tv News RT May 12, 2018 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the threat of. a russian company charged as part of a trumped russia investigation pleads not guilty in court amid prosecutors' efforts to delay the case. iraq goes to the polls in parliamentary elections but the vote has raised concern in washington is none of the candidates back its policy of countering iran. a top u.s. state department expert on nuclear proliferation resigns in the wake of trump's withdrawal from the a grownup nuclear deal rejecting the agreement has come under fire in america and in europe. and sweden comes on the public pressure a new study into the link between immigration and crime despite fears it could
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exacerbate tensions between locals and newcomer. a very warm welcome this is r.t. international with your saturday morning headlines i'm neki. first a russian firm accused of being a troll farm in the trump russia investigation has pleaded not guilty in a u.s. court it comes ahead of the first hearing and i criminal case brought by the special counsel against thirteen russian individuals and three entities and they are accused of conspiracy to interfere in the us presidential race it was thought all of them were unlikely to ever appear in court but after that one company decided to defend itself it turns out robert moralists he wasn't quite ready for that and stuck in very good reports. february saw the first real result of miller's
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investigation finally the russians were being called out directly three companies and thirteen individuals were named and shamed the massive indictment in the robert muller investigation breaking today of thirteen russian special counsel robert muller's investigation or indicted the russians thirteen russians not only operating overseas but operating right here in the united states but given that those targeted are russian nationals with no worries about extradition to the u.s. no one expected the matter to go any further than media headlines but one company named to the indictment concord management and consulting seemingly called ballers bluff by hiring d.c. attorneys who showed up for the arraignment the plea of not guilty or not you think muller's office would be happy to finally have their day in court but no they tried to put off the hearing on the grounds that the defendant hadn't been properly served which is amazing as being served is just a way of getting the opposing party to show up to court but given that lawyers for
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concord have done exactly that the judge ruled against that argument it seems borderline immoral to indict someone unless you can prove he's guilty of the crime they did it for one reason only muller needed russian like dressing on a salad to make his investigation look good but if you are invited to go they're going to be tried together and so if there were a number of dependents you were currently before the court legally then the court doesn't go to your restriction to proceed to get particular. and the court is not going to want if you can help but cry one when there are a number gathered by going to you were broken the government is going to have to prove the government is going to have evidence that what. used to go to the russian government the defense attorneys also demanded massive amounts of documents related to the probe things that haven't been made public and there's no way miller's doing that just think about it turning over classified him from. to
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the people representing a supposedly kremlin linked company court the government is not going to want to disclose evidence to mr pettigrew and willing to appear before the court. because that evidence could then be just going to get public the potentially. the other defendant and the government is not going to war to have that. brought or prior to having all of the defendants before the court ready to go forward with quiet investigators from miller's office that they would have been thrilled to see all of the defendants show up like that was never going to happen and went on to ask of the attorneys represented a catering company listed in the indictment as well the aim of which was lost even on the judge ok what would you like me to do with now start of hearing on the case is scheduled for may sixteenth and we'll likely know by then if everyone is ready to put all their chips on the table. new anti russian sanctions imposed by the
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a top u.s. state department expert on nuclear proliferation house resigned following don't trump a decision to pull out of the nuclear deal with it wrong he didn't give a specific reason but made it clear that he saw the cold as a success and thought it was working but is partly boyko explains chung's withdrawal from the agreement fits the general trend of u.s. policy. our u.s. president risking chaos in the middle east and in case you missed it people are surprised again. the time campaign by saying that he'd pull out of the nuclear deal with iran but now that he's actually followed through with an election promise he's caught everyone off god for some reason the world is shocked and outraged is this don't just leave us out says it's bed time spring pinkberry dealt all over the middle east and north stirring up storms of their own just a week or two ago joe johns was being put forward for the nobel peace prize for insulting
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north korea into the books and new suspect in republican president once that was his c.v. so twelve years of torture is diplomacy the world's worst. powerful nation a level of complexity rarely seen in global affairs governments came in when but the negotiations press toward relative terms of you have the alarm on deal was you are horrible on the plus side you didn't say very very horrible which in trump well they're more or less a compliment saying that there is wiggle room on the orange one said while tearing up the iran deal that it didn't bring calm it did bring peace and it never will he doesn't want to read baseball cap what he wants for a second term because one of the message a u.s. president can sell standing with i and everyone i say says europe's big three leaders bankrolled. the end was and spent a lot of political capital trying to keep trump in the deal priced at least one of
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them kissed him in the end they learned a vital diplomatic less than his many jeeps as you like but the u.s. is going to do what it down while the europeans and russia and china say they are dedicated to keeping the middle east nuclear free apart from. you know. everyone techmeme news of trunks with drool in their words come to me familiar way the europeans unleashed some sternly worded statement and iran burns an american flag in its column and find israel bombed syria so perhaps it is reassuring that nothing really ever changes. america's european allies they translators decision at risk the undermining international order and the west's moral or. just this list i think it's not right to unilaterally cancel the deal that was agreed upon enough that was no mostly approved in the on the security council to ministers come from international. elite is never good for
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us to break the rules that we ourselves helped to create why because how can you convince parents. but occasionally use force or violence but don't respect international rules to follow our example when we don't even follow that example ourselves it seems that today screening and shouting insulting and link systematically destroying and dismantling everything is already in place is the mode of our times. the former deputy coordinator for the iran nuclear deal implementation believes trans decision shows disregard for europe the full interview will be available this sunday on r.t. is the world apart but here's a quick preview. after all the bonamy of the macro meeting after the supposedly improved atmosphere in the merkel meeting and then he actually treated his intention to make this announcement and sort of telegraphed where it was going
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while foreign secretary boris johnson was actually in washington trying to convince vice president pence and the secretary of state to continue the negotiations it whether or not he was intending to be rude whether he was trying to send a message this clearly isn't the way allies behave toward one another i think you see the united states disregarding the needs and interests of its allies and europe and other allies are going to have to look at this and decide how to respond in order to protect their own concerns president trump is trying to tear down the accomplishments of his predecessor i think it's pretty clear from his public remarks that he does not understand what was in the g. c.p.u. a or what is in the g. c.p.o. a it also does undermine the position of the united states in the world we are demonstrating that we cannot take yes for an answer and that makes it very very difficult to make credible deals with the united states. iran goes to the polls on saturday in the first parliamentary elections since the defeat
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every islamic face in the country is a landmark moment not only for the iraqi people as one play outside the country highly concerned by who will hold power back where i guess they have takes a close and. depending on whose side you're on these elections can make or break the middle east not because of oil nor riches who that helps neither is it ideology or jihad ists these is all about friends. first of three leading candidates hi the. current prime minister the best word to describe him is neutral syria stay out of it iran vs america stay out of it yemen stay out he would be buying to iran but neither will he be a poor in america's efforts to isolate iran.
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candid number two nobody. former prime minister he makes no attempt to hide his affinity for iran imagine if he gave iran bases in iraq allowed troops and tanks to move from iran to syria the israelis the saudis they will like that one bit. candidates number three trumps nightmare. meeting this guy who's an iraqi himself food on the side of iran during the iran iraq war enough said i believe the american administration could be the biggest loser from iraqi election we have three camps fighting to win this election that many can
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only have one strong ally which is. always stood up. and he is trying to keep that alliance with the united states but whether he is going to win this election i have my own doubts i think that i will. miss that out of my look if they are very close to the end and gating a lot of support but i'm not here so i believe they have a hand now so you see the problem here one guy doesn't want to get involved in anything one guy is all buddy buddy with iran and the last is so poor raney and he'll fight you quite literally and even with the weight steeped in its favor america says iran is cheating. worrisome evidence that iran is trying to influence using mom the iraqi elections that money is being used to sway candidates to sway votes it's not an insignificant amount of money we believe and we think it's highly
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and helpful it's bad so bad that western states are sending ambassadors to trying to empower an iraqi cleric who his supporters had been killing american troops back in the times of the u.s. intervention he even warned two years ago that americans are a target all forgiven and forgotten you see he doesn't like iran any day that's the rooms military general kasim silliman. he looks at the t.v. and is unhappy is a good day for security in the region and looking at. those meetings in saudi arabia will make you very unhappy it all depends on who is side juran america lost thousands of men in iraq spent a trillion dollars on the war there and to watch it all go to iran that would
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hurt. sweden is bowing to public pressure for a study into the link between increasing migration and crime levels however stockholm is still uncertain about publishing data that could reveal links between the two due to the current political climate it can now be noted that the demand in the suzhou debate on obviated information on the relationship between crimes on the one hand and descent and migration on the other hand is so strong there's also needs to consider the possibilities again the last study in sweden on migrants and crime was completed over a decade ago back in two thousand and five the country's police have also begun leaving out the nationality of criminals in official reports the post for this latest study comes after around sixty one areas in sweden were dubbed no go zones due to the volume of criminal activity there.
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you. to make this clear shift in direction we cannot continue in this direction ten more years society needs to do more we need to do more we need to focus on the serious the hours and all. the. and you found earlier discussed the story with a member of sweden's democratic party has highlighted that his country hasn't been honest enough over the impact of immigration immigrants from these countries to create havoc all around europe and you know it's needs you know you need to start
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this is sweden the media they need to stop you're protecting them or denying the problems we have with immigration where the information received them from the survey how can it be used productively to solve the problem. well i think that once people realize once they dare to admit you know the causes and the problems from especially some kind of immigrant groups then it's much easier give us an argument to stop immigration from these countries because in the end. our responsibility is to our citizens and i'm quite sure that you know this survey will be yet another one that will show how the media and the left wing liberals have lied for thirty forty years and about the immigration can also say that many people in sweden commit sex crimes take but we don't make an issue of their origin. you
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know there are of course swedish people who commit six rows of crimes in general but the thing is when you have an immigration you need to know how does the immigration affect your country it's better if a swede rapes someone it's not we don't need to import more it seems to be country high profile whistleblower door and protesters in the u.s. capitol against what she describes as a trend of activist facing rough tactics and detention but story for you after this short break. the iran nuclear deal was once seen as a major achievement of american diplomacy but that's no longer the case donald trump's decision to pull out of the deal has reopened a major international problem and left allies betrayed and adverse to his confused
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how should the world proceed. welcome back now american whistleblower chelsea manning has been protesting in washington d.c. facing trial next monday for demonstrating against president trump's inauguration a former soldier became famous for having a prison sentence refuted by barack obama after she leaks confidential u.s. documents she also commented on the recent case of activists facing abuse at the u.s. senate haring last wednesday. protesters place all across the country from california to new york. from police offices here.
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because you. are resisting my many respects in. the summer this to. this is that is not heard of me and i don't judge. but we spoke to ray mcgovern himself who described the senate tearing as a sure rod this hearing started in a most unusual way with the cheer saying this if i can wear my glasses very well because as you could see there twisted out of shape but what he said was this. this is an open hearing and it will be a close election those people will want to say something extra. do it fast. so i noted that i take copious notes wherever i go especially at hearings like this that i put on the top two i said well now maybe
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maybe this is an invitation to rick of make a remark although it quickly and then i'll go the hearing was in many many respects a charade the people running the hearing especially chairman richard burr are known to be like this with the cia senator wyden said now ms haskell were you in charge of the interrogation the waterboarding of only shiri in thailand where you personally in charge and she said well senator i appreciate the question but we'll have to take that into closed session because it's secret now who made that secret not it was jena high school so the prospect of jena has full the nominee making incriminating evidence on jena hasbro secret so that the american people couldn't see on t.v. that she was indeed the torture in chief of al nashiri in thailand make it go to
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the close session that was too much and that's why i got up and i said that i said senator wyden is entitle to a direct to an honest answer on that question. canada's conservative house leader candice bergen wants to know that what are he's a doing about at least sixty four ma i still find it is you have returned to canada it comes after one of them gave a detailed account of his killings in syria in a new york times podcast. this individual described how he executed individuals by shooting them in the back of the head he said that the people he was shooting deserved it and he said i know i won't be held accountable he said that at least twice before myself i to know know that our bill abu who is i confessed to taking part in execution style murders of sonny and muslim men he said he decided to leave syria after the second time he killed
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a person he left canada in two thousand and fourteen to join the extremist group when he was seventeen years old his life and now lives in toronto as canadian house members were told to their surprise this guy is apparently in tried told canadians deserve more answers from this government actual right to do is something that's just. well canada's public safety minister refuse to provide details on the status of the eggs i still find him however he insists that canadians are safe and the security agencies are doing their job as sandro bruno contributor to geopolitical monitor dot com thinks western governments policy toward syria has encouraged people to join extremist groups there many western governments have taken a very ambiguous line at best. so france united states great britain of doing it you broke line in a time when i sing the syrian regime making it seem like it was ok to go and fight
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for isis given that you were fighting the evil regime of sirte so definitely there should not be surprised of blowback but at least sixty such fighting it will come back from fighting in syria rather than putting soldiers in jail of the sort of deep breached after this story has come out in parliament particularly people i'm sure lives it has to do in certain provinces don't like trudeau will definitely make. too soon to a bigger story sure that true door will probably price or after those flames before the explosion. a u.s. congressman has asked the trump administration to resume its funding of the controversial syrian activist group the white helmets reports of washington casting money to the group emerged a week ago though no confirmation has been issued so far r.t.
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scale of more pain has the story. well ed royce from the foreign affairs committee of the u.s. congress he has met with the white helmets on many occasions with other politicians he's been photographed with them he's a big supporter of the white helmets and now he's calling for their funding to be immediately restored we cannot to bend in the region we must work with the news and use over to the diplomacy including financial pressure and u.s. assistance to change conditions on the ground the administration should start by immediately reviewing stability and funding including through the white house. now already the united states has provided the white helmet with over thirty two million dollars from the u.s. a id now they also receive funding from various european governments as well as governments throughout the middle east and when it was announced that their funding would be cut there were offers from the united kingdom to fill the gap for the u.k. to provide funding of their own to actually fill up that gap and make up for the
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loss of funding from the united states they've actually had a close tie with the united kingdom for a long time in fact the white house that's were organized by a former member of m i six they have faced for a long time accusations of having ties with extremist groups as well as the fact that they only operate in rebel held territories that they didn't know the accusation that they cooperate with the extremist groups now the white helmets of always claim they're an impartial organization we've actually heard some very strong criticism cism of them coming from russia and syria and the governments of russia and syria have gone as far as to point out that it appears that a number of their videos have actually been staged in order to effectively serve kind of talking points against the syrian government they're worried how mets have lost their luster they've been widely discredited in the eyes of the whole world as a frog as a propaganda arm western military intervention illegal military intervention in
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syria mr ruiz will carry weight with. white house he is a republican and he has the support and fortunately the rest of the congress is behind the illegal war and i have to say that this is a good time for us taxpayers to pick up the phone and call their am their congress person and their congress person island or their senator and say i don't want my tax dollars to be used to meddle in the internal affairs of a sovereign country well as highest one today morning headlines new this hour we'll be back with the latest in just over thirty minutes we'll say that. apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just billionaire owners and
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spend the two to twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to be true so i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game but great so what more chance for. peace it's going to take. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were yourself in taken your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry honey i could so i write these last words and hopes to put to rest piece things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about more like it was a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i
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secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one difference i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. time in history and during a crisis like in two thousand and eight where the creditors bailed out the state of the debtor standing going back even to bill before times as the debtors they get bailed out not the creditors but because of the fascism the neo fascism the lisztomania like neal fascism between the bankers on wall street and the federal government fused together a corporate product daisy chain of incest and by all financial shenanigans the creditors were bailed out and the water they do with all the money they inflated
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