tv News RT May 10, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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this is true and a lot of people to point this out peter schiff. richard jim rickards you know people that we've got on the show know me proves that the global increase in money printing as never decreased because you can't taper a ponzi scheme so people say to me oh you know the fed's raising rates i thought you said you can't taper a ponzi scheme you can't that's why globally the money is being printed most people who write those comments in the you tube section most people live in a small little local area so they can only go access their local banks they don't understand that you know the warren buffets of the world and their friends can access free cash anywhere in the world and they get to game the system because they're part of the global elite like you an organ or joe bag of donuts on the street can't access zero percent rates from the e.c.b. the point you make there is a big point of the reaction to warren buffett and his crony capitalists and the bailouts of two thousand and eight so they don't want to admit that they don't want to even examine that they don't want to come down off their pedestal of crony
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capitalism and free money from central banks to address that so they attack crypto as a way it's a rear guard action you know they're trying to attack crypto as much as they can to prevent the torches and the and the and the rioters and the pitchforks from going down there to omaha and taking revenge out on these guys but nother thing is these two do not like competition they've existed in a world where they get to play their little banjo and pretend that they're sweet guys and they they've become multibillionaires just because we're almost trillionaire because they're so sweet and just like sweet guys and they've competed their way to the top but the system of this collusion from the central banks and the new york fed him all these regulators that help them out and they help each other is the system is rigged it's everybody you know is on an equal playing field you've got to compete there's no there's nobody to rig the game for you and i think that's you know part of their legacy is a riyadh. between is
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a reaction to warm buffett to charlie munger well charlie munger will have the pleasure of watching bitcoin so our past thirty thousand dollars brokaw i'm. asking expires from this planet south charlie i want to say by the way you know we actually had dinner once with his son and martin matthew mellon and matthew mellon . are lyle we saw not bobby short but bobby short successor really i don't know who bobby short is yeah he's a horndog or ok well this is the say i got a second half much more coming your way and that bobby short the son of charlie monger so i refer to. don't go away. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one
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corporation that does my mike will be one of the it's. just going to come to the woods as if either of you got into this it's like from proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that some. of them will be. the. ones tightened on. your patience stopping them or some sting of who's the one who's up and his cards on the front.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill you narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million. books it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great so what more chance for. peace this minute. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education as being supplanted by the right to access education alone higher education is becoming just another product that can be bought and sold thundersnow just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you know most of the. songs. they could
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mimic. want is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now in an extremely more high education the new global economic war. welcome back to fort imax keyser a time now to go to boulder colorado speak with michael craig of liberty blitzkrieg dot com michael krieger welcome back max great to be back and i look at this blitzkrieg. what's the call blitzkrieg links blitzkrieg liberty blitzkrieg dot com was there are a moans blitzkrieg bop i think i think there might have been yeah yeah should that
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be my theme song to that inspire you. know i just was looking for a somewhat clever or a play on my last name so i went with it because as i don't know if you know this but krieger actually translate to translates directly into warrior in german in german oh ok well i'm glad i asked that question i got to the bottom of that ok let's get into your series i have written a very instinct there is very provocative and thought provoking it's called the road to twenty twenty five and. you conclude the series by saying that the very bright future could be within our reach if we demand it how so sure so when i talk about in the last piece is how the united states was originally intended to be a revolutionary project in political decentralisation and you know as you know decentralization is sort of buzzword now but it's really important and just as a sort of quick history lesson as you know at the federal level we were supposed to
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have a separation of powers into three branches the executive the judiciary and the legislator and then even beyond that the founding fathers furthered centralized power by giving a tremendous rights to the states themselves in the tent to men and so what i really want to get the message across to my fellow americans and people around the world is that we've strayed so far from the original intent the founding fathers were set . it was making sure power was decentralized so that nobody could get control and act imperial and you know what you know a couple of centuries later we've turned into everything that the founding fathers were trying to avoid were a global empire more focused on managing the world and stealing resources than we are making our infrastructure better taking care of our own people having a dynamic productive economy at home so my my basic point is this yes the u.s. empire is going to lose clout overseas over the next let's say seven years but this
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doesn't have to be a bad thing because we're actually we've strayed so far away from what this political decentralization model that we had to begin with we could go back to it we could we could start restoring more power at the local level and more individual sovereignty and so that's where i see this heading and i think we just need to embrace it to have a much better future and more free future right so you're positing that a decentralized version of america we can return to that and this would be a restoring of the founders original intent across colorado it seems like there are way out of the curve you know they've got a lot of people growing their own vegetables on things and i've got a local local local as i'm as big there has been always as bad so is that can that be ported over to other states because those states are fiercely in that the same to be in the opposite camp on the maybe like a texas or something what do you think here's the key thing yes it's true a lot of people still across the country seem to get their sort of satisfaction
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from you know attaching themselves to washington d.c. in our military might and thinking that that gives them some sort of power in their own lives but as the u.s. empire starts to lose and influence abroad and as the dollar starts have less influence as well we're going to be forced to go so i think we're going to some of us will go kicking and screaming but at the end of the day it's going to be a good thing for everybody. because it's having a more tight local community is a great thing and let me tell you i'm not a big fan of taxes but i don't mind pay taxes in boulder because you know what i walk around and i see really nice projects and it's very well taking care of place and i feel like my tax dollars are going to good things whereas on the on the flipside i hate pay any any taxes to the federal government because i know there's just going to be spent on bombs and killing people so it's a big difference right now of course the u.s. corporate media say is a multipolar world as a grave threat to the u.s. but is it really because you're a pan is ran empires before america did and now post empire the ordinary citizen
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there has a much better standard of living than the average american if thought it absolutely i mean this is half of my series is talking about how the us empire is not benefiting the average person anymore as you can see with the wealth inequality in this country and since this quote unquote recovery in two thousand and nine all of the all of the gains have gone to a smaller and smaller class of people and as you've also seen with dad as far as wealth in the cut in the country like some of the wealthiest counties half of them are clustered around washington d.c. think about. an area of the country that basically produces nothing other than you know i think tanks that you know justify killing people so it's a very parasitic model but this is what you'd expect in an empire in the let late stages of empire you know you're funneling all the money to all these parasites in the capital and you know the region's arse are struggling so yeah i mean my view is that the us empire as it is today is not good for the average american and
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therefore we shouldn't fear it at all because it's time to focus on on on our on ourselves back home as opposed to micromanaging the entire planet right getting back to states a message as i say one of their by states wyoming has become very constructive. space and because in space could that be something that sweeps the nation state by state as a potential for revenues and then jobs and innovation are realized if it goes over well in wyoming could you see that spreading to other states michel. yes certainly so i mean as you as you've probably discussed before like malta is making a big push to create to you know sort of encourage a lot of talent global talent in the crypto world to come to malta and set up shop there and yes wyoming state you read on that it's interesting how it tends to be these you know states that you had since that state so so she did with the cheney's but but you know interesting things can still happen at the grassroots level there and yes i'm i am one of the things i wrote about in the series is how i think. the
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interesting thing is when the u.s. dollar loses its reserve status it with dominance like say that it's today. we have free market currencies now and so it's not just nation states versus nation states in a currency wars we're also going to have nation states versus free market currents but these free market currencies are here to stay and yes i agree i think i think states regions countries that are opportunistic and jump at the opportunity will get the smartest town in the world flowing to their shores so full of political love all states and on the same of us dollar maybe there's a gold reserve currency us umpire possibly fading you have got some really interesting things happening in north korea south korea china and russia in other words if north korea and south korea talking possibly going to make a move toward ending all hostilities there china is a big power broker trumps
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a big power broker and they might host a. peace summit between the koreas and the u.s. and russia so that does this play into your thing michel. you know so north korea look i mean that the images of the shaky hands crossing the border is was one of the most heartwarming geopolitical images i can remember seeing so it's a great thing i hope that there is peace. i will say this though before we get all excited regarding the state of geopolitics around the world you know i haven't written a single post and i write a lot of posts on geopolitics i haven't written one single post ever about north korea and how i'm concerned about it because i just wasn't concerned about it and as you know now because you've been talking about it forever the key to the to the us imperial dominance around the world is the petro dollar ok and oil is the key to the petro dollar so to me the korea one korea was never you know as much as trump
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was belligerent is tweets about it it was never to me the crown jewel for the u.s. empire i still think that's a rant and i believe with the addition of bolton and pump aoe to high positions in u.s. diplomacy and intelligence that there is going to be some serious fireworks in the east because again that's where the key to maintaining u.s. imperial powers not in north korea there's no there's no giant oil reserves there but it's in the middle east so while it's great what's going on the korea and i hope it continues. the middle east is where i've always been worried and continue to be worried ok fair enough let's let. an animal a style. that they ran on board of michael bolton on a saturday as far as our military posturing in that area michael yes so since trump was elected you could tell he was going to totally go against all of his campaign promises based on who he who he hired to be around him all these banks
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there's sixteen with trump you have to watch it who he hires and so john bolton and mike from peo are two of the most lunatic neo conservative types you could possibly pick and and so that's a sign that something something is definitely a foot with iran and you know. health is when drunks can make a decision on the saran deal and now netanyahu is saying that he's got evidence he's going to show tonight you know this is the guy that twenty twenty twenty two thousand and two netanyahu predicted that if we got rid of saddam hussein there would be huge positive reverberations throughout the middle east and that's the same guy we're going to listen to on a ranch so yeah it's disturbing but you know we'll see how it shakes out. just to make a correction there i want to again refer john bolton as michael bolton of course everyone one's got a mustache and the other ones and they all come that way i got to mix them anyway there's two different guys there so. yeah i mean but this middle east pressure cookers been building up for decades and. you know the prognosis there
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is quite terrifying but live is that potentially trump could be pulling out of u.s. military and south korea as part of a global kind of retrenchment of the pentagon and a lot of posturing going on in the middle east could also bring a prelude to a deescalation of military spending because he is not a guy who likes to waste money even though it's the bank of the few times he knows why waste money i mean i think those are valid points however i think trump's inherent. antagonism towards iran is very personal and very real not just that there's jared cushier influence there is the fact that we're trying to go on his first official state visit visit saudi arabia where he might come hail just going as first visit saudi arabia so this to me this is this is a much bigger thing and no i think the trump legitimately and for
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a variety of personal reasons as well feels feels as if iran needs to be essentially taken out or neutered in the middle east because for the united states in the you know the establishment essential they realize that. it's total control of the middle east isn't continued that that threatens the you know polar worlds which it does which you does all right we're going to leave it right there actually in point to leave on michael kramer thanks so much for being on the kaiser report sure thanks max all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser stacy i would like to thank our guest michael kroger the liberty bell it's great dot com if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report and select time by go. to support and to know that army is not ukraine or georgia and that our experience
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is unique to certain extent we're building on the success and the field years of past efforts to address the issues that you're talking about so in many ways we have a leg up on anything that's been tried in the past this is not just a democrat a grassroots effort by the armenian people for the armenian people. the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles. that you stopped by to tell you that the gossip probably. doesn't tell you on the whole and. that we. will want.
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it is like the. americans i would say i'm not american but americans really. world war two cures the depression cars shows from scripture and prosperity of course from store. for the price the whole world what it what and. historical really ever since world war two to foment the cold war against russia against communism and. socialists mishmosh. it was so. close to. all the world. like the world war two has been the story credibly anglo-american
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media and that's because they wanted to minish the role of russia. and stalin who actually defeated hitler. the head of the calls on the block to step up to the plate and replace the u.s. is the world's superpower after trump scraps the iran nuclear deal. i. was. also to come a cia veteran is thrown out of the confirmation hearing for donald trump's pick to head the agency made protests over the nominees reported involvement in torture programs the british prime minister apologizes for the u.k.'s complicity in the rendition of an al qaida linked libyan opposition leader and his pregnant wife.
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i welcome you with r.t. international receiving a six o'clock here in moscow. now despite the us quitting the around nuclear deal the country's defense secretary has said they'll continue to work alongside their allies and partners to ensure iran never acquires nuclear weapons although europe's trust in america does seem to be diminishing with more on this we're joined now by charlotte busy who's in paris force covering events. what is europe been saying that in light of america's recent statement. well we've heard some very different things from european leaders who have all said that they want to shore up this deal they want to keep this deal with iran open and that's very different of course to what the u.s. is doing walking away from this deal and in fact we know that the british french
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and german missed all due to meet iranian representatives all monday to do everything they possibly can to keep this deal going meanwhile we've been hearing from the e.u. commission president. who has basically said that the u.s. has lost now its vigor as an international actor. says the usa turned away from multilateral relations with a ferocity that only surprised us wants to cooperate with other corners of the world there is much need for europe all across the globe at this point we have to replace the united states which has an international actor has lost vigor and because of it in the long term. yet. we've also been hearing from the german chancellor angela merkel who said that the decision by the u.s. to step away from that iranian nuclear code means that europe will have to step up well have to bear greater responsibility and good. for ensuring peace and ensuring
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that there is resolution to conflicts. the globular that we could talk we will freeze more responsibility in europe and foreign policy in the area of securing peace in the area of political solutions we must find the us president decided that he would withdraw from the nuclear agreement with the around france the united kingdom and germany have decided that we remain committed to this agreement. we've also been hearing that russia and germany have been talking to each other saying that they want to maintain the communications to do everything possible to ensure that this deal with iran does not fail meanwhile we've seen some different tensions rising between germany and the united states after the new u.s. ambassador to germany sent out a tweet basically telling german companies that they needed to leave iran mediately
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following that decision by donald trump to drop out of the iranian nuclear deal that's not gone down too well with the former german ambassador to the u.s. giving out some sage advice you don't tell a host country what to do taking the new u.s. ambassador down a peg or two. ok thank you there in paris force thank you. well after quitting the around you clearly promising a raft of new sanctions to you donald trump is continuing his war of words against iran he's blamed her and for causing quote bedlam and death. see how we do with the rare probably we want to very well with them but that's ok too. they've got to understand. life because i don't think they do understand if you look at what's happening in the middle east with syria with yemen with all of the places they're involved it's bedlam and and we can't allow that to happen another statement from
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trump and we're in for another treat it's so juicy you can't help but savor it let's take it from the top we'll see how we do with the rare probably we want to very well with them but that's ok too of course he probably won't do very well with iran he just we may go on a deal that let the country's economy breathe more freely for the first time in decades and by a chain reaction trump probably won't get along with a bunch of other countries either yes all those nations who decided to stay in the deal reiterating their support for it did trump see this coming the rift with his own allies probably doesn't matter that much after all the america first mantra got trump elected and if you don't get it you're in for a life lesson they. understand. life because i don't think they do understand we keep pedia has
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a whole article on american exceptionalism and this tirade could very well at a section to it we get it mr trump you say understand life we here understand how america wants it and roll over and play and here's why according to trump everyone should be on board with his iran decision if you look at what's happening in the middle east with syria with yemen with all of the places there involved it's bedlam and death and we can't allow that to happen what a set of arguments apparently it's ok to support saudi arabia and their bombings of yemen a deadly come pain there. resulted in the world's worst man made him in a terran crisis all courtesy of american weapons american logistical support and american intelligence and with syria i must have missed the moment when iran joined the u.s. in sending money and weapons to g. hardest armed groups seeking regime change trump has laid out
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a list of demands to iran most notably he called on to iran to drop the quote quest to destroy israel an explicit indicator of who trumps trying to court here and this is how we run feels about trump's move. and the american flag isn't the only thing in tatters now so is the iran nuclear deal which has left europe scrambling for response one thing is clear though they won't be taking a leaf out of donald's art of the deal. israel has launched a huge strike against a rainy night post in syria for more details on this we heard from local journalists in both television and damascus. here in the muscles we would be able
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to witness that action which took place after the. night. we could be able to hear to witness. how these. where that could seeing the. israeli missiles in the sky over them i suppose a syrian military source announced that the army's air defense. of that missiles. to hit. destroy all three an army sports leg that one. air defense but to be only one we bought israel says this was as a retaliation to iranian rockets fired towards the northern golan heights now israelis seem to have gone into shelters while this happened there were sirens here in israel and. but now business is as usual defense minister victor lieberman.
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has spoken today in a press conference saying that iranians should be aware because if there will be rain here in israel there will be a flood nobody wants a conflict nobody wants war but everybody does seem to want to defend israel's borders. so i don't trump is controversial pick for cia director is being grilled at a senate confirmation hearing she was quizzed over her alleged involvement in the torture of terror suspects the session though was interrupted by protesters denouncing the nominee was. was . this might have been many respects. opportunistic.
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suspend stop hurting our energy. or the second person in the video who's wrestled to the ground there by security and then escorted out his seventy nine year old cia veteran ray mcgovern he served the agency for twenty seven years but then became a political activists protesting the use of torture mcgovern is a staunch critic of jeana hospital we contacted his lawyer who told us the activist spent the night in jail where the cia's enhanced interrogation program was the main focus of jena high school senate grilling and although promised that under her leadership the agency wouldn't restart the controversial program there was a certain amount of ducking and diving at the hearing the program in terms of interrogation program was consistent with american values we have decided to hold ourselves to a stricter.
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