tv News RT May 9, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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or all on the. beach. just. a missile and being held for those who lost their lives one of the many events actually taking place in russia to mark the defeat of nazi germany today there's hardly a family in the country that wasn't affected by the war almost everybody has relatives who fought the nazis and in their honor a special march known as the immortal regiment is held every year it's a chorus. phonons have been following the march from rice in the hostage crisis in
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the center of the capital and i think cross live now to india to shanghai he's been following the march o'day in fact tell you for a couple of hours i think. we've been looking at the pictures all day this seems to be a remarkable number of people who are taking part as well as yourself any idea of the exact number did i think it's approaching a record it'll. come andrew well i can tell you that i decided to remain at one location in the last couple of hours so pretty much i didn't move but the people keep on walking walking and walking and my question is have you ever felt what it what it is to take part in a march in a crowd of more than one million people i guess most of our mueller's have never felt that kind of thing and i can tell you that it is mild blowing and the official
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numbers have come in record has been broken because they're saying that more than a million people have already joined the march that is like let's say an entire city of brussels for example getting together for one united march so this is how remarkable that is but something that is more remarkable that each and every portrait like this one that is one of my relatives who i'm going to talk about later behind this there's a story behind these millions of portraits that you can see here a story of people who survived years of war and then they were able to win it for us to live in peace now three years ago when i first decided to take part in this march i gave myself a promise i made a promise that in the next four years one year after another i'm going to carry the portraits of all my. each grandfather's at the end more it's
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a regiment march in this is the air and this is the of. it was my. so what he did was like all of these people in the portraits around me was first made the nazis were treats but then he liberated the city that's now known as kaliningrad and for that he's got a medal and i can tell you that my grandfather is watching right now and he is crying because that is something very special for him and very special for everyone in this country also there was something else that really. says that is just striking not everyone has a chance to bring out these billboards like this one i've seen elderly people in their seventy's their eighty's who can barely walk but they're still taking part in the march and they're holding tiny photographs just this size but for them it is
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still crucial that their relatives who are now not with us but still they made their contribution and they're here with us at this immortal regiment march so that was really touching now i want to tell you that my colleague dan hawkins was at a different location much closer to the final destination of the immortal regiment march so take a listen to what he went through. public aged just by the kremlin the red square where at the boxes are heading right now i'll go to the crowd myself but it's easy to overestimate just what imus fear this is i can feel the emotions coming from the crowd a joyous a bittersweet sadness at the same time record numbers here given how this loss began a twenty twelve with just a few thousand people running in a small city in siberia it's now on the road to a truly international event with. millions of people marching worldwide cities
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across europe bolin madrid london lisbon and across the atlantic united states and thailand in israel truly a global event so all of those people that made their contribution and in many millions of cases gave up their lives for peaceful stood by and see for mankind every portrayed here every photograph has a story behind it good personal story to the people carrying them out i found out more about my family as well my great grandmother in media all going to hell was a doctor a military surgeon she actually participated in the battle of moscow she was on the front lines here for many months had searing that she battle before transferring further back into russia where she was the only surgeon for this ship for quite some time in the form of hundreds of operations later becoming ordinary citizens of means eludes the town and the republic of tatarstan and all the relatives of my
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great granddad could do some work to do and was a soldier he falls in the battle of stalingrad where he sadly died today of course so this year rather it's the anniversary of the victory and the battle a key turning point on the eastern front line aboard so you just might start to look more salient today at the russian president's side spent participating in the march as well since when you can steam a lot of your booze and alongside him today the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu who's holding a photo of a lot of fights for all the participants of the second world war and hero of the soviet union just going to show just how much this event has expanded internationally how much this means to people not only here in russia but our borders well we've managed to get some of those human stories that captured some of the behind the great pleasure olds and all the family history here's just one of them that we managed to get. says.
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have issues to be such an idiot doesn't apply to. who reads it is for us us to change. my thinking when the meaning is well your voice and i never get iranian news or previously. using the me yet can you but i do at the. sky you know sky the model of the she stood still in the. elizabeth us the. yellow poorly cut in dirty. according to a come to. look at the interest of the unemployed familiar since it said to touch it to thirty three thirty pm.
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show come to could know when the. two to trick the maya is the last summer. because i'll never pick winners another or miss cause i want ya email from me. they were there when this should be back to you. both back to normal as most. clever woman. this is about remembering respect sharing of memories of those who sacrificed so much for russia for the former soviet republics but for world peace as well at all to. saying thank you to those people are making sure that no similar tragedy ever
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occurs again truly a very emotional day here today in central moscow. but it's done also mentioned there are more regiments are also marching across the globe to honor the memory of those who fell victim to the horrific events of the second world war events have taken place everywhere from the streets of new york to tbilisi also and even keyway city crowds also gathered as far away as the strayer with those in sydney commemorating their relatives. but for many in russia the centerpiece of victory day celebrations is the military parade through the red square in moscow that took place earlier this morning. o'dowd.
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a mocking bands get underway with marching bands from all corners of the bounds of the russian federation. we can smell the fumes from all the engines more than a hundred feet taking pods. now we can finally see some of the vehicles moving just behind me so finally this part of the parade. fishley so let's just enjoy the few good from this vantage point check out and check out. the look and smugly we'll be meeting will still be calling on the national sport the rumble to the red square.
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to get. here they come here they come now it is the big boys that big boys. look at the current. of diesel coming off these tanks that's the almost a piece of the back once a man beats a right that that's the terminator. the stones of red square my feet the vibrations it makes you think there's some sort of seismic activity underneath the kremlin.
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my only question is how on earth does he parked i think. it's a sudden tourists i don't know if many of us have be really focused but you can feel it through your policy that read the gratian says. the two ninety five and this is as nato has come to call them and let a hundred percent sure with the you get this she has shards of these aircraft through you know a camera lens but they're enormous they sometimes defy reason not to calibrate the things that.
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some of the highlights there from today's military parades are watching us aid to stay with us for our continuing special coverage as russia marks the seventy third anniversary a victory that. would call existence to do something to. put themselves on the lawn. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want.
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to be like to be close with what before three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of our. first soup. the way is anti american and anti-democratic and we can look at that quite plainly by a standing the stock price approach rather it was that risk but so it's trading i think there are three hundred thousand dollars a share so the message from charlie munger and warren buffett to americans is unless you've got three hundred thousand dollars to buy one share of berkshire hathaway you're a player you're a peasant here you know they are the neo feudal lords that are building the system milking the system abusing the system and aggregating wealth is wrong a coupon clippers and nickel and dime are they add nothing to the economy.
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hello again that the controversial why tell me price by the west as a rescue team working in syria has been guaranteed continued support by the british prime minister to resume a so let's get more details. on the london. covering the story for us going to get even to just tell us that more prone to the prime ministers to say the. well today is prime minister's questions of the week the session in parliament where the prime minister receives questions from across the house on a number of issues and one of those raised was the question of funding for the white helmets there was a question from an opposition member of parliament and during the course of the article about the prime minister gave to that question about whether there would be continued funding for the white helmet from the u.k. government the prime minister said that she would promise to look and see where any
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funding shortfalls could be made i saw last week the trumpet ministration froze the us funding with fantasies of civilian lives at risk will the prime minister stick up pledge the government to plug the funding shortfall that now exists and is sure these heroic rescue workers can continue their work. again i say to the honorable gentleman we recognise the very important and valuable work that the white helmet so doing they are as he says doing this in. difficult conditions they are incredibly brave to be continuing that work we do support them we will continue to support them and my right on the family international development secretary will be looking at the level of that support in the future. now the white helmets were in washington as recently as march meeting with high level u.s. officials and those government officials giving high praise to the white helmets and then came the decision from the u.s.
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government and from president donald trump to cut the funding for the white helmets and that's why the u.k. government now they're saying that they will try to see how that gap in funding can be filled but there is it's not just praise that the white helmets have been receiving there are those who say that the why the helmets have questionable ties to al qaeda linked groups and also some of the so-called rescue missions that they've launched have been nothing more than stunts to try to gain sympathy from the world.
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now of course all of those accusations they won't go away any time soon and with the white helmets having been founded by former british army soldier and former mercenary james de mistura those british links with the white helmets looks set to continue with this latest pledge ok thank says that was a rally for us in the u.k. thank you. now the u.s. president donald trump is making good on his threats this time pulling out of the iran nuclear deal he's also vowed to reimpose the toughest sanctions on tehran. i am announcing today that the united states will withdraw from the iran nuclear deal the agreement to restrict iran's nuclear energy program the crowning achievement of the obama white house has finally been terminated by the donald
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today's action sends a critical message the united states no longer makes empty threats when i make promises i keep them but how much impact is this really having only one country the united states is withdrawing and the riaa doesn't seem particularly worried about it i have ordered the ministry of foreign affairs to negotiate with and lobby the european countries as well as russia and china and to carry out the necessary qward a nation with them russia and china are ready to keep things going as it is so are key allies of the united states and the european union and european union is the tournament to preserve it we expect the rest of the international community to continue to do its part to that on t.v. but it continues to be fully implemented with the sake of our own collective security together with the rest of the international community we will preserve this nuclear deal. so you can quote we go under the current circumstances i don't
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want its concerns to adopt a responsible attitude china will maintain close communication with all relevant parties stay committed to upholding and implementing the deal in an objective responsible way. we're deeply concerned over the u.s. president's decision to you know actually abandon its obligations under the join comprehensive plan of action on the iranian nuclear program and reimpose sanctions on iran now this isn't the only global decision the trumpet ministration has made to be met with chirping crickets remember when the usa moved its embassy to jerusalem other than paraguay and guatemala the rest of the world was not exactly clamoring to follow suit and remember one trouble pulled out of the paris climate change accords well the other one hundred ninety five countries that have signed on they frowned at washington for a minute and then they moved on as if nothing had happened the accords remain exactly the same so once again we've got a big drum roll and fanfare from the white house but what the rest of the world
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refusing to go along is washington's global leadership really all it's cracked up to be everyone now recognizes that it's the united states that is that is unreliable than untrustworthy and they cannot be trusted even to abide by its own commitments the why is. there not going to be heard as much as they would have been if the united states had implemented the agreement so the iranians have been dealing with sanctions on a daily basis for years now and they've learned how to circumvent those sanctions what the united states is doing is it's basically pushing these countries pose with each other even u.s. allies like european union countries because when krohn and the german chancellor merkel go to the united states and are completely ignored or run you know make his mid terms decision with rage and find a way to express their fury pretty graphically to u.s. flag right inside the chain. with the full support of the members. what should you
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well besides trump one of the most in favor of scrapping the nuclear dream and has been use ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu who as we heard a bit earlier is currently in moscow he recently gave a rather theatrical powerpoint presentation to crying the deal yet and yahoo has praised the u.s. president's decision israel is opposed to do from the start because we said the rather than blocking the wrong to bomb the dealer to proves you wrong to an entire arsenal of nuclear bombs israeli influence is absolutely key here trump cited netanyahu is kind of used cars the salesman style presentation in order to justify withdrawing from the iran deal and his new policy of rollback and you know first of all we have to recognize netanyahu introduced nothing new in his presentation the intelligence was arguably fabricated that netanyahu it introduced
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that trump cited it's another intelligence scam driving us to war while the nuclear watchdog the international atomic energy agency has confirmed that iran is actually onery its commitments to the existing deal of the signatories are also vowing to fulfill their obligations despite the u.s. withdrawal so let's take a quick look back then it the agreement was put together. it took nine years of talks numerous attempts and was even days of meetings. we're seeing kerry. the u.s. russia china and iran had to overcome their trust issues. raised . they believe it was even possible. to be able to. and yet it happened a diplomatic breakthrough a true success after
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a decade norm standoff. one country was happy i think. that. for a while he was the one on the zone until they knew going into the white house the worst deals i've ever seen and the disaster is still one of the dumbest details one of the worst deals ever heard was the iran deal i'm all for agreements but that was a bad one first came decertifying the deal we cannot and will not make this certification the e.u. took it personally president of the united states as many posts not this one from twenty even further threatening to pull out of the day altogether be a total germination that's a very real possibility some would say that's a greater possibility that israel was jubilant they were trying to bamboozle the entire world and birdland the president well enough without the e.u.
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trying to knock some sense into trump with france germany and the u.k. sending their top guys to try and change his mind the president has been right to call attention to it but you could do that without just throwing the baby out with the bathwater nine years of talks a diplomatic breakthrough a true success was it all for nothing. the washing out international thanks for company deceiving that when you say far today we're back with more effective fine. her own. ministry as police forces in the city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation and another by mike was hoping the board doesn't want the eyes of god i'm stumped just adama's got a gun to put up with as the fee that is up on him to see if the must also bribe them proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that a such
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a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that to think off message and put us in mortal that that's what we call self-assembly a sense of this is selling this loss of only one bloke on the mall for the morning to most of the world didn't miss you the world was all of us with bats you know things like this in the arsenals that were launched i didn't miss the old version stopping them also still only from his up and his cards on the fine.
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i. am. gratings and salyut age. you know the united states navy just can't seem to stay out of the headlines this week watchers first it was lasers and now it's the second bleat you remember that the fleet that used to guard the picturesque us the eastern seaboard and protect the north atlantic from those evil soviet submarine was during the heady days of the cold war the fleet was finally disbanded back in two thousand and eleven to save a couple bucks since the days of hunt for red october repeatedly thought to be
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relegated to the pages of history books and fiction well. much like hollywood it appears the us military industrial complex is fresh out of new ways to squeeze money out of its citizens so why not just stop and reimagine old ones yes the us second is coming back according to the chief of naval operations admiral john richards in the second will be reactivated and resume operations out of norfolk virginia july the first right in time for the united states to celebrate its independence day and why why why why why are we bringing back the second fleet you ask well here's a hint starts with r. and with yes russia has now supplanted terrorism as the little black dress for us million military industrial tax dollars spending popular mechanics magazine justifies the new u.s. military buildup in the atlantic and frightening fashion writing russian submarines
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particularly the new ya's in class nuclear powered cruise missile submarine could creep up to north america and then launch a surprise attack of nucular armed rockets against washington d.c. in strategic targets across the eastern seaboard. wow are we really going to have to start hiding under our school desks again too as steve jobs once said it's more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy so let's go be pirates hang pentagon fear mongering from a yard arm and start watching the hawks. but that's. the bottom. that i got.
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