tv Watching the Hawks RT May 9, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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fashion writing russian submarines particularly the new ya's in class nuclear powered cruise missile submarine could creep up to north america and then launch a surprise attack of nucular armed rockets against washington d.c. in strategic targets across the eastern seaboard. wow are we really going to have to start hiding under our school desks again too as steve jobs once said it's more fun to be a pirate and to join the navy so let's go be pirates hang pentagon fear mongering from a yard arm and start watching the hawks. but if you get the. real thing it would be. as if you took a bite out of it. like you that i got. this.
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week so. well the watches are welcome to that i have of the world are you scared yet are you scared yeah well it's scary out there i have two reasons why i'm thoroughly tariff into russia and making threats of meeting up on the east coast number one is what we're looking like. is just on the other side of the country it's in the do they know it's not me on land i get some of. it's absolutely insane i did was going to let their moment sense would say if you're going to fight against russia why don't you do it on the side of that is that you so we have all our ships on the east coast waiting to get this come in and take california right over there to cross right over into alaska pretty quickly. i really want to do it when they receive their
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mail and sounds from there you know i know right you know it's really incredible like the second fleet is set to do open for business on july first like i said it'll start with a bottle of officers and four enlisted personnel and i'm like you know paul these ships over it all but really grow though the actual organization of running the second we want to grow to about two hundred fifty six personnel eighty five officers hundred sixty four listed and seven civilians it's going to be a massive undertaking right of all the ships over chief of naval operations admiral john richards that was great tell you all of those told reporters that any costs associated with setting up the fleet and new command structure would be worth it totally worth it so all the tax money spent to do all this will be totally worth it and unequivocal yhe make clear that the focus of the second fleet will be on wait for projecting force yes our national defense strategy makes clear that we're back
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in an era of great power couple of this one will be blue water warfare using major elements of maritime power but he loves to see references and that's a little unsettling considering just last year we had what four major incidences that led to the deaths of about seventeen sailors and we were told the reason that happened was because the navy was already stretched too thin so if you've got mabel experts and other people telling the media that the constant deployments shrinking number of ships high demand on the crews is what's free of the u.s. navy how that hat is bringing back of a second flee to keep an eye out for those making a reference coming to steal our cheese and. apple pie and stuff that really how does he margarita mom these are little more obviously but how does that not stretch them even more at the end of your. taking ships one area to the max so there was no
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reason for them to be there but it's a perfectly logical question and that's the thing and so i do unless you're adding them building brand new ships and hiring a lot more people just like moving people around in the chest or it is ridiculous and the thing is too is that there's no. look i would be out as there's no real threat from russia vladimir is not a lot of is not sitting in russia saying how can i attack and destroy the united states with nuclear weapons most of the world doesn't want to see that at all and what's one of those that's not part of the fear mongering is still strong as you know as part of this russian fear mongering is that you know is that you're seeing defense one dot com raise the call now for a nato alliance against information. that r.t. and others write they wrote what if russia suddenly announced that his baltic fleet had dispatched an armada towards britain would constant kremlin influence reports
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about the incompetence of british institutions make that can make them conclude the people of britain that any resistance was pointless. i think it might just be that they're confused this happens a lot guy is this that and the lot of their russian not born yes there's a slight difference yeah in this two areas not borg so they're all resistance is futile thing we are not required by the borg i mean russian leader but basically it's a great writer it's really one of our reports yes i have a value much power and i swear i didn't know i have this much power of making the whole of the united kingdom just sit back and do nothing as they're taken over and invaded but i mean that's the that's why i'm going to do was leave anybody who like the idea that we have that much power is adorable and there's a hero it's just and when i die we're going to hold people in a setting that is generally what we're preaching peace which i. it was
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a dirty word who has airwaves remember russia not for russian border. they were the state of california is the fifth largest economy in the world there are two major problems they're struggling to solve slowing the effects of climate change on the state's natural resources and a shortage of affordable housing this week new building regulations and incentives are poised to make california the first state in the country to require almost all newly built homes condos and apartment buildings up to three storeys high to be energy efficient enough that its energy use can be offset by a modest array of rooftop solar panels so while some have decried the move over worries that the extra costs about ten thousand dollars per one family home many including the institute for market transformation found that certified energy efficient homes sell for two point one to five point three percent higher than those without the certification and the u.s. department of energy found the designated energy efficient home said to sell eighteen to thirty nine days faster than their competitors however it isn't just
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the rich in their new homes that benefit from energy efficiency it turns out the lowest twenty percent of income earners pay almost ten percent of their income on electricity while the highest twenty percent of earners spend under one and a half percent which is what makes the california move so interesting it isn't just about forcing solar panels on rubes it's about lowering the cost of those panels creating jobs for their installation and making new homes more affordable in the long run for families and any economic situation so the question is will the sun shine on california's new building codes or will it cloud the issue of the state's costly housing your god that's a great and awesome question lou it's an interesting kind of issue that school on a cold war because like you say go for it is over the largest economy in the world the decision whether they want to or not or we want to believe it out of whatever decisions made in california do actually affect the rest of the world when you're just talking about you know if there are big and one of the. big question is why
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now why has this become an issue. in two thousand and seven the energy commission california public utilities commission basically sudden binding goal of having all new residential construction by two thousand and twenty be zero net energy which is incredible i don't i'm all for this this is change for the better in the future i'm sorry we don't need the boss if you're going to be more pleasant i'll got to know but what's interesting is that the trumpet ministration us has been very vocal about limiting the ability of states to set their own environmental protection provisions i guess like states rights what doesn't count when it comes to protecting the environment that is no longer a states' rights yeah states rights of only a matter and you know slavery and civil war. but the poverty thing that brought it down and this is where this is where unfortunately i think the federal government does overstepped its bounds it's not just the trumpet ministration it's the federal government and it should not be off telling states that they can't do this because this is
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a major area of income inequality that states can find a way to solve the not but i think california is doing in a way so michel moore who's a c.e.o. of a company called ground swell they did a study on this about poverty and energy and what they said is the connection between electric cost and poverty what it was that energy is not a luxury good we can't afford these social cost of living economically challenged communities behind the people who can least afford the cost are paying the biggest electric bills and that's why i'm saying is that not only is that a percentage of cost as i talked about the beginning of the piece it isn't just the actual like these percentage of their income the bottom ten percent are actually paying more per square foot for electricity than people on the top ten twenty percent so you're one percent of your top twenty percent pay less per square foot than the rest of us peasants in the it doesn't surprise me why that is because when you think about it those. with the most money have the most influence right so
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they're the ones that energy companies who not only probably own the energy companies anyway but you know they're also the ones that the energy companies in this world don't want to mess with right so we're going to we're going to readjust and squeeze as much as we can out of the poor but hey you know the rich get a break because they got a lot more square footage than the poor you know because those exactly the homes they can have are going to be. right but it's also interesting too because this brings up another issue that's specific to california but other places around the world well they have a building related pollution i didn't even know about this but building related pollution is responsible for twenty five percent of california's stance carbon emissions that's almost on par with like california's industrial sectors that's incredible if you're playing like sim city in cityscapes that's like gold boards just you know usually the part of the factory zone covered in clouds and the nice residential areas are nice in california be the same the air resources board that shows the direct from fossil fuel use these buildings largely from what natural gas burning purposes and water heaters are equal to emissions from california for his
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fleet of natural gas power plants ok so there's a great reason why we need homes right and they were conference interesting is that like i said the solar panels will cost about ten thousand dollars for out of pocket out of cars. and they say it's about twenty to twenty five per house but that has to do with insulin different changes in insulation windows things like that but you're going to save i mean basically just on that power alone just by changing it into these these things will save sixteen thousand dollars at least over a thirty year time of having a house but the really important thing that i want to point out here is this idea that when pushing toward natural gas of course a lot of companies and appliance manufacturers push for gas and electric appliances are actually cheaper now so you're convections and that kind of south and they're cheaper to run the gas models in three out of four categories and they're less costly to run on the daily basis for us who doesn't ultimately anyone who's ever dealt with one of these like super conglomerate energy companies paying your electric bill. playmate and bill like we all love to see it fail of all at some
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point so hey let's go solar let that happen all right as we go to break our watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our poll shows that r.t. dot com coming up political satirist ready where they go joins us to discuss the shocking fall of new york attorney general eric schneiderman and randy's fun filled adventure inside the white house correspondents' dinner stay true to the.
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show seemed wrong why don't we all just don't call. me long yet to say proud disdain comes to educate and gain from it because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the way is anti american and anti-democratic and you can look at that quite plainly
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by understanding the stock price approach rather it was that risk but so it's trading i think there are three hundred thousand dollars a share so the message from charlie munger and warren buffet's americans is unless you've got three hundred thousand dollars to buy one share of berkshire hathaway you're a player you're a peasant here you know they are the neil feudal lords that are building the system milking the system abusing the system and aggregating wealth as wrong a coupon clippers of the club timers they add nothing to the economy. in our world of twenty four hour news coverage in the instant feedback loop of twitter and smartphones what a difference a day can make nobody would even venture a guess at the start of this week that new york's vaunted attorney general eric
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schneiderman was anything but president donald trump's legal arch nemesis on par with robert mueller and james komi a celebrated cheerleader of the women's march and the fight against sexual assault in the long rumored future candidate for governor a governor of new york allows that was all not meant to be following a detailed report by the new yorker's own ronan farrow that reveals the progressive champions behind closed doors a record of brutal violence against his romantic partners along with a substance abuse problem that leaves one wondering how schneiderman was ever able to hold down his job let alone entertain ambitions of an even higher office to break down just how this story managed to stay hidden from the public eye for so long we're joined today by randy credico an activist and comedian from new york and former acquaintance of mr schneiderman for you doing today randy hey it's great to be on the show particular talking about california where i grew up and the worst. back in the sixty's and seventy's so this still not good so i really appreciate i'm
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going there tomorrow i'm doing very well thank you for having me back on i love this show taboo and tyro thank you so much i want to start you know we know how eliot spitzer paterson anthony wiener i'm sure the list goes on of what seems like how off the state's new york now or resigned in disgrace over the last decade. you but in new york a long time been political long time what is it with new york politicians and scandal come may not avoid it i don't know first of all they don't make a lot of money so i guess they do a lot of other things to make money and they cross lines at least in the assembly and in the state senate you get like sixty five thousand dollars a year and they come in from all over the state well below the national average i believe so i there's a lot of see the people up there i went up there i wish i had sent you a picture back in two thousand and nine dressed up as to greek philosopher diog
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a nice the senate and i dress i had the toga and i had the the hair i had i had the lantern and i went inside a senate ethics hearing and looking for him on this man which is what biologists did looking for an honest politician up there it was huge on the greek t.v. picked up on a spanish t.v. picked up on it because there are no honest people up in albany you know you take that job you're there forever i mean there's a few i mean there are a few people up there but once again you never go out you just you're just there forever and they do it does attract a very seedy element you know joe so much like the intelligence and history and the mop down to birds of a feather. well the one thing i'm wondering about is now snyderman was one of the highest profile advocates of the meeting the men and that's really what we really are. infuriated me if they aware that i was
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a on television that you know he was one of the bigger sort of overall resistance to try and like i said let's talk about being a governor how did this not come out sooner because this man now has the fingerprints on some of the most important legislation to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace and sexual assault against harvey weinstein so how did this not come out sooner well listen i've known him for twenty years he was when i first met him he was a state senator i helped the women a very tough race back in two thousand and two which he was supposed to lose because he had a lot of latinos in this district and the republicans threw in a democratic primary candidate who. who was let tino a dominican get a moat limited us and he almost got beat but i got into that race a crevasse me for winning helping him win that race so i know my guys party inhabits. back in two thousand and five he and i were at some place together
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we were doing some bad things substance wise and i didn't really want to bring that out but it's already out there i said to somebody in passing they wrote a big story on it so they introduced him to a couple of women that i know and when i spoke to them later they were not too happy that i introduced them to him now on the other side the guy was a champion back in the one nine hundred ninety eight all the way to two thousand and five two thousand and six with my group the way most concerts one for racial justice and trying to change the yorks races and draconian rockefeller drug laws he was my key guy in the senate and so he was out there he really built his career in the senate be in the point person there and then he would when he ran for attorney general in two thousand and two thousand and ten. you know anyone he actually switched he was using that office to go after. these like forty five forty six
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people on drug charges and these poor black communities rounding them up by the state police and he was prosecuting them and i really got upset about that that's the reason why i think that i told somebody about the hypocrisy he was like the main guy the main guy in the senate then he totally flipped so i'm sorry this happened to him i saw him last year he asked me to stop picking on him because i was picking on him he was going after little welfare welfare fraud cases putting people in jail for that so that me too but he jumped on that because it was a popular issue. but there's a dr jekyll and mr hyde party him i suppose and i'm really sorry for the guy because they actually wanted him to run for governor you know this guy used to talk marxism with this kind of very bright guy and has really good politics but in the end he's a politician and i think a lot of the reasons why he went after some of these cases that normally he
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wouldn't buy the state police is because they knew i mean there have been rumors about him for a long time and but i really feel bad for him he says that you know he's contesting these charges but you know it's a sad thing because he really inside would have been the most progressive person if he had run for governor but you know there is that side and i was upset to a lot of my friends it's hard to defend him these stories are pretty hard hitting joe but it's something you really have to sort of learn over the last year is that you know when you when a movement like this happens when this moment happens which is so important for so many not just you know people like me but people around the world it is when someone who is like that who's used that using that as a way to get you know their career up and running and i think it says it's a rich that he's telling you not to be a man when he's later on. they making excuses in the press that it was all just
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part of the you know role play and everything and i was like i know my difference between roleplay and athol it and we all know the difference and someone like that who is that close to the meeting with men should know that i think you're right there is such i have a there and hopefully will realize that. well you know you can't just throw in. i emceed its fiftieth birthday party and every politician from jose serrano in the house was there everybody was there mark green every local politician robert morgenthau the district attorney i am see that and stayed out with him to like five o'clock in the morning. and you know he was with one of those women back then so we the three of us hung out we were the last ones there are a half thousand people there were the last three people there and i really had no idea but like i've said i've heard rumors about other things in fact roger stone called me up in two thousand and ten a week before the election and he said don't say anything to eric schneiderman that
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i know and i said what and then like a half an hour later eric schneiderman called and he says have you heard from roger stone lately and so you know rock and stone and something on him back then so maybe he's i don't know what happened here but he calls me up it was such a coincidence you know i want to get in and that's where we were at a time i want to get your other happier someone more exciting and interesting now apparently of the year you attended the white house correspondents' dinner and apparently from what i hear romney got your twitter pages but they are for the state are champions of free speech weren't that excited about your free speech no you know what i was there i was invited by yahoo news all because of the publicity you've given me a jimmy doors given me every melbourne all these others michael isikoff and those are the people that invited me is isikoff and yahoo news who got the book i should regret it was so ironic. assim my celebrity this russia gay thing and so i was
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invited i went and they had these huge parties there and i'm talking to everybody adam schiff talking to adam schiff mansi pelosi i was talking to jeff weaver who is bernie sanders campaign manager bernie sanders campaign manager i did my oppression for him so we had it we had i really was having too much fun there you know i was talking to all things i was having too much fun and then i went out after meeting everybody tom styer jimmy hoffa who who i know for ever and i was actually reporting for jimmy door at the same time i had a camera in my pocket and we were doing a live stream where jimmy door show so now i go into the main room alley vashti he's talking to me everybody is talking to me and like i sit down i have dinner steak in and great they have wine everything and i felt really bad i went to the c.n.n. table and i talked to that guy mani raw who called pronounce my name like i was
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a russian agent like they're rascality you know. and then i'm talking to joe johns kate baldwin chrysalis i'm sitting at their table and they're about to get the big award and i just couldn't you know take it anymore you know. julian assange is sitting in a little place he's like it's eighty degrees or no air conditioning he can't communicate only isolated his mother i spoke to the night before and i felt so guilty i had to take a bath so i stood up in a room that included rod rosenstein and everybody else every politician i stood up and i screamed like howard beale i said julian assad should be getting this award tonight he's the most trusted name in news not seeing and then he's never had an accurate report so i went to four or five areas there table wise and started bellowing that out because c.n.n. was a hundred and. so i just felt so uncomfortable eating the food rubbing elbows with
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these people and corrupted satellite and i had to do it that really love having you out there and congratulations and speaking to speak a little truth of them thank you so much for coming on our show today always a pleasure sir thank you very much tabitha and tyrrell always a pleasure. last fall over signed a space act agreement with the u.s. space agency now subject to develop new concepts for unmanned traffic management marial systems and this week at the company's elevated conference it will reveal the concept art for what will become our network of unmanned flying taxis in an effort to cut down on vehicle traffic in dense urban spaces the taxi is which will launch from the roof high rise buildings will seat four with no middle seat the taxi will have eight highly mounted helicopter like rotors to avoid having to duck when you get into the aircraft it will be able to reach speeds of two hundred mph and elevations of between one thousand and two thousand feet and if you're
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wondering who's helping pay for all this research and development well look no further than the u.s. army's corporate research lab who will be putting in over a half million dollars to get flying taxes all of the ground and probably air traffic jams all right that is or should be today and remember everyone in this world we are about told really loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am i robot and tylenol and people love watching those talks have a great day and that it. would be this morning that. there were things i would say i'm not a mirror to but americans help really. world war two cures the depression sars states is concerned prosperity of course i'm sure.
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it wasn't for all of us don't worry what it would have ended. historical rewrite ever since world war two to foment the cold war against russia against communism. does this new bush you that is so you call me are you all close to a strike with a three. this could call. for i think world war two has been the story credibly by the anglo american media and that's because they want to diminish the role of russia. and stalin who actually defeated hitler. when lawmakers manufactured consensus instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial
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merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. room in the real needs. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to keep our disposable simple song alone even if i continue elsewhere they invite private companies to take over their utilities anybody tell us that all posts allowed from us you guys you got booked video while on the come up to go buy been this is us to quote them out. for you man but the left bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more
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