tv News RT May 14, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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the. united states can always had tools to use and its tax on other countries. economic sanctions are are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries attorney talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. we have a responsibility for the home. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there we can.
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apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the shaper money killion a loan to spend spend be true to the twenty million one player. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so we'll all chance with. and thinks it's going to. some officials do not. fully understand or do not fully accept the principle of football being beyond politics that's a fundamental principle of the book. never said that some people may have opinions
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but it's their own opinions and doesn't influence opinions of many other football fans through the law or buying tickets every day in large volumes. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to meet people this is the simple song. company elsewhere they invite private companies to take over their utilities anybody tell us. miss you guys you got. this is. because. of what you man but the left. locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than water it's about the hurt and the redistribution of. birds on their debt
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downwards we want our. welcome back diplomats returned to their respective countries nature war games played out on battlefields and threats of war broadcast on mainstream media this sounds like right now but in ninety three conditions like these nearly led to nuclear armageddon he had to explain i was filmmaker and author of the world at war taylor downing his new book is called nine hundred eighty three the world at the brink dana welcome to going underground i thought world peace was a short after that russian. nine hundred sixty two refused to press the button during the cuban missile crisis one thousand nine hundred eighty three is the subject of the. this book what happened in ninety three it was a very very dangerous year nine hundred eighty three people think the. cold war pete with the cuban missile crisis in ninety sixty two sixty three i actually argue that november eighty three the subject of my book is actually even more dangerous
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than what went on in the cuban missile crisis is partly because eighty three begins the early part of the we've got reagan in the white house and aggressive u.s. president who's using all his rhetorical skills to condemn and dismiss the soviet union he calls them an evil empire in one of his speeches in march of that year really insulting thing to say about about the soviet state in the later in that month he launches what he called the strategic defense initiative which was very soon labeled his star wars program because he intended in ounce that they would shoot down all incoming missiles in space they would build a shield over the united states that no missiles could penetrate and come through that again really upsets the soviets so they take it at face value they believe it and they think that decades of defense expenditure the building up of a huge nuclear deterrent is all going to be made redundant overnight by this by this threat so the year is
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a dangerous year in terms of the rhetoric that the americans are piling up against the the soviet leader was yuri and only been there a few months he took over from an effort towards the end of nine hundred eighty two and then in the summer of that year a korean airliner the famous flight count seven vias hundreds of miles off course and flies over a very sensitive soviet military area crosses a naval base and station misawa station nobody can work out quite how this civilian aircraft with all its modern gears moser navigation got lost particularly over such a sensitive territory the soviets panic and in a major blunder the. they shoot down the su fifteen fighter pilot shoots down the korean airliner the worst casualty figures. later by two hundred ninety iranians killed by the u.s. on a six week that's often forgotten but at the time in the year that absolutely
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ignites the pressures the tensions the atmosphere that has built up again reagan erupts he calls the soviet union a terrorist state committing a crime against humanity and it looks to many people as though the cold war is actually going to go hot at that point the end of august one thousand nine hundred eighty three. the violence of the language really couldn't be more extreme is something that we haven't seen for a very long time on the part of these individuals you emphasize the language of diplomatic rhetoric is so important it is it's very it's very important because although the americans and the west had quite good surveillance upon the soviet union they could see where their weapons were based where their missile silos were they knew the numbers of aircraft they hadn't had a pretty good idea of the number of missiles they had none of these systems could see inside the mind of the soviet leaders so they had no idea quite what effect
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they were having upon the soviet leadership upon the kremlin leaders and this is where the danger really love america was talking tough uncle sam was out there shouting from the rooftops as it were. but with no sense of the panic this was generating in the kremlin and of course if you want anything from your intelligence organizations you want to know what the other side a thinking you can see what they're what what missiles they got what technology they have it you can't see into their minds and this is a huge failing on the american pop that means they go on piling on this pressure as the year passes amidst all of this here in britain information is being gathered you talk about. john scarlett the former head of m i six was criticised when all joe got over iraq gets a name check for managing these double agents which yes agents have been in the news over the script and they're absolutely watching the news of this criminal
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affair we're reminded about three months of very much i mean espionage britain had a one hundred eighty three had this very important double agent he was a senior figure in the k.g.b. who was reporting to british intelligence the m i six the germans john scott it was his mind. and it was really one of the very few sources the west had into what the soviet leadership with thinking certainly the k.g.b. leadership and they had started a program to look for signs of an imminent nuclear attack from the west and i think we now understand this has been repeated several times if you ask an intelligence agency to look for evidence of something they don't come back and say no nothing that can't compound it so they usually come back and say yes this is the evidence that we found and sure enough in the soviet union that everybody wants to keep their job nobody wants to insult the political leadership that says this is a priority so they find evidence to substantiate whatever it is they're being asked to verify and that happens in the soviet union in one hundred eighty three when more and more agents are reporting back from the west yes here's another sign that the the us are preparing to go to war in october eighty three there's
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a truck bomb. set off in the middle of the u.s. marine base in beirut they were a peacekeeping force in the towards the end of the war in them in the middle east two hundred forty marines killed the americans put all their bases worldwide on alert maximum state of alert for terrorist acts against them the soviets pick up on this don't link it to the story in beirut they link it to their big agenda which is are the americans preparing to attack so that this is another box ticked in the list of. signs of indicators of an imminent attack so again the temperature goes up a bit as and then we have the nine to. november ninety eighty three i should say we've had massive joint major exercises in the past few days. and in your book abel archer eighty three hey bill archer was an annual exercise that nato
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carried out it wasn't an exercise in which troops or army divisions or tanks went out into the field it was purely a communications exercise and the idea was to rehearse a story in which nato had lost a conventional war with the warsaw pact the forces of the warsaw pact and needed to resort to nuclear weapons and it's the protocols for the launch of nuclear weapons that this exercise is intended to reverse and sure enough on the eighth of november the nato leaders those who are playing the war game ask for formal permission to launch a full nuclear missile attack upon the soviet union soviet radio listeners choosing into every part of this story and slowly the kremlin convinces itself that this is not a war game this is actually the real thing an attack is imminent all these signs of come together all this tension is built up the whole year of living dangerously has built up to this moment on the ninth of november when the kremlin leadership is
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convinced because they have plans to attack the west in the guise of a war game they always assume the west would attack them we don't want to give away the ending although we are all alive in this studio as a candidate just just briefly are we today in the similar circumstance i don't think. i think there are which is i think there are lots of parallels between what happened in eighty three and what's going on in a very dangerous world we live in today we have again we have a very aggressive us president who's rhetoric now is usually by tweet by by public statements but but i don't think he realizes the offense or the insult that he's causing by a lot of what he says we have war games that that as you say can easily. the escalate out of control we have a very uncertain situation in which again nuclear weapons are being threatened i thought when the cold war was over in the ninety's living through that period i thought that's behind us that chapter of the use of nuclear weapons is close but it
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most certainly is and it's being threatened again today let's hope the recent events in korea will diffuse that but only a few weeks ago there was talk of a nuclear exchange in korea and one of the things that eighty three tells us is that when these incidents build up and they often start with quite minor incidents when a scenario escalates it's very difficult to put the lid on it it's very difficult to prevent it getting completely out of control turn it around and thank you. well from threats of war to the tools of war and from the u.s. to saudi arabia to russia who spends the most on their weapons of war joining me now from stockholm in sweden is dr ode floor on she's the director of the arms transfers and military expenditure program at the stockholm international peace research institute order welcome to going underground there's so much detail in this report but surely people who love peace all around the world can take comfort your headline figure of one point one percent as an increase in real terms in the
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warfare industry between twenty six hundred seventeen very low yeah well i do not understand is very misleading actually in one instance is that there's a lot of different involved have trans military spending all going to world in student debt and courage and and all and contradictory transfer in the n.b.a. and you cancel each other am so if you have a very large anderson just the u.s. which is dominant with thirty five percent of the real total with six hundred and ten billion spending on that military arsenal and then you've got russia climbing and twenty years now it still remains pretty much the same or and this is the situation which senioritis past four or five years it's a plateau that is really misleading because in the end if you look at the regional and national. level then you see a lot more diversity i want to get out of the united states and that surprising find from russia because we're told here in britain that we should be frightened of russian military spending that let's go do a written greatest want to britain's greatest ally saudi arabia nine point two
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percent one of the largest increases or the largest increase in the expenditure of a war for. yet not only one of the major drivers for saudi arabia an increase in military spending and then war and that it's been waging in or. i mean i think u.k. and there they do you get a military i believe well placed you know that large war efforts are very very costly and to die isn't there increasingly if you're spending in a country pretty clearly so it would be the same dynamic in saudi arabia that the saudi arabia employs a lot of weapons some of it coming also. a bit from the u.s. and several other western european arms to do search and this is very costly but together and this will push military spending upwards and also i mean saudi arabia also has. you know objectives of being an influential actors accurate in the middle east and even beyond to some extent so all this together on classical drivers up
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military spending. but you say the united states has a big warfare industry there three times russia however u.s. spending has been declining and it was unchanged when it explodes and yet there's been some issue in the domestic level of the domestic political level terrorist until vote for the current budget will just deny they were constrained i mean the u.s. military the u.s. overall government budget including the military budget were constrained by control that limited the. amount of resources devoted to different areas as only had securing that it could go around just understand they're not that much friend isn't time around. they are still constrained by previous year funding so that explains largely their stability underspending compared to last year it's pretty much just sinking really get into details our level of funding however it's been
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mentioned a lot that next year could be an increase it's still hard to say there whether it's going to happen are not the end the the mystic problems of domestic political problems related to that finance of the country the debt and deficit and the military spending altogether it remains to be seen how this one a lot in next year and vitally briefly israel that other nuclear states in violation of un resolutions difficult to assess their increase in the movement of the five percent but to exclude more than three point one billion dollars a given to the israeli government by the u.s. taxpayer yet we don't care the u.s. military aid because it's actually the u.s. taxpayers and so we give that to you but one billion to tell us they're making even though it is really the is regularly that actually benefit from this trip or one million different i mean does not count from the israel taxpayer so this is why are excluded the israeli major expenditure is there it is extremely difficult to put together and our lots and bits and pieces that are spread out within different
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agencies and different ministries that we have to pull together with the help experts in that country in order to make up our estimate and we just think this is an estimate therefore there might be a little or a little bit higher but it's not particularly transparent we have no idea how much the nuclear arsenal discovered an estimate for instance which is a thing for our nuclear countries actually a lot of them dollars anything and some of the figured out i haven't published are not particularly clear our national definition are not congress as if it meant specifically mentioned that israel is definitely not one of the most transparent. media. drugs are all thank you and that's it for the show will be back though on wednesday went off of the apparent disappearance of duty of a former permanent representative of the o.p.c. w. gives us his take on the mysterious script all affair until then you can keep in
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touch with us by social media we'll see you when c sixty five years to the day of the death of a room in the french jazz guitarist django reinhardt. some officials do not. fully understand or do not fully accept the principle of football being beyond politics that's a fundamental principle for the book. were granted some people may have opinions but it's their own opinions and doesn't influence opinions of the many other football fans who are buying tickets every day in large volumes. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know here i mean your list put video through me in
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the new bill is that i do schooling you go to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty forty and. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i mean never known a hero well here you'll meet one also what is the future of the transatlantic alliance in the era of trump and the prehistory of the next war in the middle east .
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our headline stories this hour seven palestinians are killed in. a us prefers to open its embassy in jerusalem we've got reports coming up from two border hotspots. a british tabloid run the fear factor one month before the world cup kicks off in russia using a photo project to highlight all violence however the author sees his work has been twisted. demonstrations and
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a terror attack marked the end of french president. first year in office many in france a man like a king who doesn't understand the subject. just after two pm this monday afternoon here and moscow may fourteenth you know neal welcome to the program we begin this hour with breaking news from the israeli gal's a border seven palestinians have been killed in protest the nun saying the relocation of the u.s. and. see in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem but news according to gas the health officials let's take a look now live pictures from you can see crossroads of people there but on the right of your screen
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a lot of fiqh smoke coming from burning tires nearly one hundred people among those kreutzer reportedly wounded paula stinney and right through the west spine have been urged to turn for the protests with the palestinian islamist group hamas saying as many as two hundred thousand people will take part now in response the israeli military has boosted its presence right along the border line. similar demonstrations are being held in ramallah these pictures live as well a bit on clearer at the moment but what you're seeing really are protests people are starting to come out increasingly onto the streets with palestinian flags a heavy security presence is there as well of course the u.s. embassy move has ignited tensions right across the middle east but particularly in this area too earlier we received reports from gaza. let's take
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a look at them. we are here proximately one hundred meters away from the fence and as we see you there i knew i want of the injuries that was shot in live ammunition by the israeli snipers we can see that israeli snipers stationed along the fence that separates separates gaza and israel palestinian are here despite everything despite all of a lot of ammunition despite the tear gas canisters this is an injury that the paramedics took just right now i'll threaten you the fans and i think that is. going to lead tomorrow's the fifteenth of may which is the next day and the palestinians will continue their outreach today. and tomorrow the protesters have actually set fire to several tires in the area with the smoke covering the area and israeli soldiers have set themselves along the wall and along the checkpoint to keep the protesters buck similar demonstrations are said to occur in nablus as well
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as hebron and as well as bit let him where the situation across the west bank is tense in general on this day once for the next day and another for the relocation of the american embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. meanwhile in the city of ramallah near the center of the town and in the fischel a commemoration has been organized by the policy and authority and several other activists and members of palestinian national and islamic forces to mark this day to raise their voices in rejection of the american decision against the embassy. while in other places of the west bank pledges that already began in villages and in areas outside of ramallah and outside of the major cities. ok just leaving the story for now we may return to it as the hour progresses but i want to bring you up to date with another story we're following closely with the twenty eighteen football world cup exactly one month away a prediction newspaper has been warning fans to expect that bruising from bare
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knuckle fighters they even used a series by a serbian photographer who'd been working in moscow to highlight that supporters will be given a hostile old welcome the only problem the creator saves his work has been taken out of context artie's dunga hawkins takes a closer look. as thousands of england fans pack their bags for russia this summer it seems one thing they won't be needing are travel guides forget trip advisor or lonely planet the sun has all the crucial info along with a handy photo guide it's not for the faint hearted though ultraviolence images ahead of the world cup these are some pretty hard hitting photos from a twenty fifteen project by a serbian photographer known as boogie well the images and captions certainly make an impression nationalistic pro-government messages labeled this photo of army cadets a tattooed pensioner next men drinking and smoking in broad daylight
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a woman with a bruised face perhaps a victim of those very russian football folks with a few references to ultras and drinking thrown in the article then a finishes with a classic touch it all makes for a pretty grim picture of the upcoming world cup although some comments under the piece certainly seem to disagree i would invite the sun to roam around some of america's inner cities in the heartland cleveland detroit chicago baltimore and take pictures that knights report back on what you find if you still alive absolutely nothing connecting any of these photos with football hooliganism two men share a smoke and a beer in broad daylight oh my god satan so let's assume for just a moment these are all russian bots and trolls don't take their word for it we caught up with the photographer himself to see what he made of the sun story clearly out of there and that really trusted. that
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article would be it would be a wrong move follows a liver as soon it would be anything where i go. wrong he was context is everything and looking at that article those found some of what will trip seemed more like a nightmare journey to more door. i . live fact is the weird shoe there is see things. that i think even if i shoot flowers little puppies is going to look dark it's nothing to do with the real situation i'm going to be perfectly safe there are rules governing me and i feel safe don't get us wrong these tough been portrayed saw a stark reality of what you can find here in russia as in every major world city but how does that relate to football many would agree that tabloid press pieces should be taken with a pinch of salt but this article is just one drop in the ocean of stories featuring
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the horrors of russia and its football thugs waiting around every corner to jump unsuspecting visitors although none of that seems to have put off the tens of thousands of foreign fans who've snapped up their tickets and will arrive here in just a few weeks from now ok so we heard of requested comment from the sun on the photographer claimed who also told this he'd asked for the article to be removed and when we get a reply on this we'll update you on the story. well the world cup ours also fallen into the crosshairs of a diplomatic row between russia and the u.k. it's seen british m.p.'s the royal family this side to boycott the showpiece tournament while for the first time in eighty years no british referees will be officiating their world cup finals sophie shevardnadze asked russia's chief of the twentieth teen organizing committee whether all this will affect the event
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frustrates us is that some officials do not. fully understand or do not fully accept the principle of football being beyond politics that's a fundamental principle of the world football. regret that some people may have opinions but it's their own opinions it doesn't influence opinions of many other football fans who are buying tickets every day at large volumes we have very good ticket sales people who vote for the world cup in russia with their money our british fans still buy the tickets yes large numbers decent numbers you know. there was a moment among leaders in europe it's a personal decision whether or whether to come to watch and support your own team or not there were some people will miss miss out on this opportunity and has no reflection of the world on the world cup itself.
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it's a year since it. was inaugurated as the president of fronts but for many in the country his reforms have fallen short of expectations he's also accused of cronyism and running a virtual monarchy in part as thousands marched against micron's pro-business economic reforms the protesters say the changes represent an assault on workers' rights it is just the latest in a series of rallies across france in recent months a number of which have been marred by violence and clashes with police presence is now under even more pressure following the knife attack in paris on saturday evening amount of chechen origin stopped one person to death and injured or others in the french capital he was then shot dead by islamic state earlier released the video allegedly showing the attacker pledge allegiance to a terrorist group. has.
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