tv News RT May 8, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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at that table when we saw the meeting that the south korean president gave a u.s.b. drive to kim jong un and on the. u.s.b. drive was a plan to implement an economic structure to take place after denuclearization that full power forward to making at what he called sort of. a wealthy north east asian country and this was in the part of that and so the road map is based on three economic belts on the current korean peninsula and connecting them with the chinese and russian economies developing would be called an economic community of some sort in northeast asia so if the korean peninsula can unify and they could be running and this is there's a lot of projects railroads energy these are all things in there that say look it's time for us to go to the u.s. . but i'm going to china and russia and north korea and i don't know neighbors are doing nothing for it's not about spreading freedom it's always about money all right as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think
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of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter zero zero shows that are. coming up our team sold as you know so i'm told sometimes the talks less to discuss her upcoming special on transparency in government and if it actually leads to more or less corruption or findings just may shock you so definitely stay true to it watchable.
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the united states can only step tools it's news and it's a tax on other countries. economic sanctions or are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries a talking about. and there must be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because i. believe i am a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest of. us without us there would be change. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic developments only
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transparency is one of the hottest buzzwords in modern politics reporters on the d.c. the good government advocates and critics of government policy alike all tend to preach the eat those of more transparency more oversight and bring an end to the proverbial smoke filled back rooms but for all the merits of legislators disclosing every vote taken every word uttered during the lawmaking process can transparency be a double edged sword with so much of our government now subject to strict oversight requirements perhaps it's worth asking who is really doing all this oversight and why and does our tease for data sent us finds in her upcoming special report corrupt transparency some of the answers may be not just counterintuitive but downright shocking. the work of congress is
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a matter of public record billions and billions of bleach so there's a joy that you lose the oversight to control the real power belongs to the rich representatives. with the money always watch. transparent should know where. bridget joins us now is a very very investigation shed some light on who benefits most from the transparency we've been busy enforcing on capitol hill welcome for gita. either to have a. zero or you want to know we get to ask you questions as opposed to your role or to just say we're you're always asking questions. so apart you the special expanded into part saying that just because of the really amazing voice throughout the promo there. we go look we've grown accustomed to the. sea always being
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a good big name you know watching the hearts of so speaks to that oversight that we all like to promote but you appear to have covered the downside of transparency can you tell us a little bit more about that. yes so this entire topic that i went down is totally counterintuitive even to myself and as i was reading all of these studies i was thinking surely this can't be real but it turns out it is now transparency has basically become a weapon of the establishment it's been corrupted to the point that now it's being used by special interest groups and lobbyists to hold members of congress accountable now the mainstream narrative is that we as citizens will be the ones to hold congress accountable if we can see everything that they're doing but unfortunately it is nearly impossible for an average citizen to follow congress and keep track of every single thing that they're doing because a single committee can have over a million pages of documents but when it comes to lobbyists and special interest
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groups they can hire teams of people to pore over every single word in the legislation and then they for they can therefore attend all of these market sessions and to get the laws passed that will benefit them rather than passing laws that are beneficial to the people and popular by the people which is why we so often do not see laws being passed that the people want which respond to some of the transparency requirements on capitol capitol hill it seems from from your investigation that they seem to benefit lobbyists a heck of a lot more than they benefit your average you know inquiring voter do you think that that this is by accident or budget by design. i think this was totally by accident and i don't even think people that are taking advantage of transparency in this manner aren't even aware of what is going on a lot of reforms took place in the one nine hundred seventy s. sunshine reforms that now required all of our congress members votes to be put on
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the public record and around that time is when you start seeing all these insane changes and disparities in wealth inequality partisanship a lot of these things started getting worse and it does directly correlate with when we started requiring congress members to put their votes on the record and a lot of people don't realize that prior to the one nine hundred seventy s. before these laws were enacted the lobbyists were confined to the lobby they were in the lobby that's why they were called lobbyists but as soon as these votes and sessions were opened invited not only the public in but it did invite all of the special interest groups inside as well and so they've been taking advantage of transparency unfortunately. in the year old is to be like most average citizens never they know lobbyist politicians. but we need more transparency because see what's going on and it's interesting to see this turned on its head now we all know that one of the most infamous concepts in politics is the kind of proverbial smoke
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filled back room. internet way in which political decisions were made behind closed doors with cigars and minimal transparency are some transparency advocates saying that we might need to bring that idea back to the small bill back room back in order to help out special interests and how can we trust that to work. transparency advocates are not saying that it's people who are looking at this and saying maybe transparency has been too much of a good thing and maybe we should dial it back so it's people who are actually looking at this there are a bunch of researchers out of harvard who have been investigating this very closely giving great examples which i do go over in my special but basically they are looking at it and going back to when the constitution was drafted back in those days our founding fathers did not want the votes to be public because they were worried that factions would start influencing how people would vote so they actually had a gag order they kept everybody out who was not involved in the process and kept it
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secret for that very purpose and we tend to forget about history and forget about how it used to be back then but what's interesting about that was the question of how do you hold how does the public hold elected official what culpable if they don't actually know how that person voted when push came to shove if it's a. secret then. yeah that's an important thing but again all of the research that i've looked at shows that the average citizen cannot and does not follow congress because they simply cannot again it's this illusion when is the last time any of us were able to hold any elected officials accountable regardless of how many crimes or things that they've done that are in the public we see them we all complain about them we show them on the news every day but when has anything actually resulted in actual accountability and again i'm only talking about transparency in the legislative branch i'm not talking about in the executive branch you know wanting to see trump's tax returns i'm not talking about
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transparency in the judicial branch it's strictly in the legislative branch but you're seeing all of these problems although i would say that it's worth an investigation into those other issues well the great point you bring up a great point and i think one of the things that's so important is that those are the politicians that you have the most control over as a voted for this and i feel. those are the ones that are controlling those big decisions in washington washington there are those conduits and they should be like someone should be looking at what they do and it shouldn't be up to these lobbyist to be deciding what's right for the american people which brings me to sort of corporate interests in the research and interviews you did what are some of the most glaring instances of corporate influence you've discovered that that our viewers should pay more attention to. so i'll give you a recent one in terms of the parkland shooting in florida they held a vote for the members of congress to come in and vote whether they wanted to ban
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a ar fifteen style rifles now when they were required to vote by voice which does not attach a legislator's name to their vote they agreed to ban these weapons but just seconds later when they were asked to go on record and vote by roll call which does attach their individual names to their votes the vote reversed and they did not agree to the ban and that's because the national rifle association gives all of those people in florida so much money and you can actually see the ones you can cross examine them and see which legislators voted no on that and how much money they've taken from the n.r.a. and it's not just corporate interests in the united states it's also foreign companies so you have massive pharmaceutical companies oil giants weapons manufacturers you name it they are all in there. influencing the policies of america. seems like corporate influence in politics has been surging in them you know as you say you bring up other other interests as
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well with lobbyists now more prominent in the capitol than ever before maybe go back to boss tweed you know any recent law changes or rulings that have fueled this rise or you know why are we seeing this many lobbyists today. draining. well it goes back to that legislative reorganization act of one nine hundred seventy that did. open up the committees to the public and lobbyists but then you also have the citizens united versus the federal elections commission which allows corporations to funnel unlimited amounts of money into campaign advertisements so these are ads that are either pro candidates or anti candidates and they basically just influence public opinion and therefore your votes so this is something that people just have not looked at they don't investigate it they widely accept this narrative that transparency is super amazing and really allows people to hold congress members accountable but that simply just is not the case if you actually
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look at the data and the actual facts it's just completely an illusion. have you spoken to you about this suggests any proposals or is ideas that because it's sort of this thing you want to know how your congress person voted in order to decide whether you want to vote for them but at the same time as you pointed out sometimes shielding those votes give them more ability to do what's right when not being pressured to define any more any suggestions or proposals from the people you talk to about how we can fix this. yes so one suggestion is to repeal that legislative reorganization act specifically the amendments that require our congress members to vote publicly and to put them back on a secret ballot think about it when you and i go to the polls we vote with a secret ballot for the very reason of preventing voter fraud vote buying and intimidation so why would we not give that to our legislators as well because there
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is not much evidence to prove that they're easily bought off in that situation because they could change their votes they can lie to you and say ok i'll take your money all of in your favor a lot and then they can turn around and vote secretly but it's the exact opposite when lobbyists can now look at their votes and say you know what i know how you're voting i'm not going to get rending for your next election. great great points really what's happening great great point and definitely check out your special corrupt transparency airing on r t america tuesday five eight definitely check it out thank you so much for joining. once example of serenity a natural wonder the active volcano callaway in hawaii is coming back to reclaim our land over the last week three hundred ninety seven earthquakes a larger than two point five magnitude brought the southeast section of the big island in hawaii with these strongest one six point nine ripping fissures into the ground it is these fisher is that are putting the people in homes in the area at risk the fishers because they're spewing lava leading to more eruptive sejour so
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for so far over thirty five homes and buildings have been destroyed according to u.s. geological survey lava shooting over three hundred thirty feet into the air about the height of big ben in london a model of a has spread over nearly four hundred thousand square feet when you ask residents what they think it will stop when they think it will stop they'll tell you to ask hey let the volcano goddess who governs the lava flow of kellaway hopefully the earth eating goddess is full soon and the people of the island stay safe in the meantime all right ladies and gentlemen that is our show for you to day remember everyone in this world we are not told we love them up so it's all you all i love you i am i robot and i'm tapped a lot of people are watching those talks another great day and later.
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preached. to the right to be prosperous like the hopeful tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the lawyers and my colleagues. first said. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport that's less i'm show business i'll see you than.
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this i was told headlines on r.t. u.s. president donald trump says he will announce his decision on the iran nuclear deal cues today it comes as britain's foreign secretary pays a last minute visit to washington in a bid to save the agreement. pick for cia chief is preparing to be grilled by the senate. is implicated in the agency's notorious torture program. and museum workers say they're being targeted by polish nationalists who demanded only poles be allowed to work with official guides of the former concentration camp .
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just becoming now a midmorning on tuesday april the eighth this is international and we have your top wall headlines but this. showman that he is donald trump has left the world waiting on his word in expectation it's after he fired off a tweet saying he would decide on the fate of the iran nuclear deal on tuesday in about nine hours from now the u.s. president's threat to scrap the deal has certainly set off alarm bells in europe british foreign secretary boris johnson paid a last minute visit to washington in a bid to sway his thinking on the matter johnson met with newly appointed secretary of state. and appeared on trump's favorite t.v. show. the president has been right to call attention to it but you couldn't do that without just throwing the baby out with the bathwater without scrapping the whole thing because if you do that you have to answer the question what next foreign
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secretaries first stop in d.c. was fox and friends why well johnson wasn't able to speak to the president so he decided to deliver his message via trump's favorite t.v. show he's not the first european official that's tried to warn the us against leaving the deal the german and french foreign ministers have stated that there's no justifiable reason to pull out of the deal and before that president mccrone and chancellor merkel even visited washington d.c. to discuss the matter but they were unable to convince trump otherwise we could open a pandora's box there could be a war i don't think that donald trump wants war well the u.s. is divided along partisan lines and it's mostly democrats who want to uphold what's widely regarded as obama's only foreign policy achievement according to many pundits on t.v. here but believe it or not the republican chair of the house armed services committee advised against leaving the deal check out what he had to say i'm not necessarily opposed to sticking with this deal forever but you need to have
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a clear idea about next steps if we are going to pull out so it looks like there's both a domestic and international effort to convince trump against killing the deal we'll just have to wait and see what happens. meanwhile. former secretary of state john kerry foreshadowed diplomacy the ex diplomat reportedly met iran's foreign minister at the u.n. but the two allegedly discussed ways of preserving the pact time about with the obama administration the iran nuclear deal was reached back in twenty fifteen between tehran and five permanent u.n. members plus germany a negotiation is had taken over nine years under the agreement iran is obliged to limit its uranium enrichment in return for the lifting of sanctions and amid a trump threats to scrap the whole deal iran's president hinted that his country may continue to comply with its terms in any case we discuss the issue with political analyst and ali who thinks trump's brinksmanship could end in war.
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germany has tried. no one seems to get through to trump except netanyahu the war hawks in the white house such as bolton and pompei oh and this is i think one of the biggest problems of odd now will be pushing harder harder harder to get a war with iran with the deal did visit going to be a lot more warmongering you'll have accusations w m d's like we had in two thousand and two two thousand and three in the run up to iraq if the iraqis pretty gross decimated libya is being decimated yemen is being decimated. well the president promised pick for cia director gina hospital is gearing up for a senate grilling candidacy is controversial as she is implicated in the scandal surrounding the agency's so-called enhanced interrogation techniques. that guns dia has more. trump's really pushing gina haskell is the perfect candidate strong really strong smart tough and with
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thirty years of judy behind her so why all the hate one highly respected nominee for cia director gina her support has come on the floor because she was too tough on terrorists think of that in these very dangerous times we have the most qualified person or woman who democrats want out because she is too tough on terror when jeana tough and terrorists meaning she ran a secret cia detention center where she those under her reportedly tortured prisoners by the way the videotapes which allegedly documented some of the most horrific tortures were destroyed by the cia tough woman all right with years of experience in an immoral torture and any other reasons to vouch for her there's no one more qualified to be the first woman to lead the cia than thirty plus years
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cia veteran gina has spoke any democrat who claims to support women's empowerment and our national security but opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite interesting how someone's gender is now a factor when selecting a new cia head great argument as well that's like telling all black people all white people to only vote for the candidate of their skin color and people aren't buying that argument torture sarah to choose the reason why she's not qualified if you ridiculous trump loving idiots feminism is about ensuring that women have the same rights and opportunities as men it also means holding women as accountable as man i oppose any torture of male or female for cia director that's like saying if you're going to be a group monger. refused to eat one of jack the ripper his prime cuts of meats your hypocrite women's empowerment is about getting their rights women nominated for the
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job not just one with seniority now gina who apparently had no problem torturing tied up suspects is allegedly squeamish about the confirmation hearing all those tough questions in public might prove too much but trump has a back don't tell me it doesn't work to what your works ok folks you know have these go torture doesn't work believe me it works ok trump was applauded for that and many are of course against haskell and for their troubles they're targeted with this president trump is nominated hospital lead the cia but rand paul is opposing her confirmation falsely accusing her of torturing did lunch right up there was a big ask you did exactly what our country ask of her and what was necessary to keep us safe call round with mine to washington to represent us. fortunately those resisting on capitol hill alone one hundred nine retired generals
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and admirals have urged the u.s. senate to reconsider given her ties to you know torturing human beings as a retired general and flag officers of the united states military we are deeply troubled by the prospect of someone who appears to have been intimately involved in torture being elevated to one of the most important positions of leadership in the intelligence community with this much opposition to gina haskell's nomination the job is still far off but make no mistake if the former torture a gets the job despite everything many many people will cheer and applaud. workers at the memorial site of the former nazi death camp auschwitz say they've become the target of a hate campaign waged by polish. nationalists they've also denounced an increase in anti semitic incidents since a controversial holocaust speech more was passed in the country earlier this year
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most recently the home of an italian guide at the concentration camp was vandalized with swastikas and xenophobic slogans including poland for the pole only polish guides at auschwitz and polish nationalists have accused officials at the memorial site of downplaying the death of known jewish polish prisoners in the camp by focusing instead on his jewish victims. what we hear is that people who died here mostly were jews that's a lie let me speak and so it is the government of israel and jews polish jews especially our attacking us they make us look bad. auschwitz museum officials also say they've been victims of a wave of online harassment and fake news reportedly incited by nationalists have also denied claims the museum's activities have not been representative enough of polish jews poland's new holocaust speech law bans claims the country collaborated
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with nazi germany during world war two specifically the legislation prohibits references to wartime nazi death camps in the country as being polish those in violation of the law face up to three years behind bars and since being passed in february the law has met with a backlash in particular from israel and the united states why the polish government has seen fit to come up with this legislation for beating people to have an opinion about the guilt or lack thereof of the polish nation it is bad for governments to try and regulate culture and history and literature. why no one can understand what why they would like to have some control over the narrative but it is all in all that bad practice the history of no matter where.
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