tv Going Underground RT May 14, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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eighty seven countries that have embassies in israel the u.s. will be the only country to base its facility in jerusalem. ok let's not go to live pictures we just got them in on the program from gaza where the violence has been erupting right through the day let's see what's happening right now on not area between israel and. a lot of smoke there these are live pictures or latest pictures coming in a little bit of difficulty getting a live feed as you can imagine from the situation which is unfolding there at the moment thirty seven people the latest figures from the. health ministry saying thirty seven people have lost their lives or people injured seventeen hundred people wounded this monday making at the deadliest day in the israel palestinian conflict since the war in twenty. there's a local journalist on the ground for us there. let's listen to her latest
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filing. i just. felt i was still here and palestinians are still protesting quite a lot. of are there are no protests on the fifteenth of may which is the next hour of the contrast if you are the palestinians that were driven out. of their homes at night. well so far palestinians have been protesting and israeli forces have been at canisters and firing live ammunition and we saw a lot of injuries and the high. when. they're intending to go. here we see women that believe that what they think everyone is starting today everyone is here today and that everyone is here just read the message of the palestinians that there are. local journalists the embassy move from tel aviv to jerusalem partly means so much to the israeli government that the
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u.s. president's name face appearing all sorts of unlikely places want to create peace between. israel and the palestinians it's. all right let's leave that story behind just for move on to more global news this hour with the twenty eighteen a football world cup exactly one month away britain's biggest selling newspaper is
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warning funds to expect a bruising from berne knuckle fighters it's used a series of pictures by a serbian photographer who had been working in moscow for an article highlighting how supporters should expect a hostile welcome the photographer though saves his work has been taken out of context taking a closer look than he logons. as thousands of england fans pack their bags for russia this summer it seems one thing they won't be needing are travel guides forget trip advisor or lonely planet the sun has all the crucial info along with a handy photo guide it's not for the faint hearted though ultraviolence images ahead of the world cup these are some pretty hard hitting photos from a twenty fifteen project by a serbian photographer known as boogie well the images and captions certainly make an impression nationalistic pro-government messages labeled this photo of army cadets a tattooed pensioner next men drinking and smoking in broad daylight
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a woman with a bruised face perhaps a victim of those very russian football thugs with a few references to ultras and drinking thrown in the article then a finishes with a classic touch lytle makes for a pretty grim picture of the upcoming world cup although some comments under the piece certainly do seem to disagree i would invite the sun to roam around some of america's inner cities in the heartland cleveland detroit chicago baltimore and take pictures that night's report back on what you find if you still alive absolutely nothing connecting any of these photos with football hooliganism two men share a smoke and a beer in broad daylight oh my god satan so let's assume for just a moment these are all russian bots and trolls don't take their word for it we caught up with the photographer himself to see what he made of the sun story clearly out of there and that really trusted. that
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article would be it would be a wrong move for a liver as soon it would be anything way to go. wrong he was context is everything and looking at that article those found some of what will trip seemed more like a nightmare journey to more door. the fact is the weird shoot the received things usually captures the doubt i think even if i shoot flowers in bucky's it's going to look dark there's nothing to do with the real situation and i'm going to be perfectly safe there the world cup me and i feel safe in moscow don't get us wrong these tough been portrayed as are a stark reality of what you can find here in russia as in every major world city but how does that relate to football many would agree that tabloid press pieces
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should be taken with a pinch of salt but this article is just one drop in the ocean of stories featuring the horrors of russia and its football thugs waiting around every corner to jump unsuspecting visitors although none of that seems to have put off the tens of thousands of foreign fans who've snapped up their tickets and will arrive here in just a few weeks from now we have pumped the photographers views to the sun and forwarded his request to have the article removed if the paper gets back to us we will let you know what was said. ok return to our top story now the situation in the middle east where thirty seven people by last count according to the gallon ministry of health have been killed after being shot by live ammunition on the gaza it's really border protests also happening in the palestinian authority its capital ramallah and also in jerusalem of course where the move of the u.s.
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embassy from tel aviv is happening right now the sort of money on going a lot to hopping let's try to get some answers to some of our questions about it move to political sciences professor. saida from alice our university in gaza thank you for coming on the program i know on rest it was always expected wasn't it with today's embassy move but tell us what are the wider consequences how is this going to affect for instance america's influence on the region. what let me said that what is happening today is a message of on going from the palestinian masses all over the girls to the west bank and east jerusalem. this america of a commission of jerusalem as the capital of as when is not accepted by the palestinians on also the it occasional of u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem is that he said therefore the palestinians in minding them of their fist not by some seventy years ago now what are the
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consequences of that it seems to me that the palestinians have decided that the us is no known got on honest to book on in the mideast peace process between the palestinian that is why it is and it also will lead to further palestinian rage where the palestinian i'm gonna do you us these lady occupation and we will probably see further palestinian resistance and fill them. again is this us mission of jerusalem as the capital of israel as you say we've seen it on on president number of deaths in recent times the worst day of violence in some four years there are thirty seven people at least have lost their life do you expect out to to continue do you think things are going to get worse. well i believe that this is the these day in palestine is where the conflict says the list is what aggression against the girls on the summer of two thousand and
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fourteen. is weighed addition which lasted for fifty one days more than two thousand two hundred dollars in his was shot and killed today has been that this day since the start of the march of return some six weeks ago and it does also expected that the palestinians will continue to put this to give us israel only over the border area between gaza and israel to protest this way to see john blockade of the gaza strip on also to put this thing again is the u.s. that occasion of its implicit them to the love you have to jerusalem and also to ask israel to put an end to it see done what good let me just let me just say what israel's point of view to all this and they have repeatedly said it as well that hamas is pushing its citizens to become martyrs for the cause making them go to the border threw stones molotov cocktails israel therefore has to respond if that is the case because it will not have the right to protect its citizens against people
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who want to kill them. well let me a little chill to the point that this march of return for this is a monday violent protest against israel one started on march thirtieth of this year and it has been almost one hundred percent nonviolent peaceful and popular protest against israel maybe over the past six weeks one or two isolated incidents in which there were shooting up this way to soldiers but overall this is a nonviolent protest against is led by the palestinian masses now with the hamas is behind this all not which could be true but this is a palestinian coniston ian botham a lot of message to israel that the current situation is not acceptable by the palestinian people and i don't see much good is no longer acceptable this must come
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to an end because the palestinians the two million palestinians in gaza would like to live. in a in dignity the numbers of deaths there it's really extraordinary isn't it you know we're hearing up words of more than thirty seven you know it. could be dozens if not scores by the end of today sir what do you put it mainly done to is it the the move of the embassy to jerusalem or is it the the fighting against the is it not that they great displacement it could toss three fourteenth of may one nine hundred forty eight the under pressure of the how much to put it down into the embassy. why i think in my opinion it's all of that today is the seventieth anniversary of the colosseum not by the so-called great catastrophe in which more than two thirds of the palestinian people would expelled from their own villages and homes and the water of nineteen forty eight
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and it's also the us is a good mission of general cinemas that gotten a visit and which is in violation of international no expression the united nations security council resolutions for four six seven four six eight and also the latest two on secure the council resolution two three three four this is definitely a message to the u.s. that the indication of the u.s. embassy to jerusalem is the crux it doesn't that it's also a message of i'm go out of this way to see just like kids of the gaza strip which has been happening for the past seven years and lived to tell you to think on their situation just. seventy percent of the protestant is on the top of the mine in gaza more than forty three percent of them unemployed does it was up to this way to see douglas kmiec just on what's being said in response to today palestinian
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authorities call on the international community to put an end to the bloody at muskerry do you think that call is going to be heeded will they be listened to. i hope so this is this is the responsibility of the you on this sponsor the two of the international community to put an end to this way the occupation of palestinian occupied territory which was occupied by israel and more than fifty years ago and a lot of one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and it's also the responsibility of the international community. is one of stopping its water crimes against the palestinians in which hundreds of palestinians have been shot and killed over of the use of these one of the occupation since this occupation started the enjoyed of the in sixty seven now without of the without of the international community is able to do that to do that or not it seems to me that unfortunately the yuan has
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failed or the international community has failed to make is very responsible for it it's a good option against the palestinian people for its it can its continuation of these its occupation of palestinian. but we do hold that the international community will act more of a son responsibly to put an end to this palestinian suffering which has been gone for many years now. well thank you very much for coming on the program and sharing your thoughts with us this hour. political scientist professor in ghana say yeah we're going to a break in just a moment just to recap the situation that we're speaking about in gaza forty one people killed by live ammunition from its really army snipers against palestinians who have come to protest against what they see as an occupation of their homeland also of course the u.s.
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what you're seeing on the left of your screen is the opening ceremony of the u.s. embassy moving to jerusalem a very busy day in the region we'll be recapping in the coming hours what is happening there stay with our international we are here all day long reliance on this story. it's. all. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last turn. up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i believe i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each
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breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a game still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different to speak to now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. the united states contains terrible things it's noons and its tax on other countries. economic sanctions or are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the country music's or talking about.
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the end of their past to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country because. believe have a responsibility for the hate. and the way to make. the rest of. us without us there will be here. when i was told some seemed wrong but old rules just don't call. the world is yet to shape our disdain you can see it now today and in detroit it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when we choose to look for common ground.
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i've been saying the numbers mean from this matter the u.s. has over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global will you want to be ultra rich feet with six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per cent at the first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one business shows you can afford to miss the one in only. the politics of washington not been driven by the fossil fuel energy lobbyist they could have gone into renewables ten twenty years earlier and those jobs would be in
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place generating good paying jobs in america and be part of a growing world beating industry because they kowtow to those lobbyists they got stuck in the coal business which up liberated by the gas business which is a shilling dodgy had to turn a lot of reasons and now it's going to be obliterated by the chinese led revolution in seoul.
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hello welcome to sophie and sophie shevardnadze they face our world cup world's biggest sporting spectacle is coming to russia teams from all over the time it will dip it out for that coveted prize on stadiums from the black sea to the baltic. with just one month to go how ready is the country for once in a lifetime event well i ask. had only twenty eight hundred fifty a world cup organizing committee. for the twenty eighteen fee for world cup. russian cities are going through last minute adjustments and checkups making sure everything is up to standard the world sports greatest turn of the. intercity trains. called free tickets and more and stadiums every three world cup
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ready for russia. what is new and unique about this year's championship and is the country world prepared to handle the influx of tourists for the competition and it's really great to have you on our program today welcome thank you right so you took part in preparations for the sochi olympics obviously the world cup in terms of infrastructure in terms of scale a much bigger thing eleven cities twelve stadiums does it make the world cup more complex organizational kind of you. well we traditionally did not compare the two events they are very different one is multi-sport event and one city we have a single sport event which is scattered throughout european part of russia but. it is it is complex it is indeed multifaceted it involves
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a lot of fans who come to russia who want to see great football inside russia russian citizens. in general almost three million tickets are distributed for the world cup so it is a grand event you seem very calm and confident during one of the operational visits to russia fifth officials were saying while russians the syllabus were progressing on track but the devil is in they tell us what details do they mean and what kind of details do the general public may. well it's hard for me to say which details they meant the world cup is about details world cup has very specific requirements for all the venues for all stadiums. regular stadiums which are used for. national league games they could not instantly host the world cup they need additional preparation for the need of the patient. and that's what we're doing right now all the stadiums are ready and that will finish adaptation work for for
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the world cup itself the decoration of the stadiums the fine tuning of the stadiums and there will be completely ready for the world cup so this is happening do you have a wake last minute catastrophists that you have to deal with i mean we always think not going to see this in the news like something that you can look back and laugh right now behind the scenes stuff. catastrophe would be a very strong word but. usually something happens yes we do we think that we. undertook as much precautions as we could. we hope that everything will go into the plan but usually something happens as we we've seen big football tournament where. pictures have been replaced between the matches we've seen. in the past matches that were delayed or or even removed postponed. but well nothing like that happens that russia will cook during the test
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runs the new stadiums on a show for the world cup have seen enormous queues and traffic going in and out are going to make sure that the fans are going to be watching the game from the key and south their seats while in every city we have a very detailed the very thought through transport plan. whom. this plan will be tested during three matches which will take place at every city before the world cup. and. these test matches are good indication to us whether the our plans work whether the venue works in general for a big crowds of people or that if something doesn't work would change it but usually we would come fully prepared you saw luzhniki how would some proved over two matches. the same thing will happen with every stadium so the white house has
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issued a travel warning for fans going to the world which was. the american white house washington at fifa pat says and the russian officials are saying that the security situation is under control so tell me do americans know something we don't get i believe. you know security situation is indeed under control we have a very robust security concept every law enforcement agency is part of it it's part of its inclination to implementation or we we have tested our security abilities during confederations cup everything worked so we have no reason to believe why it shouldn't or during during the world cup and. it said multiple international events there were no security incidents but also we have a good track record of. being able to organize security and safety for all our guests so if which is put this like the plum diplomatic spat aside and talk
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seriously terrorism isis has threatened attacks during the tournament what extra anti-terrorist measures are in place with all the proper and to terrorist measures will be in place for sure i cannot tell you the specifics but. over. every just should be confident that. all the measures are being taken there is. as a huge effort behind. behind organizing security for everyone. i know that tourist police units will be step list and house. some units already patrolling moscow how different are they from regular police and where are they going to be going and it's a new effort we we're also looking at it like anybody else. hopefully there be it's more about the system source rather than policing or taking
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measures it's about making sure that everybody is comfortable that there is no wishes. that everybody everybody has responses to their questions so we my idea would be that it's more about about assisting and making people comfortable about their visa situation i mean most of the fans and was in the countries they're going to be taking part and the world cup will need business to come to russia like if you go to the embassy and say i'm going to the world cup it's going to be easier to get a visa will be the situation. is very simple we fulfilled our promise to the. was football community. this world cup is visa free. people should just get an id and with an idea where they can travel visa free. will they can also present. a substitution of a family to your certificate or even electronic one and they will be let into the
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country without a visa or found i.d.'s are even sent by mail and it's very simple to apply for it it's a free service for every ticket holder and we think it's going to be very convenient for. your kind of operating in a very on easy political situation coincidentally it just so happened but in the yeah so you can foreign secretary johnson compared world cup in russia to the nazi olympics in one nine hundred thirty six. does that frustrate your work. for what frustrates us is that some officials do not. fully understand or do not fully accept the principle of football being beyond politics that's a fundamental principle of the world for both. of them were good that some people may have opinions but it's their own opinions it doesn't influence opinions of many
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other football fans who are buying tickets every day at large volumes we have very good ticket sales people who vote for the world cup in russia with their money. there is a there is even to take a deficit for for certain games and we're certain that the stadiums are full and about take the deficit we're going to get to that but tell me our british fans still buy the tickets yes large numbers decent numbers here and. there was a moment among leaders in europe oh that's amazing but those are also a lot of talk about royal family not coming after this cripple incident and obviously british officials not coming and some of the european politicians also said they were income does that not take away from the status of this tournament doesn't first ever found is equally valuable despite of his professional occupation . it's a personal decision whether or whether to come to watch and support your own team
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or not well we're glad that some people will miss miss out on this opportunity. but for us. it's a personal decision it has no reflection of the world on the world cup itself so one year ago i remember there were football union came up with this idea of gentle fans one russian fans were welcoming brits in rostov with warm blankets and the like that this time around. were organizing in summer so no world no warm blankets ok maybe there is no wish i wish i could have said over the four but i know there is a traditional. welcome kid by fee for there is. a certain initiatives that we take . the. reason we are fans but this this was a club decision club initiative. of course well cup was a.
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