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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2018 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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no you have i would go along to meet you on the ballpark show four times for your daughter or to one of your status with us out of you're going to make your get out of milk but not. here for us so we. must just strike away cruise could all go. on you so. lovable to not. look a lot like the as. she sees her you could fall in the routine. and you can become a scene. in time for venting. when
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the whole make its manufacture get sentenced to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent. with no middle of the room sick. doing the rounds i mean really anything. but politicians to do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. for something i want to. let you go right to the press was like before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the lines of our. question.
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welcome back to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter we're discussing trumps foreign policy. let me go back to georgia new york in interesting thing with its mccrone visit and when we have to resume her. domestic crisis is that home we i'm thinking of the salisbury alleged chemical weapons attack then we had the attack on syria and it really into is interesting to me how they talk about syria now we had mccrone he said france and the u. u.s. and allies to quote build syria of tomorrow oh by the way the united states is making it illegal for other companies countries and companies to actually help syria rebuild it can't be in the part of syria where they do mass to government
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house control so george it's about exactly one hundred years ago we had sykes pekoe it rejoin the middle east it seems like imperial habits die really hard and on top of that don't you think france the united states and its allies help the syrian people a no go ahead george. yeah there that's exactly right it was hilarious listening to macro on discussing syria and this role that the end of the france was going to play in syria that there's even realize that a few days earlier. the syrians were celebrating a day of independence independence when france evacuated syria that's that's that's what the syrians are celebrating the departure of the french the idea that they can now going to be welcoming their former colonial masters with open arms is
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a lot of bull but i do think that the american french british policy in syria is actually rather dangerous because while this is a they have no real prospect of winning because they don't have any likely candidates who can form any sort of a government in syria what they can do is to prevent any kind of a settlement in syria and i think that's really what they're going to try and do which is to prevent any kind of consolidation of syrian government control because all the various candidates i mean the americans proposal for the s.d.f. we which is a largely kurdish that's. not no go because the turks don't want them and the syrians are not going to accept kurdish rule and so there that's that. so what they're going to try and do is i think keep the the the war going blodgett
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by feeding again the various jihadi is and therefore just like your prevent what they see as russian consolidation in syria and i think that's the danger and i do think that ukraine is also dangerous think there's a new two there is there are still very powerful forces within washington notably the john bolton's. the pair's who want to stir up ukraine and relaunch some kind of a war that it well i and they've got to daniel there's a secret western mainstream media doesn't take any interest in these things but i'm a lot closer to this situation and things are getting to a boiling point in ukraine that's why may is going to be a very hot hot month oh right before fee for the world cup in moscow i'm sure there is no connection there ok daniel i mean you know we're looking at syria we could talk a little bit maybe about ukraine and some more later but you know you have this flip
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flopping going back and forth and i'm going to agree with michael i think that trump is really expressing the views of his base that they don't like these foreign entanglements these interventions and the terrible waste of money when he wants to get an investment bill passed in the united states which desperately needs an improvement in infrastructure here so i mean he seems to want to have both ways when he can't have both go ahead daniel. yes tweets and rhetoric aside from policy is always something to decipher with this president but i disagree with both of you a little bit on a few points one on nato there's not this grand am where france and germany and everyone are in love with us over nato and are going to reach their commitments and fact our commitment of two percent is bogus because we don't even count iraq or afghanistan intervention in or nato estimates and if we really included things properly there would be a little more of
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a balance but none of that has worked out and also backing off of ukraine i guess i'm agreeing with you peter and disagreeing with michael a bit we did not back off of ukraine whatsoever and i have spoken on this program many times on the proxy war with ukraine and with syria and sanctions that are meant as part of a geo political bipolar scheme of ours with china and south korea to counter russia on natural resources in the arctic and we're trying to bankrupt russia from being able to develop up there and in fact over the last two weeks i mean i get new news on that all the time where we're demanding that the waterway be open for international development and traffic as well as what we're doing in syria to continue to back allow the turks to do what they're doing in the north working with europe and now encouraging the gulf to come in and develop and
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basically take over northern syria trump spoke with mccrone and basically talked about how it was allers an orange territory. spanning into the mediterranean and that's why i mentioned sykes biko because that was the partition and this is what they want to do is another provision of this michael you know one of the things that's happened in the last week or so and i jump one you want to finish your point go ahead go ahead go ahead daniel finish your yeah i was going to say one one final point none and. venture is not trump space trump space that tea party thirty six percent are all neo cons and hawks as well of the baby boomer generation so well that rhetoric sometimes works because that might be what trump is thinking for the minute or not they are that john bolton's and might bump am i that the nerve and you know what you have always and you know it's very there it was there was a really interesting post mortem of the two thousand and sixteen election and there is evidence very strong evidence that a number of counties were flipped because of the anti-war sentiment that they were
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democrats but they were they they actually supported trump's noninterventionist views so i would differ with on michael i have a much bigger question to ask you over the last week or so we've heard these murmurings that. france and the united states. and great britain want to start going around the security council of the united nations so they can pursue their syria policy i find this really very troublesome and gained risk here because we have to remember what the security council was a stablish for in the first place it was to make sure that we'd never be another third war third world war and now they were these major powers and we're talking in like nineteenth century terms again these great powers they don't want to use international institutions they have poor international law or they're just above it that is very dangerous because it's dysfunctional is the u.n. is it the you want united nations security council actually works the way it's
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supposed to where you don't have a coalition of great powers that brush aside the concerns of others here i find it truly disturbing and if the same powers one hundred exactly one hundred years later they carved up the middle east and they want to do it again go ahead michael. the u.s. is in a difficult position i think of. trying to restrain developments that could really up and world i don't know stability peace whatever you want to call. ideal situation that still better than the worst and this kind of pushing locally is what israel and saudi arabia are doing viz of iran you see that in qatar and then also what you mentioned the meddling britain and france which have been doing it in syria well for two hundred fifty years and of course when i talked about the u.s. aggressive in this in ukraine i was referring to secretary of state clinton and i
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think the u.s. needs to pull back in the off with the positive effect of seeing to meet the needs of the base reining in the neo cons who are not yet completely in control and not pursuing policies that will inevitably lead to war while at the same time looking strong so this i think brings us to the nub of current the current vector of mr trump which is to make a deal with korea which is outside of the realms that we've been talking about and that would give of his administration the sufficient authority then to more effectively rein in israel britain france saudi arabia's that are causing all sorts of pesky problems and might create a basis for coming to some kind of agreement with mr putin in the future
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and that vehicle for that the framework for that has not been established but that doesn't mean it cannot be established so it's a it's a very fine line i think the president is trying to to follow well there's so many opportunities that are being squandered left and right that's what makes this such a. dangerous and tragic time you know you know george you know let's look at the reputational issue here i've said it many times in this program here trump wants to tear up the randy a well he wants to make a deal with the koreans i mean i mean it you that's kind of our do you know i mean because because the next minute administration comes in and they're going to renege is well i mean the united states puts itself in such an awkward hypocritical position by doing that particularly again i don't like giving credit to barack obama i really don't but this was a good deal ok and i'd like to correct the president of the united states all that money that they got it was their mind be it was their assets it wasn't
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a gift everybody knew it was paulson arms deal they didn't completely go through in the one nine hundred seventy s. in four hundred million dollars and they had to pay interest on it so no there was no gift to iran go ahead george reputation issue. of course. if absolutely correct and that's all point i mean that it's very hard to see how any kind of agreement is possible in north korea because the north korean leaders would be absolutely insane to give up their nuclear capability in return for want in return for an empty american promise that we won't attack you why would anyone want to believe that you know once trump goes the next president whether it's pens or nikki haley will immediately go back on had agreements and would indeed attack north korea so. it would be an absolutely insane policy to go for i just going back to what you were saying that about the. going to the united nations general
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assembly i mean it's so hilarious because the only power that has actually been acted in accordance with international law on the syria has been russia russia is in syria in the curriculums with international dangers at the rejoinder. i'll be near a legitimate government job in syria gentlemen we've run out of time i hope i never will ever say president nikki haley that's all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests in washington and in new york and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r.t. see you next time and remember across the. ministry's police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does my mike will still be on the board just one from the good guys dog of this dome is going to come to the woods as the three that you got on into this it's
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a must assume like the proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that it's such a security risk when you have a black box operating to the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that to think office can put us in a moment no thanks what we call softness of these missiles is the selling distance of the warm local the will flow through most of these two groups. with. the us this is the. post i'm done with the old patient stop and it was listing of phone calls and from his up and his cards and the fine. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way was going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous is
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a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure to come out you have to go i mean eighty percent of the beach will tell we're with you and we will show the great game the grit to get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball in the. let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one it was also appreciate me to just take the radio theology team's latest edition may go up as we go so i need to just say look . put in lives by two things by his emotion and he is. in the long can he place a very long lead he says so to speak of long distance rather than politics and that's the way they underestimate the.
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united states can always had a tool to use and it's a tax on other countries. economic sanctions or are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries attorney talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there would be change.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be. for rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust. a plate for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside. the ball isn't
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only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending shouldn't twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to show what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chance for. a nice minute. play. play play. play
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. sooner than expected donald trump is promising he'll now announce his decision on the iran nuclear deal tomorrow days earlier than had been planned it comes just as britain's foreign secretary is in washington attempting to save the agreement. officially sworn in as russian president to waste no time making cabinet decisions for a fourth also to car. pool with me. is only one tries to kill hundreds of interpreters who work for the british army in afghanistan face deportation from the u.k. even though they were promised asylum by law.
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very good evening money this is r.t. international. donald trump's decision on the iran nuclear deal is set to be announced earlier than was expected and the u.s. president has tweeted recently that he will reveal all at two pm tomorrow washington time this sudden declaration comes on the same day that the british foreign secretary had been in the u.s. capitol trying to persuade the president stayed to stick with the deal or stills and didn't get a chance to speak to the president himself so next best thing he thought he went on t.v. to deliver his thoughts johnson gave an interview to fox and friends that's been branded by the media as being trump's favorite show. the president has been right to call attention to it but you couldn't do that without just throwing the baby out with the bath water without scrapping the whole thing because if you do that you have to answer the question what next well the possibility of trump pulling out of
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the iran deal has sent the entire international community into a frenzy at the foreign secretaries first stop in d.c. with fox and friends he decided to deliver his message via trump's favorite t.v. show boris johnson has already met with secretary pompei and he even tweeted quote honored to be the first foreign minister to visit secretary pompei in washington he's not the first european official that's tried to warn the u.s. against leaving the deal president mccrone and chancellor merkel even visited washington d.c. to discuss the matter but they were unable to convince trump otherwise he isn't them we believe it's better to have this agreement even if it's not perfect and you have no agreement. the iran do you know it is not sufficient to see that iran's ambitions are curbed and contained it is most important to recognize is that iran through its ballistic missile program is trying to exert geo political influence in syria and lebanon. the solid bust verifiable
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agreed that guarantees that iran will not nuclear weapons to denounce it without proposing anything else would be a serious mistake not respecting it would be irresponsible. and you know we should acknowledge that the current agreements doesn't allow us to address all of the issues among the things not covered by the iran nuclear deal is iran's activity in the region of the the u.s. is divided along partisan lines and it's mostly democrats who want to uphold what's widely regarded as obama's only foreign policy achievement according to many pundits on t.v. here but believe it or not the republican chair of the house armed services committee advised against leaving the deal to. you know what he had to say i'm not necessarily opposed to sticking with this new york forever but you need to have a clearer idea of about next steps if we are going to pull out so it looks like there is both a domestic and international effort to convince trump against killing the deal
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trump will be and now seeing his decision at two pm from the white house tomorrow so what does have to wait and see what happens foreign policy specialist at the university of tehran for design he told us what steps iran could take if trump scraps that nuclear deal he's receiving some encouragement from people like bibi netanyahu. there's a segment of the in the united states that's also encouraging him and what some of the people around him like. john bolton are saying is that they're basically telling him you get out of the agreement and you put more pressure on iran they want to change they want to change the government of iran. and. the result is going to be. iran gets out of the need to do regular met if u.s. does iran may actually get out of the nonproliferation treaty if trump continues
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with this type of policies. but ima putin has been officially sworn in as washroom president almost two months after he won the election. it's been six years since the last ceremony and it can be seen as well in the number of small phones visible in the audience as people attempt to capture the event auntie's it has done enough reports from the kremlin on what else was different this time. lattimer putin who is known to be sometimes fashionably sometimes not so fashionably late well this time he was right on time with work
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like a swiss clock i should say and really this ceremony had a very fresh spirit compared to the previous ones for instance the city center of moscow was not blocked off for traffic but instead lattimer putin got a call in his office and then we saw him walk all the way to the east and to this palace now he also rode for briefly with his motorcade and for the first time apparently he preferred to his usual mercedes benz limousine a new one russian made cortege which literally translates as a motorcade it is a new vehicle designed specifically for the russian president it is in its main feature is how well protected it is it is rumored that it can basically would stand being hit by mortar rounds so this is what we know so apparently it was probably the first time that he actually rode that vehicle now he got in here he walked
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through these magnificent kremlin who are scrambling palace walls said an old and then he delivered a speech and basically the first thing that we gathered from that speech is that he does not expect this presidency to be easy and we have to keep up with the global changes to create an agenda of groundbreaking development so that no obstacle is a circumstance which could prevent us from determining our future by ourselves we go through realizing our most ambitious plan is your dreams so. well also vladimir putin made a very big emphasis. on the responsibility he says he's feeling in front of all the people of russia he's focused much and will in all of the internal the domestic policies of russia on the domestic affairs in his speech rather than on the foreign policy. for instance he tried his speech to try to be very unifying you cried
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you made a visual a very vivid effort of trying to unite the nation in these in these times numbers and. we need breakthroughs in all spheres of life i strongly believe that only a free modern society that is ready for change and innovation what it was like rejects injustice extreme conservatism and excess bureaucracy only such a society can achieve this kind of progress i believe that the main basis for the development of our country is the unity of the free responsible civil society and a democratic government alone after delivering that speech vladimir putin was pretty much on his way and the russian government has already disbanded itself it has already we signed which is a normal of course procedure in this situation so the next thing the next big sensations that we could expect is from vladimir putin's new appointments as to who's going to go in to be the prime minister of cause this is the main intrigued
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as to the key positions the key ministerial positions also many of them remain remain uncertain so this is definitely something to look forward to after the ceremony the president immediately got to work and signed a decree that outlined a plan for the country's next six years under his administration he also announced the incumbent prime minister and former president dmitri medvedev as his pick for the leading position in the new government. dmitri medvedev in britain tried to make putin's longtime sidekick russia's prime minister in strength. and arguably the most tech savvy official in russia. he's also a big fan of rocky's live and live. like a soldier was living in a. listen
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. is a quick sign of how he got to be in this country second to mom a. lot seats are illegal consoles and for that matter some pizza place in one thousand nine hundred seventy and says the millennium as an election she appreciates campaign season winds and yet that it becomes the chief of staff a couple of years later i see thousand employees he's the first deputy prime minister and then two thousand acres and with a new russian president yes to be transparent so what was his timeline was when modernization pushing the reset button relation to our military comes five days south said he was triggered by georgia. but. having finished his presidency effective switch is about to change a role reversal of the.


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