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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  May 9, 2018 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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well it will remain in place so will ron become the new iraq or world president trump and his gaggle of chicken hawks pale with their efforts for yet another us war let's find out by watching the hawks. but don't. let the. real with this look. at the plot of. the day like you that i got. the flu. this. week so i'm. not the watch of the heart so am i wrong for i don't have the wallet. and you know that. it's very it's it's a. you you watch for years as scientists and experts
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and diplomats and politicians work to make this deal happen right and then you watch and you know fifteen minutes of blustering you watch somebody sort of take it over and decide well we're just going to make the whole deal go away except that's not how that works that's not how deals work and someone who wrote the book on the art of it should probably understand that's not how these things work and that's what's so frustrating for me at least because it is it tells you davenport is the director for the non-play per floor refrigeration sorry policy at the independent nonpartizan arms control association pointed out in time magazine that even critics of the deal such as secretary of state might pump aoe have admitted that there is no evidence that iran is in violation of the agreement in short there is no legitimate basis for trying to re impose sanctions so what they're what you're looking at now is so we're pulling out of the deal as a country. i'm not imposing more sanctions on people who are part of that deal. or
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wrong than all the wonders in violation of the deal the united states is we are now in violation of the peace accord that our country was supposed to be like democracy and peace around the world that we were supposed to be the center of it and that we did this and now it's just. we don't we don't trust it you know and that's what's so ridiculous about it and the problem with that mentality is that by tearing up the deal you know even though the deal is still in place people were going to keep it but if you know in trump's mind said we're going to tear up the deal begin a new it's only between us it's between the united states right iran and although the problem with that and you know hate to say it but you know the washington post and many others are actually reporting the most experts believe that the end of the agreement would actually make it easier for iran to then develop nuclear weapons in secret because right now you have the international atomic energy agency is getting
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like unprecedented access and has been watchdog in iran for years now since the deal was signed into a fifteen to make sure they were developing nuclear weapons right now that the deal's gone it makes it to iran can basically you know they don't know out back and if they don't if iran decides to throw them out and then they can make the deal to go so actually it does more danger to end the deal then to actually then keep it in place which is ridiculous not to mention the fact that i've never quite figured out i don't want nuclear weapons at all but i've never figured out why why are we the only country who's used nuclear weapons on this or get to decide who does and who does not get to have them well in this is where it's strange because you have bolton. who is saying this you know we're going to get back to stopping them from you know i guess waving the nuclear weapons they don't have yet are apparently developing the secret except nobody has proof of that. that's what we're supposed to stop them from doing that spencer an accessor ackerman who's
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a national security reporter for the daily beast tweeted out a very interesting possibility which goes into what you were saying is that the around deal provide substantially more provision for verification of denuclearization and ongoing monitoring of such than will exist in the new poster randell reality watch arguments for war in the coming months take the shape of we can't be sure a rand isn't building a bomb which was the reason for the deal in the first place and i'll say this again what you're doing is putting us all at risk because you're going up against every single one of our allies who does business because of that deal is now going to be including the e.u. especially is going to be at odds with the united states. because they're part of the p.s.t. i'm trying doesn't want to be a part of that that's where this smells a lot like iraq back in twenty five you know you're fifteen years ago because look now they have the excuse right although we don't know what they're doing over there so they could be making a bomb we have to look out not to mention that this deal actually now puts
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a potential peace with north korea in jeopardy because i was pulling out of this a deal that everyone agreed to now we're saying no no no no how does like north korea them say well how do we trust your assurances that you won't make a denuclearization deal with us and you won't walk away from it you know five ten years right or less than three absolutely ridiculous at all for us terrible term. marijuana legalization in states across america has led to a host of issues the police drug enforcement have had to face during the acts of reform colorado has had to contend with lower teenage drug use reductions in crime and even and flocks of cash from sales tax of that sticky in the bud known as pot and as another state illinois considers expanded to legalization of marijuana one of their rich i'll be a temporary sheriff howard buffett middle child of warren voiced concern for the state's drug sniffing dogs stating quote. the biggest thing for law enforcement is you're going to have to replace all your dogs so to me it's
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a giant step forward for drug dealers and it's a giant step backwards for law enforcement and the residents of the community now despite the fact that buffett's comments but legal medical marijuana dispensaries and the cartels on the same level these are what has dog lovers ready to buy a girl's it was the statement of illinois macon county canine training academy chad warner claimed that quote because many canines are trained not to be social so their work might be affected a number of dogs would likely have to be euthanized. here's the thing the military outlawed the practice of euthanizing military dogs almost two decades ago when it was clear that these animals were perfectly capable of living safe productive lives after their canine service and so what is it really going on here in illinois is it your concern for animals or is it about all the cash you see through those roadside stops with your canine friends so that is a great point that you just made the close it's like holding the dogs as hostage
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like you know we're going to kill the dog you know the police dogs if you don't if you legalize it decriminalized several hundred you along with the it like on the level of what is wrong with you that you would say well my question is those all right well let's look to the states that have you know legalize the sailing or just colorado. what it what what colorado do with all their drug sniffing dogs down the road all across the border oddly enough no they didn't maybe have some marijuana they have in colorado but they actually just retired when colorado drug sniffing dogs were no longer needed they were retired and also helped train the other new cops that were coming in to be retrained one of the reasons was that their trainers said it would take in order to retrain them it would take a lot of negative reinforcement and i'm not a big fan of that so in colorado you said hey we don't want to hurt these animals we don't want to make a more stressful they've been trained
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a certain way based on positive in forest meant i'd have to remember that we are in first let's just let them retire in previous years more than care of so that works here's the thing about drug sniffing dogs they don't work very well no one sense of the dogs the dogs are great but they're not actually that great so two thousand at that drop so two thousand and one investigation of drug sniffing dogs related stops in the illinois suburbs of chicago the chicago tribune found that in three years only in three years only forty four percent of the alerts by these dogs. led to discoveries of actual drugs or paraphernalia and get this one for hispanic drivers that rate dropped to twenty seven percent so this is what this means it means that the cops in illinois are using their dogs bringing in drug stuff and does more often with hispanic drivers despite the fact that ultimately those alerts that the dogs are given are false so this is the thing your handler the whole thing is making your handler happy that's what the dog knows is make you happy by noticing
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or are doing this and it's not careful handlers can cause false alarms you know false positives and drug by leading them around too slowly or you'll see at the walk the dog around again and again and again hoping they get something so well because i'm sorry but if you know if your hand if you're a hammering you want to euthanize a dog because we it is legal maybe the we. maybe because weed is legal in europe it's a it's a bad it's not the way to it's here you know about a handler if that's what i'd also let's not forget that the only reason you know as the evidence points to it to me it looks like very clearly that what they're using the dogs for is not so much the actual finding of drugs but as an excuse to get a rope you know to give the probable cause illinois a lot of money yes they have on marijuana. and the sergeant down wives came in and you know a supervisor in decatur illinois told a local paper last year quote the cost of the entire unit is run by drug seizures
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it is paid for by the jurors but these dogs are participating in seizing they play a large part in these seizures so illinois the law enforcement agency that makes caesar's gets to keep all the cash or proceeds of it auction it was profits right. you know one of the prosecutors office gets ten to twelve percent as well for drugs it serves some good hard cash to be on when you got to pay the publicist you got to do very much look at the numbers two thousand and five the twenty fifteen years resulted in games of good. this more than three hundred nineteen million dollars for illinois police department sheriff state attorneys and other law enforcement agencies and now you're going to take a big chunk of that money away if you legalize marijuana there and they're going to use the they're going to try to use any and anything they can to get you to vote against that like threatening to kill dogs yeah but i think the thing is you have to look at the data of a seven hour fitters that's really important because we're trying to say like people go all but they got their drug money up great now in eighty percent of the
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cases by the way of the civil forfeiture asset forfeiture it means that the property owner in eighty percent of cases was never charged with a crime they took their money they didn't do anything wrong doesn't matter cops keep it from those percentages so it's like the dog you know stopped at the back of the porsche and said oh there's drugs in here because the master said so and now the master can search the car and they can seize the car than never give it back but we didn't really ever have i mean the drugs i mean if they really need to find a home for those dogs i will take one of them all right well as we go to break card watchers don't forget to let us know what you think the topics are covered of facebook and twitter see our poll shows at r.t.e. dot com coming up we ask if this is america the educator and author do you watch because if you break down childish gambino is much talked about new music video stay true to watching the whole.
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do you like. milton's i would say i'm not american but americans helped out really . world war two cures the depression farce united states is concerned prosperity of course i'm sure . for the for us the whole world what it what and. historical really ever since world war two to foment the cold war against russia against communism and. socialists mishmosh. it was so you call me out close to strike we were so used to call them go . well i think world war two has been distorted credibly
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by the anglo-american media and that's because they want to diminish the role of russia. and stalin who actually defeated hitler. pressure at the way is anti american and anti-democratic and he can look at that quite plainly by understanding the stock price approach rather it was that response so it's trading i think there are three hundred thousand dollars a share so the message from charlie munger and warren buffet's americans is unless you've got three hundred thousand dollars to buy one share of berkshire hathaway you're a player you're a peasant here you know they are the neo feudal lords that are building the system milking the system abusing the system and aggregating wealth as wrong see a coupon clippers and nickel and dime or they add nothing to the economy.
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the new global economic will resume funding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education low its high education is becoming just another product that can be pulled from the sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you could you know most of the regime could these songs. really couldn't be. what is the place of students in this business. for college i was born now and i'm extremely more education the new global economic war. and the words of right wing culture warrior andrew breitbart politics is downstream
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from culture the phrase meant to describe why conservatives were perennially getting crushed in the culture war by ignoring the importance of the media pop culture is growing more and more accurate every year with online platforms allowing art music and pithy means to spread across the country like wildfire and influence the nation's narrative and a previously on a magical way. the red hat and the ensuing debate fuels the nation's social media rankings and news cable shows alike and now artist donald glover delivered a somewhat more philosophically charged pop culture critique of society's race and gun violence issues from his alter ego childish gambino with many americans debating the music videos underlying message and symbolism author and educator d. walk and joins us to weigh in on the conversation d. always a pleasure to have you on first i just go say out the gate there's a credible music video amazing. well i mean not only unlike the technical level of just pure filmmaking but just. the metaphors of the issues raised and all that so i
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want to start and ask you you know nobody's quite on the same page because it raises so many issues and as somebody brilliant visuals and a lot of metaphor you know. in this is america what did you take away from it what it what did you have to see it what did you walk away from doing the video and say yourself i felt like i have to watch in the video you know glover dorst what we try to do in media we see the big stories that everyone wants us to talk about from this trial. this truck did this so what. what about the everyday people who are suffering who's going to tell their stories who's going to care about them who's going to love them and he showed us how you can just. flashy in wow in front of people who are interesting and will totally turn a blow to the things that we should be looking at and i think i think it was
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brilliant. you know makes me excited for our interview it is going to be a it is yet when you watch people with. their reactions and you're seeing some of the reactions from people you know from piers morgan who you know was scared and alex jones thinks it's. so they don't get it though that is it is not the sort of country this country is structured for piers morgan and alex jones to win you know worry about the same things that a person. or a woman is going to worry about the you just don't know but i think the hard part is in them being so uncomfortable because it works when i see that when they're when those people are scared of my good you should think about so they're one of the things and that reaction it didn't really fall neatly into the category of sort of race and politics some people you thought might be a little put by it weren't the new yorker story in st felix noted that quote a lot of black people hate it and the music video forces viewers to relive
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countless traumas before immediately forcing them to then dance what is your reaction to that criticism of covers approach to getting us all to talk about these issues is it insensitive or needlessly overly sensitive is there this idea where that trauma is there a thing where you re traumatizing people in trying to tell this story or at the end of the day i don't even know where you get that quote a lot of black people hate it when one of these people you know you aren't. a lot of people hate everything just like a lot of people love everything so that's not really like a fair thing and even that type of thinking is what's wrong with this country today the idea of you can just put all of these different types of black people in a box and think that they are oh what the black people smoke and they don't like you a lot of them like it you're not going to you're not really going to say that about any other race you're not going to see you know oh yeah you know a lot a lot of curious you know you're not going to say that but you're going to do that
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to black people so that person is proud instantly problematic and the reason why we need videos like this i mean and when you look at like some of the things that glover was doing in the video it's really incredible i mean you know because like i said everyone can kind of watch it and see different things that suddenly speaks to them and that's the strength the powerful are you know when i saw the video and saw how he was moving the facial you know what he was the faces he was making things like whoa you know that reminds me a lot of like the jim crow era you know. how do you say that because like where alex jones. minstrel just meant that it was the letter layer. to when i look at alex jones right i see because he screams and he turns really until the skin is about the pop like he's he wants to be ric flair or something you know just like summarize this this whole thing what donald glover did is what kanye west is trying to do here is speaking directly to the people and the issues in
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a way that's brilliant and transformative he's been with illusions you know people say oh my god he shot the people require deliberate fellowship with those people before he murdered them in cold blood before those officers picked him up what i consider to be like a silent you know thank you they bought him a burger you know this is america this is what happens here and it's alex jones piers webb it guys today acknowledged this stuff the things that they say it can never hold any weight it's interesting when you mention the congo. it wasn't because it's you know this came right on the heels of that whole kanye west explosion we talked about it on the show and it's not surprising that like many of the kind of lazy or hot takes on the video is comparing like glover to kanye you know damon young at the root kind of blasts the saying of the myriad of takes i've seen so far the only truly terrible one is that he is now some sort of anti kanye west glover and the reason he says he says is that this both idolizes glover while
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passing judgment on who represents blackness better is this desire to juxtapose the two misguided in the long run has no one has nothing to do with the other there's not you know nothing is this coming out of the reason because coming out a whole lot of media attention for the make america great song going to make america great in everything that he's done with his dragon energy friends so what i'm saying is that you know at the end of the day. that's the b.s. play stuff that nobody has time for this is something that's true so i don't think we play i don't think we plan against each other but i'm saying this has meaning in truth. is based on nothing mrs t. asacol you doesn't even know about someone of rhesus things that are connected to jeff sessions korea he said to you to know about a lot of the families being deported and broke up he's completely oblivious to all of the pain that donald trump has caused so it's like that's a joke so if you can't something you don't need to repeat not even at the ball
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print you don't read any print that the fine print not the bold print anything but then you've got a person who's shown how ugly this country came be desk can stand on its own we don't even got to mention him but we don't really have to and that's the thing it's like i think it's really unfair to artists when you're saying you're saying i'm going to compare the two and see who says what better who says what different because at the end of the day you judge each the work that that individual person does and you look at that work because like you say the moment you get into like the infighting of pop culture then you're not paying attention to the messages. the song then you're not paying attention to what donald loeb was trying to say i will say that i think that what donald glover is doing is what carney thinks he's doing in his head i think that's where the connection goes and that misinterpretation and the other thing i want to bring up before we run out of time today is it's time an insult to bring up another pop culture of. pop culture though there are some. of them i see. these just five years old if you don't
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know this pro trump activists they've. apparently are taking a cue from from kanye in their speech before the annual n.r.a. convention in dallas recently and what they are saying is that black and white america alike don't need to hear him saying that they don't need a slave mentality anymore and this sort of an oppressed people need to what they said quote walk off the plantation like that's a choice again it's a sort of in this slavery is a choice and i wonder isn't there kind of an odd new trend of plantation and slave metaphors interwoven into conservative talking points. it's infuriating why doesn't that sparked outrage to use things like lynching plantation and all of this imagery to say like how they're being oppressed as conservatives because dominus still have those goofy. unintelligent. freak shows like this
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surely they're just goofy so it's like you can't. it's really hard so calling you can spark outrage you know people are going to sort of come here because he's actually has a leg or he's created some is the word that touched a lot of people they've never done anything important it loves like the very goofy very silly you know when they speak like this or to enter into slavery like how dumb is this like how do you like them how doubly so was that like in the from print on emancipation proclamation was it like. the pm flight to be passed or flyers with your brother's little got a whoop. point going to. the dumbest governor in my life do you know that my ancestors fought with the n.r.a. in the civil war no they farm the civil war against people who wanted to own slaves they were part of the people i've done and what i can't is only as who uses plantation house what they are doing is that they're running towards the plantation they're going to sow the plantation the men trying to make out the feel and in trying to get a house and they want to like serve tea and biscuits they don't want to like be
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picking cotton you know you know what this is you know thinking about this is america and glover really quickly i also want to point out how how much bravery this guy had in doing this video right now because he's got one of the biggest summer movies disney star wars movie coming out in like a week or two plane land ok all received and he drops a piece of art you know going to be controversial but has a powerful message that's that's that's a powerful artist standing up and doing some brazing that's what we are seeing there out of our yes and a sense of fear so that fear is very very easy to cling to right wing agenda or some type of right wing media it's very safe that they have a lot of friends they have the most popular news shows they have the biggest guns it's very easy to run towards them it's very difficult to stand up stand on your own two feet and tell the truth this is a country where you can kill people and they treat the guns with more love than the
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truth the actual he was on that as you know that's the truth walking out educator all the thank you for coming on and educating us today always a pleasure. interacting with other human beings can be so exhausting which is why the rich and famous have personal assistants to fetch them coffee organize their schedule and most importantly make restaurant reservations well google has made the choice of having their own assistant excessive also the rest of us they demonstrated their newest system and it's a tad more human than well your average human wants. the google assistant call and make a dinner reservation. like predictable for one. or there would be room. for poor people poor people. who maybe one day. those and causes you word were the robot it's part of the design to make the digital voice seem not only
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more lifelike but so the other person on the other end isn't even aware that they spoke to a robot of course there's personal assistance to the rich and famous are not of a job yet since you know in order to use google assistant all your data will be taken up by the artificial assistant and use it to make your life slightly easier also ultimately end up on an essay hard. if corporate america doesn't want to find the way i did about yours. and i realize that just. remember one of those we're now told to love not so i tell you all i love you i am tired robot and i am top of the web keep watching those talks have a great day and the. war in remembrance today marks the seventy third anniversary of victory in europe
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over fascism this is one of the most important dates on the russian calendar that can't be said of the europeans in america we discuss how that conflict continues to view of the world to this day. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does my mike was hoping when the board doesn't implement the eyes of god i'm just going to come to the. woods as the three that is up on into the sea it's a must also apply to the proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that just such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that some think office can put the signal. the softness of the sense of selling the souls of only one of them will smoke signals into
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almost all the sulu some of those the. pools this is the arsenals of the host i'm done with the old vision stopped and there was a string of phone calls a fund is up and his cards on the find. to support that army is not your crane or ga and that our experience is unique to certain extent we're building on the success and the field years of past efforts to address the issues that you're talking about so in many ways we have a leg up on anything best been tried in the past this is not just a democrat a grassroots effort by the armenian people for the armenian people.
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russia celebrates victory day mockingjay. seventy three years since the end of the second world war with a prior work just by ending a day of spectacular military parades. a sea of people has swept through moscow taking profit in the immortal regiment monch remembering relatives who died fighting what russians call the great patriotic. blocks. the cia veteran is thrown out of the confirmation hearing for donald trump's pick as the new agency chief to make protests over her alleged involvement in controlling prisoners. and protesters burn u.s. flags on.


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