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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EDT

3:30 am
so lots of spectators would be there and. the formation of the so-called. young army movement which started a couple of years before so that is the kind of succession of generations who would take part in that event wonderful let's give our viewers that the full screen now let them watch it right general public see. that as you do it twenty eight thousand marks the one hundredth anniversary of the academy as a human if you can we put the academy graduates have always been holding commanding positions in the stirring up world war two for twenty four academy graduates served as commanders of feet eighty three of army's big cademy has been awarded for that military decorations but of course the.
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this is the parade of formation of the military university of the russian defense ministry that's led by the university superintendent of the major general if you get it mr it can get. late but i feel that you can use the university celebrate its one hundredth anniversary. you can ask me. would you for the first time be joining the parade are good formations healthy vessel fans to carry me but i led by academy principal lieutenant general. motors to get the cheering the war fifty seven academy graduates who were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with you today b.k. to meet produces with you here defense specialists for different. branches of the
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armed forces people that would be in the heat and i think it will be a. better deal than most of them but they are followed by the parade of formation of the military look just sticks academy rule led by its principal lieutenant general that you could get on the top of them and beat you up with plays night here with you eating the good of the putting you in the academy produces top notes or a logistics but specialists capable off performing barry's military and humanitarian missions. mean with very little but what you will joining the parade is the ship called ski and get out an air force academy representing the russian aerospace forces in the lead by the academy principal lieutenant general look at you not eat zebra all week
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that. was there but i feel that you can get immediate help but to imagine it will be ketamine is the key to the training center for air force pilots we air traffic controllers using military meteorologists and yet i would strongly call warfare specialists when he. stood he was kind to me graduates have been awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and of the russian federation. like us really pushing people that they should parade formation of the amish ski military space academy is led by academy principal to major general mark seems been called that yet. if you you know you were meant to be has
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the credo get it while underway our correspondent daniel hoare kinsey's right outside the kremlin daniel you must have an impressive view from where you are we know what you mean that's right and make the argument see just beyond the camera's reach and as you can see also behind me columns of infantry fighting vehicles past now are carriers i think tanks lined up set any minute to make a move to red square traditionally of course the parade begins with their infantry marching past many of them holding banners of that toward war two great patriotic war just known here in russia and iraq their historic battles or their regiments solve their divisions and cetera marks from the past v.o.p. dignitaries and of course the veterans who really are the view oh please at this event the event then morphs into a tank parade which will as i say kick off any minute now just to give you some you some numbers here the sheer scale of this parade over twelve thousand military
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personnel servicemen service women will march past red square past the company and also liam today alongside one hundred twenty vehicles and over seventy aircraft that of course will be the highlight for many here today the aircraft flying past one of which will be the su fifty seven when you design or russian generation fighter aircraft one of only two or three such designs in the world many will be keeping an eye out for them also the kims shall misawa hypersonic missile unveiled by president putin back in march that will be on display here today for alongside a whole range of other weaponry from robotic vehicles could drones to deem winding vehicles we need perhaps a symbol of the very much changing rapidly changing nature of warfare that is all there to look forward to as we said earlier the real heroes here all those veterans who are here today although don't have. pete the v.o.p.
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section a very emotional day for many russians for russia's month of may be perhaps the most important question of all of the year here certainly the most cherished respect for that treasured one of any minute now because we said all of will start moving past me past. where i am now past the military history museum and towards the red square war of course you will have a bird's eye view that i'm sure mr leavitt efforts will be able to take us through you know some of the latest weaponry being on display there we'll get back to you right when that color gets moving mickey to bring you the latest updates and we appreciate that thank you daniel hoare kins now i missed it was his love it's a very member last year the military aircraft they didn't make their debut because of the weather conditions this year blue skies are looking like a saw a long shot to happen right because it really is the most impressive and breathtaking part of the parade isn't it. the weather is fine today and we hope
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that the aircraft will show up but. i would like to tell you that the rehearsal for the over flight was cancelled because the day before that was on the sixth the skies were very cloudy and so the commander took the decision not to take risks today i'm sure we'll see well let's keep our fingers crossed for that as danny was saying to any minute now after the military personnel parade we will start to see that big heavy military hardware rolling across the red square what are you most looking forward to seeing today was the highlight for you. i'm sure we're going to see some new pieces of hardware president putin spoke about this in his address to the nation which he made two months ago and. we're going to see these. after the fifth generation. we're going to see also the.
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interceptor fighters make that you. equipped with a lethal weapon which is called. in english. i'm sure it's going to be very spectacular and it's not just all the new installations todd was also some historical hardware as well isn't the traditional way of the parade of the hardware will start with the legendary teeth thirty four tank which forward on the battle zone the great majority war looking forward to seeing that and then there's always a lot of questions over whether this military hardware is real or not perhaps we can get to that later let's go back to the parade and watch the last all of the military personnel march across much of cross russia. simply i mean it would just get easier about this year the cademy celebrating
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its centennial but if you wish you could be. that guest mean you should use a new three hundred thirty first guards parachute cluster marriage and. you slide by here. if you would would you say he's doing so well we've got the parade covered from all angles because don often has a bird's eye view of the parade ego what can you say. you know i can see and very much here he will be military vehicles that are now they have started their rent and they are ready to rumble to board the roads where the really big banks that were standing towards the front of the column have already.
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we got there the movement of family and so we we can smell the fumes from all the engines more than a hundred vehicles are taking part in this year's parade and among them are some veterans like the t. thirty four tank which de facto we all but one the great patriotic war before the soviet union it was sort of a victory time we will soon see some of the newer of course hardware something some of that hardware has not been flown to. be through among those unmanned drones for example which can do both reconnaissance and. even bombing actual bombing missions they can do that also see no mo b.o.'s with like military snowmobiles with machine guns mounted on them we will also see some of the new armored personnel carriers and am proud vehicles the tank support units like the one terminator
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already took part in the syrian campaign if you didn't know who those vehicles defer to separate into syria and complain and we do this yet for the first time they will be showing a victory day parade if you will so the engines are working and we were just waiting for the call them to start their movement which could happen any second really big driveway has been cleared from here has been cleared from everyone from everyone because the crews all of these vehicles and they participate in the parade but they were forced to they wanted to see those parts of the parade that you really are not too far to often so there are flat screens across the beach for sky street and there was standing on the driveway watching the parade on the red square now that they have cleared out and so everything has been made ready everything is ready for these vehicles to begin their. movement we can see
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a red tail lights on some of those vehicles still have also flat they also have to lift up and also with signs that everything is ready and really a beautiful day here in moscow we can see this is one of russia's main streets with a lot of people who hold the flats here we can see you like literally dozens of people standing on the balconies all watching the parade of from this from move from the comfort of their apartment i should say we can see all all sorts of there's an elderly lady on the balcony just across the street and. see a whole family's next next to her so everything is everything is ready and we're waiting for the call them to start their movement to get their way there is seems you know the only person with the best seat in the house for the parade today we were following the white house so it's all based at parades and if they
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make the day's proceedings you got to ride in one of those tanks didn't you what do you tell us about that experience if you can do if you must go through it because there's been you know well it was pretty incredible it took almost an awful half of the day really so we had a chance to actually ride with the color of the military of the military hardware we were riding in one of the vehicles which was it was a typhoon it's known under the name of tell you. it's a vehicle basically also being shown it's one of the modifications designed specifically for urban warfare and it is it is also we will be showing you will be featured out this year at this year's parade for the first time it is known as a very very well protected vehicle it is designed to absorb explosive damage from landmines and it is it's armories so powerful that it's hollywood to. like even
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armor piercing bullets not all of them of course but a lot but some some types of force that it was the vehicle that we were riding and the people inside the military guys in the sky who are really excited about getting this vehicle as one of the major as one of them a means of transportation now also again we saw the new drones that will be on the failed it just it is the first official public showing i mean for the first time we saw russians on drones those drones that had the first rehearsal it was actually the first time when they were shown to the public and this parade is the first time they're being they will be shown officially they were developed as a reconnaissance as we call a sense a cross but eventually they were redesigned it to carry home since well now i've already mentioned the terminated tank support unit which was which already participated in the full combat in the well that you did show with self in its full
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combat role in syria helping out the syrian government forces in their fight against are you still but a force of be with the older or the the new these new new additions are only part of the call into all of the hardware paraded there also older ones like the as school hundred missile defense system which is also in syria which is also defending russian bases russian russian have bases and russian troops and russian military police in syria will be shown as usual as well you can hear them honking which probably means they're about to begin with their movement and the right below us on the grad missiles systems typhoon a.p.c.'s which are used by the russian military police tanks in the front. over that and now. we can finally see some of the vehicles moving just behind me so finally
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this part of the parade has officially kicked off so let's just enjoy if you go from this vantage point check out and check out and i think. we'll be meeting. those vehicles on monday as the rumble in to the red square so back to you i think so absolutely things about a go so much detail that thank you very much now correspondent he goes things very excited about this time and. the robot tank is this going to be one of the highlights for many people do you think. this. specially designed vehicle to support tanks on the battlefield especially in there wolf air which goes. it has a very powerful very powerful weapons and is capable to destroy those who would like to destroy the main force of the advancing troops so
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we have very much excited to see. incredible let's take a full screen shot now of the parade and show us what's happening right now. in the music. that is now. red square to give room to the armored column. because the. military band of the moscow provides the music company for the parade. in the commercial. it was going to please you to use to program
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a preview of the video and that's cost our correspondent daniel holkins now he's right outside the kremlin daniel talk us through the impressive view would. be a good i could see you say he seems to be the loudest one i can barely hear you with the lace but it probably. is you can see bought me the color began travelling. head and body look at all so you sang stuff carrying this little red all red mist but i don't think. that's a lot of knowledge. but at least the sun spots all over. our yard believe.
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it. or it's like having. the same side but it. wasn't all. six up close to. the top. let me. find out it's not just a company talking to some alcoholics is leaving a. lot of blood to solve such. problems that face serious want to. lots of eating all of this all the updates coconuts this all.
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night to get going to get back to. nothing. much. thanks to that down as our correspondent daniel that is struggling to speak over the sound of those soviet tanks let's go sarees thursday seems a bit quieter way you are rory was happening now oh you could not be more wrong why did nicky here they come here they come now it is the big boys on that big toys the massive tonks now starting to roll across the iconic couples old red square the almanza time is in the mix of the all my posts and all carriers that have been totally retrofitted and upgraded full their current challenges in this global climate that we live in today all my posts and all carry is totally updated the fake times absolutely in almost. the stones of red square my
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feet the vibrations it makes you think there's some sort of seismic activity underneath the kremlin some sort of boss tectonic movement here now is the time to continue to come this way and i please i ask you again if you can hear me properly as the time has come this way will be backed up by the big missile silos the big triumph s. four hundred system you can identify thirty six talk it's. similar take his swing. look at the fur was of diesel coming off these tanks that's the almost a. piece of the back ones here. that's the terminator three mpg right there that's the terminator. oh and everything is just shaking out here it's just a remarkable place to be i'm so honored to be here on a red square blogging seventy three years since the victory of the great patriotic war over the out of non-si germany i was just talking briefly about the s four hundred trial persists. which is basically known as the world's number one missile
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defense system it can operate with a range of four hundred kilometers they can also operate at an altitude of thirty kilometers meaning the escuela hundred can take out targets literally up above structures so as we continue our live coverage here on our to international ve day across russia on the world he's mocking seventy three years since the beating of naziism and fascism amid all the noise and chaos on the grandiose tanks here back to you here in the studio thanks for that rover your excitement is palpable we feel like we're we really bad thank you so much for that welcome back to you later but now let's go to our correspondent mark gasnier appears on the kremlin walls right now more ad what can you see from that spot where you guys need to be just us movies because we're just which would still argue tell you these vibrations were he was talking about we can feel love when we will the way up here twenty thirty
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meters above ground that i've got to say we've got by far the best view we can see it's all a bird's eye view perspective and course we're expecting advie aviation to come any moment now i see you last year when the unfortunately canceled the aviation fought the jets the helicopters because of the for bad weather but this year no such thing this their arrival ease even and in fact a few meters away from us a little v.m. in the generals of the aviation who are cooler than they did in the flight making sure that everything goes swimmingly and they you know they expect the big show more jets was than ever this year and some of them are going to be new will see that to one hundred sixty the swan their strategic bomoh will see the two ninety five the famous there's the blind move the kremlin over this for a ground with the two twenty two so various jets makes twenty nine suits. that's
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the best of russian aviation but we'll be seeing this through fifty seven russia's next generation stealth fighter which will be flying over the kremlin for the first for the first time we'll see other weapons as well the missile complex which killed which is very new a new miss l. hypersonic that flies three kilometers a second then built lives not to be uprooted and just you know just recently all of that as i see him in that. thanks for that as more and gas you have seems to be a battle of the best views amongst our correspondents on the red square looking like there's a green light for that military i craft today according to our correspondent looking at the blue sky is looking like a still going to go well so looking forward to that too let's give all of us a full screen shot of the parade now and take a look at that exciting military hardware.
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like us leave. your two hundred triumph food stamps preferably weapon system like you notice by major andre chip in because of where you are on the t.v. and we get a few nice people because it is to tease us to see you but it is a no for an eerie defense system has been able to match the capabilities so that four hundred seven put it right it was good for us to use that is capable of destroying not only all the piece of tech weapons to us and also the myriad generation sort of weapons that are still under development. that get us need. for the first time on the red square people because you don't know what is really when you look at least. six mind. we were in the robots there
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and nine years fire support on the on the ground coming to be called what you would think some called assata and the trying on man oh you carry over to the hardest pull you the least that we could do this system has been successfully tested. but i gave it as a play by play as that military hardware rumbles across red square rory's things shape back to you or me what's happening right now and you can see me and hear me amid the plume some diesel smoke that's boring off these enormous weapons of old war we've really got the big guns of the been cruising across red square now for the past few minutes i don't know if you call them a moment ago the military hardware of the arctic a part of the russian federation huge white caterpillar tracks a massive white radar systems russia letting letting the world know essentially
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that it has got its weapons of war positioned in a well some of the most important geopolitical realms of our current political climate the. personnel carriers now continuing to come over red square we thought the triumph of s. four hundred policy that by the way many countries in the world are trying to get their hands on the s four hundred china already getting an early components for the s four hundred saudi arabia's trying to buy a turkey is trying to buy it many other countries in the middle east and central asia want the russian s four hundred triumph missile defense system incoming and absolutely enormous intercontinental ballistic missile atop that truck just behind me now surrounded by other upgraded renovated and juiced up personnel carriers here look at the size all that. my only question is how on earth does he pocket thing. we've got robot draw. going across to
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a couple stones going under that time we've got cameras on the ship why it's going above red square and boy oh boy. what a sight today here on the iconic red square the seventy third anniversary of the victory over not system back to your neck if things were indeed how does he park that thing so i get a some people might be watching this wondering whether all of this military hawtrey hearts away is the real deal is it it is no dummies here these are as rory said these are. the toys for serious men that you saw and all of them are not dumb is the real things wow that's quite impressive let's go back to more ad gas d.f. now who's on the kremlin wall claims he's got the best view let's see what he can say from now most of these would be much bulls look good let's get you to listen to those diddy if you did you will be sitting with my mother out if nicki in a studio told history the fears he's. making the case is going to be good for this
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like dealing to keep but you can see it for yourself here come the helicopters the helicopters of the first wave of the aviation flight information for to get the food different gallic up this we have the meat twenty's the meat twenty eight stuporous attack helicopters foot now transport helicopters this of thunder are slowing i don't know how many of us would be here helicopters but you could feel it through your particular river gratian says. immediately after the helicopters coming in we have the jets refusal is and i believe those are interceptors i got quite make out what they are for me here but they're the mic twenty lines i believe no that's the two sixty the white swan that's it's as it's come to be known surrounded by four two twin. two. to twenty tubes
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there there's also strategic bombers again flying in formation behind them refueling so you shouldn't aircraft that refusal other aircraft. to be behind lose we have the best that to ninety five m. s. famous around the world still ancient but still working still flying still functional to ninety five and that's big news as nato has come to call them but. i'm not one hundred percent sure what the you get this shias size of these aircraft through you know a camera lens but then in normal sometimes defying reason and logic how does the things not be. fly. but if you tend to. do one how.


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