tv News RT May 8, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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highlands was as protocol. donington disdain said standing stock poor. because of a virus of adult i belong to be on the ball park so please tell me it was a joke or not it will start to put us out of you're going to think oh get out of dope but see. the so you call me out we all goes to strike and we're cruise could all go. on you so. called course last week on the back it was a lot darker. cheesy so you could fall in the routine.
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and you can become a scene. in time for venting. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all judges but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous is a huge government and the huge amount of pressure come out you have to go meet the center of the poll with you and do so with all the great the great good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down there we have to go. alone until the morning you know and i really had to join the fall of two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one i was old. sure needs to
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just say the reno biagi team's latest edition may go up if we go seventy but a jersey look. at that your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last bang turn. it up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry for me i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a game still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that
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mainstream media has met its maker. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies who create interviewed by the socialist simple song alone even if i'm going to guess will elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over the utilities many by the telus drop off. list you guys you got to be well on the back of my because. i've been this is a member of us to quote them out of your. home or your valuable bill if bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water is about water but it's also over much more and more it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all as to birds and their debt down wars the war and all.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to boulder colorado and speak with michael krieger of liberty blitzkrieg dot com michael is the poet laureate of the debt apocalypse michael welcome back wow route that was really kind of you know it's not good that's the best description of my work i've ever heard thank you. all right let's get into it now you've written extensive four part series talking about the road to twenty twenty five we're going to get into that a second but first your thoughts on facebook's results they just reported some results they were showing great growth americans signed up in increasing numbers to
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their social media network despite all the news about the data being sold first buying purposes what are your thoughts on this. yeah it's depressing but unsurprising you know it's one of these things that people people have just become so reliant on facebook and so addicted to it i mean i think you know that it's been proven that facebook is extremely addictive so you know people can't stop looking at it they're totally canet they feel like it would lose a part of themselves if they got off of facebook and you know i even have personal experiences in my life with people who were outraged by what came out and they're still on facebook so you know there were a lot of public people saying they deleted facebook but then as far as people in my everyday life you know i don't really actually know anyone that deleted facebook because of this so far as testimony before congress saying that they're arresting and there. is a lot of word smithing to get around the idea that they are spying on people in congress i don't think really stepped up because domestic spying of this type is
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illegal they should be in jail at this moment congress failed their thought oh yeah i mean it will cause congress than anything the they can't even they can't even handle war anymore you know the president just goes it strikes countries and congress doesn't even say anything so i mean congress to me is sort of like this decision organ it doesn't even do anything i don't even know why we have a congress i'm going to pretend we have a democracy at this at this stage but yeah i mean look facebook the craziest thing with that is the fact that you could not even have a facebook account and facebook has got on you just through your friends so the whole the whole thing is out of control nobody knows how to stop it or nobody cares how to stop it and yeah it's i mean it's a depressing reality but one of the things i've said from for a long time is you know for me i think our answer and it might it's probably going to take a while it might take a whole nother generation it's not addicted to facebook but we need to get to social media should be open source code that's that's my big thing and i think any social the fact that human beings are willing to exist on
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a platform like facebook with these this for profit that consists of these hidden black box algorithms that you have no idea what's go. behind the scenes i think is crazy actually i think it's sort of crazy so hopefully we'll move on as a species to something better facebook seems like the worst solution to connecting with people around the world ok so you talk about open source network let's put this in a context a little bit you know the free open source software movement otherwise known as foss was something really started in a big way by our good friend his name richard stallman who was very active in the space we had him on the show before the idea that open source should really be prevalent in the internet and in cyberspace as opposed to these walled gardens and of course through the open source project we have saying various projects we've seen the rise of such open source projects as bitcoin accent or a but you started out on wall street you started out as
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a financial guy and now you're talking about open source software and what's the transition there so in other words the question being that. you are open source is not really a profit motivated technology for the most part you know it's like linux and other open source projects are not profit driven it's more of a community driven it's a communitarian project if you will or as wall street obviously is red blooded private enterprise is there a natural transition to this michael is that it was a break in your the way you think or is there or was there a step by step way you got to this point michael yeah a great question so definitely a step by step process as you know you know being on wall street a lot of people like to say you know there are reasons for being there but to be honest you know ninety nine point nine percent of people that are on wall street to be almost are there for one reason and one reason only and it's to make a lot of money and so you know it's it's sort of you're not thinking altruistically
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you know you're thinking about how much money can me within the system to do whatever i want with that money later on so. yes to switch from that too to the idea of open source open source software seems like a huge leap but for me yeah i was a multi-step process person was there's been a national crisis which opened my eyes to how fraudulent the system was the fact that people that were sitting on wall street who were the last people that should be getting bailed out were getting bailed out and then i started to dig deeper and i saw that the whole system was essentially predatory and rigged and so that you know that was like the first moment that opened my eyes but then bitcoin being open source code is what really made me realize the power of this sort of a movement because if you think about it one of the main skepticisms that people have about the coin when they first hear about it is will there's a back door or you know if there's malicious code or excel or like conspiracy theories like that but the fact that it is open and free is that is that is a huge selling point typically because you can always report to those people and tell them listen the code is there it's all open and people have been poring
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through it for nearly a decade now so so i think that's really crucial when it comes to things that are fundamental to humanity so if we're talking about money i put money up there with water and food and you could say the same thing about peer to peer communication the idea that the idea that you need a profit motive to provide plan a platform for human beings around the world to talk to one another to me seems ridiculous and and i think that i think that a profit motive and closed you know proprietary code makes sense in the in plenty of things but as far as human beings communicating with each other freely around the world that's something that i think should be open source price and i you were really one of the first austrade guys to really pick up for josh brown picked up on it before a lot of other folks on wall street picked up on because i knew you were already writing about a first arrowheads which is widely read in the total financial community around the
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world and i want to ask you a little bit about bitcoin itself. because it do have a place in the community i think that unheralded to some degree because. you're not actually widely quoted in the big community and yet i think you are one of the most important people in the back like community if you look at the civil war that goes on between fed cawing and cash for example or the rise of. privacy cawing with etc what's your state of the crypto can manage a market as a whole you know putting error wall street had on for a second. can you give us kind of an oversight about that michael cure so what are the things that oh thanks for your kind comments and because i knew i wasn't as early as you but yes i've been talking about since two thousand and twelve because
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i have you know the wiki leaks blockade and how they were able to get around that with the coins but as far as the as far as the sort of debate i think one of the things we need to really recognize is when it comes to be cash. they tend to appeal to authority a little bit much for example whether it's roger there or this idea that the fakes the toshi was the real to toshi and he blesses bitcoin you know be cash. always made me very uncomfortable besides the fact that it was always obvious that craig right was just tore of the character in a wire so you know for me you know the big cooling between itself not be cash really impressed me last year by the fact that it was able you know the community especially the grassroots the rabble rousers on twitter were able to successfully push back against these season miners to to here to the principles that they believe in and you know as someone who was on wall street for ten years and has been an observer of the world. my entire life how often do you ever see the
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grassroots when i mean almost never happens and i felt like. last year in that scaling debate that the grassroots write the vocal kind of yapping you know people with no money behind them except for passion and a will to keep the coin decentralised actually won this argument so that's really encouraging and it's something that i can't remember seeing in any other aspect of governance politics geopolitics finance bailouts etc so that's why i think it's most important that the grassroots what's what and. my favorite shows or all the crap that network it got. mad about because it's and the vortex and people who i know from their handles and other actual names also trace mayer who i believe you met with recently as one of the very earliest adopters a because i and he's a guy is that correct you did meet with various recently and what were your
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thoughts about trey's i think traces railway one of the most it can point fingers in this space say you're a trusted source at a loss for a guy what were your thoughts a trace yes it well you're right there was a great denver big going meet up we had where a lot of the names you just mentioned were there which is which is great as i've never met any but we had them to mice to the big question meister hoffman. board tax was there thomas time to make you mad because and then trace mayor of course so yeah it's great to meet all these characters well crypto net sort of mafia i hang out with them but you know traces a very very interesting guy very instrumental to big me to have a tree a mayor multiple named after him and it was it was fun to you know watch him address the crowd and you know i when i find so interesting about him in particular because i i come from a similar pedigree let's say as far as you know being into gold and coming to bitcoin because we were so we were so passionate about how how how criminal and and
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various the u.s. dollar you know the federal reserve central banking in general system is and he's coming to good point from that exact. spot so we we have a lot of similarities in that regard and he was so early as well you know again it's you have to respect that because as you know a lot of gold bugs do still you know they still their head in the sand like ostrich is refusing to even consider it because he has a place in a post currency world so yeah it was great to meet him great to meet all of them right now it is a match of the top event the series called the road to twenty twenty five and i want to talk about it on a holiday over for another segment got about a minute left here but let's start talking about the road to twenty twenty five so first of all set it up for us what is the series that you have created over there i think it's probably a link from there i had to give us a little bit of a set up here actually so bad basically i'm talking about how the next you know
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let's say six and a half years are going to be a period where you're going to see more geo political transformations in how the world is sort of structured on a geo political basis since world war two because since world war two you had you the century had a unit polar american empire dominated world and my view is that by two thousand and twenty five not will completely be over and it's not to see the us weekly an important role i think it will but it will play a much less and. right so multi-polar world or heading into a us dollar loses their status as world reserve currency the rise of asia and other blocs so this is a good place to cut off air we're going to go for silent and but thanks for being on this episode of the kaiser report michael kroger of liberty blitzkrieg dot com sounds great all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max geyser and stay say the one and only herbert i want to thank michael kramer from liberty blitzkrieg dot com if you want to catch us on twitter
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as kaiser report but i must say goodbye so i'll say goodbye goodbye. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education as being supplanted by the right to access to education alone its high education is becoming just another product that can be bulletin sold under small just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you could also through. the funnel they could in the. want is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now i'm running stream or higher education the new global economic wall.
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applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spend the student twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else i want to do because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so well chance for. the bigs minute.
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the headlines in r.t. u.s. president donald trump says he'll announce his decision on the iran nuclear deal within the next few hours it comes as britain's foreign secretary pays a last minute visit to washington in a bid to safety karim and also to come from this controversial case the cia chief is preparing to be grilled by the senate in a hospital is implicated in the agency's the tourist torture program and workers at the museum say they are being targeted by polish nationalists demanding that only poles be allowed to work as official guides of the former concentration camp.
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so the welcome is just gone three o'clock this tuesday afternoon in moscow you're watching r.t. international the top story this hour donald trump has left the world waiting on his word an expectation once again he fired off a tweet saying he would decide on the fate of the iran nuclear deal later on tuesday in about five hours from now where the u.s. presence threat to scrap the deal has raised alarm in europe and british foreign secretary boris johnson did pay a last minute visit to washington in a bid to sway his thinking on the matter johnson met with the newly appointed secretary of state and appeared to be on trump's favorite t.v. show. the president has been right to call attention to it but you couldn't do that without just throwing the baby out with the bathwater without scrapping the whole thing because if you do that you have to answer the question what next foreign secretaries first stop in d.c. was fox and friends why well johnson wasn't able to speak to the president so he
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decided to deliver his message via trump's favorite t.v. show he's not the first european official that's tried to warn the us against leaving the deal the german and french foreign ministers have stated that there's no justifiable reason to pull out of the deal and before that president mccrone and chancellor merkel even visited washington d.c. to discuss the matter but they were unable to convince trump otherwise we could open a pandora's box that could be a war i don't think that donald trump wants war while the u.s. is divided along partisan lines and it's mostly democrats who want to uphold what's widely regarded as obama's only foreign policy achievement according to many pundits on t.v. here but believe it or not the republican chair of the house armed services committee advised against leaving the deal check out what he had to say i'm not necessarily opposed to sticking with this deal forever but you need to have a clearer idea of about next steps if we are going to pull out so it looks like
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there's both a domestic and international effort to convince trump against killing the deal we'll just have to wait and see what happens. well meanwhile trumper slammed the former secretary of state john kerry theft shadow diplomacy the next diplomats reportedly met iran's foreign minister at the u.n. where the two allegedly discussed ways of saving the deal hammered out with the a bomb or administration the iran nuclear agreement was reached back in twenty fifteen between tehran and five permanent un members plus germany the negotiations are taking over nine years and under the agreement iran is obliged to limit its uranium enrichment in return for the lifting of sanctions image from threats to scrap the deal iran's president hinted that his country may actually continue to comply with its terms in any case we discuss the issue with the political analyst and a silly he thinks that trumps brinkmanship could actually end in war. france's troy germany has tried. no one seems to get through to trump except mitt and you know
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who the war hawks in the white house such as bolton and pompei o. this is i think one of the biggest problems of our merl they'll be pushing harder and harder and harder to get a war with iran with the deal did was going to be a lot more warmongering you'll have accusations w m d's like we had in two thousand and two two thousand and three in the run up to iraq iraq is pretty similar to libya is being decimated yemen is being decimated or president trumps pick for cia director you know hospital is gearing up for a senate grilling her appointment is controversial or she was implicated in the agency's so-called enhanced interrogation techniques with more is more against the . trump's really pushing gina haskell is the perfect candidate strong really strong smart tough and with thirty years of juji behind her so why all the hate one highly respected nominee for cia
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director gina her support has come on before because she was too tough on terrorists think of that in these very dangerous times we have the most qualified person a woman who democrats want out because she is too tough on terror when gina toughen terrorists meaning she ran a secret cia detention center where she goes under her reportedly tortured prisoners by the way the videotapes which allegedly documented some of the most horrific tortures were destroyed by the cia tough woman all right with years of experience in the moral torture and any other reasons to vouch for her there's no one more qualified to be the first woman to lead the cia than thirty plus years cia veteran gina has spoke any democrat who claims to support women's empowerment and our national security but opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite interesting how someone's gender is now
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a factor when selecting a new cia head great argument as well that's like telling all black people all white people to only vote for the candidate of their skin color and people aren't buying that argument torture sarah to choose the reason why she's not qualified if you ridiculous trump loving idiots feminism is about ensuring that women have the same rights and opportunities as men it also means holding women as accountable as man i oppose any torture of male or female for cia director that's like saying if you claim to be a group. refused to eat one of jack the ripper his prime cuts of meat your hypocrite women's empowerment is about getting their rights women nominated for the job not just one with seniority now gina who apparently had no problem torturing tied up suspects is allegedly squeamish about the confirmation hearing all those
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tough questions and in public might prove too much but trump has her back don't tell me it doesn't work to what your works ok folks you know have these go torture doesn't work believe me it works ok trump was applauded for that and many are of course against haskell and for their troubles their targeted with this president trump is nominated house bill to lead the cia but rand paul is opposing the confirmation falsely accusing her of torturing good law it's right up there is a big ask you did exactly what our country asked of her and what was necessary to keep us safe call rep with mine washington to represent us. fortunately those resisting on capitol hill alone one hundred nine retired generals and admirals have urged the u.s. senate to reconsider given her ties to you know torturing human beings as
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a retired general and flag officers of the united states military we are deeply troubled by the prospect of someone who appears to have been intimately involved in torture being elevated to one of the most important positions of leadership in the intelligence community with this much opposition to gina haskell's nomination the job is still far off but make no mistake if the former torture a gets the job despite everything many many people will cheer and applaud. but i guess the of then i workers at the museum at the former nazi death camp say they've become the target of a hate campaign by polish national. this they're also concerned by an increase in anti-semitic incidents since the controversial holocaust speech law was passed in the country early this year most recently the home of an italian guide at the concentration camp was found alive with swastikas and xenophobia slogans including poland for the poles and only polish guides it's polish nationalists if accused
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officials memorial site of downplaying the death of non jewish polish prisoners in the camp by focusing on each jewish victims. what we hear is that people who died here mostly were jews that's a lie let me speak and so it is the government of israel and jews polish jews especially our attacking us they make us look bad. museum officials though say they've been the victims of a wave of online harassment and fake news reportedly incited by nationalists they've also denied the claims the museum's activities have not been represented if enough of polish use opponents knew holocaust speech law bans claims the country collaborated with nazi germany during world war see specifically the legislation prohibits references to war time nazi death camps in the country as being polish that is in violation of the law face up to three years behind bars since being
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passed in february the law has met with a backlash in particular from israel and the us why the polish government has seen fit to come up with this legislation for beating people to have an opinion about the guilt or lack thereof of the polish nation it is bad for governments to try and regulate culture and history and literature. while no one can understand what why they would like to have some control over the narrative but it is all in all that bad practice the history of no matter whether they are polish or foreign should be guards there and this should be. the standard everywhere in every museum or memorial and disclaim.
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