lot of people assume that if the united states' largest economy in the wall leaves the leaves the framework inevitably is going to create a situation where iranian going to leave as well because the iranians would assume that ok the u.s. is not part of this is this deal isn't going to be attractive enough so let's go back to a square one what if you hours ago we heard a very interesting statement from the iranian president which i mention all those assumptions now mr rouhani says that as long as we get what we want from this so-called iran deal even better if the united states. leaves leaves the deal of course this was a turning point and actually shed light on some of the uncertainties that we had
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over the last few months so now this is going to create a new set of dynamics supposedly if the iranians are going to be ok with a deal without the united states how the europeans plus china and russia can provide an attractive enough deal package for ford if the rainy and to persuade them and encourage them to kind of stay in that the after all the united states as the largest economy in the wall has a lot of power and as soon as the u.s. to start imposing those nasty sanctions is going to create a lot of problematic and serious impediment support iranian economy so this is still extremely uncertain yes the iranian president said potentially we can live without the u.s. when it comes to the future of iran deal but we're not sure how. the russian
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chinese and the european counterparts going to kind of create and provide a package which would save the iran deal in the future supposedly of the american exit from the existing framework and finally based on what you just said and i know it's conditional but if iran were to stay within the agreement will that affect donald trump's thinking because surely it would be highly embarrassing of the u.s. to pull out of the deal and then find that actually they were needed anyway and have no effect i mean it is already extremely embarrassing for for the united states this is this is a dismissive this deal is a binding international law it has been kind of negotiated between iran and many of the powers in europe in asia.


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