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tv   Sophie Co  RT  May 11, 2018 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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the interrogation the waterboarding of all machinery in thailand where you personally in charge and she said well senator i appreciate the question but we'll have to take that into closed session because it's secret now who made that secret . it was china has pool so the prospect of gina has full the nominee making incriminating evidence on gina hasbro secret so that the american people couldn't see on t.v. that she was indeed the torture in chief of al no shiri in thailand make it go to the close session that was too much and that's why i got up and i said that i said senator wyden is entitled to a direct to an honest answer on that question roger howarth international stay with us.
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well welcome to. say hiroshima suffered the horrific consequence of a nuclear blast and later global struggle to abolish the nuclear weapons altogether will it succeed to hear the hague gov of japan's. seventy three years off to the world full of the devastating effects of nuclear weapons. growing with warheads ready to what
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civilization off the planet can humanity a fool to rely on feel mutually assured destruction to keep peace is the drive to get rid of nuclear weapons realistic and all the lessons of hiroshima remembered well enough today. and exactly really great to have you on our program welcome to thank you very much so. a lot so relevant issues to discuss with you. so far your country is the only country that has suffered from the use of the nuclear weapons so it is understandable why japanese people are so adamant on abolishing nuclear arms. but you say that those advocating nuclear disarmament are realistic. you really think so i mean how realistic because nuclear states including your biggest partner united states opposed that well i say. realistic because. or argument or.
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you know the goal for abolishment of nuclear weapons is based on the reality of what happens to beings. it's use when it's actually used so we know the reality of the use of it and sometimes. you know deterrence. strategy they're all discussed on paper you know there's certain assumptions there's certain assumptions. this number if we have this number you know two. actions in sitra. you know other two. but. mostly it's a perception idea based. no standing there
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are you talking about those who are actually supporters of the terror but i mean we didn't have a war for the last seventy years thanks to terrance you don't think that's reason enough to think that that's a good thing you know well deterrence no this war no having a war or no having a large number of casualties is not necessarily just because. u.s. and russia you know as a country has. nuclear weapons there are so many other factors that. deter the war. well i'm talking about you know. nuclear deterrence in deterrence is something that's probably this is scary. but i'm talking about nuclear deterrence what. i did the value of nuclear
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deterrence. you know too conventional deterrence in other dictators so all of this fact that it should never ever take place because it's so horrid that no one would ever want to have that ever happen again but done is based on the assumption that there is no mistake there is no misjudgment there is no accident you know there are a lot of assumptions that current. you know deterrence is based on. historically actually it's been proven wrong you know there has been many accidents. many misjudgments almost lead to. nuclear war which is really risky situation so this nuclear powers that the global powers at this point they're all very wary of each other that's why they
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don't really want to give up their nukes how do you see this technically happening if they were ever to happen like they all should give it up at the same time. well of course the process need to be carefully designed and i don't think it's going to happen tonight that overnight. so what we need. to seriously look into. and of course the situation is very different in regions deterrence against what you know already did turn against him where. he's a very important question and you have to. you know dig into details and try to come up with the process in each situation to reduce nuclear weapons in eliminating you have set yourself. they all have
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their reasons and yet nuclear weapons are only a manifestation of global political problems that each country has can you really simply get rid of the nuclear weapons without addressing those problems because you know they're intertwined together i mean pakistan is afraid of a bigger india and doesn't want to be the next. surrounded by hostile arab states so unless you address those political problems you can't really talk about getting rid of. no i don't think so. first you know deterrence is nuclear deterrence is different from deterrence so we're talking about nuclear deterrence and the added value of nuclear deterrence and if you carefully look into each. you know situation.
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we should be able to find the new equilibrium. you know strategy strap stability is equilibrium in game theory. and there is a multiple. possible multiple equilibrium usually and based on conditions or assumptions. and. if we could find the way to move that you know equilibrium to other position which is less costly or namely equilibrium with a nuclear weapon. much. more economical. it probably lists risk so what i'm saying is why. not we just say all because we have this conflict. having nuclear
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weapon these stump. being. taken granted taken as granted but this look for ways. with or. ways to move the seeker leaving them to a new one. and of course i don't say it's easy. some measures probably. multiple party. needs to agree upon. but i don't think you've seen possible we just have to make the air force what do you think of the nuclear weapons ban treaty adopted by the united nations can it ever go beyond declaring intent to actually have an actual impact but it's true that nuclear weapons countries must be involved in the process otherwise i mean it's only the nuclear weapon countries that can reduce or
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. eliminate nuclear weapons so finally they have to be involved and it's you know about the process again you know how we involve the nuclear weapon states so you have this in this. global peace plan in motion and i looked at it and i have to say that i admired the idea that. your devotion to it. do you have my doubts about how to promote what you stand for i mean conferences and rock concerts you know i cover politics a lot of wars a lot and no peace doesn't come through concerts and conferences so. how do you make sure that you can impact through this program well you should be aware that something speech comes through music concerts too that i agree so you know
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those activities. you know there's some. targeted public you know like increasing public awareness or some of the d.v.d.'s are targeted more experts. you know like round table talk we have been here a few months. talk among experts and polish policy makers. about what we can do so you know. we think. the final goal of course is to eliminate nuclear weapons but. who. eliminates it. is actually the leader of the new good work in country and structure that supports the leader. like the bureaucracy in the expert system and also
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public who has the basic foundation for the system so we are trying to. find ways to reach in each you know how you know how effective each action is we have to try many things which is you know this is very complicated and very significant issue so it doesn't happen. again you know. so we're trying to do. whatever we can in the find more effective way. to achieve our goal we're going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking to governor you jackie will discuss more who is right behind the data as policy or those who want
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to stay with us. don't trump claims he's the master of the deal but when it comes to iran it is the art of no deal claims he has made america safer a dubious claim closer to the truth is probably attempt to force regime change in iran. time in history during a crisis like in two thousand and eight where the creditors bailed out of the state of the debtors and going back even to build times as to debtors they get bailed out not the creditors but because of the fascism the neo fascism the listed lead like
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neal fascism between the bankers on wall street and the federal government fused together in a corporate product daisy chain of incest and by all financial shenanigans the creditors were bailed out and the water they do with all the money they inflated the bubble even higher so now i've got s. and p. hitting the all time highs but the more reality and the ethics of the country and the wealth and income gap have nosedive. and we're back with governor and governor so there are some serious steps towards nuclear issue going on in your neighboring north korea i wonder what you think
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about that because it has announced a suspension of nuclear missile ballistic testing shutting down a nuclear test site. this is widely seen as a positive step towards nuclear zation do you think kim jong un is actually not going to make any nuclear tests and what. in conclusion yes we have to see. we have to see their actions. you know being. the tree so many times. through the past negotiations. so what's important is. you know it's been one of the word is used. reversible. how. reversible you know how to prove it and you know of course. the check it. very important issue but we need to do that you.
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actually believe most korea denuclearize so you have an arsonist south korea's that are meeting right now and the talks between america and north korea are being set up and all of the partners south korea north korea south korea america japan they're saying that the ultimate goal is to see completely didn't you clear eyes north korea but a logical question is why would give up his nuclear arsenal i mean why would all of a sudden destroy completely something that he's building up for a decade. is exactly why we have to really see actions. i think. you know. motivations of course. one extending. the
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current regime and if he believes. having a nuclear. more beneficial to extending the regime he may hold on to it. if he believes. giving it up. it's more beneficial. for extending their regime i think he will so you know we have to prepare the environment that he believes and. that you know this is been a chauffeur he knew they more precise in your opinion what should he be getting. in exchange of giving up then you know what he's saying is security assurance and denuclearization when you know there might be i mean this security assurance there might be more concrete. requests are required
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meant conditions like having no. u.s. force in peninsula or something. so i don't know they will come out but you know it's. very difficult. to to predict now you know what conditions he would give up the new group and at this point we need to see and also. the timing i will discuss the timing because japan's foreign minister says that north korea should abolish nuclear arms by twenty twenty. do you think that's a realistic goal time wise because i mean it took two years of tops to just stop the iranian nuclear program they didn't even have an actual weapon i mean how can this diplomacy with north korea work faster than with iran. you know whether it's
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realistic or too fast or. too slow you know i hope you feet by twenty twenty that's very welcome. to the extent. it's possible everyone should make every effort to to to achieve that. you know. i would say there's no too early for that so. i don't know if it's you go or not but at least to try so like i mentioned south korea america are going to sit down and talk to north korea as of now japan has been about it to those talks do you think it should be part of those talks or what can they bring to the table. well. you know.
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you know a lot of fools in the. entire was sitting in the entire condition or sitting the entire environment or longer process of you know post agreement to. i don't know a this point. can do but at least you know carefully. you know see a u.s. korea's. movement or actions and think you know i'm not in the government position but. you know the pressure on north korea on this we actually see put. for actions it's also quite interesting to see what's going to happen to your
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country's security because japan has been relying on us for protection for decades and now trump is saying its allies in asia pacific should rely more and more on their own resources their own security and then you know we have personally heard the japanese government saying that slowly japan should be expanding its own japanese military do you think it's time to rethink the security council. japan. you know i don't think the big picture will change will continue. with the united states and of course it will have close relationship with korea. and other. some of the other. countries too. but in that balance or some roles could be redefined. well for example.
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you know we. would like to see japan to be u.s. nuclear nuclear deterrence. not the deterrence as a whole but nuclear deterrence that will give a better position in terms of promoting nuclear. nation or nuclear disarmament. and. for example if you look carefully we recently received a report paper from you need year. research institute. if you go back to the first question. if we look carefully. at the. situation.
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nuclear deterrence against north korea is not necessary. you know. that every north. american nuclear to terrorists in a way is a guarantee that no one attacks japan as well now well known the not necessarily because you know for example north korea. their motivation is to. no to be invaded not to be. attacked to destroy the regime. is that you sorry i keep interrupting you but i'll forget to ask you this say you it feels like you don't think the north korea is actually capable of attacking a neighbor one day on or they are they are capable of attacking neighbor but whether they will do is a different question really you don't think they'll do they think they use the nukes just to keep the regime in place that's it you. feel you know oppressed.
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or you know. they're they feel there is an immediate. very imminent danger of being attacked but they know that once they use a nuclear weapons that's basically. seen no. because there would be. there would be fight for about and you know there's so much. you don't feel like i just have to go to the question because you didn't quite answer you don't feel like you need american nuclear deterrent because you don't feel like north korea is actually about attacks and when it's more about keeping its regime in tahoe it's not about feeling or you know. it's not about feeling and it's not me saying this but i'm talking about disunity and people paper.
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from chris point of view their nuclear deterrence know what their deterrent against is a time. from. to destroy the regime and if. the top first you know it's there is. it's very certain that their regime will collapse so there are real possibility. probability that north korea is going to attack you know from themselves but what we're talking about at this point. and if you were. again talking about. is to destroy the north korea's nuclear capability you know they need to use so
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many nuclear weapons if they used nuclear weapons and is very realistic which is going to cause so much radiation issues not only was in those korea south korea china and russia to they're all. in the original question was that japan always enjoyed america's protection because we don't have the military security system in place to protect your country now that trump is saying that you should rely more on your own resources do you think japan needs an actual army and the actual security system in place. i don't say we don't have at all we have a conventional defense system to certain extent and we're partnering with states my view for example you know. nuclear deterrence against north korea we may have. meant we could be out.
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to change. the roles and the balance right so there could be a new balance in new. thinking of our security. system. i just have last two questions sensitive issue you know ninety's perception . of japan in general so the american president has visited here ashima but do you see a situation where a japanese prime minister for instance visits non-germane because the chinese are saying you know. so anti nuclear companion japan of which you are part of of course is sort of a way to whitewash japan's role in world war two and not there because you can't discuss the bombing without the reasons behind the bombing do you do you see is he too asian where your prime minister would would actually visit not jean like american president hiroshima you know maybe possible. you know.
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and of course depends environment and context if dot is. in the core of the context. think you'd be difficult for a prime minister to go but the party's out of context you know it may be he may be able to go. all right thank you very much for this interview wish you all the best of a lot and have a nice rest of the same question thank you you thank . global warming are selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the
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chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that still need. to do socks credit to tell you that what we gossiped a couple of ourselves a little pointless today. on the positive outlook has been telling me you are not cool enough and wants to buy their products. all the hawks that we along with all those walking. i was. like. oh my god i was. cut. out. of the trap. oh.
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palestinian officials say one person has been killed as great march of return protests along the gaza border with israel continued on friday that is as it prepares the controversial move of its embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem on monday . a massive protest in iran follows president trump's decision to pull out of the iran nuclear deal he's also facing mounting criticism over the move not only from opponents in the u.s. but also european allies. and i think it's not right to you know why don't we cancel the deal that was agreed upon that was now honestly approved in the u.n. security council that diminishes confirmation the international order what they want to be bustles them with a bright line between what americans tell them we want to.


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